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Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Becca Van

  Keira watched Jake working the bar, and then moved toward her. He handed her a glass of Shiraz, and she took an appreciative sip. “Thanks, Jake.”

  “No problem, honey. Why didn’t you let Devon and I help you with your stuff? And why have you put it in your car? I thought we could all drive back in my truck.”

  “I loaded my car with my stuff because I am quite capable of doing it. I’m not an invalid or a helpless airhead you know,” Keira replied exasperatedly.

  “I know you’re not, honey, but we like to help. Next time you need stuff carried, call us,” Jake stated quietly.

  “Oh, for crying out loud, you’re just as bad as your brother,” Keira said and rolled her eyes.

  She watched as Jake moved in closer to her. He leaned over the bar until she could feel his breath whispering against her lips.

  “Actually, honey, I'm a lot worse than Devon is. And you’d better learn to do as you’re told or Greg is gonna pitch a fit.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Keira asked through clenched teeth.

  Jake didn’t answer, just shrugged his shoulders and took off to fill an order at the other end of the bar. What was it about these dominant, sexy men that turned her on so much?

  Keira watched Devon and Jake work along the bar, chatting amicably with the customers. They seemed so open and friendly with the other people. She wondered why they hadn’t been snapped up and married with kids. They had to be in their early to mid thirties in age. She knew if the women of Seattle had seen them they would have been well and truly off the market by now. They were sex gods with all their bulging muscles and excessive testosterone. Keira felt her pussy soften and her clit throb as she stared at them. Since she hadn’t had a chance to shower and she’d left off her underwear, she could feel her jeans becoming damp. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen, her nipples hardened, and she looked down and saw them poking at the front of her T-shirt. She knew she should have taken time to dress properly.

  “Penny for your thoughts, baby,” a familiar voice rumbled into her ear.

  Keira shivered as Greg’s warm, moist breath caressed her ear. She turned her head and literally bumped lips with him. She felt her cheeks heat, and she turned her head away. She picked up her glass of red wine and took another sip.

  “Are you ready to go?” Greg asked.

  “How did you know I was coming back with you?” Keira asked and cringed mentally at the breathless quality of her own voice.

  “Jake called me. By the time you finish your drink the others will be here to take over and we can go home,” Greg said, and sat beside her.

  Keira finally looked at Greg and could see the desire he felt for her in his eyes. She shifted on her stool and took another sip of her wine, hoping her contrived indifference would send his attention elsewhere. It didn’t work though. He just sat staring at her.

  “You’re staring,” Keira said as she turned back to look at Greg.

  “You’re very beautiful.”

  Keira choked on the sip of wine she’d just taken. She hadn’t expected him to say that, and she wasn’t flattered because she knew what he said was a lie. She wasn’t beautiful at all. She was just as plain as they come.

  “No I’m not, but thanks for saying so.”

  “How can you not see how gorgeous you are? You’re not only beautiful on the outside but you are inside as well.”

  “How the hell did you come to that conclusion? You don’t even know me.”

  “I know more about you than you think. Come on, let’s go. Give me your keys and I’ll drive your car,” Greg requested, and he held his hand out for her keys.

  Keira placed her now-empty wineglass on the bar, fished out a note, placed it under her glass, and turned toward Greg. She heard a growl behind her and turned to see Jake glaring at her. Now what have I done? She raised her eyebrow, silently questioning Jake. He pointed to the money she’d left, and when she just kept staring at him he picked up the money, jumped the bar, and tucked it back into the pocket of her jeans. She felt her knees weaken to see such a masculine display of strength and agility and hoped the heat she felt permeating her body didn’t show.

  Greg took the car keys from her hand and then took her empty hand in his. Jake slid his hand down her arm until he had her hand in his, and she felt another set of hands on her hips. She turned her head to see Devon behind her. She hadn’t even seen him come back into the bar, but to have his hands on her sent her libido skyrocketing. She imagined what it would feel like to have all three men touching her at the same time. Her pussy clenched and dripped more of her cream. What is wrong with me? Why the hell am I lusting after three men?

  “Let’s take this beautiful woman home so she can get settled in,” Jake said.

  Keira had no other option than to follow as the three Domain men herded her toward the door.

  When they were outside and heading to the vehicles, Greg stopped and sniffed the air. Keira heard him growl, a deep, rumbling sound that came up from the depths of his chest and out through his clenched teeth. He stepped in front of her, and Jake and Devon were both at her sides. She heard the doors to the club open behind her, and there were more bodies at her back. The sound of screeching tires coming across the parking lot made her cringe as she waited for the inevitable bang of a car accident, but the sound never came. She heard the car backfire, and then she was on the ground, her body covered by a mountain of muscle. She heard yelling and more blasts from the car, and then there was total silence. Why can’t I hear? Her face was flush on the hard black surface, and she could feel gravel digging into her cheek. Her hip was aching from being ground into the hard asphalt beneath her, and she knew she was probably going to have a bruise and scrapes.

  The weight on her eased off, and then she was in Devon’s arms. Her ears were ringing, and she could see Devon’s lips moving, but she couldn’t hear him. What the hell? She frowned at him and placed her hands to her ears. She didn’t want to speak in case she yelled everything. She saw the relief in his eyes as he looked at her, and then he hugged her tight against him. He picked her up and carried her back into the club and down the hallway which led to the office. His hands reached for her shirt, and he waited for her approval. She realized he wanted to make sure she wasn’t hurt anywhere and gave him a nod.

  He had her stripped naked in seconds, and he ran his hands all over her body. She couldn’t get over the fact she was standing before Devon completely naked. Her ears were ringing which she knew was a good sign. Her hearing was coming back.

  “Can you hear me now, sweetheart?” Devon asked.

  “Yes. What the hell was that all about? Let me go. I’m fine,” Keira stated and pulled her clothes back on. She was in such a hurry to cover herself she got caught up in her twisted T-shirt and couldn’t get out.

  “You are more than fine, sweetheart. Let me help you with that,” Devon said, and then her T-shirt was on, covering her once more. “That was someone taking potshots at us.”

  “What? You mean someone was shooting at us?” The pitch of her voice escalated. She felt her knees wobble and reached up with a shaky hand to push her hair back from her face.

  “Come here, sweetheart,” Devon said and pulled her over to him as he sat down on the sofa. She ended up sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight against him, but not tight enough that he hurt her. She clung to him. Keira could feel her body shaking and was glad for the warmth and comfort the haven of Devon’s big body offered. It had been so long since she’d been held. She savored the sensation of having his big body surrounding hers.

  “Yes, someone was shooting at us,” Devon finally answered.

  Keira felt the blood drain from her face. Surely David hadn’t found her already. God, she had to get out of here. The last thing she wanted to do was put the three men kind enough to offer her a job and somewhere to live in danger.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. You have nothing to be afraid of. We’ll protect you,” Dev
on stated.

  “Oh God. What about Jake and Greg? Did they get hurt? Shit. I have to go,” Keira said, pushing against Devon’s arms.

  “Settle down, baby. We’re fine,” Greg said.

  Keira turned her head toward the door and saw Greg and Jake walking into the room. They looked really mad, and she hoped that anger wasn’t directed at her.

  “Are you hurt, honey?” Jake asked and rubbed her on the arm.

  “No, I’m fine. Who was shooting at you? What are you guys into?” Keira asked as she finally managed to get off Devon’s lap and backed away from the three men staring at her. She didn’t stop until her back connected with the wall.

  “Did you check her over, Devon?” Greg asked.

  “Yes. She has a bruise on her left hip which was probably from me pushing her into the ground and a small graze on her cheek. Other than that she is fine.”

  “Stop talking about me as if I’m not here,” Keira said in frustration. She whimpered as Greg turned to her and pinned her in place with his eyes. She felt like a mouse about to become prey to a cat.

  Greg didn’t stop until he had her caged in. He placed his arms on either side of her head and pressed his body along the length of hers. She could feel his hard cock pressing into her stomach. “They weren’t after us, baby. They were after you. But you already knew that, didn’t you, Keira?”

  Keira felt her legs buckle beneath her. Greg caught her before she could hit the floor. She gasped as Greg picked her up into his arms and slanted his mouth over hers. The sensation of his body against hers and the heat he was emanating was unbelievable. She whimpered when he thrust his tongue into her mouth and slid it along hers. He had her from simmering to boiling in moments. She responded tentatively at first then moaned as his hand cupped her breast and he flicked his thumb across her cotton-covered nipple. Keira screamed with pleasure as her cunt clenched and spasmed. She rode out the pleasure as she clutched at Greg’s massive, bulging biceps.

  Keira hid her face against Greg’s chest, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. She couldn’t believe she had just climaxed from a kiss and having her nipple rubbed. She squealed in surprise when Greg scooped her up in his arms and headed for the door.

  “Let’s get our woman home,” Greg said.

  Keira peeked over his shoulder and saw Jake and Devon eyeing her with fire in their eyes. What had she gotten herself into?

  Chapter Six

  “What do you mean your woman?”

  “We are all attracted to you, Keira. We knew eventually that we would want to share a woman between us. You are that woman, baby,” Greg replied.

  “What? What the hell do you mean you want to share me?”

  “Just that, baby. We want you in our lives and in our bed. We won’t force you, Keira, but just think about how good it would be. I know you want us, too. I can smell your sweet pussy creaming whenever we are close to you.”

  “Oh God,” Keira muttered and squirmed in her seat. Could she really let them touch her? She had never responded to any male before. She was very attracted to the Domain brothers, but didn’t know if she could do what they wanted. She sighed as her mind ran around in circles of turmoil and confusion.

  Keira sat in the passenger seat of her car as Greg drove. She would have liked to see where she was going, but it was dark now and they had left the lights of Aztec behind. She wanted to ask how they knew who she was, but didn’t have the guts. The last thing she wanted was to start an argument in the car when she wasn’t in control of the steering wheel. She knew she had control issues. She’d been told by some of her friends as well as her own brother that she was way too anal over the simplest of things.

  Ever since her parents had died, she had kept a tight rein on herself and her emotions. She was scared to let go and live. She was scared of losing people she cared about and had tried to keep them at arm’s length. But only with her friends. She couldn’t do that to her brother. He was the one keeping his distance. She had tried for years to get his love but nothing she did ever seemed to work. She knew it was her way of dealing with the grief of losing her parents at a young age. The only time she ever felt in complete control was when she was doing the books. She loved working with numbers. She was passionate about her job and didn’t care the few real friends she had thought she was a nerd. So she had worked hard and spent most of her time doing books. She had pushed her friends away and lived to work, rather than working to live, not that she really needed to financially, but she hated being idle and felt more in control when she was busy.

  Keira sat up straighter in her seat when Greg slowed the car down and turned into a driveway. A massive iron gate blocked the drive. She watched as Greg wound down the window and pushed an intercom button on a small speaker box. She heard a male’s voice asking who wanted entry, and when Greg replied, the gates began to open.

  “The gates are automatic. We all have an infrared device in our cars which operates the gates. I’ll see that you get one fitted in your car,” Greg stated.

  She remained quiet as Greg drove up the gravel track and held her breath when the house finally came into view. It was the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen. The house was massive in proportion. There were large white stone columns on either side of the front door, and the roof over the entry sheltered it from the weather.

  She looked at her surroundings as Greg drove the car past the front of the house and around to the other side. He pulled her rusted-up heap into a large carport and turned the ignition off. She turned when she felt his eyes on her.

  “You will be safe here, Keira. Come on and I’ll get you settled in. Then I can introduce you to everyone,” Greg stated and got out of the car.

  Keira took another deep breath and let it out. She felt as if her life were about to change forever, but she pushed that thought aside and castigated herself for letting her imagination run wild. She got out of the car, and Greg took her hand in his. She turned at the sound of another vehicle and watched as Jake and Devon drove up and parked behind her bomb. Great, now she couldn’t even get her car out if she wanted to. She was going to have to ask them to move their truck first. She felt trapped, and she couldn’t see a way out. Her breathing escalated, and she felt sweat bead on her forehead. Her heart was pounding in her chest a mile a minute, and she felt her hand shaking in Greg’s.

  “Keira, look at me,” Greg said gently.

  Keira looked up into Greg’s eyes and felt herself drowning. His eyes were flashing from brown to gold and back again. What the hell? She knew she wasn’t imagining this time. What are these people? She pulled her hand from Greg’s and backed away. She came to an abrupt stop when she bumped into a large, warm chest. She turned her head and tilted her chin to look up into Jake’s green eyes. Shit. His eyes are flashing, too. She stepped to the side, but Devon was there. His irises were flashing from hazel to gold as well. I am so out of here.

  Keira ducked around Devon and took off. She hadn’t taken three steps before she was stopped. Greg stood in front of her, his hands lightly on her hips keeping her still.

  “We would never hurt you, Keira. Please, don’t be afraid of us,” Greg said.

  “What the hell are you people?” Keira wasn’t surprised to hear the fear in her own voice. She shivered when she felt a warm body at her back, and she looked into Devon’s eyes when he came to stand at her side.

  “We are werewolves, Keira, and you are our mate,” Devon replied.

  Keira felt her breath hitch at Devon’s statement. She’d always wanted to believe there were other kinds of humans on the planet, but had never thought she’d confirm her hypothesis. She looked at Devon and just knew he was telling the truth. How else had their eyes been changing if they weren’t what he’d said? Then the last of his words sank in. She was their mate! Fuck that. She couldn’t be the mate to three men.

  “No. I’m not your mate,” Keira said. “I can’t be a mate to three men…werewolves.”

  “I assure you, you are our mate,
Keira,” Greg reiterated. “Come on inside. We’ll discuss this when you’re settled.”

  Keira wanted to turn tail and run. But she also wanted to explore her connection with the three brothers. God, she didn’t even know her own mind anymore. She followed Greg as he gently tugged her hand and led her to a door off the carport. Her jeans were soaking wet, and she craved the touch of their hands, mouths, and cocks. What is wrong with me? I’m turning into a slut.

  She looked around as Greg led her inside. The place could have graced any home magazine and won house of the year. It was so much more tasteful than her home back in Seattle. She stumbled a little then slammed up against Greg’s back. She felt one of his brothers steady her with a hand at her waist. Greg pulled her out from behind him to his side. They were standing in a large hallway, and three strange, handsome men stared at her and the Domain brothers. They were all so tall, muscular, and sexy, but as far as she was concerned they didn’t hold a candle to Greg, Jake, and Devon.

  “Alphas, I’d like you to meet our mate, Keira O’Lachlan. Keira, these three men are the Alphas, leaders of the pack, Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock Friess. You can meet their mate a little later,” Greg stated.

  “I am pleased to meet you, Keira. I hope you’ll be happy here,” Jonah said.

  Keira didn’t know what to do, but she knew she was probably supposed to be submissive in the Alphas’ presence. She’d read enough erotic romance novels to be aware of some of the protocol. She lowered her eyes and nodded her head at the three dominant men.

  “I’m pleased to meet you all,” she said.

  “Go and get your mate settled in. Dinner should be ready by the time you’re done. Since Keira obviously knows what we are, I’ll expect you three on our run tonight. She can stay with Michelle,” Jonah stated.

  “At your command, Alpha,” Greg replied. “Come, Keira.”

  “I’m not a dog, you know. You can’t just command me like I am,” Keira said as she was pulled along by Greg.


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