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Page 51

by Moonlight Protector, Hero, Guardian, Champion (mobi)

  “Gabriel, can we talk?” she asked as she stepped into the office.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “No, not really. Ramsey is off playing mate to someone else, Michael is his usual charming self, and I’ve just been informed that I’m part of your pack. Now what in the hell is going on?”

  Gabriel groaned and closed his eyes. “I take it I have Matt and his big mouth to thank for this one.”

  “Yep, now start talking please. I need answers.”

  “Yes, you’re part of the pack. There are certain women throughout the world who are destined to be mates to werewolves. You happen to be one of them.”

  “So what does that mean exactly?” she asked.

  “Since you’re with Ramsey right now, nothing. Just let things progress naturally.”

  She bit her lip. “I kind of moved back into the apartment.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

  Chloe threw her hands up in the air and started pacing in the small space. “What was I supposed to do? He starts getting calls from some woman, runs off to help said woman, then informs me he’s pretending to be someone’s mate. How would you react?”

  Gabriel grunted. “Good point.”

  “So I packed my stuff and moved back into the apartment last night.”

  “What did he say when he came home and found out you’d left the house?” Gabriel asked.

  Chloe stopped her pacing, a pained look on her face. “He came home?” she whispered.

  “You didn’t know?”

  She shook her head. “I just figured he’d gone straight back to Colorado when he didn’t react.” She sank into a chair. “I guess that answered my question of whether or not he really did care about me.”

  “You might be jumping to conclusions, Chloe.”

  She shook her head. “No, he would have at least said something. He didn’t even acknowledge that I was gone.”

  Gabriel sighed. “What do you want to do? You’re six months pregnant, and you need a mate.”

  “I don’t care,” she said softly. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  Gabriel saw the pain in her eyes and knew her heart was breaking.

  “You may not like my decision,” he warned her.

  “I’ll do whatever you want,” she answered quietly. “The man I love would rather pretend to have a mate than be mated to me. That doesn’t leave me many options.”

  Gabriel’s heart was breaking for her.

  “So be it. I’ll have Kiera and Cassie plan the wedding. I think it would best if you were married before Ramsey returned. You can’t live on his property after he gets back from Colorado.”

  Chloe nodded numbly, only half listening. Her heart was broken and she wasn’t sure she cared what Gabriel had decided. Nothing mattered at the moment.

  “Not even curious as to who the groom is?” Gabriel asked.

  She shrugged. “I guess.”

  “It’s the father of your baby.”

  Chloe sucked in a breath and stared at Gabriel wide-eyed. He wanted her to marry Michael? She hadn’t expected that, although, she probably should have. Michael was, after all, Gabriel’s brother and the father of her child. To him, it probably seemed like a logical choice. She only hoped he wasn’t making a huge mistake.

  “Is that a problem?” he asked.

  “What about his temper?” she asked, her gaze dropping to the floor. “I would be lying if I said he didn’t scare me.”

  “Chloe, I promise he won’t hurt you or the baby. Believe it or not, Michael cares a great deal about you. I think he’ll make a good husband for you and a good father for the baby.”

  She nodded, having no choice but to believe him. “If that’s what you think is best. When will the wedding be?”

  “Friday. I’m expecting Ramsey back on Saturday.”

  “How do you know Michael will agree to this?” she asked.

  “Has he not been trying to get back together with you?” Gabriel asked her.

  “Yes, but the only time he mentioned marriage it was only for convenience. I don’t think he’d really thought it through. He doesn’t seem like the marrying type. I have a hard time picturing him tied to one woman for the rest of his life.”

  “Trust me, he’ll agree.”

  Chloe hesitated.

  “What else, Chloe?”

  “I don’t know much about the rules about being someone’s mate.”

  “It’s pretty much the same as being married. Why?” he asked.

  “I guess part of why I’ve been hesitant with Michael is that I’m worried I won’t be enough. He’s never dated anyone seriously. How can I trust he’ll keep his wedding vows? And does he even have to?” she asked quietly, embarrassed to have voiced her fear aloud. It would break her heart if he cheated on her.

  Gabriel walked around the desk and put his arm around Chloe. “He’ll have to keep his wedding vows, and even more important, he’ll want to keep them. As his mate, you’ll be the most essential thing to him.”

  Chloe nodded. “That’s good to know,” she said with a small smile. “There’s really only one thing I ever truly wanted – to be loved.”

  Gabriel gave her a brotherly squeeze. “You’ll be loved, honey. You’ll gain a husband, two sisters, and two brothers. You’ll have so much love, and so much family that you’ll want to run screaming some days.”

  Chloe laughed. “That will be a nice change.”

  “Now, why don’t you go home and start packing your stuff. I’ll go tell Kiera the news. Tomorrow the two of you can meet with Cassie to get a wedding dress and get everything set up.”

  “Can a wedding be done in two days?”

  “With Matt and Cassie behind it, it can be done in twenty-four hours. Trust me you can still have the wedding of your dreams.”

  Chloe nodded. “Then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “If you need help packing, just let Lucas know. He’s the mechanic you passed on your way in. I don’t want you lifting anything heavy and hurting yourself or the baby.”

  “I promise I’ll be careful.”


  Thursday afternoon Chloe felt like she was ready to drop. She had found an elegant wedding dress. She hadn’t even known they made maternity wedding gowns, yet Cassie had helped her find one. Afterwards, they’d ordered a cake and were now walking through the aisles at the florist’s shop.

  “I don’t know much about flowers,” Chloe admitted.

  “Is there a particular kind you like?” Cassie asked.

  “Roses smell nice, but other than that I don’t know.”

  “What about carrying some pink roses?” Kiera asked.

  “Or pink and white?” Cassie offered.

  “Why don’t the two of you find something and just surprise me? If I don’t get off my feet soon, I think I might hit the floor,” Chloe said as she rubbed her stomach. “Besides, I’m sneezing like crazy in here.”

  “There’s a bench right outside of the store,” Cassie said.

  Chloe nodded. “I’ll be outside then.”

  She left her two friends discussing flowers and went in search of the bench. When she stepped outside, she saw it just to the right of the store. Sitting down, she sighed in relief. Her feet and her back were killing her.

  A shadow loomed in front of her and Chloe looked up. She was surprised to see Michael.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “Looking for you.”

  Her face looked pale and strained. “Is everything okay?”

  “Can I sit down for a minute?” he asked, indicating the bench.

  “Of course.”

  “Look Chloe, I know what happened yesterday. And I know that Gabriel chose me because I’m the baby’s father, but I wanted you to know that if there’s someone else in the pack you’d rather be mated to I’d understand.”

  “Michael, I…”

  “Ramsey should be back in a few days. I’m sure we could wait for him to come home.”

  Chloe ground her teeth together when she felt tears spring to her eyes. She hated crying in front of Michael. “No, we can’t wait for Ramsey.”

  Michael noticed the unshed tears. “What’s wrong, Chloe?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. But I won’t be waiting on Ramsey to come home. I moved out. I went to Gabriel yesterday and told him to pick a mate for me. He chose you.”

  Michael didn’t know what had happened, but he knew Chloe wouldn’t have moved out without a reason. He wanted to comfort her, but wasn’t sure she would let him. “I’m sorry, Chloe. And I’m sorry you’re stuck with me. If you’d like, I can talk to Gabriel. It’s not too late for him to select a different mate for you.”

  She shook her head. This was a side of Michael she hadn’t seen before, and she was pleasantly surprised. “It’s fine, Michael. You wanted another chance and now you have it.”

  “Chloe, I promise to take care of you and the baby.”

  Before Chloe could respond, Cassie and Kiera came bustling out of the flower shop. The two were grinning from ear to ear when they saw Michael sitting with Chloe.

  “Well, look, the groom decided to show up,” Kiera teased.

  “I just thought I’d check on Chloe,” he said, standing.

  “What? Leaving already? We thought we’d grab a late lunch. Surely you’re going to join us,” Cassie said.

  Michael shook his head. “I have a stop to make, and then I’m going to head to work. Gabriel called and said he’s short-handed today.”

  “Better not keep him waiting then. I don’t want a grumpy alpha on my hands later,” Kiera said.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” Michael told Chloe.

  She nodded and gave him a hesitant smile. She wanted to be happy about her upcoming wedding day, but truthfully, she was far too nervous. There was a time in the very recent past that she had dreamt of a life with Michael, could almost picture their wedding. Now that her dream was within her grasp, she wasn’t sure that’s what she wanted. Too many things had happened since then. If only she could be certain…

  Chapter Nineteen

  Friday morning came all too soon. Chloe lay in bed crying. She was scared of what her future was going to bring, and she was heartbroken over what it wouldn’t hold – Ramsey. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t think of him anymore, but she couldn’t help herself. Wrapping her robe tightly around her body to ward off the chill of the October morning air, she decided to go over to the main house one last time. She wanted to leave him a note and at least explain why she had left.

  Grabbing her keys, she carefully made her way down the stairs. She walked across the driveway and entered through the kitchen door. Once inside the warm house, she pulled out a notepad and pen from the kitchen drawer and sat down at the counter to write her note.


  I feel that I at least owe you an explanation. I can’t begin to tell you how much it hurt when you said you were pretending to be someone’s mate. I would have given anything to be your mate, to be the one person who meant everything to you. Yet, you left me here to play make-believe with someone else. I know you say it was an emergency, but you left with no further explanation. What was I supposed to think, especially after all of Sabrina’s calls?

  I was hurt and angry so I moved my things back over to the apartment. Part of me was hoping you would come over and talk to me… that obviously didn’t happen. I just figured you hadn’t bothered to come home. But I went to see Gabriel the next morning. When I found out you’d been home and hadn’t come to see me, hadn’t left me a note or anything, I felt like I’d been ripped in two and I went numb all at the same time. That’s when I made my decision.

  Maybe someday you can forgive me. It seemed like the best way. You’re free now to find your mate, or run off to wherever you want whenever you want. I told Gabriel to choose a mate for me. By the time you read this, I’ll already be married. I was rather stunned when he chose Michael – but perhaps I shouldn’t have been. I’m scared. But I made a choice and now I have to live with the consequences of that choice.

  I love you, Ramsey. I only wish that you had loved me in return. I’m leaving your key with this letter. I’ll leave the apartment keys with Kiera once I move out my things.

  Thank you for everything.



  She read the letter and re-read it. Satisfied that she’d said all she had to say, she folded the paper and sat the key on top. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she walked back over to the side door. Locking the knob, she closed the door behind her for the last time.

  Back in her apartment, she got ready to face the day – her biggest day ever. Cassie and Kiera were going to help her with her wedding dress and style her hair, but she still wanted to shower and do as much as she could at home.

  When she was dressed and ready to go, she packed a small overnight bag. Cassie had said she and Matt had a surprise for her and she’d need a nightgown and two changes of clothes.

  Chloe started to leave when she realized she didn’t have a way to get to Kiera’s. Opening her purse, she pulled out her cell phone and called Gabriel. He made her promise to stay put until someone arrived.


  At the Victorian, everything was in order. The cake had been delivered, the flowers were in vases, and the dress was hanging up in the spare room. The only thing missing were the bride and groom.

  Chloe arrived first, thanks to Lucas. The young werewolf was only too happy to help. If he seemed confused as to why she was marrying Michael instead of Ramsey, he didn’t say anything.

  As she walked into the front entry of the Victorian, butterflies fluttered through her stomach. She couldn’t remember being more nervous. Kiera and Cassie greeted her with smiles. Even Marin, Cole’s wife, was present. She hadn’t had a chance to get to know her future sister-in-law, but the woman seemed pleasant enough.

  As the three women bustled her up the stairs and into the spare room, Chloe quelled the urge to run. Her eyes settled on her wedding gown and tears sprang to her eyes. It was a beautiful gown. She only wished that she were wearing it on a happier occasion. Weddings were supposed to be happy, memorable times. For Chloe, it was simply an event that had to occur. Michael seemed to truly want to marry her, but he didn’t love her, and that’s the one thing she wanted most.

  “Are you okay?” Kiera asked softly, placing a comforting hand on her arm.

  Chloe nodded. “I will be.”

  “Are you sure about this? It isn’t too late to change your mind.”

  “Yes, it is,” Chloe replied.

  Kiera hugged her. “If you’re sure you want to go through with this, then I’ll stand behind you one hundred percent. I just don’t want you to have any regrets.”

  “I’m sure, Kiera. And thank you… your friendship has meant a lot to me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone in my life I could count on.”

  “Well, let’s get you ready for your wedding,” Kiera said with a smile. She nodded for Cassie and Marin to come over and join them.

  The women helped her into her dress, an off-white raw silk gown with a long skirt that fell to her ankles. It had a lavender velvet sash that tied under the bust and embroidered lavender flowers along the hem. Chloe had fallen in love with it the moment she’d laid eyes on it.

  She pulled on knee highs and a pair of low lavender heels. Next, the ladies helped her with make-up and hair. Her long red locks were piled on top of her head in a knot with tendrils hanging around her face in curls and a few strands curling down her back.

  “Michael is going to fall in love with you if he isn’t already,” Cassie said with a smile.

  “I’m not naïve enough to ask for his love,” Chloe said quietly. “I’ll be satisfied if he’s faithful.”

  The women looked at one another, but didn’t say anything. They knew the only way Michael would ever be faithful to a woman was if he loved her. While it was true that a werewolf was always faithful to
his mate, they weren’t quite sure what to expect when it came to Michael.

  “We’ll come and get you in a few minutes,” Kiera said as she ushered the women out of the room.

  Chloe smiled her thanks before she turned back to the mirror. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. The woman standing before her looked like a bride should, but she didn’t feel like a bride should. She should be glowing, anxious to walk down the aisle to the man who loved her, the man who’d asked for her hand in marriage. Instead, she was marrying someone who’d been told they had to marry her. Regardless of what Gabriel said, how could she ever be certain that Michael truly wanted her?


  In the hall, Cassie gave Kiera and Marin a worried look. “I never dabble with love spells, but I think I’m willing to try this one time.”

  Kiera gave her a reassuring smile. “I don’t think it will come to that.”

  “I don’t know, Kiera. I know Michael was hung up on her back when he saved me, but look at how many women he’s gone through since then,” Marin added.

  Cassie gave them a worried look. “I’m not going to stand by and watch him make her miserable. Besides,” she said with a sheepish look, “I already interfered a bit.”

  “What did you do, Cassie?” Kiera asked.

  “More like what did Matt do,” Cassie said.

  “Spill it,” Kiera said.

  “Matt and I decided to buy them a honeymoon package. He used the power of the ring to enchant the place last night,” Cassie mumbled. “The moment they walk into the bedroom, they should both start feeling the effects of the spell.”

  “Cassie!” Kiera exclaimed. “I can’t believe the two of you did that. You know that Gabriel is going to be furious when he finds out.”

  “Except that he won’t find out,” Marin said. “You saw the look on Chloe’s face. She’s not expecting much from this marriage. If what Matt and Cassie did can change that, I say let them try.”

  “But it’s wrong!” Kiera reminded them.

  “Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t,” Marin said.


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