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Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Becca Van

  “I know you’re not, baby. I just want you settled in,” Greg replied.

  Keira followed Greg up the wide flight of stairs to the third level. He turned right and led her down the long carpeted hall. He stopped outside of the door at the end and opened it, ushering her through. Keira gasped as she took in the large living area with the bulky leather furniture. There was a doorway off to the side which she presumed led to the bedrooms.

  Greg led her to that door and turned door handles left and right as he went along the hall. “This is Devon’s room. This is Jake’s, and this one is mine. The bathroom is at the end of the hall and the toilet is enclosed off the bathroom. I have another bathroom off my room.”

  “So I’ll be sleeping on the sofa then?” Keira asked hopefully.

  Greg spun around, placed his hands at her waist, and picked her up until her eyes were level with his.

  “No, baby girl, you’ll be sleeping in my bed,” Greg said in a steely voice.

  “No. I won’t,” Keira replied.

  “Yes, you will,” Greg reiterated. He kissed her lightly on the lips and lowered her until her feet were back on the floor. “Look around as much as you want. We’re going to unload your stuff. We’ll be back before you know it.”

  “Don’t hurry on my account,” Keira muttered under her breath and stomped back to the living room. She decided she was going to be childish. Since Greg had told her to explore she was going to do the exact opposite.

  “I heard that, baby.” Greg’s voice followed her.

  Keira didn’t care. She just shrugged her shoulders and kept right on going. She threw herself onto the navy-blue sofa and crossed her arms over her chest. She didn’t care if she looked like a spoiled brat. Her world had been turned upside down. She thought she was entitled to feel a little piqued. She was glad when they left the rooms.

  Keira was still sitting on the sofa when she heard a knock on the door. She looked up to see a beautiful, slender, green-eyed woman walking toward her with a welcoming smile.

  “Hi, you must be Keira. I’m Michelle Barclay, soon to be Friess. I imagine you’re feeling a little overwhelmed right now,” Michelle said as she sat down in an armchair opposite Keira.

  “That would be the understatement of the year,” Keira muttered. Then she realized Michelle had heard her when the woman burst out laughing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”

  “Hey, don’t worry about it. We women have to stick together. The men in this pack are so arrogant and dominant they’d take you over if you let them,” Michelle said.

  “Too late, they already have. So are you mated to more than one man?” Keira asked then covered her mouth at her rude, blunt question. “Sorry again. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I’m not usually so blunt.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You can ask me anything. And the answer is yes. I’m mated to Jonah, Mikhail, and Brock.”

  “Wow. So you’re like a queen or something?” Keira asked.

  “That’s what they call me. But to me I’m still just the local librarian,” Michelle stated. “I’ve only been here for about six months. So everything is still so new to me. I still have a lot to learn about pack protocol. But if you have any questions, go right ahead and ask. I’ll answer them if I can.”

  “To be honest, I don’t know what I’m doing here. I only started working at the Aztec Club yesterday. And today, here I am. They only just told me that they’re werewolves and I’m their mate. How the hell am I supposed to deal with that?” Keira asked and rose to her feet. She began pacing with agitation. She could feel hysteria rising up within her, but took a few deep, calming breaths and pushed it back down.

  “Actually, I’d have to say you’re dealing with everything a lot better than I did,” Michelle said.


  “Yeah. I sort of got a little hysterical. If it hadn’t been for the fact I’d just been given pain medication, I would have run screaming.”

  “They hurt you?” Keira asked incredulously.

  “No. My mates would never hurt me. I had a little accident on the stairs and broke my wrist,” Michelle explained.

  “Shit, I bet that hurt.”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe. I can see all those questions rattling around in your head. Ask me anything you like,” Michelle said.

  “How the hell do you mate with three men?” Keira blurted out, but didn’t apologize this time. She needed to know for her own sanity.

  “The men have to bite you for their wolves to stake their claim, and you have sex,” Michelle answered.

  “Did they claim you all at the same time?” Keira asked nervously.

  “No. They did it separately,” Michelle answered. “But let me tell you, when we all have sex together, it’s out of this world.”

  “You mean you… In the…and all together?”

  “Yeah,” Michelle answered. And by the sappy look on her face and her glazed eyes, the woman really loved ménages.

  “How does the pack hierarchy work?” Keira queried.

  “My mates are all Alphas of the pack, but Jonah is lead Alpha. If he decides to put his foot down, then his final word is Pack Law. He, Mikhail, and Brock have the ability to use their voices to control their minions. They are so hot when they do that,” Michelle grinned.

  “If I decide to let them claim me, does that mean I will be a werewolf, too?” Keira asked.

  “No. You will have slightly enhanced abilities. You will heal much faster and your sight and hearing will be more acute. From the information I have gathered, the only way to change a human to a werewolf is brutal and painful. It isn’t done though because the risks are too great, and the human could die. Oh, and your mates won’t want to be away from you for longer than a day, and they want sex regularly.”

  “How regularly?” Keira asked.

  “As much as they can get from you,” Michelle replied with a grin.

  “Trust me. You’ll love it. Now, I need to get downstairs. Dinner’s almost ready. Oh, here come your mates. I’ll leave you to it,” Michelle said and left with a wave.

  Sure enough, moments later, Greg, Devon, and Jake entered the room, their arms full of her stuff. They walked through the living room and disappeared down the hall, presumably to Greg’s room. They were back moments later.

  “Let’s go get some dinner,” Jake said and helped her from the sofa.

  Keira followed along, not knowing what else to do. She was in a situation she had no control over and felt as if she were in a boat adrift at sea. Maybe she should just go along for the ride and see what happened.

  Chapter Seven

  Keira was seated at a long table in a dining room on the other side of the kitchen counter. She had followed the men down to the ground floor, and they had led her to a doorway to the right of the entrance hall. The room was huge, but she supposed it had to be, on account of all the people seated around the table. She was sitting between Jake and Greg. Greg was sitting to the right of Mikhail, and Jake was sitting to her right. There weren’t many women at the table. She could see a sophisticated blonde talking to a large man on her left who must be her mate, judging by the way they were all over each other. She could see another woman sitting near the other end of the table, and the only others were Michelle and the two women in the kitchen. The house was full of testosterone-laden males. She leaned over and whispered in Jake’s ear.

  “Why are there only a few women here?”

  “We’re not really sure, honey. There have been fewer and fewer females being born to the pack over the last couple of generations. Most of our elders are off enjoying their retirement away from pack responsibility now that Jonah and his brothers have taken over rule,” Jake answered.

  “So none of these men have mates?”

  “No. Most of them are still single.”

  Jonah’s voice drew her attention away from Jake, and she looked over to see him standing at the head of the table. Michelle was seated beside him, but she didn’
t make an effort to stand, so Keira stayed seated as well.

  “Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Keira O’Lachlan. She is the mate of Greg, Jake, and Devon. Keira, everyone will introduce themselves to you at their leisure. It will be easier for you to remember names if you are told a few at a time. Welcome to Friess Pack,” Jonah said and then sat down.

  Keira nodded her head in respect, but she was silently fuming. She wasn’t a part of their pack. What the hell had the Domain men told their Alphas? She hadn’t told any of the men claiming to be her mates she was going to accept them. Did they think they could ride roughshod over her and take what they wanted without asking? Well, she had news for them, and it was all bad.

  Keira was glad when dinner was finally over and the men began to leave the room. Greg, Jake, and Devon each kissed her on the cheek before they left. Michelle stood and came over to her.

  “The men are going for a run in their wolf form. Would you like to come and watch them go through the change?”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet,” Keira replied honestly.

  “I know how you feel. I’m still not used to seeing my mates in their animal form. Why don’t we go through to the living room and share a bottle of wine?” Michelle suggested.

  “Sure. Thanks, I’d really like that,” Keira replied, following Michelle from the room.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Michelle,” Keira blurted out once they were seated on the sofa, each holding a glass of wine.

  “What would that be? Having sex with three hot men or living here as a pack member?” Michelle asked.

  “All of it.”

  “Your mates are good men, Keira. Why fight the attraction you feel toward them? And don’t bother denying it. I can see it on your face and in your eyes that you want them. Why not just take one day at a time and see what happens?”

  “That’s just it, Michelle. I never just go with the flow. Until recently I planned my day out to every waking moment. I don’t know how to be laid-back and just let things happen.”

  “Oh, believe me, I know what you’re talking about. If you had told me seven months ago I was going to be mated to three men, I would have told you that you were off your rocker. You see, I had hidden my true self beneath the façade of an uptight, old-maid librarian. I was too scared to be myself. Is it so wrong to have three men love you? No, I don’t think so. In fact it is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

  “I think you are a lot like me. You’ve regimented yourself for some reason, and buried the real you underneath all that control. Would it be so bad to give that control over to the three men who could love you and change your world for the better? I’m not trying to say you have to do what I did and accept those three men as your mates. But think about how you would feel if they were no longer a part of your life.”

  Keira sipped at her wine as she thought over what Michelle had said. Was she really that uptight that she could no longer be spontaneous? If it hadn’t been for hearing her brother on the phone she would still be living in her deceased parents’ house, making her lists, and working on other people’s books. She had buried her real self underneath all that control. She hadn’t even realized it until now. She knew she was anal about a lot of things, but she had become even more so since the death of her parents. She felt as if her whole world had shattered. To know her brother had killed her parents was so far beyond her comprehension. Why would he do that to the people who had taken him and loved him as if he were their own?

  Keira felt a tear leak from the corner of her eye and slip down her face. Another and another followed along, until she was sobbing quietly. She felt Michelle take her wineglass, and then she hugged her. The sound of wolves howling in the night made her jump, but she was too caught up in her own emotions to think anything of it. She cried for her lost parents, for her deceitful, murdering brother, and she cried for herself. She’d tried so hard to be a good sister and a good person. She had wanted her brother to love her, but she knew that just wasn’t possible.

  Keira felt Michelle unwind her arms from around her, and then she was being lifted up against a hard, warm, muscular chest. She burrowed her head into Greg’s shoulder, his familiar scent enveloping her in comfort. She knew they were moving. She felt his muscles rippling beneath her cheek, but she just wanted to hide. Moments later she was laid down on a soft mattress and surrounded on all sides by large, hard, warm bodies. Her crying slowed, her tears finally drying up, but she still kept her face hidden.

  * * * *

  Greg and his brothers had been enjoying the freedom of running through the trees in their wolf form. His Alpha Jonah had run up to his side and spoken to him telepathically.

  “Your mate is upset and needs you,” Jonah had said in Greg’s mind.

  Greg had changed direction immediately and headed back to the house. He’d felt a knot of fear forming in his chest and wanted to be with Keira, holding her in his arms so he knew she was safe and sound.

  “Jake, Devon, Keira needs us, get back to the house,” Greg had commanded his brothers through their private link.

  Greg had run to where he’d left his clothes, changed back from his wolf, and gotten dressed. He had been heading toward the back door of the house when he’d scented his brothers. He didn’t wait for them though. He’d needed to see and hold Keira then. The sight of his mate crying quietly in the arms of his queen had nearly broken his heart. He was so relieved that she was where he could hold her and know she was safe. Even the pipes in the club’s upstairs bathroom had helped bring her home to him and his brothers. He’d moved in and picked Keira up into his arms and headed for their suite of rooms. The fact that his mate didn’t make any noise when she was crying had told him she was still keeping part of herself hidden. He sighed with relief when her crying had slowed, her breath hitching for the last time, but still she’d kept her face hidden as he had lain down with her on his bed. His brothers had entered the room, and they had gotten onto the bed, surrounding their mate.

  “Look at me, Keira,” Greg said quietly. He waited until Keira lifted her head, and the sight of her red, swollen eyes and her pain clutched at his heart. “Why were you crying?”

  He watched as Keira tried to push away from him, but he wouldn’t let her. He helped her to sit up on his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist loosely.

  “I think my brother is trying to kill me. I think he killed my parents, too. No, I know he did. I heard him talking on the phone and he said he’d get rid of me just like he did my parents,” Keira said and began to cry again.

  “Ah, baby girl. I’d take your pain away if I could,” Greg said and pulled her into his body. He just held her as she cried out her grief and pain. When she was done for the moment he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. “You’re going to have a bath and relax while we take care of you. All right?”

  Greg waited for Keira to respond and sighed with relief when she nodded. He sat down on the rim of the huge bathtub and turned the water on. He slowly began to remove her clothes and was surprised when she didn’t protest. The sight of her nude body had his cock going hard and his wolf pushing at him to claim her, but he knew she wasn’t ready for that. He stood up and gently lowered her into the filling tub, then began to strip off his own clothes. He climbed into the bath with her and pulled her on his lap. He looked up when Jake and Devon walked into the bathroom, removed their clothes, and hopped into the tub with him and Keira. He held her while his brothers washed her from head to foot. He knew she was enjoying being pampered for a change because he heard her sigh and she was relaxed against him. Once his brothers were finished washing her, Greg picked her up and stepped out of the tub. He held her until she had her feet on the floor and gently patted her dry. He handed her over to Jake since his brother was already dry and began to dry off as Jake carried Keira back to his bedroom.

  Greg smiled when he saw Keira snuggled in his bed with Jake. He let his eyes travel down the length of he
r delicious nude body and felt his cock jerk in reaction. She was so damn sexy. He wanted to crawl between her thighs and lap the cream her could smell leaking from her pussy. He knew he and his brothers wouldn’t be able to keep their wolves at bay much longer. They needed to claim their mate. He wanted to do it now and knew he couldn’t stop himself from trying. He only hoped Keira would be receptive to the idea.

  Greg climbed on the bottom of his king-size bed and smoothed his hands up over Keira’s calves. When she didn’t pull away, he slid them up further to her knees. He gently parted her thighs and moved his body up between her now-spread legs. The scent of her juices had a growl rumbling up from his chest. He bent his head and took the first taste of his mate’s delectable cunt.

  Greg slid his tongue through her drenched folds from clit to ass and back again. With the first taste, he knew he would never get enough. He slid his shoulders between her legs and lay on his belly. He wrapped his arms around her thighs, spreading her legs wide, and devoured her. He thrust his tongue in and out of her, collecting and swallowing her scrumptious cream. He massaged over her clit with the tip of his tongue as he rimmed her cunt with his finger. He slid the tip of his digit into her body and felt her muscles contract around his flesh. He lapped, laved, and sucked on Keira’s clit, pushing his finger into her body a little more with every forward thrust. He hesitated when his finger was in nearly all the way.

  He felt her hymen stretch, and possessiveness consumed him. The knowledge that Keira hadn’t been intimate with anyone else filled him with joy. He withdrew his finger slightly, sucked her clit into his mouth, and stretched the membrane. The sound of Keira sobbing out with pleasure as she climaxed and gripped his finger made his balls draw up tight to his body. The sensation of her cream covering his flesh and her internal walls gripping and releasing pushed him over the edge. He sat up between her thighs and gently gripped her hips.

  The sight of her kissing Jake and Devon suckling on one of her nipples had his wolf pushing for control. He had to claim his mate. Greg aimed his cock for Keira’s cunt and began to push in. She pulled her mouth from Jake’s and arched her neck and bucked her hips up at his. He groaned as he slid another few inches into her tight, wet pussy. He held still and breathed rapidly, trying to keep his wolf at bay and to give Keira time to adjust to his intrusion, but she wouldn’t let him.


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