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Four Chances #1

Page 4

by Lucy Tucker

  “I’m … I’m going to come,” she whispered desperately in his ear.

  “That’s what I meant by relaxing,” Chance whispered back.

  Anna shuddered, and he began to apply more pressure. He kissed her, hard, and with his spare hand he cupped and squeezed first one breast, then the other. He felt a cry building inside her, a shivering, shaking, quivering cry that started low down and moved through her like a freight train, carrying her away in a rush of pleasure. Her back arched so far her hips rose from the suds, and Chance began to flick his fingers inside her, first one side, then the other.

  “Aah! Aaah!”

  He felt her going, felt her opening wide to him, and he responded by increasing the pressure. She jolted savagely, her legs splashing bathwater, her arms holding him like she’d never let go. Her eyes were shut, her face intent, and then she let go with a drawn-out, shuddering orgasm that went on and on, uttering breathless cries as the passion transported her. Then, after one final shake, she lay still.



  “Are you okay?”

  She opened her eyes slowly, her face flushed and her limpid gaze filled with contentment. “Mmm-m-mmm.”

  Anna stood up in the bath, suds and water slipping over her breasts, sliding over her buttocks and running down her legs to the bath. Chance held a towel up, and as she stepped onto the mat he wrapped her in its soft, thick embrace. He dried her quickly, all over, leaving her tingling and flushed. Then he wrapped her in the bathrobe, tying the soft cord with a neat bow. He kissed her, and her arms went around him. He felt the curves of her body and reacted, his growing bulge pressing into her belly. When she came up for air there was a new expression on her face, one he hadn’t seen before. Excitement and anticipation, with just a touch of fear.

  He put his arm around her, and they returned to the bedroom. Anna sat on the bed, slipped her legs under the covers and laid her head on the pillow. Her dark hair formed a halo as she studied the rainbow patterns on the roof, and shadows traced the outlines of her face. Then she moved a hand to the cord, pulling the loose end and releasing the front of her robe. It fell away on either side of her, revealing her flat stomach, rounded thighs and small breasts. Watching her, Chance stiffened until he felt he’d burst, but it wasn’t his time yet.

  Anna closed her eyes, and slowly she parted her legs. Her hands were by her sides, and Chance saw her clench her fingers into small, delicate fists, as though she were bracing herself. He lay on the bed beside her, and saw her swallow nervously.


  She looked at him.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.” Chance put his arms out, and she slid across the bed towards him. He turned towards her and they lay in each other’s arms, pressed against each from head to toe. Her skin was cool on his, and her belly was like a snowfield against his hot, inflamed shaft. He felt her nipples on his chest, and as he moved his hands over her back, rubbing and massaging, she pressed herself against him.

  He kissed her then, seeking out her cool lips before lighting them up with his passionate fire. She kissed him back, her lips parting and her tongue seeking his. He felt her hands on his back, hesitant at first but gradually getting bolder. They moved lower, to his buttocks, and when she splayed her fingers, hooking her fingertips and squeezing him with all her strength, he gasped aloud.

  Chance moved a hand over her buttocks, sliding his finger down the valley until it met sweet moisture. He dipped his finger in, withdrew, moved it in slow circles. Anna writhed in his arms, moving her breasts against his chest, rubbing her hard nipples on him. She was kissing him urgently, and when she started inching up the bed, moving his member lower and lower down her belly, he knew she was ready.

  His first instinct was to roll her on her back, spread her wide and plunge into her, but that would be the act of a selfish barbarian, not a careful, considerate lover. Instead, he rolled onto his back, drawing her with him. Hesitantly, her knee moved across his belly. Slowly, her weight moved on top of him, until she was lying face down with his member pressing hard into her stomach. She raised herself slightly, and Chance reached for her breasts, running his fingers over and around, gently pressing, caressing, cupping. He lifted his head and licked her nipple, and Anna threw her head back and moaned. He took her nipple in his mouth, sucking gently, and she groaned. His hands moved over her slender body, running up and down her arched back before cupping her buttocks. She began to slide upwards, and he felt her tight curls moving up his shaft, tickling and enticing him. She moved down again, teasing him, rubbing herself against him, and then she moved higher until he felt the slick wetness between her legs. Slowly, ever so slowly, she crested his shaft, sliding herself higher and higher until the tip touched the hardened bud between her legs. She gasped, slid away, slid up again, and he felt the muscles in her thighs working.

  Each time she moved a little higher, until the tip of his shaft slid past the point of no return. She gave a little gasp as the rounded tip pressed against her lips, parting them slightly, and then she pulled away.

  Chance felt the blood pounding in his ears, and it was all he could do not to thrust his hips upwards, to bury himself deep in this temptress with one swift movement. Instead, he held back, letting her toy with him, content to move at her pace and to wait for her to take him inside her.

  Chance licked her nipple again, pinching it lightly with his lips. His right hand was busy with the other breast, circling it, always moving, and stopping only to flick the hard nipple. His left hand moved down her back, and he extended his middle finger and slid it down the valley between her buttocks, dipping it in the wetness before moving back up and pressing into the tightly-stretched skin. Then he slid his finger higher, higher, until it encountered the her tight little rosebud. He pressed inwards, the furled skin parting under the pressure, then released, then pressed down again, each time sliding his finger a little further inside.

  At the same time, Anna bore down on him, finally giving in to overwhelming desire. He felt a tight band around the crown of his shaft, and for a second he thought he was too big. Anna hesitated, then pushed harder, and the resistance broke, letting him deep inside her. She cried out in pain, her head going back and her body stiffening, and Chance held his breath. Then, slowly, she began to move on top of him, panting in time with her thrusts.

  Chance slid his finger further into her, this time adding a little twist to the movement. Anna pushed against him, sliding onto his finger and his member, then tilting her backside to guide him deeper. She was slick with sweat now, and her body slid on top of him as though they’d both been coated with oil. She began to drive harder, more urgently, and the muscles on her shoulders and neck stood out as she worked him into her with all her strength. She began to moan uncontrollably, turning her head violently from side to side, her long hair whipping his face.

  Chance felt himself coming, and he gasped a warning. Anna redoubled her efforts, lifting herself to the very tip of his shaft before plunging downwards, her buttocks slapping his legs and his member thrusting upwards and inwards, seeking her deepest hollows. She cried out, the pain forgotten, the nerves and doubts extinguished, her entire being focussed on pleasure and release. She moved faster, and Chance withdrew his finger and pinched both of her nipples, hard.

  “Aah, God. Ahh! Ahhh!”

  Anna froze, a look of intense pleasure transforming her face. Her breath came in pants, hard and low, and her chest heaved. Then she went crazy, slamming her buttock’s against Chance’s thighs, screaming with delight and abandon, jerking and spasming in his arms as though her entire self were being consumed by the flames of passion.

  Chance had been hanging on desperately, timing himself to ensure Anna climaxed. Now, as she shuddered over and over from the violent passion, he exploded inside her, driving ever deeper as he filled her. He cried out, overcome, and Anna kissed his cheeks, his chin, his mouth, her tears splashing on his face like warm summer rain.

nce had no idea how long they lay there in each others arms, holding each other tightly. Anna’s face was against his neck, her breathing even and regular. Her body, so taut and energetic during their lovemaking, was now soft, warm and pliant.

  It was five a.m., and the first light of dawn was showing over the horizon. Chance was on the balcony, clad in a bathrobe and sipping a hot coffee as he listened to the dawn chorus. Anna was fast asleep in bed, curled up with a half-smile on her lips.

  A plane went over, stilling the bird calls, and Chance remembered they were near the airport. Tomorrow … no, later that day … he’d have to pack his bags and check out of his hotel. His holiday, his week of passion, was almost over, and then it was back to work.

  He glanced over his shoulder, and his smile slipped as he saw Anna curled up in bed. Would she understand his leaving? He hadn’t promised her anything beyond a night of passion, but he felt a strong attraction for her, and the last thing he wanted to do was break her heart.

  As he watched, she stretched out a hand, feeling for him. She opened her eyes and sat up, and for a minute she looked around in confusion. Then she saw him, and she pulled on a robe before joining him on the balcony. “Didn’t I wear you out enough?” she asked.

  “More than enough, believe me.” Chance gestured towards the trees and the sky. “I just like the dawn.”

  She stood beside him, her elbows on the rail. There was a light mist between the trees, and the birds were singing again. “It’s pretty.”

  Chance smiled at her. “It’s got nothing on you.”

  “Don’t give me that. I’m no oil painting.”

  Chance put his hand under her chin, tilting her head back. Her eyes were calm, and she had a self-assured look, and an inner glow which outshone the dawn sky. “You’re truly beautiful.”

  Anna blushed and pulled her chin away. “I bet you say that to all your women.”

  “Actually, no.”

  “You’re leaving today, aren’t you.”

  It was a flat statement of fact, and he couldn’t deny it. “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

  “Will you come back?”

  “I’m not promising.”

  Anna nodded slowly. “You know where I’ll be.”

  He reached for her, gently moving a strand of hair off her face. “You’ll meet someone soon, I know it. You’ll get married, have kids, and live a perfect life. I’ll just be this embarrassing footnote you’ll convince yourself never really happened.”

  Anna took his hand and placed it on her chest. Her heart was beating fast, and he felt the rise and fall of her breast. “I will always treasure last night. Always.”

  Chance took her in his arms, kissing her gently on the cheek. Then he felt her hands on his waist.

  “And I’m going to treasure this morning as well,” she said, as she undid the cord.

  About Chance for a Booking …

  When Luke Chance asks for a free upgrade at the checkin desk, he can’t possibly imagine the exhilarating day ahead of him.

  A leisurely lunch date turns into an afternoon of adventure and excitement, followed by passionate open-air lovemaking … with the promise of much more to come.

  Chance #3 - Chance for a Booking

  “Next please.”

  Luke Chance moved one step closer to the front of the line. The queue was short, and the small regional airport didn’t look like it handled many passengers. There were only two staff tending the checkin counter, and the young woman handling Chance’s line was a pretty brunette with rimless glasses and a wide, fetching smile. As he watched, she handed a boarding pass to a passenger and called the next in line.

  Chance took another step forward. The woman behind the counter was wearing a white blouse with faint green stripes, and the top three buttons were undone. A silver pendant lay between her breasts, like a tiny lake between rolling, snow-covered hills.

  “Next please.”

  Chance strolled to the counter, and the woman smiled at him and put her hand out for his ticket. Their fingers touched, lingering just a little longer than necessary. Their eyes met for a second, and then she busied herself on the computer. Chance lowered his gaze to her chest, where the name tag read Alice. There was a dog-eared paperback on the desk next to her keyboard, the lurid cover featuring a couple in a passionate embrace. Alice looked to be in her mid-twenties, with a pleasant face and a friendly manner, and he sincerely hoped she was enjoying hot, passionate sex every night, and not just reading about it in books.

  Alice studied something on her computer screen. “Mister Chance?”

  “Not very often.” Chance smiled at her confusion, and her sudden blush. “Sorry, I can’t help myself sometimes. Yes, I’m Luke Chance.”

  “You’re travelling coach today. Is that right?”

  Chance nodded. “Unless there’s an upgrade on offer.”

  Alice looked thoughtful. She glanced to her left, towards her co-worker, then examined her screen again. “To be honest, the plane isn’t full. I might be able to arrange something.”

  “That’d be great.”

  “I’m not promising anything,” Alice warned him. She typed something on the computer, paged through several lines of information, then smiled. “Got it. One free upgrade to business class, on the house.” She handed back his ticket, and their fingers touched again.

  “Do you know when the flight is boarding?” asked Chance. There were boards all over the place with departure times, and he knew full well the flight would be announced over the PA, but something about Alice and her dog-eared erotic novel had gotten to him. What if there was nobody in her life?

  “Two-thirty,” she said.

  “Great. Plenty of time for lunch.” Chance looked over his shoulder, and saw there was nobody else waiting in line. “Have you tried this restaurant? Is it any good?”

  Alice smiled at him. “I’ve heard it’s all right, yes.”

  “Will you let me buy you lunch?” Chance saw her doubtful expression. “We can call it a thanks for the upgrade. I’m on my own, and I’d really enjoy the company.”

  Suddenly she smiled. “All right, why not? I’m off duty at one.”

  At five to one Chance made his way to the checkin counter, intending to wait nearby until Alice went off duty. When he got there he saw two women at the desk, and neither of them was Alice. Had she changed her mind about lunch and slipped away early to avoid him? Or was she out the back somewhere, signing out of her shift?

  He heard footsteps, and he turned to see Alice walking towards him. A door was just closing behind her, the sign reading ‘Staff Only’. She’d changed out of her company uniform, and was wearing a summer dress with a plain black handbag. Her hair was brushed back, tied up in a bun, and her fresh lipstick was a deep, classic red. As she got closer he smelled her delicate perfume, and he was honoured she’d gone to so much trouble for lunch. “You look wonderful.”

  She smiled at him, and the breath caught in his throat. She wasn’t just wonderful, she was truly beautiful. Feeling on top of the world, Chance held his arm out for her, and they strolled to the restaurant together.

  As they got closer he heard the sound of hammering, a sour note in the peaceful terminal. When they rounded the corner he saw half a dozen workers fitting out a new store front, drop sheets and scaffolding and tools everywhere. The new store was directly opposite the restaurant, and as they got closer an electric saw started up, filling the area with a piercing shriek.

  Chance winced at the sound, and when it finally tailed off he gave Alice a wry grin. “Typical, eh?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I knew they were doing renovations, but I didn’t realise it was right here.”

  “Do you want to try it anyway?”


  The saw started up again, and Chance saw a couple of workers nudging each other and pointing at Alice. His lips thinned, and he put an arm around her and led her away.

  “There’s a fast food place outside,” she said doubtfully.

  “I promised you a proper lunch, not that rubbish.”

  “There’s nothing else around here.” Alice smiled at him. “I do have a couple of soggy, home-made sandwiches if you’re really hungry.”

  Chance laughed. “Sure, if we get really desperate.” His hand was still resting lightly on her waist, and he could feel her soft skin moving under the thin fabric. She felt warm, comfortable, and he was content to walk around the terminal all afternoon if she’d let him.

  They strolled past the checkin counters and reached the exit. On impulse, Chance guided her outside.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Are we still on for lunch? Do you have time, I mean?”

  “It’s not very busy today. They’ll cover for me.” Alice looked at him curiously. “What do you have in mind?”

  “A mystery lunch.”

  “You mean you’re not telling me?”

  “No, I mean I don’t know either. Come on, let’s get a cab and see where we end up.”

  The cab dropped them in the city, and Chance followed his nose to a cosy little restaurant. The lunchtime rush was over, and they were shown straight to a table. They were just choosing from the menu when an unholy racket started up just outside.

  Drrrrrrrr! Drrrrrrr!

  Chance glanced towards the entrance, and his heart sank as he saw a road crew getting busy with a couple of big hammer drills. From the look of the equipment they were about to dig up half the pavement.


  The huge drill completely shattered the peace, and Chance looked at Alice, intending to apologise. She was hidden behind the menu, but he could see her shoulders shaking. Slowly he reached out, hooking a finger over the top of the menu and pulling it down. Alice was laughing so hard she had tears streaming down her cheeks. She stopped when she saw his annoyed expression, then doubled up, laughing twice as hard.


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