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Love in Montana

Page 14

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I think it’s time for us to get dressed and find some breakfast as you’ve said no sex,” he suggested.

  “Hell no. A woman’s allowed to change her mind.”

  He smirked and nipped between her breasts with his teeth. “I have this fantasy,” he admitted, moving closer and closer to her eager pussy, “of fucking these babies.” He squeezed her boobs together with his large hands and rubbed the tips with this thumb.

  “Oh God!” she gasped as she tried to close her legs to the need growing between them. “After. I need to come.”

  Her eyes closed as he settled between her legs and pulled them over his shoulder. The first swipe of his tongue sent her heart rate out the window.

  “You taste so fucking good.” He continued to lap all her arousal up with his tongue, but then he penetrated. His finger pushed as deep as it could go while he sucked the hard nub of her clit between his lips.

  Sylvia moaned and thrashed under him. “So close.”

  “Just let go baby, I can’t hold on for much longer.” His head dipped back to her pussy as he upped the heat level. His tongue curved inwards and he fucked her sex while playing with her clit. She was soaked, and couldn’t stop the tidal wave of climax that hit.

  She reached behind her to hold on to the steel headboard as she lost control of her hips and pushed her pussy against his face, not wanting him to stop. “So good,” she moaned, and panted.

  Her pussy tried to clench around his tongue but it was too slippery, she didn’t have any problem once he inserted a digit. She clung and rippled along his finger, not wanting it to end, but, of course, all good things come to an end.

  Eric eased her down slowly before he climbed up and straddled her chest. His cock was hugely swollen, the crown bright red and bulged with his obvious need. As he settled between her breasts, she licked the arousal, which dripped from the slit.

  He pressed her breasts together to surround his dick. “You okay with this?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “God.” Her head dropped to the bed. “Only if I get the head in my mouth. I want to suck you.”

  “Holy fuck!”

  He adjusted his position slightly, and shoved a pillow behind her head to raise her head more. Their gazes met as he slipped the crown between her lips, they held while he started a slow pace of fucking her mouth and breasts.

  Their skin glistened with sweat as he kept the pace slow; his breathing picked up as he grew closer to release. She wanted to help him along, and reached behind him to caress his ass. She dragged her nails up between his thighs from behind, and felt his legs as they quivered. He was so close. She tickled between and just managed to reach his balls, and that’s all it took.

  He roared through his release as she sucked it out of him. Before he finished coming, he withdrew and wrapped his fist around his dick. He pumped his fist and cum coated her breasts. With a finger, he reached out and rubbed it in around her hardened nipples, and groaned. His release had been long and hard, which left her aching for more.

  “Christ. I wish you could see how I see you. Being covered in my jizz is so fucking hot.” He nudged between her thighs and knelt between before he settled on top of her and took her mouth in a slow long kiss. Everything he felt for her was in the that kiss, at least, she thought it was. It was so tender although it had soon started to become heated with a prelude to more hotness with her man.

  But Eric pulled away. “We need to shower and dress before I keep you under me all day.”

  “As much as I like that idea, I’d love to see some of the outdoors.”

  “That can be arranged.” He smiled.

  Knocking the quilt from the bed, he collected her in his arms and carried her to the en suite for more naughtiness.

  * * * * *

  Finally showered and dressed, Eric led her downstairs. At the bottom of the staircase was a huge picture of a horse. She stopped and looked at Eric.

  He nodded his head in silent acknowledgment.

  The picture on the wall was Devil, Eric’s horse.

  She knew nothing about horses, but he sure looked handsome with his jet-black coat.

  Eric smiled and wrapped an arm over her shoulders, but then his stomach loudly grumbled. Sylvia laughed and hugged him close before she stepped back.

  She was nervous about meeting everyone again. Last night she’d been too tired to be bothered about what they thought, but this morning was different.

  Regardless of how long they fooled around in the privacy of Eric’s room, the time was still early for people on vacation. Only nine. She was badly in need of some strong coffee and her stomach rumbled since she missed dinner.

  Hearing a loud whistle behind them, they turned and found a handsome young man leaning against the doorframe. She vaguely remembered seeing him last night, and if she remembered correctly, Emelia had been curled on his lap as they watched TV.

  “Diego, stop being a dick.” Eric turned to her. “Do you remember Diego from last night? He’s Emelia’s fraternal twin.”

  “I do.” Sylvia smiled at him. “You were watching TV with Emelia when we arrived.”

  He nodded and moved closer. “You’re Eric’s woman, huh? My brother is one lucky bastard.”

  “I sure as hell am. Is everyone in the kitchen?”

  Diego shook his head at Eric’s question. “No. Mom, Dad and, I think, Aiden are in the kitchen. Dante’s around somewhere, but the others have gone into town.”

  “Okay.” Eric turned to Sylvia. “You’ll get to meet the others at some point, maybe dinner. C’mon, I’m hungry.”

  “Who are the others? I can’t remember,” Sylvia asked, looking at Eric as they made their way toward the back of the house.

  “Kasey, Emelia, Mateo,” Diego answered, “and Caprice, Mateo’s fiancée.”

  “Caprice is here? I didn’t see her last night,” Eric commented.

  “She was getting her beauty sleep,” Diego sneered, distaste souring his full lips. “Mateo was planning on working out around here until Caprice announced that she wanted to go into town. Think he feared the others would ditch her. He was torn.” He grinned.

  Eric shook his head. “I hope he comes to his senses before too long.”

  Pushing through a large wooden door, they entered a huge kitchen that would have been heaven to Sylvia if she loved to cook. She hated cooking. But the one before her was enough to make her reconsider. Lots of stainless steel and dark wood.

  Eric’s family had stopped talking when they entered. Aiden, Dante and their father grinned while Lucia made her way over to them.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Eric sat with a mug of coffee in his hand and only half listened to his father grumble to him and his brothers about a new vet in town. His father hated change and was a man of routine, so he knew the new vet wouldn’t go down too well. He also knew his brothers well, and the mention of the new vet being young and beautiful had perked them up, although Dante seemed as distracted as he was.

  Eric’s distraction though, stemmed from watching Sylvia and Lucia with their heads together over some fabric that Lucia had retrieved. Lucia loved to cook and make things. You name it and she could make it with a sewing machine or a stovetop. She’d made all the soft furnishings throughout the house. Sylvia had commented on the drapes covering the bay window—the place they sat for breakfast—and now she was going through fabric with Eric’s stepmother.

  They were obviously having an animated conversation and were both enjoying themselves if the shining smiles said anything. Lucia was in her element with Sylvia.

  Even though having her with him caused a major distraction on his part, he was happy. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d considered himself happy. Really happy.

  “Why the hell are you grinning like that?” Aiden grumbled. “Whatever it is, I could do with some of it.”

  Diego chuckled. “He’s getting as much pussy as he wants, why wouldn’t he be smiling?”

  “Diego! Watch your mout

  “Sorry, Dad.”

  No way in hell was Diego sorry, but it soothed Dad’s ruffled feathers.

  “So, you never answered?” Diego wouldn’t let it go, and his grin proved how much he enjoyed needling his older brother.

  “When you find a good woman, see how often you find yourself grinning.”

  Diego frowned.

  His brother had a revolving door of women, he really would run a mile if he thought he was about to be caught. The thing was, that if that ever happened¸ she’d have to be one hell of a woman, like his Sylvia was.

  “I have a lot of years left before I decide to find the one, and until then, I’m planning to continue to sample what’s offered.”

  Dad wasn’t impressed with Diego’s casual take on women if the disgust on his face was anything to go by.

  “Women should be treated with respect, not with disregard,” Dad commented. “I know I taught you better than how you’ve been behaving. One of these days, I hope you find one who gives you the run around, and treats you the same as you’ve been treating women for years.”

  Realizing the conversation was about to get out of hand, Eric asked, “What is everyone up to today? I thought I’d saddle a couple of horses and take Sylvia out for a short ride.”

  “Okay, son.” Dad nodded his head. “Your woman is good and seems to have the approval of Lucia. She’ll like having another woman around. She complains that there’s too much testosterone in the house when everyone is home.”

  They laughed.

  “Emelia is enough to level it out with her hot head,” Aiden commented about their sister.

  “Don’t be an idiot. There’s still only two of them against the seven of us,” Dante added, a frown marred his brow.

  “And Caprice,” Diego grinned. “She’d be hot if she didn’t open her mouth.”

  “Diego,” their father warned, again. “She’s your brother’s girl and until he says otherwise you all need to treat her with the same respect that you’ve been doing with Sylvia.” Father sighed. “And we can hope Mateo sees sense before too long.”

  Diego laughed and stood. “I’m outta here. I’ll be back in time for dinner.”

  On his way out, Diego kissed and hugged both Lucia and Sylvia. The smile on Sylvia’s face was priceless. His brother had just treated her like a member of the family, and it had made her happy. She turned and held Eric’s gaze before blowing him a kiss and turning back to Lucia.

  “You have a good woman there,” Dad observed.

  “Yes I do.”

  “Make sure you don’t screw it up.”

  Aiden and Dante chuckled at their father’s words while Eric smiled. “I have no intention of screwing it up,” he winced, remembering the other night, “but if I do, I have no problem saying sorry and begging if I have to.” He went silent as he drank her in before he added, “I can’t lose her.”

  Their dad’s cell started to ring so he left while he answered it.

  His dad had been worried about Aiden, but Eric thought that perhaps he’d been worrying about the wrong brother. Aiden had always had his head screwed on right, but Dante. Well he was a whole new problem. Part of Eric wished he didn’t know what he did about how torn Dante was and the reason behind it.

  There were real feelings between Dante and Emelia, and as much as it made his stomach hurt, he couldn’t disregard them. He actually wished that he could forget he ever so much as thought that way about them. It was ten times worse when it was confirmed.

  He needed to help Dante keep Emelia away from him. Instead of encouraging her to stay with Dante, he needed to suggest one of the others and make it convincing. Emelia was no pushover, so it wasn’t going to be easy, but he guessed he could run interference. He just hoped she wouldn’t hate him afterwards. Apart from Diego, Eric had always been her favorite.

  “Hey,” Sylvia slipped her fingers over the nape of his neck.

  He looked up and smiled. “Hey.” Her hand on him caused an ache he’d rather not have in front of his brothers or, heaven forbid, Lucia. He didn’t remove her hand though.

  She sat next to him and took a sip of her steaming mug of coffee while she let her hand drop and entwine with his.

  He caught sight of Lucia as she headed out toward his father.

  He’d never been so content until he’d met Sylvia.

  “I’m Aiden,” his brother said and offered his hand when she sat down. Sylvia took the offered hand with a smile and shook it. “You were half asleep last night, so I wasn’t sure if you’d remember.”

  She smiled. “I’m sorry. With the flight being delayed, it was so late when we finally arrived that I could hardly keep my eyes open.”

  “You made it, which is the good thing,” Dante added.

  “It is, and I’m so glad we did. It’s beautiful here. So peaceful.”

  Aiden snickered. “It’s only peaceful because not everyone is here.”

  “Don’t spoil it for her,” Eric chuckled. “It’s not that bad. It’s family.”

  “Nothing can spoil my time here, and I can’t wait to see you all together. But first, I hope I’m going to get to play in the snow.”

  “I thought we’d try some horse riding,” Eric suggested, and hoped she wouldn’t panic too much. “There are a couple of horses that are so damn gentle, you’ll forget that you’re sitting astride one.”

  He watched as she gulped, her smile slipping. “I’m not sure…”

  “I won’t let anything happen to you. Trust me, Sylvia.”

  “I do trust you. It’s the horse I’m not too sure about.”

  “You’ll be fine. Snow White will look after you,” Aiden promised.

  Sylvia smiled. “Snow White? I like that name.” She sighed. “Okay, I can do this, right?”

  “You can do anything, babe.”

  “Enjoy,” Dante added as he got to his feet and left the room.

  Eric frowned and looked at Aiden who wore a similar expression of worry. Their brother still looked troubled, but Eric was glad that Dante had asked someone to stand in for him with the Thanksgiving service so that he could join the family.

  “I thought I had a lot on my mind,” Aiden mumbled before his attention went back to Sylvia. “Enjoy yourself out there. Snow White will make you a horse lover.”

  “Thanks, Aiden.” Sylvia smiled, and looked excited as her gaze met Eric’s. “I’m ready.”

  Eric chuckled with how eager she now looked.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Snow White had been so fragile with her that she’d fallen in love with the gypsy vanner. They hadn’t stayed outside too long because the temperature rapidly dropped with the weather turning fierce.

  Eric had brought her into the sunroom with two mugs of hot chocolate, and a blanket. He’d used the blanket to wrap them up as they snuggled together and watched the weather. She’d never seen a winter storm as fierce.

  The wind howled as the large snow flurries swirled down to the ground in an angry storm. She worried about Emelia and the others being out in the weather and hoped they’d taken shelter.

  She felt safe in Eric’s arms…and loved. He treated her like his princess, and although she’d never been a sappy fool, she loved it, and him.

  “What’s your family farm like?” he asked, breaking into her thoughts.

  She smiled against him, wanting him to know all about them. “My parents’ dairy farm is a couple of hours drive from Lexington. They love the land and everything they’ve done to it over the years. My brother, Kane, helps out when he can, but he’s busy with his own work. His wife, Kelly, does the paperwork for the business, but she gets frustrated not being hands on.” Sylvia raised her head up from his chest and held his gaze. Her smile infectious as his lips twitched.

  “Until Sam, their young daughter is in school, she isn’t going to get much chance of that. They deal with it, and they’re happy. Being a dairy farmer just wasn’t in the cards for me. I feel guilty about that, but they’ve never mad
e me doubt my decision to leave home and follow a different path. I love my job working for Sebastian and Michael, and most days, it’s also entertaining with how they banter off the other. They’ve been good to me and always been there if I’ve needed them.”

  “Will you take me to meet them?” He clarified, “Your family?”

  She reached up and kissed him. “I’d love for you to meet them.” She grinned. “Christmas?”

  His hesitation caused her smile to fade. She offered what he’d asked, so why the change in him?

  “Forget it,” she whispered, her feelings hurt with his silence.

  She pulled away, but he stopped her at the last minute. “I’m sorry. Come back here.” He pulled her back onto his chest, his hands cupped her face. “I promised Lucia that I’d be here for Christmas this year as I haven’t been around for Christmas for more years than I can remember. I’m usually overseas.” He frowned. “We could do Christmas here and the New Year at your parents’.”

  She sadly shook her head. “New Year we’re both going to be with the McKenzies for Ramon and Noah’s wedding.”

  “Shit. I forgot about that.”

  The silence stretched between them.

  “Let’s forget about it for now,” she suggested. Her heart cracked a little bit. There wasn’t a solution as she’d promised to be home for Christmas as well. They’d both made a promise that neither would be willing to break. She didn’t blame Eric, it just saddened her to realize they’d be apart for a week over the Christmas holidays.

  “Everything will work out,” Eric offered, more optimistic than Sylvia felt and pulled her tight against him.

  Her hands splayed on his chest and she wished that there was no shirt between her flesh and his. He had a beautiful chest with hair that lead down to his cock and balls. She loved fondling him, and the quickness with which he hardened was a huge turn on. Those thoughts really needed to stay buried while they were in the sunroom. They didn’t stop her from squirming around on his lap, though.


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