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by Srinath Raghavan

  25. Indian reactions to the Atlantic Charter can be sampled in TF, 1941, part 1, pp. 60–75.

  26. Interview to Evelyn Wrench, December 1941, CWMG, vol. 81, p. 348.

  27. Clymer, Quest for Freedom, p. 35.

  28. Winant to Hull, 4 November 1941, FRUS, 1941, vol. 3, pp. 181–2.

  29. Memorandum by Murray, 7 November 1941; Welles to Hull, 15 November 1941, FRUS, 1941, vol. 3, pp. 184–7.

  30. Clymer, Quest for Freedom, p. 44.

  31. Winston Churchill, The Second World War Volume IV: The Hinge of Fate (London: Penguin Classics, 2005), p. 185; Churchill to Attlee, 7 January 1942, in TP, vol. 1, p. 14.

  32. J. H. Voigt, India in the Second World War (New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 1987), pp. 98–9.

  33. These negotiations can be followed in FRUS, 1941, vol. 3, pp. 192–9.

  34. Voigt, India in the Second World War, p. 99.

  35. Cited in memorandum by Murray, 24 April 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, p. 640.

  36. Memorandum of conversation by Berle, 23 January 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 593–5.

  37. Memoranda of conversations by Berle, 23 January and 28 January 1942, Memorandum to President, 29 January 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 595–9.

  38. Memorandum by Berle, 17 February 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 602–4.

  39. Clymer, Quest for Freedom, p. 41; Hess, America Encounters India, p. 35.

  40. Long to Welles, 25 February 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, p. 606.

  41. Pearl Buck to Eleanor Roosevelt, 7 March 1942; President to Eleanor Roosevelt, 11 March 1942, File no. 12, Roosevelt Library Papers, NMML.

  42. Clymer, Quest for Freedom, p. 45.

  43. Roosevelt to Churchill (draft), 25 February 1942, in Warren Kimball (ed.), Churchill and Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), vol. 1, pp. 400–401.

  44. Message to Winant, 25 February 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, p. 604.

  45. The best account is Rana Mitter, China’s War with Japan, 1937–1945: The Struggle for Survival (London: Allen Lane, 2013).

  46. Clark Kerr to Eden, 24 January 1942; Linlithgow to Clark Kerr, 26 January 1942; Linlithgow to Amery, 1 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 76, 78–9, 102–3.

  47. Churchill to Linlithgow, 3 February 1942; Churchill to Chiang, 3 February 1942; Linlithgow to Amery, 5 February 1942; Churchill to Linlithgow, 5 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 113–14, 119–21.

  48. Linlithgow to Amery, 9 February, 16 February & 20 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 136–7, 185, 214.

  49. Linlithgow to Amery, 10 February & 20 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 143, 213.

  50. Linlithgow to Governor of Burma, 16 February 1942, Linlithgow Papers, NAI.

  51. SWJN, vol. 11, pp. 515–20.

  52. Speech, 11 February 1942, SWJN, vol. 12, pp. 467–9.

  53. Mitter, China’s War, p. 247; TP, vol. 1, p. 213.

  54. Nehru to Chiang, 13 February 1942, SWJN, vol. 12, pp. 470–71.

  55. Churchill to Chiang and Eden to Churchill, 12 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, p. 153.

  56. Cited in Mitter, China’s War, p. 247.

  57. Discussion with Chiang Kai-shek and wife, CWMG, vol. 75, pp. 333–4.

  58. Cited in Mitter, China’s War, p. 248. Also see, Jay Taylor, The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2009), pp. 194–5.

  59. Rajmohan Gandhi, Patel: A Life (Ahmedabad: Navjivan Publishing House, n.d.), p. 303; Gandhi to Patel, 25 February 1942, CWMG, vol. 75, p. 359.

  60. T. V. Soong to Roosevelt, 25 February 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 604–6.

  61. Matthews to Hull, 26 February 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, p. 608.

  62. War Cabinet 131 (41), 19 December 1941, CAB 65/20/24, TNA.

  63. Churchill to Attlee, 7 January 1942, TP, vol. 1, p. 14.

  64. Linlithgow to Churchill, 21 January 1942; Amery to Churchill, 21 January 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 53–4.

  65. Attlee to Amery, 24 January 1942, TP, vol. 1, p. 75.

  66. Memorandum by Attlee, 2 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 110–12.

  67. Amery to Linlithgow, 9 and 11 February 1942; Linlithgow to Amery, 12 February 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 137–9, 151–2.

  68. R. J. Moore, Churchill, Cripps and India, 1939–1945 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979), pp. 63–8.

  69. Churchill to Roosevelt, 4 March 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, p. 612.

  70. Amery to Linlithgow, 5 March 1942; Churchill to Roosevelt, 7 March 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 324, 363.

  71. Moore, Churchill, Cripps and India, pp. 70–74.

  72. Amery to Linlithgow, 10 March 1942, TP, vol. 1, pp. 396–7, 404.

  73. FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 613, 617.

  74. FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 615–17.


  1. Extract from BBC Weekly News Review for India, 14 March 1942, in Peter Davison (ed.), Orwell and Politics (London: Penguin, 2001), pp. 150–51.

  2. My account draws mainly on R. J. Moore, Churchill, Cripps and India, 1939–1945 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979); Peter Clarke, The Cripps Version: The Life of Sir Stafford Cripps, 1889–1952 (London: Penguin, 2003), pp. 276–322; Sarvepalli Gopal, Jawaharlal Nehru: A Biography, vol. 1 (London: Jonathan Cape, 1975), pp. 279–87; TP, vol. 1; FRUS, 1942, vol. 1.

  3. Cited in Louis Fischer, A Week with Gandhi (New York: Duell, Sloan & Pearce, 1943), p. 12.

  4. Interview, 12 April 1942, SWJN, vol. 12, p. 214.

  5. Entries of 10–11 April 1942, John Barnes and David Nicholson (eds.), The Empire at Bay: The Leo Amery Diaries 1929–1945 (London: Hutchinson, 1988), p. 794.

  6. Ram Manohar Lohia, The Mystery of Sir Stafford Cripps (Bombay: Padma Publications, 1942), pp. 1–38.

  7. Diary, 3 April 1942, in Davison, Orwell and Politics, p. 154.

  8. Mulk Raj Anand, Letters on India (London: George Routledge, 1942), pp. 8–15.

  9. Susheila Nasta, ‘Negotiating a “New World Order”: Mulk Raj Anand as Public Intellectual at the Heart of Empire’, in Rehana Ahmed and Sumita Mukherjee (eds.), South Asian Resistances in Britain, 1858–1947 (London: Continuum Books, 2012).

  10. ‘The British Crisis’, in Davison, Orwell and Politics, p. 163.

  11. Tribune, 19 March 1943, in Davison, Orwell and Politics, pp. 173–5.

  12. 17 August 1942, Davison, Orwell and Politics, pp. 171–2.

  13. Diary, 18 April 1942, in ibid., p. 160.

  14. Diary, 18 April 1942, in ibid., p. 158.

  15. Johnson to Roosevelt, 11 April 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 631–2.

  16. Roosevelt to Churchill, 11 April 1942; Churchill to Roosevelt, 12 April 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 633–5.

  17. Auriol Weigold, Churchill, Roosevelt and India: Propaganda during World War II (New Delhi: Routledge, 2009), p. 112.

  18. Clarke, Cripps Version, p. 343.

  19. Memorandum by Alling, 13 May 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 651–3.

  20. Spry’s note and report, TP, vol. 2, pp. 89–92, 473.

  21. Moore, Churchill, Cripps and India, p. 131

  22. Reginald Coupland, The Cripps Mission (London: Oxford University Press, 1942), p. 77 (emphasis in original).

  23. Cited in Weigold, Churchill, Roosevelt and India, p. 141.

  24. Nehru to Roosevelt, SWJN, vol. 12, pp. 212–13.

  25. Kenton J. Clymer, Quest for Freedom: The United States and India’s Independence (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005), p. 82.

  26. Auriol Weigold, ‘Cripps’ Offer and the Nationalist Response: Constructing Propaganda in the United States’, South Asia, vol. 23, no. 2 (2000), pp. 69–70.

  27. Fischer, Week with Gandhi, pp. 12–16, 89–90.

  28. Weigold, ‘Cripps’ Offer’, pp. 67–8.

  29. Edgar Snow, People on Our Side (Cleveland, Ohio: World Publishing Company, 1944), pp. 29–30, 41, 48–49.

  30. Louis Fischer, ‘Why Cripps Failed’, The Nation, 19 and 26 September 1942.

  31. Clarke, Cripps Version
, pp. 353–4.

  32. Edgar Snow, ‘Must Britain Give up India?’ Saturday Evening Post, 12 September 1942.

  33. Halifax to Eden, 16 September 1942, TP, vol. 2, pp. 969–70.

  34. Gandhi to Roosevelt, 1 July 1942, File No. 12, Roosevelt Library Papers, NMML.

  35. Fischer telegram and letter to Roosevelt, 5 and 7 August 1942, File No. 12, Roosevelt Library Papers, NMML.

  36. Chiang to Roosevelt, 25 July 1942; Welles to Roosevelt and Roosevelt to Churchill, 29 July 1942, FRUS, 1942, vol. 1, pp. 695–700.

  37. Churchill to Roosevelt, TP, vol. 2, p. 533.

  38. Memorandum by Hull, 15 August 1942, File No. 12, Roosevelt Library Papers, NMML.

  39. Milan Hauner, India in Axis Strategy: Germany, Japan, and Indian Nationalists in the Second World War (Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1981), pp. 238–9.

  40. Jan Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe (New Delhi: Rupa, 2012), p. 19.

  41. Report of an interview by Alberto Quaroni, 2 April 1941, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 34–5.

  42. Romain Hayes, Bose in Nazi Germany (New Delhi: Random House India, 2011), pp. 29–30.

  43. Secret memorandum, 9 April 1941, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 38–49.

  44. Memorandum of conversation between Bose and Ribbentrop, 12 April 1941, in T. R. Sareen (ed.), Subhas Chandra Bose and Nazi Germany (New Delhi: Mounto Publishing, 1996), pp. 89–99.

  45. Supplementary memorandum, 3 May 1941, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 50–51.

  46. Hauner, India in Axis Strategy, pp. 253–4; Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe, p. 53.

  47. Draft of Declaration, May 1941, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 57–58; Message to comrades in India, May 1941, NCW, vol. 11, p. 53.

  48. Hayes, Bose in Nazi Germany, p. 54; Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe, pp. 54–5.

  49. Report of conversation, 17 July 1941, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 60–61.

  50. Bose to Ribbentrop, 15 August 1941, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 63–5 (emphasis in original).

  51. Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe, pp. 84–5; Hayes, Bose in Nazi Germany, pp. 63, 68.

  52. Memorandum of conversation between Bose and Ribbentrop, 29 November 1941, in Sareen (ed.), Bose and Nazi Germany, pp. 163–7.

  53. Hayes, Bose in Nazi Germany, pp. 93–5.

  54. Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe, pp. 92–4.

  55. Hauner, India in Axis Strategy, pp. 435–6.

  56. William J. West (ed.), Orwell: The Lost Writings (New York: Arbor House, 1985), p. 33.

  57. Broadcasts of 25 March and 31 March 1942, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 80–86.

  58. Broadcast of 17 June 1942, NCW, vol. 11, p. 120.

  59. Leonard Gordon, Brothers Against the Raj: A Biography of Indian Nationalists Sarat & Subhas Chandra Bose (New Delhi: Rupa, 1990), p. 477.

  60. Hauner, India in Axis Strategy, p. 438.

  61. Broadcast of 6 April 1942, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 87–8.

  62. Hauner, India in Axis Strategy, p. 477.

  63. Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe, p. 111.

  64. Hayes, Bose in Nazi Germany, pp. 106–7; Hauner, India in Axis Strategy, pp. 479–80; Kuhlmann, Netaji in Europe, pp. 112–14.

  65. Sugata Bose, His Majesty’s Opponent: Subhas Chandra Bose and India’s Struggle Against Empire (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 2011), p. 218.

  66. German record of conversation, 30 May 1942, NCW, vol. 11, pp. 102–8.

  67. Bose to Ribbentrop, 23 July 1942, in Sareen (ed.), Bose and Nazi Germany, p. 289.


  1. See the superb treatment by Indivar Kamtekar, ‘The Shiver of 1942’, in Kaushik Roy (ed.), War and Society in Colonial India (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 330–57. An earlier, more tentative exploration of these links is in Arun Chandra Bhuyan, The Quit India Movement: The Second World War and Indian Nationalism, 2nd edn (Guwahati: Lawyer’s Book Stall, 1993).

  2. Cited in CWMG, vol. 72, pp. 223, 134.

  3. Fortnightly reports from Bihar and United Provinces in April 1941, 18/4/41 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  4. Srimanjari, Through War and Famine: Bengal 1939–45 (New Delhi: Orient Black Swan, 2009), p. 52.

  5. Fortnightly report from Assam in second half of August 1941, 18/8/41 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  6. The propaganda work can be followed in the fortnightly reports from various provinces in 1941.

  7. Fortnightly reports for second half of May 1941, 18/5/41 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  8. Fortnightly report from Bengal for first half of March 1942, 18/3/42 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  9. From various fortnightly reports for 1942. Also see, Kamtekar ‘Shiver of 1942’, pp. 332–3.

  10. Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 13 and 20 February 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  11. Fortnightly reports from United Provinces and Bihar for March 1942, 18/3/42 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  12. Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 6 March, 22 May, 5 June, 24 July 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC; Fortnightly reports for January and May 1942, NAI.

  13. Fortnightly reports from Bihar and Bengal for March–June 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  14. Srimanjari, Through War and Famine, p. 64.

  15. Marc Bloch, Réflexions d’un historien sur les fausses nouvelles de la guerre (Paris: Allia, 1999).

  16. Fortnightly reports from Bombay and Bihar for January and April 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 20 February and 6 March 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  17. Fortnightly reports from Bengal for March 1942, 18/3/42 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  18. Fortnightly reports from Bengal and Bihar for January and March 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 20 February and 13 March 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  19. Fortnightly reports for Bombay, Bengal and United Provinces, January–March 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summaries, 13 March and 3 April 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  20. Fortnightly report for Bihar, April 1942, 18/4/42 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  21. Fortnightly reports, March 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summary, 13 March 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  22. Fortnightly reports, March–April 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  23. Fortnightly reports for Bengal and Bihar, January–April 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summary, 20 February 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC; Monthly Intelligence Summary, 4 May 1942, L/WS/1/317, AAC.

  24. The amount of paperwork generated by ARP was equally impressive. See, for instance, 25-F (1939), 49(5)-W/43, 49(5)-W/44, NAI.

  25. Fortnightly reports for Assam and United Provinces, April and June 1941, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  26. Srimanjari, Through War and Famine, p. 52.

  27. Fortnightly reports, May 1941, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  28. A. K. Chettiar, ‘Chennai Nagaram, 1942’, Kumari Malar, 1 April 1943, p. 115; Srimanjari, Through War and Famine, pp. 53–4.

  29. Weekly Intelligence Summary, 15 May 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  30. Pudhumaipithan, ‘Patapatappu’.

  31. Srimanjari, Through War and Famine, p. 59.

  32. Figures from Kamtekar, ‘Shiver of 1942’, pp. 338–9.

  33. Fortnightly report from Bengal, February and April 1941, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  34. Fortnightly reports from Bombay and Bihar, February and March 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  35. Fortnightly report from Bengal, 18/1/42, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  36. Srimanjari, Through War and Famine, pp. 55–7, 61–3.

  37. Benoy Kumar Sarkar, The Political Philosophies Since 1905, Vol. 2: The Epoch of Neo-Democracy and Neo-Socialism (Lahore: Motilal Banarsidass, 1942), pp. 67–70.

  38. Fortnightly reports from Bombay,
January–June 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summaries, February–March 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  39. Weekly Intelligence Summary, 3 April 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  40. Fortnightly reports from Madras, April 1942, 18/4/42 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  41. Fortnightly reports from Bihar and Bombay, February–May 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI; Weekly Intelligence Summaries, February 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  42. Fortnightly reports from Madras, January–February 1942, Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  43. Gul Hassan Khan, Memoirs of Lt. Gen. Gul Hassan Khan (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 12.

  44. Fortnightly reports from Madras, April 1942, 18/4/42 – Poll (I), Political Section, Home Dept, NAI.

  45. O. Pulla Reddy, Autumn Leaves (Bombay, 1978), p. 70, cited in Kamtekar, ‘Shiver of 1942’, pp. 343–4.

  46. Pudhumaipithan, ‘Patapatappu’; Chettiar, ‘Chennai Nagaram, 1942’, p. 111.

  47. Weekly Intelligence Summary, 10 April 1942, L/WS/1/1433, AAC.

  48. Personal communication from Keshava Guha.

  49. Chettiar, ‘Chennai Nagaram, 1942’, p. 116.

  50. ‘Question Box’, 26 April 1942, CWMG, vol. 82, pp. 217–18.

  51. Interview to journalist, before 25 July 1942, CWMG, vol. 83, pp. 134–5.

  52. 28 July 1942, CWMG, vol. 83, p. 145.

  53. Note on letter from Horace Alexander, 3 August 1942, CWMG, vol. 83, pp. 165–6.

  54. Speech at All-India Congress Committee Meeting, 8 August 1942, CWMG, vol. 83, pp. 196–7.

  55. J. H. Voigt, India in the Second World War (New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 1987), pp. 157–8.

  56. Cited in Gyanendra Pandey, ‘The Revolt of August 1942 in Eastern UP and Bihar’, in idem (ed.), The Indian Nation in 1942 (Calcutta: K. P. Bagchi, 1988), p. 155.

  57. Francis Hutchins, Spontaneous Revolution: The Quit India Movement (Delhi: Manohar, 1971), pp. 337–9.

  58. Cited in CWMG, vol. 83, p. 172 n. 3.

  59. War Cabinet Conclusions, 13 July 1942, CAB 65/27/7, TNA.

  60. Srinath Raghavan, ‘Protecting the Raj: The Army in India and Internal Security, c. 1919–1939’, Small Wars and Insurgencies, vol. 16, no. 3 (2005), pp. 253–79.


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