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Four Chances #1

Page 3

by Lucy Tucker

  “No, thank you, sir. That’s very generous.”

  As she turned to leave, Chance cleared his throat. “There is one thing …”

  “Yes, sir?” Miriam eyed him warily, and he realised delivering room service to single men in the middle of the night probably came with its fair share of awkward moments.

  “There was a girl on duty this morning. Anna, I think?”

  The woman was instantly suspicious. “That’s right, sir.”

  “Is she on duty?”

  Miriam looked him up and down, evaluating him. “What do you want with Anna?”

  Chance smoothed her over. “There’s nothing to it, honestly. She was upset when she delivered my breakfast, and I haven’t seen her all day. I’m just concerned, that’s all.”

  “She didn’t bother you, did she?”

  “Definitely not.”

  The maid sniffed. “Some of these younger girls, they see men staying alone and they get silly ideas. All those romantic movies they watch … you understand.”

  “Oh, certainly.”

  “Not that anything comes of it,” said Miriam. “They just get these little fantasies.”

  “So she has been at work this evening?”

  “Yes, sir. Her second shift just finished.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Chance closed the door. Well, that was that. The girl had shrugged everything off, done her job and gone home. Maybe now he could relax and get some sleep.

  Chance sat on the edge of his bed, his thoughts in turmoil. Five minutes had passed since his sandwich had arrived, and it sat untouched on the table. He didn’t care about the food, which wasn’t surprising since it had only been a lame excuse in the first place. No, he was just deciding whether to make an even bigger fool of himself. Another thirty seconds passed, and Chance swore under his breath as he made his mind up. Bigger fool it was, then.

  Chance stripped off his dressing gown and donned his clothes, dressing quickly in the near-dark. He grabbed his wallet and the hotel key, and seconds later he was hurrying along the corridor to the lift. He nodded to the concierge on his way through the lobby, and declined the doorman’s offer of a cab.

  “I can’t sleep,” he said, by way of excuse. “I thought I’d take a quick walk.”

  The doorman smiled and touched his cap, as though he were used to guests strolling around the city at two am.

  Once outside, Chance realised how daft his little excursion was. The streets were deserted, and the main road was empty in both directions. A cab drove past with its light on, and he saw the driver looking at him through the darkened glass, hoping for a fare.

  Chance ignored him and set off down the road. There was a cafe in the distance, the lights out and the windows dark. There was a bus shelter opposite, and as he got closer he realised there was someone sitting on the bench. It was a girl in a thin coat, huddled in the corner, and with a start he realised it was Anna. Her head was resting on the shelter wall, and her eyes were closed.

  Chance sat down, and Anna opened her eyes. She stared at him for a second or two, then frowned. “What are you doing?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” said Chance lamely. “You don’t mind me sitting here, do you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Are you all right? After this morning, I mean.”

  A shadow passed over her face. “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t know what I was saying.”

  “It’s fine, honestly. You were upset.” Chance realised Anna was shivering, and he wished he could move closer, put his arm around her. Unfortunately, the gulf between them was like a castle moat, with Anna huddled in the corner of the shelter, her arms folded defensively across her chest.

  There was an awkward silence, and Chance could almost hear her teeth chattering. Then he slipped off his jacket, holding it out to her like a bullfighter’s cape. “Here. Sounds like you can use this.”

  “But you’ll freeze!”

  “I like the cold.”

  Anna moved along the bench towards him, and he wrapped the jacket tightly around her. She put her arms around him, her hands cold through his shirt, and leaned her cheek awkwardly against his chest. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I don’t mind at all.” Chance could feel her through the jacket, quivering with cold, and he held her tight as he tried to share all his warmth. He could feel her thigh pressed against his leg, and he felt a warm glow rising inside him.

  They sat in silence for several minutes, with Chance wondering how often she sat here in the shelter, alone and cold. “Do you always catch the bus at this time of the night?”

  “It goes past my apartment. It’s safe enough. My flatmates … they look out for me.”

  Anna held him tighter, and when she turned her face to his, he kissed her gently. He felt her stiffen, and for a second he thought he’d made a terrible mistake. Then she melted against him, and the kiss became intense.

  There was a roar, a flash of light, and Chance pulled back, dazed. “What was that?”

  “That was my ride home.” Anna’s cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright. “The last bus for hours and hours.”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll get you a cab.”

  “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

  “Of course not. I just —”

  They kissed again, and Chance felt her hands moving over his chest. His own was on her waist, and he moved it up until he encountered the swell of her breast, gently cupping her with his palm.

  Anna sighed, her breath shuddering between her lips, and Chance felt a hot surge of desire. He wanted to pick her up, carry her to his room, make slow, passionate love to her. Then he remembered the doorman, and the concierge, and maid Miriam. He couldn’t take Anna back to his room, not here.

  Chance saw a taxi approaching, and he came to a quick decision. “Do you trust me?”

  Anna looked into his face, trying to read him. Then she nodded.

  “Come on, then.” Chance waved the taxi down, and helped Anna inside. The heater was going, and the interior was like a sauna.

  “Where to?” asked the driver.

  “Do you know a decent hotel?”

  The driver looked at him, then at the five star hotel directly opposite.

  “Not that one,” said Chance. “A different one.”

  “You want cheap?”

  “No, I don’t want cheap. I want a good hotel. Better than this one.”

  “There is one near the airport. It’s thirty minutes from here.”

  “Perfect,” said Chance, and the driver gunned the engine.

  “What are you doing?” whispered Anna. “You have a room already!”

  “Soon I’ll have two.”

  Anna giggled, and Chance put his arm around her, drawing her close. Then he remembered something. “What about your flatmates? Won’t they be worried if you’re not back tonight?”

  Anna gave him an arch look. “Who says you can have me all night?”

  “I was thinking we could play chess, or cards, or maybe one of those boardgames that — oof!”

  “That’s for being silly.” Anna took out a cell phone and started typing. “I’m giving them your name in case you’re a serial killer.”

  “Don’t forget my photo.”

  “I would, but my phone doesn’t have a camera. I’ll just have to describe you instead.”

  “Tall, dark and handsome?”

  “No, they’ll get jealous. I’ll tell them short, fat and ugly, with bad breath and a limp.” Anna finished typing and put the phone away. “Why are you doing this?” she asked, her expression suddenly serious. “Do you feel sorry for me?”

  Chance saw the desperate look in her eyes, the need to be wanted and loved. He was tempted to lie, to tell her he’d wanted her from the moment they’d met, but she deserved the truth. “At first, you were just the maid.”

  “Nobody notices the maid, right?”

  “Maybe. But when you were upset this morning, in my room, I would have done anything to mak
e you happy.”

  “Anything? Damn, and I ran out on you.”

  “After holding you like that, I couldn’t get the feel of you out of my mind. It’s been with me all day. I can’t really explain it.”

  “Keep trying. I’m enjoying it.”

  “Earlier this evening, in the bar, this woman invited me up to her room.”

  “Can you rewind to the bit where you were holding me, and you couldn’t get me out of your mind?”

  “I’m still explaining.”

  “Okay.” Anna searched his face. “Did you go to her room?”

  “No. Nor with the next two.”

  “Oh dear. The gift shop will run out of batteries.”

  Chance laughed. “Does that happen a lot?”

  “You have no idea,” said Anna fervently. “And you should see the prices they charge.”

  “I bet they’re shocking.” Chance was rewarded with a laugh. “Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I didn’t want those women.”

  Anna rested her head on his shoulder, her hand on his chest. “So, after turning away all these frustrated ladies, you walked all over town until you found my bus stop?”

  “No, first I called room service. I thought you might deliver it.”

  “I waited the whole shift for your order,” said Anna quietly. “I ran back to the kitchen after each delivery in case I missed it. The others thought I was training for a race.”

  Chance squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “So who did you get?”

  “Mary? No, Miriam.”

  “Ah, the dragon lady. Did she breath fire at you?”

  “She did when I asked where you were. She thought my intentions towards you were improper.”

  “But your intentions towards me are improper.” Anna shifted her hand, casually moving it down his chest until it was resting on his flat stomach. “Isn’t that right?”

  “They are now.” Chance smiled in the darkness, warmed by Anna’s playful banter. She was delightful, relaxed and carefree in his arms, and he silently promised to make her feel very special indeed.

  The room was warm and inviting, with a balcony overlooking extensive woodlands. Lights were angled into the nearby trees, creating a magical display of coloured foliage. Chance left the room lights off, and with the curtains wide open the ceiling was lit with all the hues of the rainbow.

  “It’s beautiful,” said Anna.

  She was holding his hand tightly, and he could feel her nervousness. “Can I get you anything?”

  “I don’t know. A good strong drink, maybe.”

  “You don’t need that.”

  Anna’s confidence, which had come to the fore in the taxi, had now deserted her. “My flatmates … they were talking about their first time, comparing notes. I—I thought a drink might help.”

  “I’ll be as gentle as you want me to be.”

  Anna looked doubtful.

  “You’ll be in control, Anna. Totally in control. You’ll decide when, and how, and whether you want to do anything at all.”

  Slowly, hesitantly, Anna started unbuttoning her uniform. Her fingers were shaking, and before she reached the third button Chance stopped her, taking both her hands in his. “Listen, I know a great way to relax, and it doesn’t come from a bottle. Will you let me show you?”

  Anna looked at him nervously, then nodded.

  “Okay. Come with me.”

  Chance led her to the bathroom, where there was a large tub and a shower cubicle. He dimmed the lights to a gentle glow, then turned to Anna. “Which do you prefer? Bath or shower?”

  “We only have a shower at the apartment.”

  “Bath it is, then. Trust me, there’s nothing more relaxing.” Chance turned the taps on, testing the water until it was just right. Once it was running he emptied a small bottle of bubble bath into the water, covering the entire surface with thick foam. “Wait here. I’ll get you a gown.”

  Back in the main room he opened the wardrobe and took out a pair of thick blue dressing gowns with the hotel’s crest on the pocket. He threw his over one shoulder and took the other back to Anna. She was sitting on the edge of the bath, trailing a hand in the water. “It feels nice.”

  “I’ll put your gown here. Sing out if you need anything.” Chance left the bathroom, pulling the door to. He switched on the kettle, and while it was heating up he turned the bed down, smoothing the sheets and plumping up the pillows. Then the kettle boiled, and he poured two mugs of hot coffee.

  Chance heard the taps being turned off in the bathroom, and then the sound of Anna getting into the tub. It wasn’t hard to picture her naked body slipping into the warm water, the thick lather rising over her hips before enveloping her breasts.

  He sipped his coffee, and gave Anna a couple of minutes before knocking on the door. “Would you like a drink in there?”

  “Yes please.”

  Chance opened the door. Anna was lying in the tub, the suds modestly covering her up to the neck. Her eyes were closed and she’d let her hair down, the long dark strands floating and twisting in the water. In the dim light she looked relaxed and happy. “Is it warm enough?”

  “It’s wonderful.” Anna sighed. “I could stay here all night.”

  “Be my guest.” Chance put her drink on the side of the bath. “Do you want me to scrub your back?”

  “Sure.” Anna leant forwards, putting one arm across her chest, covering her breasts. The smooth swell of her skin brought a warmth to Chance’s loins, and his throat was suddenly dry.

  There was a big sponge on the side of the bath, and he dipped it in the water before running it across Anna’s shoulders. It left a thick film of suds, and he dunked the sponge before running it back the other way.

  “That feels nice,” she said.

  Chance moved the sponge down her back. The suds parted momentarily, and he caught a glimpse of her firm, rounded buttocks, slightly flattened where they met the bottom of the bath. Then he brought the sponge up again, reaching the nape of her neck before moving sideways, just under her jaw. She had small ears, delicate and pink, and on impulse he leant forward and took the earlobe in his mouth. He worried it between his lips, then ran his tongue over the tip, before moving slowly up the back of her ear. Anna sat stock still in the bath, barely breathing, and for a second he thought she was resisting. Then she shuddered, and he felt hot breath on the side of his face.

  “That’s even nicer,” she breathed.

  Chance nibbled her ear, worrying the folds between his teeth. There was a faint soapy taste, but her skin was warm and he could feel the heat radiating from the bath water. He put a hand on her arm, running his fingers up and down before moving to her breast. It was small and firm, barely filling his cupped hand, and the nipple was already hard. He moved his hand in lazy circles, enjoying the slick, soapy feel, before shifting his attention to its twin. All the while he continued to soap her back and shoulders, squeezing rivers of water from the sponge to cascade over her body and back into the foam.

  Anna’s eyes were shut tight, and her breathing was fast. “That is … unbelievable,” she whispered.

  “Told you it was relaxing.”

  “I don’t know about … uuh!… relaxing.”

  Her moan came at the precise instant he’d squeezed her nipple. He released the sponge and covered both her breasts with his hands, splaying his fingers and settling her nipples in the gap. Then he brought his fingers together, trapping her gently. He moved both hands in circles, and she began to squirm in the bath, sliding her buttocks along the slippery surface. Her hands went to her legs, and he saw them sliding up her thighs, ever higher, her fingers working the flesh. He slid a hand into the water, over her belly, brushing his fingertips through the fine curly hair, before moving lower. He felt the skin parting and suddenly her lips were on his, hot and urgent. His middle finger slid over her tender bud, making her gasp from the sudden burst of pleasure.

  Gently he dipped his finger into her, the tip enveloped i
n soft warmth. He withdrew and entered her again, slowly, slightly deeper this time, then withdrew once more. He paused, not moving, waiting to see how she’d react. At first nothing happened, and then she began to move, sliding her buttocks along the bath towards his hand, easing him inside her. She hesitated, then slid back again, until the tip of his finger was barely touching. Then she slid forwards again, breathing out in delight as his hard finger entered her once more. He felt her hand on the back of his, her fingers gripping him like iron, and she began to work his finger in and out, deeper and deeper. Every third or fourth stroke he pushed with her, driving deeper. Every time he did this, she moaned and arched her back, pushing her breasts through the foam. The next time they crested, Chance leant forwards and took the closest nipple between his lips. As she lowered herself into the water again, he firmed his lips, holding her in, only to let go at the last second. When she raised herself he took her nipple again, making her gasp with pleasure.

  His finger was going deeper now, exploring the soft valleys and ridges inside her. He could feel her slick wetness, feel her moving to his every touch. “Are you relaxed now?”

  Anna nodded, then closed her eyes and gasped as he opened his mouth wide, encompassing as much of her breast as he could before applying his tongue. At the same time he eased a second finger inside her. She was tight, but he let his arm relax, letting her control him. Slowly, hesitantly, she guided him inside her. He saw her wince, her lips drawing back in pain either real or imagined, and her hand stopped pressing him. His fingers were halfway inside, his knuckles jammed together with the pressure, and he wondered whether she was going to freeze up.

  Then, all of a sudden, she relaxed. He felt her legs go limp, the pressure on his fingers easing. She breathed out slowly, and he felt her hand guiding him again, moving him deeper. He responded by gently twisting his fingers, first one way, then the other, and she moaned with pleasure, arching her neck and tilting her head back against the bathtub. He leant closer and kissed her on the mouth, felt her hesitatant tongue with his, before exploring her fully. Her lips were like fire, and her short, sharp breaths were like puffs of hot air on his skin.

  His fingers were fully inside her now, reaching the very depths, and he moved his thumb upwards, placing it over her bud. He began to move it in circles, easing his fingers in and out at the same time, and Anna began to writhe. Bathwater slopped over the edge, foam cascading like a mini waterfall, and he felt her arms go around his neck.


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