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Love Is Crazy (Love Is… #1)

Page 10

by Abby Brooks

  I list all the things about Dominic I love so much. His sense of adventure. The way he sees the world just a little differently. His sense of humor. The sex, dear God the sex.

  “It can’t be that good.” Maya crosses her legs and leans back in her chair. “I mean, sex is sex, right?”

  “That’s what I thought. But not all sex is alike, dear sister. Some sex is life-changing. Mind-blowing. Eyes rolling back in your head and toes clenching.” I shiver a little. “He has a magic penis.”

  Chelsea chokes on her martini. “Dakota!”

  “What? He really does!”

  We laugh and it feels good. Sitting in my living room, shocking my sisters. We’ve done this, or at least a version of this, for my whole life. Whenever something good happens, we get together. Whenever something bad happens, we get together. They are my rock and I am theirs.

  “Okay, so this guy is adventurous and funny. Sees the world differently.” Maya holds up fingers counting off the traits I listed. “That doesn’t sound like enough to get me interested in wanting to travel across the country with the guy. It must be the magic penis that has you under its spell.”

  We giggle like school girls and I am so grateful for my sisters. “The magic penis is a definite plus. But there’s more to it than that. I feel connected to Dominic. Comfortable, but excited all at the same time. I’ve told him more about me than I’ve told anyone and he doesn’t roll his eyes at the stuff I try to hide.” I polish off my martini and pour another. I’m edging past tipsy and am well on my way to drunk at this point.

  A thought strikes me and I sit forward. “You know how you said that picture he took of me captured everything there was to know about me?” I ask, pointing at Maya.

  “Yeah. It’s a great picture.” She purses her lips together as she nods.

  “What picture?” Chelsea sits forward. “I want to see.”

  Ignoring Chelsea, I continue on with my thought before I lose it to the haze of lemon drop martini. “Being with Dominic is like that. All the time. Like he’s seeing all there is to see about me. Drawing the parts of me that make me who I am out to the surface. All the crazy, outside the lines stuff? He sees it and he likes it and he encourages it and I feel like the best version of myself around him.”

  Maya puts her hand to her heart. Her lips part. “Are you sure you’re not in love with him?”

  No. I’m not sure at all. “Yeah, I’m sure,” I say, trying to hide the surprise I feel at the first thought that entered my head. “Totally.”

  Chelsea is looking from my face to Maya’s and back again. Mouth open. Hands flared. “What picture?”

  Laughing, I pull out my phone and open up Dominic’s profile on Instagram. I scroll past a million new pictures—a lot of them of me—until I find the one I showed Maya a few days ago and hand the phone to Chelsea. She scrunches up her eyes as she studies it. Holds the phone close. “Damn,” she says, an odd look settling into her pursed eyebrows. “Maya’s right. This picture is you.”

  “Can’t sneak anything past you. That picture is definitely me. So glad to know my sister can recognize me.” I smile at Chelsea who is definitely struggling through her own lemon flavored haze.

  “That’s not what I mean, smartass.” She points a finger at me and gives me her patented Big Sister Glare. “It’s like Maya says. Everything that makes you who you are is in this picture.” She starts to scroll through the rest of the pictures, that same odd look settling back onto her face.

  “Can I just say, now that I’m drunk enough not to worry about the ‘rightness’ of your decision, that I’m really fucking excited for you?” Maya hits me with a huge grin. “I mean, who doesn’t want to drop everything and go on an impromptu vacation with a hot guy?”

  “I’m not complaining. The only real reason I have not to go is work, and that’s not even a worry.” I glance at Chelsea who is still studying my phone.

  “I thought you loved working at The Bad Apple,” says Maya. “Are you ready to move on?”

  “Nope. The Bad Apple is still a great place to work. But Dominic made sure I’m not at risk of losing my job by taking a few unexpected days off.” I smile and explain what happened with Jeremy and The Fish. How Dominic came in and saved me from the asshole with his hands on me and then saved me again when Big Jake came over to make me feel bad about sitting down.

  I’ve got Chelsea’s attention now. “So not only does this guy see you and understand you, makes you happy and satisfies your sexual needs, but he also protects you when you’re in trouble?”

  I nod. “Yep, that sounds about right.”

  “Have you seen these pictures?” She waves the phone at me and Maya.

  I shake my head. “Not really. I mean, I saw them as I scrolled through to find the one I showed you, but I haven’t looked at them yet.”

  Chelsea comes over to stand next to me. Gestures for Maya to do the same. She scrolls through picture after picture of me, each one somehow more personal than the last. I feel like I’m looking inside myself. Like somehow, the existential question of who I am is answered on the screen. I’ve said it before, but I don’t take good pictures. My smile is always too wide, or my eyes too crazy, or my head is thrown back as I laugh too loud.

  But these pictures are good. Dominic caught the little blips of beauty behind my big moments. The quiet look in my eyes as I study the water. A simple smile that lights up my face. The way I bite my lip and blush when I’m thinking about him.

  Chelsea is watching me now. “I take back all I said. If this guy makes you feel like this.” She gestures towards the pictures. “And he’s the kind of guy who steps in when you’re in trouble. And he’s finally going to get you out of Townsbury and let you see the world … well hell, Dakota. I’d be a fool to think he’s anything but perfect for you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Have you ever been on an airplane before?” Dominic is eyeing me like he doesn’t quite know what to make of me. Normally, I would be a little offended by the whole kinda sorta judgemental thing he has going on—after all, Chelsea totally has a patent on that! But, given the fact that I’m bouncing from foot to foot and keep looking around the airport like an over-caffeinated child and it’s barely four thirty in the morning, I guess I can understand.

  “No.” I look over Dominic’s shoulder, my attention pulled by a large family carrying too many bags, the father barking orders at his youngest like some kind of drill sergeant for ducklings. “I’ve always wanted to, but the furthest I’ve ever been from Townsbury is a little place called Farmington a few miles from here.”

  Dominic’s face clouds over. His eyes narrow, almost as if he’s in pain. “What brought you there?” He speaks to me from a thousand miles away, his mind clearly on something else.

  “I went with a friend when I was in high school. They used to have a carnival there, but I think it’s closed down now.” I shrug, wondering what in the world has his jaw pulsing like that.

  Dominic kind of looks through me. “Did you have fun?”

  “It wasn’t the safest place ever. As adventuresome as I am, that carnival pushed the limits of what I was comfortable with, that’s for sure.”

  Dominic opens his mouth like he wants to say something, then just lets it hang open for a few seconds before closing it again. Maybe I’ve been too unfocused and have offended him. I need to reign in my enthusiasm and make sure I’m giving him the attention he deserves. Maybe I misunderstood his question. I replay what he said in my mind and there’s really no reason why he should be upset right now. I start to ask him what’s wrong when they call us for boarding.

  Dominic smiles, all traces of darkness and irritation wiped from his face. “Are you ready for this?”

  “Hell yeah I’m ready!” I sling my purse over my shoulder and bite my lip. I’ll ask him about whatever was bothering him once we’re on the plane. After all, we’ll have about eight hours and two lay overs to kill. We head down the jet bridge and my nerves are just jingle-jang
ling with excitement. I can’t believe I’m doing this. Hopping onto a plane with a near stranger to spend a week with him. Who does things like this? Crazy people, that’s who.

  But maybe I need a little crazy in my life right now.

  We stow our carry ons and Dominic makes sure I get a window seat. Which, while super cool of him, I probably would have fought him for it if he hadn’t. The take-off is just as exciting as I thought it would be. Dominic takes my hand and we grin at each other as the plane gains speed and as we angle upwards, I do my best not to shriek like a child and embarrass us both.

  “Why are you looking at me, silly girl?” Dominic squeezes my hand and then lets go. “The window has a much better view.”

  “I doubt that,” I say, but I tear my focus away from him anyway. The view is pretty fan-fucking-tastic, although I bet it will be even better once the sun has risen. Right now, it’s just streams of lights, glittering below me. What will it look like when the sun clears the horizon?

  As the plane levels off, I look back over to Dominic. He’s watching me, his eyes alight with pleasure. “What?” I ask, self-conscious.


  “What about me?”

  “All kinds of things.”

  “Like what?” I run my hand from his knee up his thigh. “I need specifics here, Kane.”

  “Well, for one, I’m surprised you decided to come with me.”

  “You and me both, buddy.” I shrug as he laughs. “Believe me, my sisters weren’t exactly supportive at first. They almost talked me out of it.”

  Dominic frowns. “Really?”

  “No, not really. At least not the part about almost getting talked out of coming. But I did have to talk them into why this was a good idea for me.”

  Dominic’s frown deepens. “How so?”

  Damn it. This is the second time this morning that I’ve upset him somehow. “Maybe I made it sound worse than it is. Chelsea and Maya are very practical. They are planners and doers of things the right way.” I make air quotes around those last two words. “Taking off across the country with a man I barely know, spending money on expensive plane tickets, and landing without a place to stay that includes walls and a roof isn’t exactly their idea of a sensible decision.”

  “I don’t think it’s anyone’s idea of a sensible decision.” Dominic is all flirty smiles again. What is with him today? Is he regretting having me along? It’s not like I can do anything about it right now, seeing as how I’m strapped into a plane next to him.

  “And maybe, for most people, it’s not. But I think it is for me.” I shrug and keep running my hand along his thigh. “I think I was drowning, staying in one place like that. I don’t think I’m meant to be that still. That ordinary. I think the most sensible thing I could have done for myself is take you up on the adventure you offered me.” I watch his face closely, looking for any more flashes of whatever it is I think I’m seeing.

  There’s nothing but that look I love so much, the one that makes me feel understood. The one that I’ve never gotten from anyone else. “You and I are the same, I think. Cut from the same cloth.”

  Damn that makes me feel almost giddy. “I think so, too.” I run my hand up his thigh and lean close to him, pulled in by the gravity in his eyes.



  “You’re killin’ me here.” He looks down at my hand, so close to the very visible bulge in his pants.

  I think the appropriate reaction is to remove my hand and apologize, but I’m not exactly appropriate. Instead, I slide my hand up even higher and give him a little squeeze. Dominic thrusts his hips forward, pushing his dick against my hand. That little movement, involuntary or not, sets me on fire. Suddenly I’m wet and can’t think of anything other than getting him inside me.

  “This flight is too long,” I whisper and hope he can read between the lines.

  Dominic looks at my hand, then cranes his neck to look around the plane. “A lot of people are sleeping. Meet me in the bathroom.”

  He doesn’t wait for an answer. He doesn’t ask if it’s okay. He just stands up and disappears down the aisle without missing a beat.

  I stare after him. Watch his dark head as it bobs away towards the bathroom and sit, frozen in my seat while I wonder if I have it in me to follow him. Sex in a public place? A bathroom? On a plane? Is that really something I want to do? The ache between my legs confirms that it’s definitely something my body wants to do. But what if we get caught? Isn’t it illegal? And what about the germs? Isn’t it totally gross in there? Part of me is sure that Dominic will know how to handle it and the other part of me hopes he doesn’t have the necessary experience to know how to handle it.

  I stand without thinking. Walk down the aisle and count sleeping people. Almost everyone has their eyes closed and those that don’t have earbuds in and are glassy eyed and seem mostly asleep anyway. That means all I really have to worry about is the flight attendants. In a moment of inspiration, I grab an airsick bag out of one of the seats and put on a worried face as I near the bathroom door. One knock. Just one. Maybe no one will hear.

  Dominic opens the door and I maneuver into the cramped space before he closes us in and slides the lock home. I pivot, a question on my lips silenced when Dominic presses his mouth to mine. There’s heat and urgency in his kiss and I forget all my trepidation in the face of his passion. He puts his hands on my shoulders and spins me around.

  “Put your hands on the ceiling,” he says. “Not the door.”

  I do as I’m told and he unbuttons my shorts, slides them down to my knees. I hear his zipper and the crinkle of a little foil packet as he pulls out a condom. There’s no grace or foreplay, he presses against my opening and after pushing into me a few times, fucks me hard and fast. It doesn’t matter, I’m so wet and he feels so good, an orgasm comes ripping towards me the moment he begins to move.

  He’s got a hand on my clit, rubbing hard, so hard it almost hurts as he thrusts into me again and again, but that zing of pain mixes with pleasure and before I know it I’m biting my lips and holding my breath so I don’t moan.

  “It’s gotta be fast,” he whispers, his voice gruff. “Come now.”

  He changes the rhythm of his hand and I explode around him. My knees go weak and my breath hitches and I swear I’m about to lose control of my voice and start screaming. He wraps his body around mine, his chest pressing against my back, his knees pressing into the back of my thighs and it’s hard to tell where he ends and I begin. He slams into me, quickening his pace and I can tell he’s close to his own orgasm. It’s when he bites my shoulder, nothing hard, nothing that will leave a mark, but another sensation to blend with all the others I’m having that I lose all control and moan. He clamps a hand to my face, the hand that was doing delicious things to my clit just moments before and I can smell myself. One orgasm rolls into another and then Dominic shudders into me, adding his own to the list.

  There’s a knock at the door and my heart stops. “Miss?” Dominic pulls out of me and pulls off the condom while I pull up my pants. “Are you okay in there?”

  Fuck, that sounds very flight attendant-like. I look at Dominic with my eyes wide, pointing to the airsickness bag I brought with me. “I’m feeling better, thank you,” I say, not even having to fake sounding sick and unsettled, the nerves and mind-blowing sex is doing the job for me.

  “Is someone in there with you?” asks the flight attendant, sounding very nosy, bossy, and ready to flex her authoritative fingers.

  “My boyfriend,” I say and give Dominic a look that I hope says I know you’re not my boyfriend, just roll with me here.

  “Dakota wasn’t feeling well so I came in here with her to make sure she’s okay.” Dominic grabs the airsickness bag and checks his pants, flushes the condom, and then opens the door to the bathroom, smiling sheepishly at a woman with her hands on her hips and her lips pursed, totally prepared to be The Bitch. “Is that okay? I didn’t think it was against the rul
es.” And damn if he doesn’t flash her with that magnificent smile of his and I watch The Bitch slide right off her face and get replaced with something way more melty and girly. I do my best to look queasy, which isn’t all that hard given the circumstances.

  “Are you sure you’re feeling better, babes?” Dominic asks me as he wraps an arm around me and looks at me with the most concerned face ever.

  Of course, wouldn’t you know it, there’s a huge laughter bubble about to burst inside me and I’m not going to be able to keep a straight face much longer. I nod and smile. “Yeah. I think I’m gonna make it.” I grimace at the flight attendant who very clearly doesn’t like me. “Sorry,” I say and swallow hard against the urge to giggle.

  Somehow we make it back to our seats without losing it completely and I collapse into my chair and lean my head against the window which immediately fogs up. I wipe a hand across my forehead which actually has a thin layer of sweat on it. Given my weak legs, my flushed cheeks, and my sweaty face, I probably did a better job of selling the whole I was sick thing than I thought. I giggle and turn my head to Dominic.

  “That was quick thinking on the airsick thing.”

  “Just a random thought on the way to the bathroom,” I say. “How’d you know to keep my hands on the ceiling and not the door?” I ask, even though I’m not really sure I want to hear the answer to that question. I do this all the time is really going to detract from my enjoyment of this situation.

  Dominic looks sheepish and I brace myself for the answer. “I may have Googled some things before we left.”

  “What?” My eyebrows hit my hairline. “Really?”

  “Hell yeah. Stuck on a plane next to a smokin’ hot girl like you for eight or nine hours and there was no way I wasn’t going to end up wanting to fuck you.”

  He’s whispering thank goodness, but I blush nonetheless. “Dominic!” I put a finger to my lips and look to see if anyone heard. No one did, of course. The whole plane is still asleep.


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