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A Fragmented Journey (The New York Journey Book 1)

Page 13

by Gracie Guy

  On Monday, when Dave told her she had to come to this show, she was feeling a bit belligerent. First, he’d made the show registration without her knowing it. Then he demanded she take the apprentice, Andy, and teach him the ropes. Somewhere in the two weeks she’d been off, she’d lost control of her job. And she didn’t like it. But now, at the hotel, in the midst of techies wearing lanyards bedecked with smiley faces, ribbons and various sticky logos, Kara could feel her mood lift.

  With key card in hand, she maneuvered her spinner onto the elevator and pushed the button for the seventh floor. Six doors down the hall from the elevator, she found a bright, clean room with a large package on the table. Quizzically, Kara approached it, pulling the accompanying card out to read.

  Kiddo—I know you didn’t want to make this trip. I thought a few of your favorite beers might make it a bit easier to enjoy so you wouldn’t have to drink that cougar piss called Shiner Bock. Thanks so much for your dedication. Fondly, Dave

  She felt tears spring to her eyes as she picked up a bottle of All-In IPA from Druthers Brewing Company in Saratoga. “Ah, how sweet!” She ran her finger over the label. “I didn’t even know they sold this by the bottle.” Kara put a few in the fridge and went about getting ready to see Mark. Just before leaving her room, she sent him a text.

  Hey cowboy. How’s the show?

  After a few anxious minutes, he responded.

  Stupid. Would be better with u here.

  Really? U r just saying that.

  No. Seriously.

  So what are you doing now?

  Drinking my dinner in the bar.

  Stop pouting.

  Why? U r not here to see it.

  Right. Don’t drink too much.

  Okay, beautiful.

  Bye cowboy. C U around.

  Kara grinned as she headed for the elevator. He does want to see me! She pushed the down button a few times, hoping to call the car sooner. When the door finally opened, she was pleased to find it empty for her ride to the lobby.

  She crossed the marble floor, following the neon sign for LOUNGE. Standing just inside the door, she let her eyes adjust to the low light while looking for Mark. Kara watched him for a minute. Sitting alone, facing the television mounted behind the bar, holding his phone. Silently she crossed the room and stood behind him. Then she moved to his right, grabbing the wooden back of the barstool next to him. She cleared her throat just slightly. “Is this seat taken?”

  He barely moved, not looking at her. “Nope. All yours.” He continued to play with his phone. But now Kara could see it was the text they’d just shared which captured his attention. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t turned to look at who was sitting down next to him. The grin on her face grew as it dawned on her he wasn’t interested in another woman, just her.

  The bartender smiled and tipped his head in acknowledgment. “What can I git cha, ma’am?” His deep Texas accent played with her.

  “What do you have for IPAs? And please don’t say Shiner Bock.”

  “Red Hook, Sam Adams, Long Trail and a local.”

  “I’ll take the local.” Pointing toward Mark she said. “And give this guy another round.”

  The bartender pointed to her when he slid the fresh beer under Mark’s nose. She sat smiling, waiting for Mark to look at her. And he did, quickly to be polite, then back at his phone for a second before turning to her.

  “I cannot believe you are here!” He was practically shouting as he stood to lift her in a hug. His face nestled in her freshly shampooed hair, Kara felt his arms squeeze tighter. When he finally put her down, he stood shaking his head in disbelief and then cupped her face to kiss her.

  Thrilled by his reaction, Kara didn’t notice everyone in the bar was staring at them. All she knew was the tenderness of Mark’s lips as he covered her mouth, his tongue probing, darting, and teasing. With her arms wrapped around his neck, she giggled when their lips finally parted.

  “Really. I just can’t believe this!” Shrugging his shoulders sheepishly, Mark lowered his voice when she pointed out the number of people staring. “I thought you couldn’t make it.”

  “My boss had other plans.”

  “Good. By the way, the wimpy kid doesn’t make the booth look as good as you do.” He was still staring at her in disbelief.

  “So, we’ve got lots to catch up on. How about we find some dinner after this beer.”

  “Anything for you, beautiful. Anything.”

  Less than an hour later, they opted to eat in one of the restaurants on site. Despite how exciting it was to be with Mark, Kara found she was tired from the trip. Finding a good place to eat, and a cab to get there, wasn’t tops on her list. All she wanted to do was visit with him.

  Dinner passed easily. Their conversation meandered from dogs to horses to the pending winter season, occasionally hitting on developments in their industry. When Mark insisted on paying the bill, Kara took a leap of faith.

  “So, listen. I still have some big news to share with you.”

  He nodded slightly.

  “And I’ve got a fine New York craft beer in the fridge.”

  The mention of beer made him smile.

  “Shall we continue this discussion on the seventh floor?”

  “Sure. But only if you insist.”

  “Yeah. My suite has a table and a few comfy chairs.”

  She tried to calm herself as they rode the elevator. Hey, this was your idea. And you don’t have to sleep with him. Wrapped in her own thoughts, Mark’s voice startled Kara.

  “Something on your mind?

  “Sorry, just thinking.”

  When the elevator doors opened, Mark followed her through them and then stopped.

  “Look Kara, you seem uncomfortable with this.” He motioned down the hall. “I want you to know I would never push you into somethin’ you’re not ready for.”

  Kara felt herself blink and swallow, tamping down her emotions. She couldn’t believe the decency of this man. “Honestly, I’m not sure myself what I want.” But as the words fell from her lips, John’s face filled her mind even though it was Mark standing there.

  “Okay, then we agree.” He reached out to shake her hand. “A few beers and conversation. None of the hanky-panky stuff.”

  She giggled at his old-fashioned reference to sex. “Deal.”

  When they settled in with a beer, Kara gave Mark all the details of her decision to sell the house and the whirlwind move that followed. She held back about the money, since she figured it was none of his business.

  “So this means you moved outta the Snow Belt?”

  “Sort of. I’m still in New York State. Just a lot farther south.”

  “And your animals?”

  “The dogs are with me. The horses are at a friend’s farm about fifteen miles away. Kinda hard, but I’m looking for a place to buy. Maybe some land to build a new house and barn on.”

  Mark stood, stretching his long back. Kara watched as his shirt lifted high enough to play peek-a-boo with a lovely patch of black hair covering his taut stomach.

  “Listen beautiful, I’m ready to call it a night. Did you know the floor opens tomorrow at eight and not nine?”

  “Wow. No, I did not.” She stood to walk him to the door of her suite. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  Just as her hand reached for the handle, he pulled it to his lips. Gently nibbling her fingertips, running his tongue up and down the sides of them, Mark rapidly turned her legs into jelly. His free arm wrapped around her back, pulling her up to his full height. Now he was nipping her ears, his tongue dancing at the base of her hairline. Every inch of her was on fire when his tongue plunged into her gasping mouth. After a few minutes, he released her lips and slowly slid her so she was standing on her own feet.

  “Good night, beautiful.” Quietly he pulled the door closed behind him.

  Damn, damn, damn. Twice he’s pulled that stunt. Just wait ’til he gets a load of this redhead tomorrow night.

; Chapter Twenty-four

  Kara’s first day on the floor in Dallas started poorly. She got to the booth at seven thirty to find mistakes Andy made in the setup. Resisting the urge to explode with epithets, she quietly adjusted the layout. When Andy arrived five minutes before opening, she took him to task for his tardiness.

  “Hey. Late night?”

  “No. Why do you ask?” He shook his head in confusion.

  “’Cause you’re late. I told you to always be on the floor at least fifteen minutes before the doors open. Got it?”

  He gave her a contemptuous glare. “Sure.”

  “When you’ve done as many of these shows as I have and gotten as many signed contracts, you can be a dick to me. Until then, paste a smile on that handsome young face of yours and look sharp!” Dismissing him, she turned to speak to the first customer, her pristine teeth taking center stage in a fifty thousand-watt smile.

  “Hi. I’m Kara. Welcome to Avion Technology.”

  Once she hooked them on their service, Andy would take over by setting up the contracts. Then Kara would wrap up the sale with signing the paperwork with them. By noontime, they had ten new sales.

  “Wow!” She turned to Andy during a lull. “I was hoping for fifteen by the end of the show, tomorrow. If we keep at this pace, we’ll have at least twenty by then.”

  “Uh…ya know…um…” He stuttered. “You really know how to do this!”

  Kara smiled at his compliment. Four hours ago he wanted to punch her lights out. Now he was gushing. Men are so simple! Has he no idea how much power is contained in one set of breasts? “Thanks. Now go get yourself some lunch.” Just as her apprentice left, Mark strolled up to the booth.

  “Hey. Do me a favor and turn around in a circle.” She motioned for him to spin.

  He dutifully complied, returning to face her with a smile. “Why?”

  “Oh, it’s simple.” She shrugged casually. “I wanted to check out your ass in those jeans you’re wearing.”

  She watched him blush as he looked down at his legs. New black Wranglers with ironed-in-creases, stacked on his well-polished black ropers—snug enough to accentuate the muscles in his thighs and butt, snug enough to turn her on. God I love the way men dress out here in the southwest. Kara pulled her eyes from his legs quick enough to see the satisfied smile on his face.

  “You got plans for dinner, beautiful?”

  She dropped her voice a few octaves while she pulled her auburn hair over her shoulder to dangle in front of her breasts. She practically purred. “Well, if you’re talking to me, cowboy, the answer is yes. I do have plans.” But she had to suppress a grin as his eyes flew open with surprise.

  “You do? Anybody I know?”

  “Oh, just an Okie I met a few months back.” This time she let her smile fly as he reached out to gently touch her under the chin.

  “Good. I’m working up one H of an appetite.”

  “I’ll meet you on the seventh floor, half an hour after the doors close here.”

  He winked at her in response and walked away. Kara found herself nibbling on her own lower lip. You’ve been a good girl long enough, now it’s time for some fun.

  All afternoon the booth for Avion Technology was busy. As usual, Dave managed to snag a great location, making them one of the largest booths as people walked in the door. Between the location and the eye-popping graphics the company crew put together, getting traffic into the booth was simple. But money was tight for many municipalities, causing Kara to turn on the charm and do her best work to get the contracts signed. When the doors finally closed, Andy was holding the paperwork on four more deals.

  She shared a right-handed fist bump with Andy as she removed the papers with her other hand. “This is a great day’s work!” Kara dropped them into her laptop case. “Now have a good night. And don’t forget the morning rule.” She smiled sweetly at her apprentice as she left the booth.

  Once in her room, Kara jumped in and out of the quickest shower she’d taken in years. The hair dryer blocked out any other sounds for a few minutes, then she touched up her makeup. A quiet knock on the door came a minute or two after she pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a silk blouse. In her bare feet, Kara peeked through the security hole to see Mark lounging comfortably on the opposite wall.

  She held the door open with a welcoming sweeping motion.

  “Hey girl. You look beautiful.” Mark leaned down to kiss her, one hand at the small of her back, steadying her.

  “Thanks.” She pointed to the same chairs they sat in the night before. “Make yourself at home.”

  “I’d rather sit here if you don’t mind.” He pointed to the sofa.

  “Of course not. Beer?”

  “Please, ma’am.”

  Kara handed him a glistening bottle of the Druthers IPA. Folding her left leg, she lowered herself to the sofa, her knee about two inches from his well-muscled thigh. The condensation from her own chilled bottle of beer dripped between her breasts as she took a long swallow.

  “Mmmm. I love this beer.” She fought the urge to wipe the drops tickling her skin.

  “Darlin’, that beer loves you.” His sultry gaze added fire to his Oklahoma accent. “I’ve never seen condensation drip quite so perfectly.”

  Kara threw her head back in laughter, rising from the couch to steal a chance at wiping the inside of her lace bra. When she turned around, Mark stood next to her—all six feet two inches of him. She melted into his outstretched arms, breathing him in. His laundry soap, his deodorant, his cologne—all mixed together, a heady scent.

  His hands lifted her hair from her neck. Then traced her back, ending at her bottom, this time holding both cheeks at once. He released her long enough for his hands to delicately raise her chin. Kara’s eyes fluttered a second in answer to his unspoken question. Instantly, she was lost in the sensation of his kiss. He outlined her lips with his tongue before lightly nipping them. Holding her bottom lip for just a second, he elicited a slight groan. This guy is a master.

  Kara felt her hips flex toward him, arching her back as he moved his arms to support her. Suddenly his lips abandoned hers, surprising her when they started kissing her neck. His tongue flicked rapidly, creating a path of fire from her earlobes to the cleavage playing peek-a-boo from an open button on her blouse. The heat spreading through her groin was almost unbearable. Why did I wear jeans? Why not leggings?

  Suddenly Mark withdrew his lips from her neck, jolting her from her reverie.

  “Darlin’, nibblin’ on you is incredibly temptin’, but I’m starving.” She couldn’t believe what she heard. “Can we catch some dinner first?” Kara shook her head in surprise.

  “What? Like you’d rather order a pizza first?”

  “Well, I was actually thinking about a steak. After all, we are in Texas.” His grin was infectious, playing with the dimple on one side of his face while he drained the bottle of beer.

  “Oh, you smart-ass idiot.” She swatted him in the arm. “Well now that you teased me like that, you owe me. You’re buying!” Kara slipped on her Sperrys and grabbed her purse and fleece to go to dinner, laughing as they left her room. So much for her hot-redhead plans for the night.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Throughout dinner, Kara alternated between flirting with Mark and being annoyed he opted, again, to put the brakes on a promising liaison. What is his deal? Isn’t he horny? Is this an act? Or, is he really a southwestern gentleman?

  “So I was wondering, what time is your flight back?”

  “Excuse me?” She shook her head in confusion. Instead of listening to him, she’d been admiring his lips, eager to return to the hotel for more seduction.

  “Flight home? When is it?”

  “Um. Dunno. I have to look, but about four. Why?”

  “I was wondering if you’d be interested in heading out to my brother’s house after the show closes. We could catch an early dinner with him and my sister-in-law.”

  “They live in Texas?” />
  “Nope. Oklahoma. But it’s only about seventy-five miles from here. In Texas time, about an hour’s drive.”

  “I- I don’t know what to say.” She found herself stuttering, physically and mentally. He keeps pushing me away for sex but wants me to meet his family? “I’ll have to see if there’s a later flight.” Then she thought about the dogs at Laurie’s house. “I’d like to be home by midnight.”

  “Show closes at noon. If we scoot out by one, I can have you back in Dallas by seven.” He cocked his head. “You get to meet my dawgs.” A smile spread across his face. “Game?”

  “Well, as long as the menu doesn’t include eating half a cow, again.” She pushed her plate away, much of her steak left untouched.

  “Nah. My brother’s boss at frying things. Catfish, hushpuppies, and okra.”

  “Well, if you’re sure they won’t mind.”

  “Believe me, they won’t.”

  On the way back to the hotel, Kara kicked around his invitation. On the one hand, meeting his family seemed like a compliment. Many women thought this was a very promising step in a relationship. But that was the problem—Kara had no idea what their relationship was. Yeah, he was sexy. Yeah, she was attracted to him. And yeah, she wanted to have sex with him. But meet his family? Already?

  When they reached her room, pushing the complicated thoughts about his family from her mind, Kara wasted no time in taking control of the seduction. Tossing her belongings on the chair, she kicked off her shoes and loosened the next two buttons on her blouse. She turned to find Mark sitting on the edge of her bed. In three steps she was able to straddle his outstretched legs, wrapping her arms around his neck, cradling his face in her cleavage for a second. With a single finger she tilted his head back and his lips parted just enough for her tongue to dart inside. His slight moan was intoxicating and Kara let her mouth dance with his.


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