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Page 14

by Sara Brookes

  She'd done this to him. The geek who spent most of her time behind a computer screen had just brought this statue of a man to his knees. His touch was light, his hands cradled her jaw as if she would shatter into a million pieces.

  Her gaze lifted and she smiled at the clear blue sparkle that greeted her.

  “How is it possible that you're mine? How can one man get so lucky to have a woman in his life that is so completely open to anything?” His lips lightly caressed her face as he asked questions that needed no answer. He mapped the graceful planes of her face before finally settling his mouth over hers. Without hesitation, she opened for him when his tongue slid against the seam of her mouth.

  She savored the taste of his mouth as it mingled with the remnants of his release. His fingers cradled her head again, but this time, he unlatched the lock on the back of the collar. The leather fell to the floor with a heavy thud and she mourned the loss for a moment.

  Her mind blanked when Patrick's lips slid down the side of her neck, and kissed where the leather had pressed against her skin. He inhaled deeply and savored the smell of the leather that still hovered over her skin. Moving with exact precision, he pressed his mouth to every surface he could reach in their position. Seemingly satisfied for now, he moved on, let his mouth graze over the gentle slope of one of her breasts before he nipped the sensitive skin.

  She sighed at the sensation and relished the feel of his warm, moist tongue against her nipples. Heat curled in her belly to flow out to her extremities and made her feel as if she were on fire. She nearly whimpered when he abruptly severed the connection.

  “Stand up,” he ordered, his tone firm, the tenderness between them gone for the moment.

  Her eyes fluttered open as she watched him stand and put at least a foot between them. He offered no assistance and she smiled inwardly because she wouldn't need it. In one fluid motion, she pushed up and proudly stood before him, her hands still bound behind her. If he was surprised, he hid it well.

  It was a marked difference from the last time he'd put her on her knees and she'd stumbled. Her confidence soared as she met his gaze squarely. Even without words, she knew he approved.

  He surprised her, though, when he spun on his heel and left her where she stood.

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  * * *

  Chapter Fifteen

  Stunned, she watched as he disappeared into the small kitchenette on the opposite side of the room. He didn't turn on the lights as he moved around and there was only a brief flicker of light as she heard the door to the refrigerator open and then shut.

  She wondered if this was similar to the time he'd fastened her to the cross.

  His shadowed form stepped out of the dark kitchen and approached her. He held a glass in his hand and a piece of white paper sat inside it. There was no indication of his intention as he walked past her and stopped in front of the box he kept on one of the small tables next to the bed. Even without the telltale sound of the foil, she knew exactly what was in that box.

  Anticipation flared to life inside her as he moved in front of the wide window. The soft light of the security lamp outside backlit his body as he placed the items on the wide sill.

  He turned and even with the distance between them, she felt the tension that radiated from his body. “Come here.”

  She kept her head up as she approached, despite the fact she had no idea what he had planned. In her mind, it didn't matter. They were in this together.

  “Turn around,” he commanded and her body moved even before she thought to follow the command. The metal of the D-rings on the cuffs made a click as he released them. However, he kept his hands clutched tightly around her wrists just under the cuffs so she couldn't move.

  Without a word, he maneuvered her to the wide board that formed a seat at waist height in front of the window and lifted her onto it. She watched in curiosity as he pressed each of her wrists to a loop of metal welded to the upper part of the lower window. The D-rings slipped easily around the hook created for the sole purpose to keep her in place.


  “I love you like this. Bound up and held in place for me.” His lips dragged over hers and she moaned in approval as his tongue slipped into her mouth again. She returned his kiss with equal fervor, savored the taste that intermingled on her tongue. With her legs unrestrained, she wrapped her calves around his waist so she could pull him against her. He broke the kiss and put some distance between them.

  “Do you know some Tops can train their bottoms to orgasm on command? Some take another approach and deny orgasm completely for days on end.”

  The thought of both intrigued her. That someone would knowingly deny their lover the pleasure orgasm brought or even tell them when to come. In a way, they'd done something similar when he'd called her on the phone. He'd never told her she couldn't orgasm, just that she couldn't move the dildo to seek completion.


  “Does the suggestion of either excite you?”

  “Yes,” she stammered once she had a handle on the sudden spike of arousal her body experienced. Apparently, the thought of either option thrilled her more than she'd expected.

  He lifted a hand to her face and skimmed his thumb over the surface of her lips. “We'd both need to work on the coming on command because I don't have enough experience in that area. I would never tell you can't find pleasure through not having an orgasm for however long I deem necessary. It's an interesting prospect, but I find I can only make a lover suffer so much. I do have some experience with short spans of denial and I came up with my own little twist on it.”

  Even as she was nodded in agreement, he reached for the glass he'd placed nearby. When he held up the square of paper, she recognized it as a Popsicle.

  His gaze never left hers as he removed the wrapper and slid his tongue along the entire surface to lick away the small ice crystals that had formed on the dark purple surface. He lowered himself to his knees and she immediately understood his intent and the twist he'd spoke of.

  The cold touched her skin and pulled a loud gasp of surprise from her. He took advantage of her reaction by slipping some of the confection inside her. The shock of cold startled her at first, immediately relaxed into it. The feel of something solid and icy against blazing hot skin was intense.

  She shivered as he withdrew the length of the dessert from inside her and watched as he ran his tongue up one side before he closed his mouth around it completely. His eyes closed and she watched him smile around it as he suckled.

  “Sweet, just like you.” His tongue, slick with the sticky syrup, slid against her clitoris and she hissed out another breath as he slipped it inside her again. He continued the pattern, alternated between sliding it into her and sucking on it until it was nearly gone.

  There was a soft noise as the stick was dropped back into the glass and he rose to stand. His gaze never left hers as he reached past the glass and plucked up the foil square he'd tossed there earlier.

  Her mouth watered as he sheathed himself with the latex and she squirmed against the wood sill in anticipation despite the cold that spread through her. While she was distracted, he moved forward and closed his mouth over hers.

  She arched toward him, wanted more.

  Apparently, just as much on the edge as she was, he grasped her hips and lifted her a little so he was positioned perfectly between her legs. Muscles, confused by the hot and cold sensation, cried out for relief. She was certain the coldness would vanish once he entered her.

  However, once he did, she was surprised to find the cold didn't immediately abate despite the heat from him. It was an odd mix of cold and hot that made her want more.

  Just when she thought she had control and could use it to fuel a release, the chill would smother whatever heat had built. It was a frustrating mix that was both powerfully addictive and highly frustrating.

  He had been right when he'd said it was a way to delay orgasm. While it didn't have the same effec
t as outright denial, the cold deadened sensation in the muscles enough to prevent anything from happening until they were sufficiently warmed.

  Despite the fact it felt like a lifetime, the battle only lasted a few minutes. Her body finally overcame the cold and flooded with a rush of heat that caught her off guard.

  “That's it, I feel it inside you, Allison. It's mine. You're only allowed to come for me. I'm the one who controls it, not you.” His words were gritty and rough and her body listened to the orders.

  The spark of warmth was just as intense as the cold and it quickly overwhelmed her. She was swept to another world where she couldn't control anything. Every move Patrick made, every thrust inside her or slide of his hand against her hip, sent her spiraling even further out of control.

  His hand closed around the back of her knee and lifted her leg for better leverage. The shift in position didn't allow her any semblance of control and the sudden rush of orgasm exploded through her. A second one began almost immediately and she gave herself over to the pure sensation of it.

  She felt as if she floated.

  The descent was agonizingly slow and just when she thought it was over, she was surprised when her body rocketed upward again. She listened as her voice echoed off the surrounding walls and let it push her even higher.

  Reality returned in slow increments.

  With each exhale, she became more aware of everything around her. Patrick had released her arms from the window and she used them to support her upper body despite the fact her entire body felt limp.

  “Fuck me,” she swore quietly as the last vestige of the orgasms melted away. Her entire body felt as if it was alive, but she didn't have the energy to move.

  He pressed his lips against her neck. “Forgive me for not attending to that request right away. I'll need a few moments to recover.” He pulled her over to the bed before he collapsed next to her.

  She blew out a shaky breath as she stared at the exposed beams overhead until they went out of focus. “That was...”

  “Yes?” he asked and reached over to undo the cuffs that still circled her wrists. The leather hit the wood floor with a loud noise, but neither of them cared.

  There were no words to describe how she felt right now. Or what he'd done to her to make her feel like this. “I have no clue. What was that?”

  “That out of control feeling where you're not sure if you can take anymore, but find—quite delightfully—that you can? Its most commonly referred to as subspace to those in the lifestyle and usually achieved when one partner pushes the other further than they've ever been before. I believe I once told you something about pure, unrestrained pleasure.”

  Nodding in agreement, she found the strength to curl onto her side and settled her head against the strong curve of his shoulder. For a few minutes, there was only the sound of his strong and even breathing.

  She thought he'd fallen asleep when he suddenly turned his head and pressed his lips to her forehead. His breath fluttered against her skin as he spoke. “I call it sanctuary.”

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  * * *

  Chapter Sixteen

  Friday night was game night for Allison and her group of friends. This week she served as host to four of her gaming buddies. They were currently camped out on the living room floor while she was in the kitchen organizing soda and snacks for the rest of the night. Pizza was on the way as well and she had to grab a stack of paper plates since she didn't own enough dishes for them all. A terrifying thought occurred to her just as she stripped the plastic overwrap off the plates.

  At the same moment, she heard a roar of laughter from the living room and she leaned her head against the cabinet in defeat. A wolf whistle screeched over the laughter and blood rushed to her cheeks in embarrassment as realization dawned.

  Last time she'd gamed, she'd redesigned the outfit her avatar wore. Since she'd spent so much time with Patrick lately, she hadn't had a chance to revert it to the way it was normally kept.

  Her eyes screwed shut as she quietly cursed herself for not taking the time to switch things back before everyone showed up tonight. They wouldn't let her live this down. Never in a million years.

  As the noise in the other room grew to a deafening level, she knew she had to face the music and get it over with before things got too out of hand. Still berating herself for her absentmindedness, she stepped back into the room, paper plates and napkins clutched tightly in her fist.

  There, in bold high definition color, was her gaming character in all her 64-bit glory. The avatar's clothing looked fairly normal for this particular video game as over the top was expected in this universe. It wasn't unusual to see Allison's av wear a skirt with slits up the front that exposed her thighs. Neither was it odd to find her breasts tightly confined in a skimpy leather vest that looked as if it would burst at any moment.

  What were completely out of character, however, were the black and silver cuffs around her avatar's wrists. To make matters worse, the cuffs matched the collar that circled the character's throat. It had been on the character's neck for two weeks, a time that coincided with the first time Patrick presented her with his collar.

  She cleared her throat and the noise in the room immediately ceased. Four pairs of eyes met hers as plates were set on the pizza boxes that had evidently been delivered while she was in the kitchen. Reaching forward, she tapped the eject button on the game. The critical mission she'd been in at the time would have to wait. She'd rather face the work it would take to get back to the same point some other time then let the men stare lecherously at it.

  Ignoring them completely, she slipped the Halo game disk into the console then tapped the button in the center of the wireless controller to activate it. She looked expectantly at each man as she settled herself on the center of the couch and waited for the game to load.

  Cooper made a sound and all eyes shot to where he sat near the television set. He snorted again as he apparently tried to contain whatever comments and laughter that was on the tip of his tongue.

  She rolled her eyes and blew out a resigned breath.

  This is going to be a damn long night if they don't get this out in the open.

  This was part and parcel for such a close knit group of friends. “Go ahead, Cooper. Get it out of your system.”

  In response, he snorted again and dropped the controller he held. He carefully folded his hands in front of himself and offered them to her. “Mistress Allison, will you punish me?”

  Her other three friends burst out laughing and she gave him a wry look. “You should all be punished for being complete asses.” A knock sounded at the front door and it would be better to answer than add more fuel to the fire.

  However, they evidently didn't feel the same way. The next comment shouldn't have surprised her given their attitude tonight. “Is that what you do to Patrick? Spank him on his ass for punishment when he misbehaves?”

  There was another roar of laughter and her rolled eyes in disgust as she flung open the front door. The next comment died in her throat as Patrick stood in the hallway with a surprised look on his face. “Am I interrupting something?”

  “High school jerkwad class apparently,” she responded before waving him in and closing the door. He kissed her lightly on the cheek, for which she was grateful since they stood in full view of the living room. “Glad you could make it over.”

  “I would never pass up an opportunity to spend time with you.”

  The statement gave her a warm feeling all over and rose up on her toes to give him a firm kiss. Screw the fact her friends—who were acting like complete Neanderthals—could see. Why should she censor herself just because they were jerks? There was absolutely no reason she couldn't give her boyfriend a kiss if she wanted to. It wasn't like they would strip off their clothes and have sex right here on the floor in full view of everyone.

  She tucked her hand into the crook of his elbow and encouraged him to follow her. “Come on, I'll introduce
you. Hey guys, this is Patrick.”

  “Shouldn't you be introducing him as Master?”

  She fought the urge to stride across the room and deliver a sharp slap to the back of Tony's head. Instead, she pointed to each of them in turn as they were introduced. “Patrick this is Cooper, Mark, Scott and Dick.”

  “Hey, my name is Tony.” There was a definite whine to his voice.

  “Yes it is,” she agreed. “But since you're being a dick this seems more fitting, doesn't it?” Sometimes she forgot how bad her friend's manners could get. However, it also reminded her how rarely anyone came over that wasn't part of the gaming circle. “Come to think of it, it seems even more fitting given your sexual proclivities.” She gestured to her mouth with a cupped fist and made a motion that would be taken for exactly what it was. A roar went up from the group and she raised an eyebrow in defiance at him.

  He'd dispute it, of course, and vow it wasn't the truth. Some comment would be made later when she wasn't around as he defended himself.

  However, she knew better.

  Sometimes, fact was the most powerful weapon of all.

  She tugged on Patrick's elbow again and gestured for him to follow since she didn't want him around these guys alone. At least not right now. There was no way to prevent what would happen if so. “I'll get you a beer in the kitchen.”

  “Did I interrupt something?” he asked once they were alone in the small kitchen.

  “No, they're just in their prime tonight.” If only it were that simple. Her friends’ razzing was nothing out of the ordinary. The only thing unusual was the fact Patrick was here and not to play any sort of game with her.

  Well, they'd certainly played their fair share of games, but nothing like the ones in the other room. “Just don't put too much value into whatever they say right now. They seem to be a little full of themselves.”

  “May I suggest you find yourself full of something else instead?” His lips were insistent and hot against hers and she melted into him. What she wouldn't give for her friends to be somewhere else right now.


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