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Love in Montana

Page 13

by Lexi Buchanan

  “You asshole!” Talya shouted, flying out of her bedroom. “Get out of our fucking apartment, and don’t ever come back.”

  Yuri wrapped an arm around Talya’s waist and hauled her back against him as she flailed toward Eric. He deserved those words after what had come out of his mouth to Sylvia. They were uncalled for, but they couldn’t be unsaid no matter how much he wished they could be.

  He was angry that she’d gone back to Poles. She’d promised she would stay away and breaking a promise was the same as lying to him. But to accuse her of wanting the fucker, he’d been out of line and it was certainly nothing that he truly believed.

  He backed up and dropped his butt into a chair because he had no intention of leaving until he’d talked to Sylvia. Apologized. First, though, he needed to let what he’d done sink in. Sylvia was the last person he wanted to hurt, and he’d hurt her badly with his angry words.

  He glanced up, and Talya continued to glare at him, although she’d calmed down after her outburst. He probably had Yuri to thank for that.

  “I didn’t mean what I said,” he admitted. “I was angry that she broke a promise to me. She means the damn world to me and I wasn’t there.”

  “I understand,” Yuri said quietly, but his eyes searched out Talya.

  She turned her head to look at him, Talya’s eyes spitting fire. There must have been something in Yuri’s because she calmed and moved out of his embrace.

  “I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  “Nyet.” Yuri gripped Talya’s wrist. “Let Eric make sure that she is okay.”

  “He’s not going anywhere near her right now.”

  “Da, he is. He is sorry, and she needs him more than she needs you right now, as much as you hate to hear that.” Yuri for a big tough Russian, surprised the fuck out of him.

  While he had Talya distracted, Eric made his way to Sylvia’s room and didn’t bother to knock before he just pushed his way inside.

  He felt like a teenager sneaking into his girlfriend’s home to get his rocks off. As he closed the door, he waited a minute for his eyes to adjust to the darkness before he found Sylvia curled up in the middle of her bed.

  The crying seemed to have stopped, and her breathing was shallow, which told him she’d fallen asleep. His heart ached at the knowledge that she’d cried herself to sleep…and all because of him.

  He couldn’t leave her, so he slipped his boots off and moved closer to join her on the bed.

  She woke up slightly and tried to push him away as he pulled her into his arms, but his strength won out as he nestled her against his chest. “I’m sorry. So sorry. I didn’t mean what I said.” He kissed her brow. “I wish I could take it back, but I can’t. My only excuse is that I was pissed with myself for not being there with you when you found that note…and you didn’t call me yourself. That hurt me.” He caressed down her back and felt her relax into him slowly. He could tell that she was fully awake now, albeit silent. “Please forgive me, Sylvia. You mean everything to me. Please tell me I haven’t lost you.” He waited with baited breath for her to answer him.

  “You hurt me, Eric, more than that note scared me. I’m sorry I didn’t call you, but I was afraid you would hate me for going to Yuri’s. Then you were there and all I wanted was your arms around me, but instead you stayed away from me and yelled. I probably deserved it, but you could have waited to yell.” She snuggled deeper into him, her warm breath against his neck. Her arm curved around his waist and kept him close.

  A profound sense of relief washed through him at the same moment that she moved sensually against him. She insinuated her leg between his as her other lifted and curved over his hip. She always had him on a hair’s trigger and after their first fall out was no different.

  His erection strained toward her and throbbed like a bastard; he wanted to be buried deeply inside her tight heat. It wasn’t helping having her pressed up close and personal as she rubbed against him.

  Although his body screamed out for release, he’d be content just to hold her close all night while she slept. Their relationship might have started with lust but it had grown beyond and he wanted to prove that to her.

  “Make love to me.” She sounded sleepy.

  Eric groaned. “I was just thinking how much I’d love to just hold you all night while you slept. You don’t make it easy.”

  “I’m not going to be able to get back to sleep unless you make love to me. Slow. Deep. Love.” She moved out of his arms and made quick work of her clothes. The moonlight seeped through the slats of the blinds covering her windows. He caught sight of the tracks of her dried tears on her beautiful face. Who was he to disagree if she needed him to help her relax and forget? He wasn’t strong enough to fight her especially as she lay naked beside him.

  It took him less than a minute to get his clothes off and, if he wasn’t careful, he’d be coming in less than another. Her hand wrapped around him, her thumb rubbed the wet crown, and all he saw was stars as he strained to get closer. Her leg curved over his hip again so he was positioned above her. He growled when his balls rested against her pussy.

  She writhed against him, coating him in her arousal as both her legs wrapped around his hips. She reached between them and took hold of his dick to guide him inside.

  As the tip entered her, he gasped and felt his control slipping. The deeper he sunk, the more his balls pulled up. His cock lengthened and thickened as he held himself in her tight sheath. He could stay inside her like that forever and never want to leave.

  Slow, she asked for and, although it’d kill him, he would give it to her.

  “Slide your legs down so that your feet are between my legs.”

  This would be complete torture, but in this position, he couldn’t go as deep and, hopefully, he’d have more control over his release.

  “Mmm, you feel so good,” Sylvia whispered, stretching with her arms above her head, her back arched.

  Eric thought his cock was about to snap with the pressure around him as her sheath tightened like a strong fist, milking the trickle of precum that tingled through him.

  Reaching up, he entwined their fingers together and pushed them down into the bed above her head. Their gazes met and held while he slowly dipped his head and captured her lips with his in a heated kiss. He told her with his mouth—and when he started to move, his body—what she meant to him. This was the apology that he wanted to give her for his harsh words, but he still added, “I’m sorry,” before he made the sweetest love to her with long, slow strokes.

  It wasn’t long before Sylvia gasped and moaned into his mouth while she writhed on his cock in pure pleasure. Her pulsing walls gripped him, and he lost all control and came. He came so hard and long that he didn’t think it would stop. He wasn’t even sure he wanted it to stop. Even as Sylvia came again and flooded his dick, he released one last ejaculation.

  Wiped out.

  That was his first thought while his cock pulsed in tune to the small ripples that fluttered along Sylvia’s vaginal wall. Her smile as she met his gaze from beneath him lit her whole face.

  He loved her.

  He waited for the fear to materialize but it didn’t.

  He loved her.

  Why wasn’t he running?

  Because, he loved her!

  He returned her smile, withdrew, and moved to spoon behind her.

  When he felt her settle, and her breathing evened out, he whispered, “I love you, Sylvia,” and bent to kiss her shoulder, which peeped out between all her blonde hair.

  All he needed was the courage to admit his feelings to her when she was awake.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Walking out of her bedroom in a comfortable black T-shirt and geometric patterned leggings paired with black UGGS, Eric and Talya stopped what they were doing as they stared.

  Talya smirked, having seen Sylvia in those leggings before, and Eric had a neutral expression, although she did notice his lips twitch.

  “They’re comfortab
le,” she pouted, and then grinned, her eyes on Eric. He sat at the table with a mug of coffee in his hand, and watched her.

  Eric held his hand out to her, which she took and allowed him to pull her down onto his lap. She’d heard his words of love last night as she’d drifted off to sleep, and knew that he thought she was already out of it. Her hope was that, one day soon, he’d say them when he knew good and well that she was awake and could hear him.

  “I take it you two made up last night,” Talya asked, even though the answer was in front of her.

  Sylvia nodded, and grinned. “What happened with Yuri?”

  No sooner had the words left her mouth than she regretted them. Her friend’s face fell—paled even. Talya and Yuri had seemed close last night, which is why she’d asked. She hoped they’d overcome the problems that had kept them apart, but she didn’t think that had happened now.

  “Nothing happened. He left after Eric disappeared inside your room.” Talya turned and messed with the toaster oven while Sylvia shared a glance with Eric.

  He shook his head and changed the subject. “Are you going in to work today?” He played with the hair that had escaped from Sylvia’s band as he gazed into her eyes.

  “Yeah. I don’t want to dwell on the notes, which I’d do if I stayed here all day. I’m not sick or as shocked as I was last night, so I think I’m good to go. I still have time so I’ll have some toast before I get ready to leave.”

  “I don’t want to leave you, but I need to go back to my place and change.” Eric tightened his hold on her waist. “If I leave now, I should get back here early enough to get us both to work on time. Just.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her forehead against his. “I’d like that. A lot.”

  The words he had spoken to her last night had hurt, a lot, but deep down she knew he said them in anger and frustration at the whole situation, and not at her. She’d known he would be angry that she went back to Poles, but she accepted his genuine apology last night.

  “I need to leave,” Eric whispered against her lips.

  “Then why are you still here?” She grinned and wiggled on his lap. Eric’s eyes darkened with lust at her bold move against his erection, which was squished under her ass.

  “You keep doing that and we’re going to be late for work,” he growled in response and stood, breaking their connection.

  “Sebastian’s used to me being late,” she admitted, and threw a hot look over her shoulder as she made her way back to her room.

  * * * * *

  No sooner had she dressed for work than it sounded like someone tried to break the apartment door down. Whoever it was certainly needed to get inside quickly.

  “Sylvia, open this door.”


  “Sylvia.” He banged again.

  With only one shoe on, Sylvia ran to the door and as soon as it opened, Ramon yanked her into his arms. “What the hell is going on? And why did I have to find out from Sebastian?”

  He’d taken her completely by surprise. How the hell had Sebastian known about the note last night?

  “Sylvia, I’ve been going insane with worry. I couldn’t get here fast enough.”

  “Yeah, he nearly killed us…twice,” Noah, Ramon’s partner added as he stepped into the apartment behind Ramon. She’d been so surprised by Ramon’s reaction that she hadn’t even noticed him at first. “Let her go.” Noah shoved Ramon out of the way and hugged her. “We’re both worried about you.”

  She took a deep breath and stepped back. “I’m okay. There isn’t really anything to tell. I’ve been getting notes of sorts and the one last night scared me badly.” Indicating with her hand for them to sit, she sat opposite. “How did Sebastian know?” She frowned.

  “He called Eric about something, which brings me to the question, Eric?”

  A delightful blush crept along her cheekbones, and Ramon chuckled. “Hmm, like that is it?”

  “It was inevitable, I guess.”

  “You’re in love with him,” Ramon pointed out. “I’m happy for you, Sylvia. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, so I don’t have any reason to tell you to keep your distance from him. He’s a good guy.”

  “If you did, what makes you think I’d listen?” she countered.

  Ramon rolled his eyes while Noah chuckled. “You always listen to me, babe.” He became serious. “How are you really? And what is being done to find the fucker?”

  Sylvia sighed and wanted it all over and done with.

  “Yuri is checking out the hidden surveillance he had installed,” Talya informed them as she walked into the living room. Her friend looked tired, but she was dressed in her power suit, which told Sylvia that her friend was going into Poles to work in the office.

  “Hidden?” Sylvia queried, hoping like hell their privacy hadn’t been invaded because she didn’t know how she’d feel about that. Eric would go crazy as well.

  “In the dressing room there are hidden cameras zoomed in and focused on the two doors so, unless you stood in front of one naked, then no one will get a show. But hopefully someone will be captured on the video who shouldn’t be in that room.”

  “You knew they were there?” Sylvia was unsure how she felt about her friend knowing without saying anything to her.

  “I do, but with you not being around and not having plans to go back to Poles, I forgot all about them until Yuri reminded me last night when he left.” She winced. “I’m sorry I should have told you, but I really had forgotten all about them.”

  “It’s okay. It’s good that Yuri did that.”

  “About Yuri,” Ramon’s voice darkened, “is there anything you want to tell me?”

  “Not really.” Sylvia’s heart dropped to her toes at the thought that everyone was now going to know what she’d been doing at Poles.

  “I think Eric is back,” Talya added with a glance to Sylvia. “I’ll let him in.”

  It was Eric and he looked as handsome as ever in his navy blue suit, pale green shirt and dark green tie. He smelled good, which she noticed when he sat beside her, his hand entwining with hers. “We have five minutes then we have to leave.”

  “I’m ready.”

  Eric nodded before he faced Ramon and Noah. “I take it Sebastian told you?”

  “You should have called me, Eric. Not my brother.” Ramon sounded angry. “I hated hearing that Sylvia was in danger.”

  “You would have hated hearing it, regardless of who told you,” Eric added.

  “Look, can we not get all heated about it. Hopefully Yuri will have some idea about who is responsible from the video footage,” Sylvia added, just wanting everyone to stop going on about the later note.

  “He better,” Ramon added, disgruntled.

  Eric squeezed her hand.

  “We need to leave.” Sylvia moved and grabbed her purse from the stool at the breakfast bar, and turned, “You ready?”

  Eric quickly got to his feet with an odd look on his face.

  Ramon and Noah stood as well, and looked uncomfortable.

  “I’m outta hear,” Talya announced and disappeared out the door.

  “You’re going to work?” Ramon asked, and turned to Eric, “And you’re letting her?”

  “Hey, the lady has a mind of her own, and I’d rather have her where I can get to her quickly. Not here alone.” Eric supported her decision. He had his own reasons, but he supported her decision to head in to work. It would help keep her mind occupied.

  “I promise to call and let you both know what’s going on, although I’m heading to Montana with Eric for Thanksgiving.” Sylvia smiled. She was looking forward to meeting Eric’s family, and being out of the city, especially now. She was a bit soured on Lexington with the notes, and now she felt she would be constantly looking over her shoulder.

  “We’ll see you when you get back.” Ramon kissed her cheek, and Noah followed. “Take care of her.”

  “I will.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

sp; After nearly a month of living together like a married couple, they had finally arrived in Montana. It was as beautiful as Eric had told her it would be, in fact, his description hadn’t done it justice. There were snowcapped mountains and hills for as far as she could see. Eric promised to bring her back in the spring so she could see how green the land was.

  On arrival, she’d briefly met his family, which had been overwhelming, but she’d been asleep on her feet. Eric had realized that, excused them, and taken her to bed. They only slept, despite her wanting to do more, but when she woke up, she was refreshed and looking forward to the day.

  Although she was afraid of sitting astride a horse, Eric had told her it was the best way to the see the horse farm. She’d let him know her thoughts after the fact.

  Earlier she’d spent five minutes standing at the bedroom window taking in the mountains of Montana, until she’d gotten too cold and jumped back under the covers. It was nice being snuggled in a large bed with the heat of Eric behind her. At first, she was embarrassed to be sharing a room with him in his family home. He’d soon put a stop to her way of thinking. She’d get over it.

  “What are you thinking about?” Eric asked, nuzzling into her neck before he nibbled along her shoulder.

  “You. And not having sex while we’re under this roof.”

  He stilled and forced her onto her back, glaring down at her. “What?”

  “This is your family home. It feels awkward.”

  “It might be my family home, but there is nothing awkward about this.” He pressed his erection against Sylvia’s hip while he straddled her. “You don’t mean that, babe.” He kissed his way over the tops of her breasts, and lapped at a nipple. Her fingers flexed in his hair as she gasped, her leg curved around his hip.

  His chuckle heated her skin. “Knew you’d see it my way.” His head disappeared beneath the quilt as he made his way further south.

  The breasts that she’d always hated because they were too big were squashed together before he went to town with his mouth. Her pussy clenched with need from what he did to her sensitive flesh. Her other leg lifted and she locked her ankles behind his ass, using it for leverage as she ground against his nuts.


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