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Love is Blind

Page 2

by Shayna B

  The person who had thrown themselves at him pulled back a little and I saw that it was a girl that looked to be the same age as us, though she was tiny. She had dark blonde hair and blue eyes that were currently sparkling with mischief. “Hi!” she said to him before going on tiptoe to press a kiss to his lips.

  David chuckled and bent a little so he could return the embrace. “Where were you this morning? I missed you,” he said.

  She grinned up at him. “I got roped into helping at the library. That’s what I get for trying to sneak a book in that I forgot to return last year.”

  He laughed. “I can’t believe you thought you’d be able to sneak it in.” He straightened up again. “Hailey, this is my girlfriend, Rachel. Rachel, this is Hailey. She’s new here and I’ve been showing her around.”

  Rachel turned and beamed at me. “Hi! It’s nice to meet you.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at her very bubbly demeanor. “Nice to meet you too. Your boyfriend was kind enough to save me this morning. I hope you don’t mind.”

  She waved her hand in dismissal. “Nah, he’s always doing things like that. That’s how we met two years ago. But for us, it was love at first sight.”

  David snorted. “More like annoyance at first sight. You followed me around for weeks after that, pestering me constantly.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I did not pester you. I was just trying to get you to notice me. And it worked, didn’t it?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, it certainly did.”

  The bell rang, and the three of us sat down. The class went by quickly and soon it was lunchtime. Rachel and David insisted that I join them and their friends for lunch, and I happily agreed. I had a feeling that Rachel wasn’t the kind of girl that took no for an answer anyways. Lunch was fun and I enjoyed meeting David and Rachel’s friends. They all seemed nice and I looked forward to getting to know them a bit better.

  By the time the day was over, I was more than ready to go home. My back was getting pretty sore and all I wanted to do was to go home and soak in the tub for a while. When I pulled into the garage at home, I was happy to see Jared’s truck parked in its usual spot. I went inside and found him sitting on the couch in the living room, petting Tonto as he flicked through the channels on the TV. When Tonto saw me, he came bounding over to greet me. I scratched his head before turning my attention to Jared.

  “Hey Jared, how were your parents?”

  He looked up from the TV and smiled warmly at me. “Hey Hales, they were great. They say hello and that you should go down for a visit.”

  “I might do that in a couple of weeks.” I sat on the sofa beside him and he wrapped an arm around me, giving me a side hug as I laid my head on his shoulder. “I missed you these past few days.”

  “I missed you too. How’s your back?”

  “It’s not too bad. A little sore right now because of being in school all day, but it’s bearable.”

  “Want me to do some work on it?”

  Jared was a physical therapist now, which I still found weird because I’d quite literally known him forever. I was grateful that he was one, however, because he’d been working with me for the last six months. “I wouldn’t say no to a massage. I still need to take Tonto to the park, so it would be nice if it felt better before that.”

  Jared frowned a little. “Are you sure you aren’t overdoing it?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You’re the one who told me to always push myself. Besides, it’s really not that bad. After a massage, I’ll be as good as new.”

  “Alright,” he conceded. “Head into the therapy room and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

  The therapy room had at one time been a sitting room that pretty much never got used since it had only been Liam living here. Once Jared and I moved in, Liam converted it to a therapy room so we could use it whenever we needed it. It made my life a lot easier, and I was eternally grateful to my uncle for doing this for me.

  I went into the room and stripped my shirt off as I walked to the massage table. I climbed up and laid on my stomach to wait for Jared. He came in a moment later and started to massage my sore muscles. Almost immediately my body relaxed and the pain leaked out of me. We chatted about our days as he continued massaging me and I told him about David and Rachel and even Blake. I described my classes and the teachers I had, and then he told me about his visit home. He’d only gone for two nights, and I knew he’d been happy to see his parents. They only lived an hour away, but he didn’t leave to visit them too often. He was always worried that my back would act up while he was gone, so he tried to stay close to home.

  When the massage was done, he left the room and I put my shirt back on. Then I whistled for Tonto and we set off towards the park.

  There were a bunch of kids on the playground when I got there, so I headed straight for the field to throw the Frisbee for Tonto. I glanced at the bench where I sometimes saw that guy sitting, but it was empty. With a shrug, I set about the serious business of playing with my dog.

  Fifteen minutes later I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and turned to look. The guy with the dog was walking towards the bench and I did a double take when I realized it was Blake. His dog walked right beside him and I frowned when I saw that there was a harness on it and Blake was holding onto a handle attached to it. Since the dog had always been lying down every other time I saw them, I’d never noticed it. It took me a moment to realize what it was that I was seeing.

  It suddenly made sense why he’d been wearing sunglasses in the middle of class and why he wouldn’t do the exercise this morning.

  He was blind.

  Chapter two

  I watched Blake walk to the bench he always went to and sit down. I was tempted to go over and talk to him, but I figured that probably wouldn’t go over too well. Instead, I played with Tonto for another ten minutes and then made my way home. My mind was racing with questions, but I wasn’t sure how to get the answers. Somehow I didn’t think Blake was going to let me pry into his life.

  When I got home, I went into the kitchen for dinner. “Where’s Liam?” I asked Jared.

  “Working late. He said he’d be home by eight.”

  I sat down at the table and propped my chin in my hand. “I just figured something out.”

  Jared arched an eyebrow. “Really? And what might that be?”

  “Remember me telling you about the boy in my first class who was really rude? Well, I just saw him at the park and I realized I’ve actually seen him there a few times but he’s never acknowledged me. I think it’s because he’s blind.”

  Jared sat back in his chair and tilted his head to the side. “How’d you come to that conclusion?”

  I told him about the things I’d noticed. “I want to know why he’s in my class without someone to help him.” I frowned as I thought about that. “I can understand him not wanting an actual helper, but why doesn’t he at least have a friend with him?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe he’s like you first were after your accident.”

  That had me pausing to think for a moment. “Hmm, maybe you’re right.” I drummed my fingers on the table and then sat up straight. “Well, that settles it then. I’ll have to make him be my friend.”

  “I suddenly feel very sorry for the poor guy.”

  I scowled at him. “I’m an awesome friend, and you know it.”

  “Yeah, but you’re also stubborn and annoying when you get an idea into your head. This Blake guy isn’t going to stand a chance.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to need this stubbornness when it comes to him. The little interaction I had with him today led me to believe he isn’t exactly a pleasant guy.”

  Jared patted my hand. “Well, if anyone can get through to him it’ll be you. Good luck.”

  The next morning, I found my way to my first class without getting lost. Blake was already there, so I took my seat beside him. “Good morning.”

  He grunted in response and I resisted the urg
e to roll my eyes. “You know, it’s rude not to return someone’s greeting.”


  “So didn’t anyone ever teach you any manners?”


  I sighed and leaned my elbows on the table in front of us. “Fine, be surly. I was just trying to be polite.”

  He turned his head in my direction. “Bite me.”

  I snorted. “Really? That’s the best comeback you can come up with? I’ll have to go buy you a book of comebacks or something.”

  His brows pulled down into a frown. “You got a better one?”

  “Tons. But you have to be nice to me if you want me to tell you any of them.”

  “Whatever, I don’t care.”

  He faced the front again and I didn’t bug him again. I’d established a first conversation, albeit a short one and I would have to be satisfied with that for today. We spent the rest of the class in silence. Blake didn’t do any of the work that the teacher assigned, and I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking him why he was here if he wasn’t going to do anything. It seemed rather pointless to me.

  When the bell rang, I carefully gathered up my stuff and headed out the door. As I was leaving, a girl came in and walked over to Blake. I paused in the doorway for a moment to watch as she leaned down and said something quietly to him. He nodded and got to his feet, placing his hand on her shoulder. They left through the other door, and I continued on to my next class. I joined David and Rachel in the back of the room. They both greeted me cheerfully and immediately asked if I would sit with them at lunch again. I agreed and after the class we all went to the cafeteria together.

  When we sat down at a table, Rachel turned to me. “So I’m going to be nosy and ask you why you started at our school this year.”

  I shrugged. “I moved and this was the best school in the area,” I replied simply. I didn’t say anything about my past, because I still wasn’t comfortable talking about it. Luckily, Rachel accepted that answer and we moved onto other topics.

  The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully. My mind drifted to Blake a few times, but I didn’t see him anywhere in the halls. I wondered who the girl was that had helped him after class, and I hoped one day I would find the answer to my questions.

  After school, I didn’t go straight home. It was Wednesday, and every Wednesday and Sunday I went to the hospital. Today was no different, so I got in my car and made the fifteen minute drive, finding a parking spot fairly quickly once I got there.

  I went into the building and started walking towards the elevator, the familiar dread settling into the pit of my stomach as I got closer to my destination. I rode the elevator up to the third floor and headed to the room I always went to.

  A young man in his early twenties was lying on the bed, the same as every other day I came here. Tears pricked at my eyes as I looked at him, but I refused to let them fall. I stepped closer and stopped at the side of the bed. “Hey Jake,” I said quietly. I took a seat next to his bed and put my hand on top of his. “I started my last year of high school yesterday. I’m going to a new school now, because I knew I wouldn’t be able to face everyone at my old school after everything that happened. I think I’ve made a couple of friends already, and I’m happy about that.

  “Jared is still living with me and Liam. I think he’ll be with us for a long time, because neither of them are comfortable leaving me alone. I’m a lot better than I was six months ago, but I still struggle every day with everything that’s inside me.” I gazed out the window that was next to his bed. “Most days it’s easy to bear. But every once in a while, it all just boils up and overwhelms me. How am I supposed to go on living a normal life when mom and dad are dead, and you’re in here? I know I should be grateful to be alive, but some days I think it would have been easier if I’d died that night as well.”

  I lapsed into silence for a few minutes before shaking my head. “I can’t let myself think like that. If I do, I’ll slip into depression again and I’ve worked so hard to stay away from that. And I don’t want Jared and Liam to worry about me any more than they already do. They’ve been so strong for me, but I know that inside they’re hurting as well. I refuse to be the source of any more pain.”

  I stayed for another half hour, telling him about random things in my life. He was the only one I felt comfortable telling that I was still struggling sometimes. I knew if he’d been awake, he would’ve told me that it was okay to have trouble living, as long as I didn’t give up. Life wasn’t supposed to be easy, and I’d learned that the hard way on that fateful night that took almost everything from me eight months ago.

  When I got back home, I skipped dinner and went to the music room. I stopped at the doorway and my eyes were immediately drawn to the piano. I sat on the bench and ran my fingers lightly over the ivory keys, trying to decide what to play. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and let the music flow out of me. I sang along softly, my voice quiet but steady. It was a song that I often sang after seeing Jake, and it was about trying to forget the past and move on. That was something I’d been trying to do since Jared and Liam snapped me out of my funk six months ago.

  When I felt a presence in the room I let my fingers still on the piano. A moment later Jared was sitting beside me on the bench, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I laid my head against him as silent tears fell down my face.

  “You saw Jake today?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I spent just over half an hour with him. I know he probably can’t hear me, but I always feel better after talking to him. I just wish it wasn’t so hard to see him like that.”

  He kissed the top of my head. “You know I’m here for you no matter what, right?”

  I sniffled before raising my head and turning to look at him. “I know, and that’s part of what helps keep me going. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you and Liam these past months.”

  He brushed the tears off of my face with his thumbs. “You would have survived just fine without us. You’re a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Not many people would have been able to walk and lead a normal life after the injuries you sustained.”

  “I’m just too damn stubborn for my own good. Once you started working with me, I had to prove to everyone that I could lead a normal life again.”

  Jared chuckled a little. “You and Jake are the two most stubborn people I know.”

  I dropped my gaze to the ground. “Jared, what if he doesn’t wake up? I know the chances are slim to none at this point. Am I being selfish by keeping him alive?”

  He blew out a breath. “I don’t think you’re being selfish, Hales. You’re not ready to let go, especially because there is a small amount of hope that he might wake up. He’s not brain dead, so we just have to keep praying that he wakes up one of these days.”

  I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder again. “Don’t ever leave me, Jared. I couldn’t stand to lose you too.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Hailey. I’ll always be here for you.”

  Chapter three

  My back was sore when I woke up the next morning, indicating that I had tossed and turned a lot during the night. I wasn’t overly surprised, since that often happened after I saw Jake. I lay in bed for a few minutes, mentally preparing myself for a rough day. Tonto sensed that I was sore and he followed me into the bathroom when I finally got up to have a shower. He held a towel in his mouth when I stepped out of the tub and I took it from him, patting his head with a smile. “Thanks boy.” After the accident eight months ago, Tonto had gone into training to help me when I had bad days. He wasn’t technically a service dog, since he’d been mine already before the accident, but he knew most of the commands.

  I got ready a little slower than I had yesterday and as a result I only had time to grab an apple for breakfast. I ate it as I drove to school and knew I’d be starving before lunch rolled around. Since there wasn’t anything I could do about it now, I went to Biology and took my seat beside
Blake. I stretched a little in an attempt to relieve the ache in my back and grimaced when I felt something pop. It didn’t do anything to relieve the pain, but at least it didn’t make it worse.

  I knew Blake was aware of me because his head was tilted in my direction, but he didn’t say anything. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to try and talk to him today, so I remained silent as well. Throughout the class I shifted a bunch of times in an effort to get comfortable. Nothing worked and my back started to get a little worse from sitting on the hard stool.

  Near the end of the class, while everyone else was discussing an article in groups, Blake finally turned to me. “Will you stop moving already? It’s getting annoying.”

  “Sorry,” I muttered, not really paying attention to him.

  He was silent for a moment and then he sighed. “Are you okay?”

  “No, but I will be. These seats are just really uncomfortable.”

  “They’re the same ones from yesterday and the day before,” he pointed out.

  It dawned on me then that he was actually talking to me, and that he wasn’t being completely rude. “Why do you care?” I asked.

  “I don’t.” With that, he turned away from me again.

  “And they say women are moody,” I mumbled under my breath and I could have sworn I saw his lips twitch at the corners a little. I didn’t comment on it though, instead focusing on the article I was supposed to be reading.

  When the bell rang, I stood up slowly. My back twinged and I gripped the table for a moment until the spasm passed. Then I looked down at my bag and cursed when I realized I was going to have to bend over and pick it up. Obviously I hadn’t thought this one through very well.


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