Book Read Free

Love is Blind

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by Shayna B

  Love is Blind

  By Shayna B.

  Copyright 2013 Shayna Bueckert

  Smashwords edition


  Freak. Reject. Defective. These are words that teenagers are familiar with. Many have been called one those names at one time or another, for a variety of reasons. But the ones who get called names the most are the ones who deserve to be commended for their bravery. They are the ones that go through life while overcoming obstacles that others can’t even begin to comprehend.

  I used to be one of those people who would look at these people with pity and sometimes sympathy. But never with respect. Not until I became one of them, that is. While I may not look like one of them, rest assured that I am. My life changed one fateful night and nothing in my world would ever be the same again. Months of pain, frustration and anger taught me many things. It taught me patience, tolerance and most of all how to really embrace life, since it had almost been taken from me.

  But that isn’t what this story is about. No, this story is about another fateful day in my life. It’s about the day I met a boy my age, suffering through the same things I had. But while I overcame the anger, he embraced it. While I strived to live my life normally, he was content to continue on in misery, pushing everyone away who tried to help him.

  Until me. I wouldn’t let him push me away, no matter how hard he tried. My name is Hailey Baker, and I’m going to tell you how I discovered that love really is blind.

  Chapter one

  Gravel crunched under my shoes when I walked up the path that led to the park a few blocks from where I lived. Beside me, my dog Tonto trotted along with his Frisbee clutched in his mouth. We went through the gates at the front of the park and headed for the swings. The area was deserted at this time of the day, and there wasn’t another soul in sight. Tonto waited patiently, Frisbee still in his mouth, while I sat on one of the swings and set it into gentle motion. I closed my eyes and relished in the feel of the soft breeze on my face as I swayed back and forth.

  I stayed like that for a few minutes before opening my eyes again and looking at Tonto. “Okay boy, want to play for a bit?” He got to his feet and wagged his tail, which I took as a yes. I got off the swing and we walked over to an empty field. The grass was perfectly manicured, the trees bordering the area trimmed to perfection.

  Tonto shoved the Frisbee into my stomach and I chuckled as I took it. “Okay, okay I get the point.” I flicked my wrist and sent the disc soaring through the air. Tonto galloped after it and leapt in the air, snagging it neatly with his teeth. He trotted back towards me proudly, his tail wagging happily.

  We played for almost half an hour before it was time to go home for dinner. As we turned to leave, I noticed that someone was sitting on one of the benches that were near the field. I’d seen him a few times in the past, always at the same bench and always with his dog lying at his feet. He looked to be about my age, but I’d never gotten close enough to him to be sure.

  I lifted a hand in greeting like I always did when I saw him, but once again I got no response. He had his head tilted back slightly, so I assumed he just didn’t see me. I shrugged mentally and headed out of the park. Tonto and I walked back to the house, and I let us in the front door. “We’re back,” I called out.

  A man came around the corner and paused. “Oh good. Have you seen my cell phone? I can’t seem to find it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Liam, you really need to put a tracker on that thing. And on your car keys. And the remote, and-”

  “That’s enough lip out of you, missy. Just answer my question.”

  I fluttered my eyelashes at him. “Well since you asked so nicely, I did see it in your office this morning. Have you used it since then?”

  “Yeah, and now I don’t know where it is. I tried calling it off the landline, but I didn’t hear it.”

  “I’m not surprised, with how big this house is. I’ll keep my eyes open for it.” I headed into the kitchen.

  Liam and Tonto both followed me in. Grace was already in there, and she smiled warmly when she saw me. “Did you have fun at the park, Hailey?”

  “Yeah, Tonto really likes playing. And he’s getting pudgy, so the exercise is good for him.” I went to the cupboard where I kept the dog treats and pulled the bin out. I reached in for a biscuit and frowned when my hand brushed against something bigger than a biscuit. I pulled the object out and lifted a brow when I saw it. “Oh Uncle Liam, I do believe I found something that belongs to you.”

  Liam glanced over as I held the object up. “Hey, there it is!”

  “It’s no wonder Tonto is gaining weight if you’ve been sneaking cookies to him.” I tossed the phone to Liam and then pulled out a biscuit and handed it to Tonto. “If you’re going to keep giving him treats, then you should start walking him as well.”

  Liam gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry Hales. I just can’t resist when he gives me those puppy eyes.”

  “He’s a dog, Liam. It’s kind of in his nature to give you the puppy dog eyes,” I said dryly. “You just have to use your will power when he gives you the sad pathetic look.”

  “Yeah, yeah, that’s what you always say. It’s not my fault that I have such a soft heart.”

  “Just keep telling yourself that.” I walked over to the kitchen sink and washed my hands quickly before sitting at the table. Liam sat across from me as Grace set plates on the table. I inhaled deeply and smiled. “Smells great, Grace. Are you eating with us?”

  She shook her head and untied her apron. “I need to head home. Just leave the dishes in the sink and I’ll take care of them in the morning.”

  We said our goodbyes and then Liam and I dug into our meal. Grace was an amazing cook, and I always enjoyed eating whatever she made. Halfway through the meal, Liam looked over at me. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “A little I guess. It’ll be weird going to a school where I don’t know anyone.”

  Liam frowned and set down his fork. “Would you rather go back to your old school? I’m sure we could arrange something if that’s what you want. It’s only an hour away from here.”

  I shook my head quickly. “No, there’s no way I could go back there. I can’t handle seeing anyone I knew before… well, you know.”

  He nodded. “Okay, but make sure you tell me if you change your mind.”

  “I will.”

  We finished the rest of the meal in relative silence. When we were done, I brought the dishes to the sink and then headed into the living room. I sat on the couch and picked up the book I’d been reading earlier. Tonto came in and settled at my feet with a sigh. I stroked his back idly with my foot and quickly became engrossed in the story on the pages of the book. I was so into it that when Liam sat next to me, I jumped slightly and then winced when my back twinged. Liam gave me an apologetic smile. “Sorry Hales, I thought you heard me come in.”

  “It’s okay; I was just really into the book.” I stretched and sighed in relief when there were no more twinges in my back. “Do you want to watch TV?”

  “Yeah, there’s a game on that I want to see.”

  I set my book down and brought my legs up underneath me. “Okay, turn it on.”

  We watched the hockey game for a while before my phone beeped to let me know I had a text message. I opened the message and smiled slightly. “That was Jared. He’ll be home tomorrow instead of Thursday.

  “Did he say why he’s coming home early?”

  “No, but he’s probably worried about me.” I rolled my eyes dramatically. “He doesn’t seem to think I can go more than three days without him.”

  Liam shrugged. “He just cares about you. He’ll always worry about you, just like I will.”

  “But I’m okay now.
You guys don’t need to worry about me.”

  “We’re family, Hales. It’s in our nature to worry about each other.”

  “I guess that’s true,” I admitted. “I just wish you didn’t have to worry about me quite so much.”

  “I worry about you less now than I did six months ago. Does that help?”

  I smiled. “Yeah, it does. Thanks Uncle Liam.”

  He grimaced. “Ugh, I hate it when you call me Uncle. Makes me sound old and dodgy.”

  “You might not be that old, but you are most definitely dodgy,” I teased him.

  “I’d resent that if I didn’t know it was true.”

  I laughed and settled down to watch the rest of the game. When it was over, I decided to go to bed since I had to get up for school the next day. I got to my feet and cautiously stretched my muscles. “I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

  “Good night Hales.”

  The next morning I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. While I was relieved to not have to be going back to my old school, I was also really nervous about starting at a new one. In the past I’d never had any trouble making friends, but I’d never really been the new kid before. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect at this school, but I hoped I’d be able to make at least one or two friends. I’d cut off contact with pretty much everyone from my old school, and I didn’t want to spend my last school year completely alone.

  I got out of bed and had a quick shower before getting dressed with Tonto waiting patiently for me at the door. I blow dried my slightly wavy dark brown hair, but didn’t do anything else with it. I’d never had much patience for things like hair and makeup, and that hadn’t changed even though nearly everything else in my life had.

  Grace was already there and had breakfast ready when I made my way to the kitchen. I wasn’t overly hungry, but I made myself eat anyways so I didn’t hurt her feelings. She’d been a fixture in my uncle’s life for as long as I could remember, and I’d always viewed her as a sort of aunt even though we weren’t related. Liam joined me after about ten minutes, bleary-eyed and wearing only a pair of pajama pants. He stumbled to the coffee pot and got himself a mug, letting out a sigh of pleasure as he inhaled the first sip. Once his mind had cleared a little, he looked over at me. “Good morning.”

  “Morning. Rough night?”

  He rubbed his eyes and yawned. “There was a minor emergency at the office and the manager decided I needed to be called, even though those kinds of things are what I hired him for. Needless to say, I am going to fire his ass when I see him later.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “No you won’t. You’ve threatened to fire Josh at least once a week for the past six months. We both know you never mean it, because you’d be lost without him.”

  “Smartass,” he mumbled, but he was smiling. “Ready for your big day?”

  I made a face. “No, but I’ll manage it.” I got to my feet and brought my dishes to the sink. “I’m going to go brush my teeth and then I’ll take off. Can you take Tonto for a walk before you leave for work?”

  “Sure, maybe the fresh air will help wake me up.”

  I went back to my bathroom and finished getting ready, then gave Liam and Grace both a peck on the cheek. “See you later this afternoon.”

  The large garage was attached to the house through the kitchen, so I went through the door and walked to my car. Liam had given me an electric blue 2011 Camaro RS when I’d moved in with him, and I absolutely loved it. He’d had a special seat installed that helped my back, so it was comfortable for me to drive. Sometimes having an uncle who had more money than he knew what to do with was quite beneficial. And the fact that he didn’t let the money go to his head was also an added bonus.

  I slid carefully into my car and started it up, smiling at the sound of the engine. I hit the garage door opener that was on the visor and backed out of the garage. I pulled onto the street and started driving to the school, taking in the scenery around me as I went. The houses on my street were all large, suggesting that everyone in this part of the town had money. And the parking lot at the school confirmed that thought. My car wasn’t the only Camaro there, and I saw more than one Lexus as well as a Mercedes or two as well. I managed to find a spot fairly quickly though and I pulled into it and parked.

  I grabbed my bag from the seat beside me and exited the car, making sure to lock the doors. I could see a few people looking at me curiously as I walked by, but no one approached me as I went inside and found my way to the office. I got my schedule from the secretary, as well as a school map. I stepped back into the hall and studied both documents, trying to figure out where I was supposed to go.

  The warning bell rang and I jumped a little at the sound. “Crap, I don’t know where my first class is,” I muttered under my breath.

  “You lost?” a voice said from behind me.

  I turned to see a boy standing there smiling at me. He was taller than my five foot four frame by a good seven inches and he had light brown hair and hazel eyes. His slightly round face gave the impression of innocence, which made him kind of cute. “Is it that obvious?” I asked, returning his smile.

  “Yeah, kind of. Generally only people who are lost stand around talking to themselves while looking at their schedules.”

  “Good point. I’m trying to figure out where my Biology class is.”

  “Here, let me see that,” he said, holding his hand out for my schedule. I handed it to him and he scanned it quickly. “You’re not too far from my first class. I can show you the way if you want.”

  “That would be great. I really didn’t want to be wandering around the school for the next hour looking for the right classroom.”

  He chuckled. “No problem. I’m David, by the way.”

  “Hailey,” I replied as we started walking.

  “So this is your first day here?

  “Yeah, and this school is a lot bigger than my old one.”

  “I know, it’s not exactly small. That’s what happens when you have a school full of rich kids. Their parents don’t want their precious children being crammed together,” he said mockingly as we went around a corner and stopped in front of a room. “This is your stop.”

  “Thanks for showing me the way. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

  “I actually saw that we have math together next. Do you want me to wait for you out here and show you where to go?”

  “That would be great. Thanks David.”

  He smiled and turned to walk down the hall and into a different room. I went into my classroom and scanned the desks quickly. Everyone else seemed to be there already, so I made my way to the only empty seat. There weren’t any desks in the room; instead there were tables with two seats at each one. I sat in the empty seat and placed my bag on the table in front of me before glancing at the person beside me.

  He was tall; that much was obvious, even though he was sitting down. He had blonde hair that had a slight curl to it and went just past his ears. Sunglasses covered his eyes, so I couldn’t see what colour they were. His face was angular and smooth; his lips were full and currently turned down in a scowl as he stared at the front of the classroom. I vaguely wondered why he was wearing sunglasses, but then shrugged it off as I turned my attention to the front of the class.

  The teacher came in just as the bell rang. “Hello class, I’m Mr. White. Welcome to Biology. Let me take attendance and then we’ll begin.” He read all the names off and then set the folder down. “Since this is the first day, we’re going to do a little exercise to get to know each other. The person you’re sitting beside now will be your lab partner for the semester, so you should probably get to know them a little. Turn to them and introduce yourselves, then have them answer the questions on the worksheet that I’ll be passing around.”

  I waited until I had the paper in front of me before turning to the guy beside me again. “Hi, I’m Hailey,” I said.

  The guy didn’t move, he just grunted. “Blake,” he replied.
br />   “Okay, well do you want to start with answering the questions? Or do you want to ask them?”

  His lips twisted into a sneer. “Neither.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Well, we kind of have to do this…” I informed him. He ignored me completely this time, so I eventually just rolled my eyes and decided to listen to some music on my Ipod, keeping the volume low so I could hear the teacher if he said anything.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Blake’s lips moving, but I knew he wasn’t speaking to me. It only took me a minute to realize that he was singing silently, and it seemed like he was singing to the music I was listening to. But that wasn’t possible, because the volume was too low for him to be able to hear it. I pondered that for a moment before deciding he must have really good hearing or something. I spent the rest of the period doodling in my notebook, grateful that the teacher didn’t get me in trouble for not doing the worksheet.

  When the bell rang, I stuffed my things back into my bag, then stood up and bent down to pick it up, not really thinking about it first. When I straightened up again, pain lanced through my back and I inhaled sharply, grabbing the edge of the desk to steady myself.

  I remained still for a moment, getting my breathing under control again and then straightening up a lot slower. I turned to leave and saw that Blake was still sitting there, his head turned in my direction. It looked like he was going to say something but then decided against it.

  “What?” I snapped.

  He hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Are you okay?”

  “Why do you care?”

  He scowled. “I don’t,” he retorted.

  I rolled my eyes “Whatever.” I turned on my heel and left the room without another word.

  David was waiting for me outside the classroom and he smiled when he saw me. “Ready to go to math?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  David led me into our math class and asked me to sit by him. I was briefly worried that he might be interested in me as more than a friend, which I definitely wasn’t ready for, but that was quickly put to rest when a moment later a small blur bulleted past me and launched into David’s arms. I watched in amusement as he staggered back a couple of steps.


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