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Page 20

by Scarlett Avery

  She lowers her eyes and spoons more of my load. This time she slides her hand to her pussy and spreads my moisture between her legs. Jesus Christ. I’m so fucking her tonight. After a few seconds that are far too brief for my liking, she pulls her fingers out and brings her eyes up to meet mine. “I offered to help, but you turned me down,” she admonishes me before climbing off the desk. Her huge smile is the only indication she’s teasing.

  “You say that as if you didn’t enjoy the show,” I quip, still breathing heavy from her little performance.

  “I didn’t say I didn’t. I wanted to be the one to make you come again.”

  “You did, sweetie. Looking at you while I jerk off… it doesn’t get any better.”

  “So I’m partially responsible?” she asks, excited.

  I shake my head. “No, you’re one hundred percent responsible.”

  “I love when you say things like that,” she throws over her shoulder as she walks away from me. I’m in awe. She sashays away from me fully naked with those red heels still strapped to her feet. She’s truly a vision. “That said, I’m warning you now, I’ll be begging for you to jerk off in front of me again like you did.”

  “Any time.”

  “Good.” She winks.

  “You liked it, I gather?”

  “Love it. A lot.”


  “You’re turning me into a pervert, Mr. Evans.”

  “I thought that was part of the job requirement when you hired me,” I mock.

  “You’re right.”

  We both laugh.

  She waltzes back towards me and pulls out a few tissues to wipe off her chest before doing the same to my cock. There’s so much of me. I swear she ends up using half the box of Kleenex. To my surprise, it takes a while for us to clean all this up. While she walks back to the garbage bin to discard all this tissue, I spot her panties and quickly grab them. I hide them behind my back.

  “We should get dressed,” I suggest, trying my best to look as innocent as possible.

  She doesn’t argue. She stoops to the floor and picks up her skirt. She looks around, lost. She flips over every other garment still littered all over the hardwood floor and mutters a few incomprehensible words. I chuckle under my breath. She slaps her naked thigh in frustration and turns around to face me. She looks up at me, puzzled. “What did you do with my thong?”

  “No one will know if you’re not wearing any underwear.”

  “That wasn’t my question, Hunter.”

  Okay, I guess she’s not going to let this one slide. “I’m keeping them,” I say, bringing her wet panties up to my face.

  “You’re what?” she asks, freaked out.

  “Think of them as my fee for coaching you.” I cock my head to the side and flash her a boyish grin.

  “Isn’t that blackmail?”

  “Not when you’re getting so much out of it.” I waggle my eyebrows.

  She rolls her eyes at me.

  Once she accepts she’s not going to win this one, I help her get dressed and she does the same for me. She meets my gaze, raising a brow silently, asking if she looks okay, and I nod with a smile of admiration. She walks to the chair near the couch to grab her small bag.

  She looks around the room one last time before speaking. “I think we’ve gotten rid of all incriminating signs of debauchery.”

  “I think you’re right.” I nod, satisfied we’re leaving this place exactly like we found it. While she walks towards me, I pull out my phone from my back pocket to look at the time. It’s only eleven. I’m not tired. On the contrary, I’m wired, but I’ve had my fill of this party. “Do you want to go or stay longer with your friends?” I’m ready to call it a night, but I want her to want this too.

  She scrunches her nose. “Nah. Let’s go.”


  “Did you drive over here?”

  “I took a cab. I wasn’t sure if I’d have one too many to drink.”

  “Maybe it’s time for me to take you back to my place to finish what we started.” This has been playing in my head since she lured me up here. As mind-blowing as this was, I need to be inside her.


  I stare down at her full lips—devoid of her vampy red lipstick—that now look bruised from my assault, the tiny anxious furrow to her brows, the rapid blinking of her eyes before I tell her, “This was a mere appetizer. Time for the main course.”

  It takes a few seconds to register, but I can immediately tell when it does. She looks up and grins, eyes sparking. “You mean…?”

  I smile back at her. “Yeah, I do. Are you okay spending the night?”

  She barely manages a hoarse, “I am.”

  I can count on one hand the number of women I’ve allowed to spend the night at my place over the years. It’s something I rarely do. As crazy as it sounds, something tells me waking up with her in my arms will make it so much harder for me to go back home and leave her behind. But it’s a chance I’m willing to take. I’m not ready for this to end.

  “Maybe we should drive by your place to grab a few things so that I don’t drop you off tomorrow morning wearing this outfit. We don’t want to give Mrs. Silverstein any ammunition.”

  “That’s a good idea.” She smiles.

  “If you don’t have any plans for tomorrow, Saturday, we could hang out?”

  She looks even more shocked now than she did a few seconds ago. “You mean spend the day with you?”

  “Yeah, unless you’re meeting your best friend or something like that, in which case I’d totally understand.”

  “Is this just another lesson? I have to ask.” Her wide eyes peer up at me, waiting for my answer.

  I shake my head. I push aside Collin and Shane’s warnings and I tell her how I really feel. “I think it stopped being a lesson for me in Santa Catalina.”

  “It’s the same for me too.” I extend my arm and she comes running and cradles herself close to my body. We take a step forward towards the door, but stop when her iPhone rings. She slips away from me and rummages through her handbag looking for her phone. “I missed the call,” she shrugs. “Oh wait, the person is texting me.” She reads the message on her screen and her eyebrows shoot up.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  She looks up at me, perplexed. “A few people are taking the party elsewhere. Something about a wild after-party that’s supposed to last until the wee hours of the morning. Anyway, Julian wants to know if I’d like to join him. I don’t even know how he got my number since he’s never asked for it before.”

  My jaw clenches. This wannabe rock star never paid attention to her until now. And it all changes just like that? Out of the blue? Asshole. It’s a simple cockfight. Men do it all the time. Although she’s been under his nose for two years, he sees her with another guy and all of a sudden she becomes irresistible. Fuck you, douchebag.

  “He says he’d love to get to know me better.” She shakes her head. “Wow. I don’t know what to say.” She blinks up at me again with imploring eyes as if expecting me to solve her dilemma.

  I study her for several breaths before answering. “The choice is yours.” That’s absolutely not what I want to say, but I have to be aware of the fact that I won’t be here much longer. She’s young and she’s entitled to go after whomever she wants, regardless of my personal feelings about the guy. After all, Julian lives in LA and he’s her age. My life is in Fort Collins. Not to mention I’m still not sure where this is going. “If you want to go out with your friends, that’s fine, but if you want to come back to my place the invitation is still open.”

  “You drive a hard bargain, mister,” she teases.

  “Not really. I’m just letting you know I want all of you tonight. We’ve had a lot of fun so far, but I want to feel you underneath me in my own bed.”

  Her lips part, letting out a sharp exhale. “I want to be with you too, Hunter.”

  I laugh. “Tell Julian to go fuck himself. You’re coming home with m

  * * *

  “God, it’s so quiet all of a sudden. I wonder what happened to the music,” Miranda observes as she takes the first step down the stairs. She’s right. “Do you think anyone knows what we were up to?” I can hear the concern in her voice.

  “I bet you no one noticed our absence,” I reassure her as I follow her.

  “I hope you’re right,” she answers, turning her head back.

  “You have nothing to worry about. I’m sure what we just shared is tame. I’ve been to plenty of parties when I was your age. I’d know.” Heck, Collin’s parties are still wild.

  “Let’s hope I haven’t lost everyone’s respect.” She laughs.

  “As if that’s ever going to happen. Hey, let’s stop in the kitchen. I want to grab a bottle of water before we hit the road.”

  “Great idea. I’ll do the same.”

  When we reach downstairs, nothing has changed. It’s still party central. As I expected, half the people are too drunk to know what’s going on around them and the other half are making out. When we enter the kitchen, it becomes clear why the bedrooms upstairs are sitting empty. I guess this is a whole new generation, I say to myself when I take in the scene. There’s a couple fucking on the granite island. They’re completely naked and going at it with loud grunts and all. Near the sink, there’s a guy on his knees licking this blonde girl with inflated breasts. She’s spread out for him and her hands are teasing her tits. Both couples are going at it without a care in the world. To top it all off, a bunch of people are watching—should I say salivating? To be clear, I’m not only talking about men. There are a lot of women playing with themselves as they watch on. I’ll be honest, I like it kinky, but this is beyond me.

  When Miranda catches a glimpse of the action, she freezes in shock. Time to get out of here. “Come on, sweetie. We’ll grab water at a convenience store.”

  “Huh?” Her eyes are glued on the two couples.

  “Let’s go,” I coax, pulling at her hand.

  “Sure,” she says in a low voice, absentminded.

  “Now, Miranda,” I growl. She’s still not budging. For a fraction of a second, I think I’m going to have to carry her out to my SUV, but she snaps out of it and follows me.

  When we finally reach the living room heading towards the front door, we bump into Julian and a bunch of people who are taking the party elsewhere. We don’t exchange a word, instead we have a staredown right in the middle of the vestibule. Clearly neither of us likes each other. He’s the one to walk away first. He may not look too bright, but I’m pretty sure he’s figured out I’m the reason why Miranda isn’t going with them. I really don’t care. Had he said something disparaging, nothing would’ve given me more pleasure than to rearrange his face with my fist.

  The drive back to Miranda’s is very animated. She spends most of the ride talking about what we just walked in on. She has a hundred questions and I answer all of them, amused. It’s not my first time watching people fucking live, but that’s not the case for her.

  After swinging by her place to allow her to grab an overnight bag so that she has more comfortable clothes for tomorrow, we drive in silence for the few minutes that separates her house from mine. I suspect we’re both pondering on how huge a step we’re about to take. Although this is the first time we’ll have sex, what we’ve shared so far has been blazing hot. This is taking this to the next logical level. Tonight we get to lose ourselves entirely in each other without the concern of being caught.

  It’s only when I turn the corner and approach the mansion I’m renting that Miranda breaks the silence. “Wow. The houses over here seem to be even more grandiose than the one in my neighborhood.”

  “At the price of real estate around here, I suspect they’re pretty much all multi-million-dollar homes. It could be the novelty of driving in a new neighborhood.” I turn to my right and wink at her. She rewards me with a shy smile. I think she’s as aware as I am that we’re making small talk. As I near the driveway, a few houses still have their lights on, but most residents in the neighborhood are peacefully sleeping. I doubt many of them will stay up until dawn like we will. “We’re here,” I announce cheerfully as I park my SUV and cut off the ignition.



  She opened her mouth to talk, but she hesitates.

  “What is it?”

  “I’m a bit nervous.” She lowers her eyes.

  I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn my body to fully face her. “Don’t be, sweetie.” I bring my hand up and brush my thumb against her trembling lower lip. “You still want this?”

  “I absolutely do,” she says.

  “We’ll take it slow. We don’t have to rush and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We have amazing chemistry together, I can’t see it being any other way tonight. The only difference being that I’ll be able to take my sweet time with you and I’ll be able to fuck you over and over again.”

  She giggles. “I guess I shouldn’t plan on walking tomorrow, then?”

  “Nah. I’ll be at it all day Sunday as well. You don’t have to be at work until Monday morning.” I grin before leaning in and kissing the tip of her nose. “Come on, let’s go inside.”

  “Okay.” She exhales.

  I get out of the vehicle and make my way to her side. I swing open the door and reach out so she can grab my hand. She jumps out and I open the trunk and fetch her overnight bag. Once I close the door behind me, I circle her shoulders with my arm and pull her closer to me as we make our way towards the front door.

  “If you want, we can even start with a drink or better yet, there’s a very large and fairly deep whirlpool in the bathroom in the hallway. We can start there if you’d like.” As much as I’m in a hurry to claim her pussy, I also want to put her at ease and make this as enjoyable as possible for her.

  “What about a drink while we’re in the whirlpool?”

  There she goes surprising me again. “That’s my girl.”

  “I keep telling you that you’ve corrupted me, but you don’t seem to believe me.”

  I laugh. “I like you a little per—” I stop talking when all of a sudden someone jumps out from behind one of the large bushes, startling me. “What the hell?” I shout. Instinctively I push Miranda behind me, still unsure what’s going on.

  “Welcome home.”

  It doesn’t take me long to recognize the woman standing in front of me. “Brianna?” That’s simply not possible. I’m so stunned by her unexpected presence that it takes me a few seconds to realize that other than the bright yellow hooker boots she’s wearing that reach all the way up to the middle of her thighs, she’s butt naked. I mean she’s not even wearing underwear. “What happened to your clothing and how the hell did you get here?”

  “I just brought a shirt with me,” she says, pointing to a piece of discarded fabric on the ground near the bushes, matching the color of her thigh-high boots. “I left the rest of my stuff inside my car, which I parked on the street over there.” She points over my shoulder. I was so into Miranda, I didn’t notice. “I wanted to make sure I have your full attention,” she adds, grabbing her tits and squeezing them as if we’re alone in her bedroom. “Is that how you greet me after not seeing me for so long?”

  I knew it was a bad idea to bring her here the first week after I arrived. I should’ve kept it to fucking at her apartment or at a hotel downtown, like we usually do. I was so horny and she was whining so much about visiting this place, I caved in. I knew I wasn’t here for a long time, I figured it was no big deal. Now I regret it because it’s come back to bite me in the ass.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I was very clear when I let you know I wasn’t available tonight,” I snap.

  “You’ve been giving me the runaround for two weeks now. I’m tired of it. Since you weren’t returning my texts and voicemails, I figured I’d pay you a little visit.”

  Shit. Maybe I shouldn’t have ignore
d her messages. The truth is I was betting on her insatiable appetite for sex to take care of things. Her need for cock would drive her into the arms of one of her other lovers and she’d forget all about me. I certainly wasn’t counting on the stunt she’s pulling now.

  I look Brianna up and down, disgusted. “For the love of God, put some fucking clothes on. You’re indecent,” I spit out. My patience is wearing thin.

  “You don’t usually find me vulgar when I’m naked and you’re about to fuck me.”

  I’ve had enough. “Brianna, you need to leave,” I growl. I want to grab her by the arm and drag her back to her car, but I fear if I touch her she’ll use this opportunity to rub herself against me.

  “No. You owe me an explanation and a fuck,” she says in an angry voice.

  “I don’t owe you squat. It’s your decision to show up on this property with your tits hanging out and your pussy exposed in the middle of the night when I’ve been crystal clear with you. Did you really think it would do the trick?” She’s infuriating. “You need to go now. I’m not alone, Brianna.” And almost right on cue, Miranda steps from behind me and stands to my left. I look down at her apologetically, but her eyes are glued on Brianna. I can’t blame her. This is shocking. Although she’s not looking at me, I know Miranda can still hear me, so I decide to plead with her. “I’m really sorry about this. Give me a few minutes to sort it out. Maybe you should go back in the SUV and wait for me there.” I really don’t know what else to tell her at this point.

  After a few seconds, Miranda finally looks up at me and nods. She’s completely stone-faced.

  “Fridays are my nights with you and I’m here to claim you back.” Brianna’s complaining pulls my eyes away from Miranda. When I catch another glimpse of her nakedness, I shake my head. Un-fucking-believable. She looks utterly ridiculous and desperate. This thirty-two-year-old woman is standing in front of me with her hands glued to her waist, pouting like a two-year-old. Heck, Riley’s four-year-old daughter doesn’t have these types of tantrums.


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