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Brothers Forever

Page 11

by Tawa M. Witko

  “Bolʹshoĭ, I don’t think you have come to that part yet,” he whispers and I can tell that he is trying hard not to laugh.

  “I’m sorry, Es,” I mumble but she is just smiling as she looks towards the minister.

  “Well, it seems Mr. Livingston jumped ahead a bit. Let’s start over shall we,” he says to the two of us.

  I just put my head down, embarrassed that I clearly messed up already. There is some throat clearing in the church and stifled giggles and I chide myself for screwing up her perfect day. I glance back at her and notice that she is looking at me with a radiant smile on her face. She doesn’t seem angry or upset. She just looks magnificently happy right now. Maybe I didn’t mess up after all. She takes my hand in hers and gets this mischievous look in her eyes.

  “Yes, let’s start over,” she says right before leaning up and kissing me just as passionately as I had kissed her.

  Now there is a serious round of giggles rippling through the church as the minister clears his throat several times in a vain attempt to get our attention. When we finally stop, she smiles at me and mouths the words ‘I love you’ before the two of us turn to face the minister so that we can do this thing right.


  The rest of the wedding ceremony went without any problems. We did the usual vows and such and took a gazillion pictures. Dimitri had wanted us to do a complete Russian wedding and reception but we ended up compromising since my ‘other’ family and her family wanted a traditional American ceremony. Dimitri had been very disappointed so Estelle promised him the reception. I don’t think she realized at the time what that would entail, but needless to say, he is very excited. It’s all he has talked about for the past few weeks. He has taken his best man duties to the extreme.

  Russian receptions are a little different than what is done in America. In fact, most Russian receptions go on for several days. The set up and flow of the receptions are also quite unique. First off, the tables are configured in the form of a U versus several smaller tables scattered around. Estelle and I will sit directly in the middle while our families and closest friends will sit to our sides. Then the rest of our friends will take up the remainder of the seating. At each setting, there is a small plate, a Champaign flute, and two shot glasses. There is no large wedding cake since that is an American tradition and there is no table of presents because in Russia gifts aren’t given, money is.

  Since Dimitri was in charge, he made us do the whole tour of the city as well. A tradition typical in Russia. By the time Estelle and I arrive, everyone is already seated. We see Dimitri sitting next to my parents but they are stiff and not saying much while Estelle’s parents are carefully listening to the conversation that Dimitri is having in Russian to our friends. It is clear that Dimitri is in charge by the way he carries himself and how intently everyone is watching him as he speaks. Now, my guess is most of her family and friends wouldn’t automatically assume he was a mob boss but he does have a commanding way about him. He glances towards the door and sees us approaching, offering us a cheerful smile before rising and heading in our direction. He kisses me on both of my cheeks and then does the same with Estelle. He then leads us to our seats before walking around so that he is in the center of the U.

  “Welcome. It pleases me greatly to stand here on behalf of my brother and his new bride. As many of you know, I met Bolʹshoĭ, I mean Charles, when we were eight.” He chuckles. “I’m sorry it is strange for me to call him that.” Everyone starts laughing and he turns to me. “He got into a fight, on my behalf, the day we met, and from that day forward I knew that he would be my friend always, my brother for life.” He smiles and I nod. He then waves his hand and a waitress comes out and starts pouring shots of vodka for everyone.

  “Over the years he and I have been through a lot. I apologize to those who may not understand but I must tell these things in my language.”

  He looks around at everyone and smiles before he begins to speak in Russian. He starts talking about how we met and that I have always protected him, took care of him, but that I am now obligated to protect someone else, Estelle, and that the day I met her was the day all of our lives changed. He smiles at her and she smiles back. He turns to my side of the table and smirks and I know that I am in trouble now. I roll my eyes when he jokes that I no longer want to get laid or stay out late or get in any trouble. My side of the table erupts in laughter and I silently thank God that Estelle doesn’t understand Russian, he then turns to me, holding up his shot glass.

  “Но это нормально, брат, потому что я люблю тебя и я счастлив, потому что вы счастливы.”

  I smile and my eyes water as he tells me that he loves me and is happy for me. Estelle squeezes my hand and I bring her hand to my lips, kissing it. Dimitri turns to Estelle's side of the table to address them.

  “Now for all of you who don’t understand. Bolʹshoĭ has always been by my side, he has always protected me from the time we were young boys but now he must protect another. I have told my brother that I am happy for him as he has found the love of his life.” He nods to Estelle who smiles brightly, “To the Newlyweds,” he announces, lifting his glass and making eye contact with everyone.

  “Для молодоженов!” My friends all say in unison and we all down our shots.

  Dimitri then throws his glass on the ground and it shatters. I smile knowing that is supposed to mean we will have a good marriage. All my friends cheer and then they all stand and slam their glasses on the floor, making this extraordinary sound that echoes in the large room. Estelle and I look at each other and rise, throwing our glasses as well. She then motions to her family and friends and they all rise and do the same, however most of them are still coughing from the taste of the vodka.

  “Gor'ko! Gor'ko! Gor'ko! Gor'ko!” Viktor starts chanting and then the rest of my friends do as well.

  I turn to Estelle and kiss her soundly while we hear my friends counting in the background. According to Russian tradition, the word Gor'ko means bitter and that in order to make the vodka sweeter the newly married couple must kiss for as long as possible. Now we are supposed to do this after every toast, so yeah, there will be a lot of kissing tonight. By the time the count is at 30, Estelle and I are laughing profusely, breaking our kiss. Dimitri is smiling as he walks over to us and pins a $100 bill on my jacket, just over my heart and then walks to Estelle, pinning another $100 bill on her dress. This is another Russian tradition. Since money is given in lieu of presents, after each toast, we will drink, kiss and then the person toasting us will pin money to our clothes. At the end of all the toasting, all remaining guests will pin money on us.

  Dimitri smiles at both of us and then immediately starts telling stories, talking in both Russian and English. He says just enough in English so that Estelle’s friends and family get the gist of the jokes and stories but not enough that he can’t curse and tease me, relentlessly I might add. It’s his job as my witness to keep everyone entertained and he is thoroughly enjoying himself. I think this is the most I have seen him smile, ever. During the time that Dimitri is doing his thing, the waitresses are bringing out Russian appetizers and setting champagne and vodka around the table. The actual meal will not be served until after the dancing but there will be plenty of food in between.

  So, we set a pattern where every ten minutes or so someone will make a toast and in between the toasts Dimitri tells stories and jokes while more appetizers are brought out. My father gives a less than heartening toast but Estelle’s father is much more heartfelt and sincere. Then our friends start to toast us. My friends start out and once again I am very thankful that Estelle and her family and friends don’t speak Russian because my friends are pretty vulgar and the more they drink the raunchier they become.

  Of course, after a few hours, everyone is completely out of it. Estelle is completely flushed from all the kissing and her father is drunker than a skunk, and laughing heartedly at everything
Dimitri says even though he has no idea what he’s talking about. By the time the reception is over, everyone will be so drunk they won’t remember anything tomorrow. And that’s just the first day. The second day of the reception begins at the house that Estelle and I just bought. That will be much smaller though, just immediate family and very close friends. My dad has no intention of being there. Thank God!

  Finally, Dimitri announces that the music will begin and tells Estelle and me to come forward for the first dance. I pull her close to me as a traditional Russian serenade begins.

  “I love you, Estelle, always,” I whisper against her lips.

  “Always,” she mumbles back as we kiss yet again.

  A few hours later, everyone has already eaten and is back to dancing and having a great time, laughing and joking with one another. He mixed in a contemporary DJ with traditional Russian music so everyone is having a blast. I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

  “Bolʹshoĭ, come, I need to ask you something,” Dimitri says, tapping me on the shoulder.

  I am so lost in Estelle that I barely pay attention to him until he taps my shoulder again. I smile at Estelle and tell her that I’ll be right back. She nods as I step away and walk the few feet over to where Dimitri is.

  “What is it, Mladshiĭ?” I ask, immediately concerned.

  “I just needed to know what price you are willing to pay for your wife,” he asks with a very serious expression on his face.

  I stare at him, dumbfounded. I know I am a bit drunk, but I thought we already covered all this. Why would he bring it up now when I am dancing with… hold on, wait a minute? I turn around and don’t see her. DIMITRI! I start laughing and turn around, pushing him away from me. He stumbles a bit and starts laughing.

  “Alright, give her back,” I say amused.

  He is laughing so hard right now that he is bent over, doing full out drunken belly snorts. He is shaking his head crazily, unable to answer as he rubs his fingers together indicating that I need to pay him. I forgot about Krazha Nevesty, the stealing of the bride tradition. I dig in my pocket and start pulling out cash but he keeps saying no, that I need more so finally I just tackle him. We start rolling around in the middle of the dance floor, laughing like two idiots and then I jump up and pin him, dropping handfuls of money on his face.

  “Give her to me!” I say as he bucks me off him.

  “No!” he drunk laughs.

  We are both breathless as we sit up. I pick up the money I have already given him and start throwing it at him. He keeps batting it away and then finally waves his hand in the air. We both start looking around and everyone is watching us. Our friends are laughing hysterically but Estelle’s friends and family are looking at us as if we are nuts. When Estelle is brought to me she just starts giggling and reaches her hand to me, helping my up. While Viktor reaches down to help Dimitri up. I pull Estelle real close to me.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I won’t let him trick me again,” I drunk mumble into her neck.

  “You two are crazy, you know that right?” She asks, giggling again.

  “Yes, we do,” Dimitri answers, chuckling as he smacks the back of my head. I move to go after him again but Estelle stops me, pulling me close to her again.

  “No way, Mr. Livingston. You stay with me,” she laughs.

  I swear the more we drink the more juvenile we act. The funny thing is that looking around this room all you see is a bunch of people having a great time. You don’t see the future head of the Komarovski crime family, you see my best friend and brother. You don’t see a group of Russian mobsters, no, all you see are a group of people mixing it up with one another and having fun. In fact, I think Estelle’s dad and Viktor have become fast friends. Mr. Webber must be ecstatic because Viktor loves to talk about the Soviet Union and what’s happening over there. They’ll be talking for days if Viktor has his way.

  The reception goes on for several more hours as we drink and dance some more. By the time I get Estelle home, I can barely walk. I stumble into the bedroom and she laughs as I plop on the bed fully dressed. I hear her moving around the room and then a few minutes later she is removing my clothes. She then crawls next to me, snuggling close to my chest.

  “Mmmm, Es,” I say, laying her on her back, kissing her neck and running my hand over her naked body.

  “Shhh, go to sleep,” she says, moving her hands into my hair and giggling.

  “It’s our wedding niiiiight, let’s makeeee looooove,” I slur in my drunken state.

  She starts laughing. “I don’t think you can handle making love right now.”

  “Yes, I caaannn,” I mumble, as I start kissing along her collarbone.

  Chapter 18


  Two Years Later

  I walk into our living room and Estelle has all these papers scattered everywhere. She is studying for licensure. She had finished her post doctorate internship about six months ago but an unexpected illness prevented her from taking the exam the last time it was offered, three months ago. She was so upset. And I guess in Illinois they only offer the exam twice a year so she has to wait another three months and then another six months after that before she can take the oral exam. That seems crazy. She completed school two years ago but still isn’t officially licensed to practice without supervision.

  We just celebrated our two-year anniversary last week. Things have been going well. Oddly enough, we have set ourselves into a beautiful rhythm. I am with Dimitri for most of the day and early evening and then Viktor or Stephan take over after I leave. Then my evenings are spent with Estelle. She had told me last night that she wanted us to start trying to have a baby. I was a little surprised at that as we had never talked about having children but she said she wanted to start a family before things really started moving with her career because she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to afterwards. I’m not opposed to having children. I mean, as long as they come out like Estelle and not me, then it is good as far as I’m concerned. She has been very tolerant of Dimitri and the amount of time I have been spending with him. Although, I have noticed a change in her over the past few months. She seems hesitant and scared every time I leave, but whatever she is thinking, she hasn’t said anything to me about it. I wish she would, but, instead, she just gives me that sad look when she sees me heading out.

  It is no coincidence that the last few months have been a stressful time for Dimitri as well. His father has handed over a lot more responsibility to him. Putting him in charge of not only collections but also negotiations with the other families as well as overseeing what everyone else is doing. He has basically been put in charge of everything and is now making all the decisions related to the family. I had almost expected something major to come from Borovsky’s anger about his son but after a few initial confrontations, things seem to have settled. In fact, last I heard his son was back in Russia. Of course, with all the added responsibility, it means that my time with Dimitri has increased substantially and that we must be more intimidating. It’s strange because it’s as if Estelle instinctively knows things are getting bad. I wish I could talk to her about it.

  “How’s the studying coming along?” I ask, kissing her on top of her head.

  “Fine!” she says with a sigh. “It’s frustrating because I feel like I have to keep studying all of this or…” she then looks up at me pausing.

  I am in my usual attire, jeans, dark shirt, and black steel toed boots. I quit wearing suits about a year ago because every time I got into a fight they were destroyed and then, even though I won, it always looked like I didn’t. Plus, who wants to ruin a nice suit? Jeans stand up in a fight much better. Dimitri’s other men still wear suits, but since Dimitri doesn’t order me to do anything, I get away with a lot. He doesn’t care what I wear because he likes that I am always the first one to get 'dirty', so to speak.

  “Or, ummm, I will forget it all,” she finally says. “I don’t use a lot of this stuff anymore so I don’t know.” She leans back
against the couch, taking a deep breath. “Are you leaving?”

  “Yeah, I need to meet Dimitri. Do you want me to bring you back anything?” I ask as I sit on the coffee table in front of her.

  She smiles and shakes her head. “How long do you think you will be?”

  “I’m not sure. We have to meet with some people but it shouldn’t be too long.”

  She nods and I can tell she is biting her tongue. She never asks me exactly what I do with Dimitri which is good because I don’t think I want her to know. I’m sure she inherently knows but somehow, not saying it outloud works for me.

  “Charles, please be careful,” she says with an edge of worry and concern.

  “Invincible, remember?” I reply, chuckling as I lean over and kiss her softly on the lips.

  “Uh huh,” she hums as she deepens our kiss.

  “Should we start making babies tonight?” I ask as I start kissing along her neck. I bring my hand up her thigh, slipping my fingers under the hem of her shorts.

  “Mmm, let’s start now,” she replies huskily as she quickly unbuttons my jeans.


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