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Page 52

by Moonlight Protector, Hero, Guardian, Champion (mobi)

“I wouldn’t have interfered, but I couldn’t stand to see her so miserable. She looks like a lamb about to be slaughtered,” Cassie said. “I know Michael isn’t a bad guy, but he isn’t exactly helping the situation either.”

  Kiera sighed. “You aren’t wrong there.” She shook her head. “I guess you two are right. In this one instance, I won’t tell Gabriel.”

  Cassie and Marin threw their arms around her and squealed in delight.

  “Thanks, Kiera! You won’t regret it!” Cassie said. “Well, at least I hope you won’t. For all I know, the spell won’t work.”

  “Let’s hope it does. That poor woman deserves a little happiness. I had hopes that Ramsey would be able to give that to her,” Kiera said.

  “I think he did,” Marin said. “At least, for a little while… I don’t know what happened to change that, but she did seem happy at the party.”

  Kiera nodded. “When Ramsey left for Colorado she found out he was pretending to be mated to someone.”

  Marin gasped, her eyes wide in shock. “But that’s…. that’s…”

  “Unheard of, I know,” Kiera said. “I have no idea why he agreed to do it. All I know is that Chloe found out, and she was beyond hurt. So she moved her things back out of the house. Next thing I knew, she’d asked Gabriel to find a mate for her. It was so sudden that I don’t think she really had time to think it through.”

  “That poor thing,” Marin murmured. “She really has had it rough. I can’t imagine what I would’ve done without Cole. He’s so wonderful to me.”

  Kiera nodded. “Same for me with Gabriel. I wanted him the minute I saw him. And I guess Chloe wanted Michael when she first saw him, too, but then he turned into his usual charming self and ran out on her. He has some major bridges to mend.”

  “Maybe they can work things out. Since she’s carrying his baby, maybe they really are destined to be together,” Cassie said.

  “We can only hope,” Kiera murmured.

  If Ramsey would just stay away until the wedding was over. His showing up in the middle of the ceremony would mean all hell breaking loose. She had no doubt that he cared for Chloe. What he was up to in Colorado, she had no clue. If he’d had any sense, he would’ve talked to Chloe more about what was going on instead of keeping her in the dark. Now he was going to pay for his folly.


  Chloe walked down the makeshift aisle in the back yard toward her groom – her mate. When she reached his side, she placed a shaky hand in his and gave him a hesitant smile. Focusing her attention on the minister, she tried to clear her mind. She pushed aside every doubt that had wormed its way inside ever since she’d agreed to marry Michael.

  Before she knew it, she was saying “I do.” When the minister told Michael he could kiss his bride, she lifted her eyes to his. She was surprised to see him looking down at her with desire.

  He gently cupped her face in his hands and lowered his lips to hers. When she felt his lips against hers, she was surprised to feel the spark she’d felt the first time he’d kissed her. As if acting of their own accord, her lips opened under his, inviting him to have a deeper taste.

  They broke apart as the crowd cheered the new Mr. and Mrs. Michael Andrews. Chloe blushed and cast her eyes down, not quite able to look Michael in the eye. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know what he was thinking or feeling after the kiss.

  Arm in arm, they greeted their guests.

  Chapter Twenty

  Michael walked up behind his wife and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Are you ready for your surprise?” he asked.

  She looked up at him. “Surprise?”

  He nodded. “I wanted to get you something.”

  “But I didn’t get anything for you,” she said, feeling embarrassed.

  He gently rubbed her stomach, “Yes, you did.”

  “That isn’t exactly something I got you.”

  He grinned. “Maybe not, but it’s a nice present just the same. Come on, I want you to see your surprise.”

  Taking her hand, he led her around to the front of the house. When they were standing in the front yard, Chloe looked around in confusion.

  “What exactly am I looking for?” she asked.

  Michael pointed to the end of the driveway. “The gray hatchback.”

  Chloe gasped when she saw a new four door hatchback parked at the very end of the driveway. She’d looked at a similar car before she’d lost her job. “Michael, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Just tell me you like it. If you don’t, the guy said we could bring it back, and you could get something else.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to take it back. It’s perfect.”

  “I know you were having trouble getting in and out of my car and I figured you needed something of your own to drive,” he said.

  She wrapped her arms around him and looked up at him. She was surprised he’d noticed her difficulty with his car, and touched by his gift. “It’s a wonderful present. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I thought we could drive it to our other present if you’d like.”

  “You mean our present from Matt and Cassie?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I heard we had a honeymoon package from them,” he said softly. “Listen, Chloe, if you don’t want to go…”

  She placed her fingers over his lips. “I think we should go. If we’re going to make this work, we need to have a real marriage Michael.”

  He held her hand and kissed her fingertips. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured.”

  “I don’t feel pressured. Honestly, I don’t know what I feel.” She paused. “Mostly, I’ve just felt numb. I won’t lie to you. Ramsey hurt me. You hurt me. I’ve wanted to dig a hole and hide in it for a century or so until the pain went away, but that won’t solve anything.”

  Michael wrapped his arms around her and held her close. He wished he could undo all of the pain he had caused her, but he knew that wasn’t possible.

  “I know you want to make a fresh start, but that isn’t possible. All I can promise is that I’ll be faithful to you. I’ll be the best wife I know to be,” Chloe said. “I know I’ll make mistakes along the way. I just hope you can be patient with me.”

  Michael gently brushed a curl away from her cheek. “Chloe, you don’t have anything to worry about. Just be yourself. That’s all I can ask of you.”

  She smiled at him and hesitantly caressed his cheek. Going up on tiptoe, she lightly brushed her lips against his. It was the first time she’d kissed him voluntarily in a long while. The moment their lips touched, Chloe felt the same spark she’d felt when Michael kissed her during the ceremony. Leaning into him, she traced his lower lip with her tongue, wanting to taste him. She hadn’t lied to him, the best thing they could do was attempt to have a real marriage, despite its unusual beginning.

  Michael pulled back and looked down at her with passion blazing in his eyes. “If you don’t stop, you’ll get more than you bargained for.”

  “Michael, I…”

  He shook his head. “I want you too much right now, Chloe.”

  She blushed and felt oddly pleased. “I should go and change if we’re going to use Matt and Cassie’s gift tonight.”

  Michael nodded. “Did you want to drive your new car?”

  “I want to take the new car, but I think you better drive us there. I’m feeling a little tired and should probably take a nap.”

  Michael brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek. “Are you sure you’re up for a car ride? We can tell Matt and Cassie that we’d rather take a rain check.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m in my third trimester now.”

  He gave her an odd look.

  “It means I need more sleep. I usually get a nap in twice a day. All of the excitement today has worn me out.”

  “Well, go change and I’ll meet you at the car.”

  An hour later, Michael and Chloe were on the road to Maple Falls, Georgia. Matt and Cassie had heard of the small town from a Wiccan
friend of theirs and had rented a house for them. It was on the other side of Atlanta not too far from the Alabama state line.

  Michael wasn’t too crazy about Chloe riding so far while she was pregnant, but she was adamant about going. He had his suspicions about her reasons for going, but he kept them to himself.

  It was after dark when they arrived in the quaint town. The house they rented was outside of the city limits at the edge of a large plantation property. It had been built by the current owner for special guests.

  As Michael pulled down the driveway, he admired the gingerbread trim on the cottage. He knew Chloe was going to fall in love with the place when she saw it. He glanced over at his sleeping passenger. She’d fallen asleep as soon as they’d left Ashton Grove and had slept through the whole trip.

  A couple stood on the porch. Michael got out of the car to greet them.

  “You must be Michael,” the man said, extending his hand in greeting.

  “Yeah, I’m Michael Andrews. My wife, Chloe, is sleeping.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Jesse and this is my wife, Lissa. We own the plantation house up on the hill,” he said with a nod toward the large home dominating the hilltop.

  “It was nice of you to rent the cottage to us on such short notice.”

  Jesse grinned. “Well, it seems Matt and I share something in common, other than our bewitching wives.”

  “Oh?” Michael asked with both eyebrows raised, sensing something paranormal afoot.

  “Lissa here brought me back from the dead just like your friend Cassie brought Matt back.”

  Michael rocked back on his heels. He’d never heard of anyone else coming back before. Two ghosts becoming human again? What were the odds?

  “I can see I’ve shocked you. I’m afraid mine wasn’t as simple as a ring,” Jesse said with a grin. “But Lissa was one determined woman.”

  Lissa smiled at up her husband. “Come on, honey. Give him the keys. I’m sure he’s anxious to get his wife settled in for the night. They’ve had a long drive.”

  Michael nodded. “I’m afraid she’s slept the whole way here. Between the wedding and the baby she’s pretty worn out.”

  “Baby?” Lissa and Jesse both asked in unison.

  Michael blushed. Apparently Cassie and Matt hadn’t told their friends everything. “My wife is six months pregnant.”

  Lissa grinned. “Wonderful. Congratulations!”

  “Thanks,” Michael replied with a grin.

  “The refrigerator and pantry should be fairly well stocked, but if you need anything the nearest store is about half an hour away. Just let us know and we can give you directions. Our number is by the phone,” Lissa said.

  Michael nodded. “Thanks again. I think getting away from Ashton Grove for a day or two will do Chloe some good.”

  “Well, we’ll leave you two alone,” Jesse said, steering his wife toward their house.

  Michael watched the couple until they disappeared into the darkness. He opened the cottage and turned on the lights. Everything was neat and tidy. A soft glow spilled under the door in the back room. He pushed the door open and discovered the bedroom bathed in candle light.

  Shaking his head, he grinned at the romantic gesture. If the kiss he and Chloe had shared was any indication, he might actually get a chance to share a romantic night or two with her. But he wasn’t going to hold his breath.

  Walking back out to the car, he unloaded their overnight bags before waking her. He wanted everything to be situated before he disturbed her. Knowing how stubborn she was, she would probably insist on carrying her bag into the house.

  Kneeling on her side of the car, he gently shook her awake. “Chloe, we’re here.”

  She murmured in her sleep, but didn’t budge.

  Michael tried again, but Chloe still didn’t wake.

  Sighing, he unbuckled her seatbelt and lifted her into his arms. Pushing the door shut with his hip, he locked the car and carried her into the house. As he stepped onto the porch, she woke and looked up into his eyes.

  “Where are we?” she murmured sleepily.

  “We’re in Maple Falls,” he answered quietly. “I tried to wake you, but you were out cold.”

  Chloe realized she was being carried and came completely awake. “I’m sorry. You can put me down.”

  Michael wanted to argue, but knew better. He gently set her on her feet and let her walk into the cottage on her own. He watched as she looked at her surroundings, enjoying the expressions that flitted across her face. It was obvious she loved the cottage.

  “It’s wonderful,” she murmured as she gingerly ran her hand across an afghan thrown across the back of the sofa. “I always wanted a house like this.”

  “Think you can settle for a three bedroom one bath in Ashton Grove?” Michael asked.

  “Oh, I didn’t mean…” Chloe trailed off. She hadn’t meant to insult Michael’s house.

  He shook his head. “I know you didn’t.”

  “I just always liked houses like this one. I always wondered what it would like to grow up in a house with gingerbread trim, handmade afghans… you know, homes that felt like homes.”

  “I had a home that had all of that but the homey feel,” Michael said. “Mom did her best, but Dad kind of wrecked the homey part.”

  “I’m sorry,” Chloe said. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him. “You don’t talk about your dad that much.”

  “Not much to say. He felt the best way to express himself was with alcohol and his fists.”

  “Oh, Michael….” Chloe laid her head on his chest. She wished she could take away the pain of his childhood. She couldn’t imagine what it must have been like to grow up like that.

  He shrugged. “It’s over.”

  She looked up at him, not quite sure what to say. She could only think of one way to take away his pain, and hers. “Make love to me.”

  He stared down at her sure he hadn’t heard her correctly. “What?”

  “Make love to me.”

  “Chloe, you don’t have to…”

  “I know I don’t. Michael, whether you like it or not, you’re my husband now.”

  He stiffened. “I realize that.”

  “I’m sorry if the idea of being intimate with me while I’m so large is repulsive, but…”

  He covered her mouth with his, parting her lips with his tongue. As his tongue glided against hers, he wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her tight against his body. With a growl, he pulled back. “Do you honestly think I find you the least bit repulsive?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Then why would you say something so stupid?”

  “You seemed reluctant to be with me.”

  “I didn’t want you to jump into bed with me because you felt obligated to, Chloe.”

  “I don’t feel obligated to, Michael,” she replied. She looked up into his eyes. How could she tell him that she wanted to forget Ramsey and that she wanted to remember him? “I want to start my life with you. I want us to be husband and wife. I want… I want you,” she finished quietly.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  Lifting her into his arms, he carried her into the candle lit bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. Kicking the door shut behind him, he slowly removed his clothes. As she watched him, he could see the hungry look in her eyes and it turned him on even more.

  When he stood before her completely naked, he let her look her fill. “Do you see what you do to me?” he asked.

  Chloe nodded as her eyes devoured him.

  Michael walked toward her. Kneeling at her feet, he removed her shoes. Sliding his hands up her legs, he parted her thighs and pulled her closer. He bunched her skirt up around her thighs climbed onto the bed with her. He pressed his throbbing cock against her panties.

  “Do you feel how much I want you?” he whispered against her ear.

  She nodded, desire making it impossible for her to speak.
/>   “Do you want me just as much?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered, pulling him closer for a kiss.

  Tunneling her fingers through his hair, she kissed him, savoring the taste of him. Lifting her hips, she thrust against him, wishing there were no barriers between them.

  Michael reached between them and cupped her breasts. He didn’t remember them being quite so large, and he wanted to feel them against his skin. Pulling her top down, he nearly growled in frustration when her bra was still in the way. Slipping his hands under her top, he unclasped her bra in back, and pushed the offending object aside.

  Cupping her breasts, he groaned in satisfaction. He thrust against Chloe, wishing he were buried inside of her. When she lifted her hips to meet him, he nearly lost control.

  Reaching between their bodies, he pushed her panties aside, allowing his cock to slide against her wet folds. Using his thumb, he spread her lips so he could slide between them and rub against her clit.

  Chloe whimpered into his mouth and arched against him. Michael could tell she was close to her release and he wanted to please her more than anything. He slid back and forth against her slick clit faster and faster until Chloe cried out. When she bucked against him, she tilted her hips and took him all the way inside of her. Feeling her convulse around his cock was enough to make him come inside of her on the spot.


  “That wasn’t quite how I had planned on doing that,” Michael said.

  Chloe grinned against his shoulder. “What exactly did you have planned?”

  “Well, assuming you wanted to do anything at all, I had planned on both of us being completely naked for one thing.”

  “Hmmm. Well, you were completely naked. Does that count?”

  He grinned. “I guess I got it half right.”

  “And I guess that means you’ll have to try again.”

  He lifted up on an elbow and looked down at her. “Again? Aren’t you tired?”

  “If you’ll remember, I had a nap. I’m perfectly well rested.”

  He grinned. “Then I guess we’d better get you out of these clothes.”

  Chloe grinned and pulled her top over her head and dropped it on the floor. “That’s one piece. What’s next?”


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