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A Fragmented Journey (The New York Journey Book 1)

Page 14

by Gracie Guy

  Nipping, kissing, plunging while her hands busily reached for the edge of his shirt. She pulled it up over his head and pushed him backward to lie on the down comforter. Watching his smoky gaze, Kara released a few more buttons on her blouse, leaving just the two at the bottom holding the silk in place. Still straddling him, stalking like a lioness, she crawled up the bed. Perching herself on his hips, his desire for her was evident in the enormous package meeting the seat of her own jeans. She grabbed each of his hands, kneeling gently on them, pinning Mark to the bed.

  Kara ran her hands up his chest, through the swirls of jet-black hair, stopping long enough to tease his nipples, first with her fingers, then her lips. With a hand to either side of his head, she leaned forward to nibble on his right ear. As she switched to the other side, she paused briefly, her lace-controlled breasts resting on his mouth. His tongue quickly darted to tease her, causing them both to moan in unison.

  Distracted by the fresh heat his touch created in her, Kara leaned back and pulled off her blouse. Touching the lace of her bra, her fingers tingled as they landed on the front hook. She kept her eyes on Mark, reveling in the grin he wore when her breasts became free of their binding. Cupping and gently massaging them, she found herself starting to rock on his hips, grinding a little lower with each pass, mewling with desire.

  Suddenly Mark’s body bucked, tossing her forward, her hands landing on his shoulders. His own free of her pinions, he pulled her closer, his mouth filling with one of her nipples. She gasped as his tongue worked in circles, miniature tremors building in her. Kara could feel the muscles in her inner thighs tighten, and release, igniting a tempest of heat in her groin. Despite the layers of denim separating them, she felt on fire from the moist heat building in her panties.

  She leaned back, trying to catch her breath when he slipped open the button on her jeans, vaguely aware of the metallic sound of her zipper. His hands surrounded her hips, forcing her pants down, just far enough to give access to her throbbing mound. Her thighs, lean and muscular from years of horseback riding, carried her up and down, across the face of his rigid thumbs. Just as her body was about to peak, John Harley’s face swam into view. “Take me now!” she screamed out in confusion and welcome relief.

  Once her breathing steadied, Kara rolled off Mark. Grabbing her strewn blouse, she stood on wobbly legs, her back to him.

  “I, I…I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” She turned to face him, his long legs taking up every inch of the bed. “It’s, it’s just wrong.” She fought the urge to bury her face in her hands. Suddenly he was standing in front of her, arms outstretched.

  “Darlin’, I told you I wouldn’t force you into something.”

  “It’s not that. I want you.” She could feel herself getting lost in the depths of azure of his eyes. “But not here. Not in a hotel. It’s tacky.” But it was more than that. Yes, she thought he was sexy, but she knew that John crept into her intimate moment with Mark. She wasn’t sure what to make of that.

  “Agreed.” He lightly kissed the top of her head. “We’ll talk in the morning.” As he walked to the door, Mark turned to face her. “Check to see if you can get a later flight home.” He gave her a flirtatious wink. “Sweet dreams, beautiful.” A single dimple amplified the sweetness of his smile.

  After he left, Kara turned the deadbolt and leaned on the door, her back absorbing the cool sensation of the metal through her light blouse. “What are you doing?” She looked up at the ceiling as if some magical answer dangled from the light mounted there. “He’s so hot. And you’re so horny.” She walked to the chair, grabbing a beer from the fridge and the remote control for the TV on the way. “And why are you thinking about that trooper?”

  She sat in the chair with one leg folded under her butt. “Because John’s sexy. But, so is Mark.” Kara took a swallow of beer and shook her head. In her mind, the physical distance between them made Mark seem like a one night stand—something she had never believed in. And there was something about John that kept teasing her—a warm security that enhanced his sexiness.

  Flicking through the channels, she happened upon one of her favorites, The Jazz Singer with Neil Diamond. With no southern accents, horses, or pickup trucks to lure her farther down the path of confusion, she got lost in the movie, comforted by the sounds and hustle of New York City. Texas is too far from home. Her final thought before she nodded off, half a beer left warming on the table next to her.

  Kara awoke to the whistling text of her cell phone. Her back, stiff from staying curled in the chair all night, protested as she stood. “Why the hell did I sleep here?” She looked at the bed as she reached for the phone, her lace bra a stark reminder of what occurred the night before. Another friendly whistle.

  G’morning beautiful.

  Time 4 breakfast?

  Hi. When?

  Soon. Show opens in less than an hour.

  Kara groaned as she flipped the screen on her phone to show the time.

  Sorry. No. Just got up. Have to pack.

  Take a shower. I’ll drop off a bagel in about 20 mins.

  K. Thx.

  Gratefully, she stood in the torrent of hot water, loosening the muscles in her back and hiding from the inevitable—seeing Mark. Somewhere in the midst of crying for the cantor from Brooklyn when his father tore his lapel, declaring him dead, she decided to go home as scheduled. Going to meet his family seemed dishonest when she didn’t know what she wanted from him.

  After taking too long in the shower, she packed quickly, throwing everything in her suitcase, not folding last night’s silk blouse or jeans. Even though she knew he would knock on the door at any minute, it still made her jump. She crossed the room quickly, nervously taking inventory of her hair and makeup when she passed the mirror. It’s Mark. What is wrong now? Why are you nervous?

  “Hi.” He tipped his head when she opened the door. “Breakfast, as promised.”

  “Thanks. Come on in.” The smell of his cologne threatened to make her change her mind. She motioned to the table. “Have a seat.”

  “I can only stay a minute. I didn’t pack yet or call my brother about dinner.”

  “Hey listen.” She was having trouble meeting his gaze. “I think I’m going to pass on the whirlwind trip.”

  “Is this ’cause of last night?”

  “Sort of.” Kara shook her head, looking at a gesticulating weathercaster on the television instead of Mark.

  “Darlin’, we didn’t do anything wrong.” He moved to sit on the front edge of his chair, facing her directly. “Look me in the eye and tell me there’s no chemistry here.” He touched her knee, just below the edge of her suit.

  “Uhm. I can’t.”

  “You can’t.” His long arm reached out, gently turning her face forcing her to look at him. “Or, you won’t?”

  “Can’t.” She watched the blue in his eyes start to darken. “I can’t sit here and tell you I don’t want you. I do.” The black of his pupils widened. “And I won’t lie to you. But, I don’t know what this is, where it is, or where it’s going.” Her hands fluttered from her lap to his legs. “And, ’cause I don’t have those answers, I’m not ready to meet any of your family.”

  They sat quietly for a minute, his hands resting on hers. She could feel the heat of him through his khakis, tempting her. What she wanted was to strip him of his pressed outfit and throw him on the bed. To kiss his neck, then his nipples, and move her lips farther down his taut abs until his manhood was erect and solid. Then she would mount him and ride, sliding up and down his shaft until they both collapsed in uncontrollable spasms.

  But it wasn’t happening. Not here. Not now. She stood, folding her arms, signaling the end of their conversation. When he rose, he pulled her to his body and kissed the top of her head.

  “We’ll talk, darlin’.” His voice was raw with emotion. “Right after the show closes today.”

  Kara heard the door click shut behind him. She spoke to herself in the mirror by the TV. “You’r
e an ass.”


  The remainder of the convention passed quickly, but not as successfully as the day before. It was very unusual for this type of tech show to be open to the public. The private sector was far more selective about how they spent their money than the government entities she was so good at reeling in. Even still, she managed to get three more signed contracts, bringing her show total to seventeen. She looked forward to telling Dave how successful it was to have Andy prepping the paperwork after she’d made the sale. Maybe she’d get permission to drag the kid to the San Francisco show scheduled for midway between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

  Fifteen minutes after the doors closed, she saw Mark approaching the booth. Turning to her apprentice, Kara excused herself. “Hey, Andy. Can you handle breaking this down by yourself for a few minutes?” He nodded soundlessly as he wrapped up a fifty-foot USB cable. “Thanks. I’ll be back in a bit.” She waved to Mark and stepped out to the lobby, hoping to find a private place to talk. When he reached her, he launched right in without his usual warm salutation.

  “I think you’re scared. I think you’re feeling a bit guilty ’cause your husband’s only been gone a few months.” His hands rested on her shoulders. “But I also think you’d like to give this a try. Slowly.” Kara tried to speak, but he placed a finger on her lips, his gentle touch lighting a new spark in her groin. “So were both gonna go home, alone. No tension, no problems, no hard feelings.” She opened her mouth again, but this time his peppermint kiss silenced her. Deep, probing, lasting, his tongue teased her mouth and then he left her gasping for more as he slowly withdrew, her lower lip caught in a gentle nip.

  “I’ll call you in a few days, beautiful.” His kissed the top of her head and walked away. The leather heels of his ever-present boots, echoed on the marble floor.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  “Listen, I know I didn’t want him to go, but it worked out pretty well.”

  “Kara, the idea is for you to teach him how to sell the contracts, not for him to do all of your paperwork.”

  Dave Spannell’s outburst surprised her. She thought he’d be pleased about the seventeen contracts she and Andy brought home from Dallas. Instead, he was giving her a lecture about how much the trip cost him.

  “Well, ya know what, Dave. His attitude kinda sucks for sales.” She started pacing the width of his office instead of sitting politely. “First of all, he was late. I told him to be there at least fifteen minutes before the doors opened. When he saw I rearranged the booth, he gave me a line of shit about it.” Back and forth, her heels struck the grey and blue plaid carpeting, muted and not very satisfying. “It wasn’t until I lassoed the first four contracts that he actually took the smirk off of his face.”

  “Did you just say lassoed?”

  “Yeah, well I just spent three days in Texas.” She saw him smile. “Anyway, I think you should consider sending us out as a team for a few shows. Even though he’s handling the prep of the contracts, he’s paying attention to what I’m doing.” She plopped down in the chair in front of his desk. “I know you’re not used to the price of two airline tickets and hotel rooms, but I think it’ll be worth it in the long run.”

  “Alright, you win.” He stood to shake her hand. “But don’t buy anything new for the display for the rest of the year.”

  “Thanks, boss!” She laughed over her shoulder, leaving his office.

  Kara was reviewing contracts at her desk when her phone rang.

  “Hi. Kara Elliott.” She quickly cradled the phone on her left side while she continued to sort through paper.

  “Hello. This is John Harley.”

  Kara felt goose bumps pop out on her arm at the sound of his voice. “Oh. Hey sergeant. How are you?”

  “I’m well Kara. How are you? Have you got a few minutes?”

  “Sure Sergeant.” She tried diligently to keep her tone level and professional despite the giddy ride her stomach was taking at the moment.

  “I thought we agreed you’d call me John?”

  “Oh, sorry. In my office and all, I tend to flip to formal for phone calls.” She had put the contracts down but now was nervously attaching alligator clips into a long chain. “What’s up John? You got some news for me?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” She heard him take a deep breath before proceeding, causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise. “We found the woman who was spotted with your husband the night he died. After several hours of interrogation, she admitted she passed out on the couch after she’d gotten Dan all trussed up.” He paused a moment. “When she woke, he was already dead. She got scared and ran. The coroner has ruled his death an accident.”

  Kara stopped fiddling. Staring out the window, she searched for something to say, willing the air to return to her lungs.

  “Um. I’m sorry. John did, did you just say it was an accident?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  His words were muffled by the buzzing in her ears as the black crept in on the sides of her vision. Breathe! She gave her bare arm a stinging slap. Breathe, asshole!

  “Kara, are you alright?”

  “I…I just can’t believe this. Has she been charged with anything?”

  “Leaving the scene of a crime and possession of a controlled substance.”

  She stood, moving as far as the phone cord would allow her to. Wiggling her free arm, she squatted a few times, pushing the blood through her body. The buzzing slowed as she moved.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Marion. Marion Vernon.”

  “Is she part of the dungeon place you mentioned?”

  “No. Don’t think so. She’s from Tupper Lake. Appears that she’s just a North Country girl with a penchant for drugs and rough sex.”

  “So, John. You’re telling me this Marion chick is basically gonna walk? My husband is dead, I’ve made huge changes in my life to get away from all of it and she’s getting off scot free?”

  “No, Kara. She’ll do some time. Probably about a year. She’s plead guilty so there won’t be any trial. Just sentencing in a few months depending on how full the court’s calendar is. Do you want to be here for it?”

  Kara watched the first snow of the season outside her window, three days before Thanksgiving. The full crush of the holidays was about to start. But not for her, she was alone.

  “No, John. But thanks.”

  “I’m sorry Kara. I wish I could make this better for you.”

  “Yeah, I wish you could too.” She knew the trooper meant well, but she couldn’t find any smile to put in her voice. “Thanks for calling.”

  “Be well.”

  “Thanks John, you too.”

  She cradled the phone quietly. Thankful she’d closed her door before his call, Kara let the tears flow. So, it’s officially over. Dan is to blame for his own death.

  “I hate you, you bastard!” She threw the small framed picture of him, the last one she owned, wincing as it bounced off the door, shattering on the floor.


  Kara remained in her office all day, with the door closed, ignoring both phones. She saw the text come in from Mark, but she didn’t read it. He and Dave peppered her inbox with mail; She didn’t read those, either. She had no strength. Her chest was a massive block of ice. Too heavy for her to move. Too cold to thaw. The late fall sun streaming in her window was no match for it. Shivering, she huddled in her chair, hoping no one needed to see her.

  The office quieted as the sun dropped over the side of the building. Not willing to speak to another human being, Kara waited until the large sodium lights flooded the empty parking lot before getting up to leave. Ducking her head, she gave a silent wave to the cleaning crew who entered from the back of the building, taking her leave through the front door.

  Driving home, she decided not to go to Laurie’s to feed the horses. It was dark, cold, and wet, and she was sure her friend would have finished the barn work by now. She pulled over to the side of the road when she e
xited I-90 to send Laurie a text, thanking her in advance for taking care of her animals.

  The dogs were happy to see her, though they sensed her sadness. Once they made a mad dash around the yard to relieve themselves, they returned quickly, tapping lightly on the front door with their paws. They followed her around the house while she hung up her clothes and made some dinner. When she sunk into the couch, both of them took to the oversized beds under the front window, keeping an eye on her in case she moved.

  She set the TV channel on CBS, first watching the local news, then the national news with Scott Pelley. She stared motionless at reruns of Two and Half Men, and then a new episode of her favorite show, The Big Bang Theory. When it failed to elicit a smile from her, she knew it was time for bed.

  She took two antihistamines, hoping to knock herself out. Instead, an hour later, her sinuses ached from dryness and, she was wide-awake. “Give it up.” Her voice surprised the dogs, causing them to jump from the bed and race to the living room, barking at the perceived intruder.

  Sitting up, she turned on the light by her bed. “Hey, knuckleheads.” She whistled lightly. “It was just me.” The dogs raced back, landing in the middle of her bed as she reached for her laptop sitting next to the lamp on the small, knotty pine table. Since she couldn’t sleep, she decided to surf some realty websites. The six months on her lease would fly by and she wasn’t interested in buying the small ranch she was presently in.

  Her Google search was: realtors, Northern Columbia County. Ignoring the first few links for ads, she selected an independent broker named Colby and Teller. Browsing through their listings, she was surprised she’d never heard of them. Nor ever seen any of their signs. How do they sell anything? She didn’t care. She was buying and the fewer people who saw the site, the less she might have to pay for a piece of property.

  After fifteen minutes, she stopped looking at houses and switched to undeveloped properties. She had enough money to build a house; she didn’t want to settle for someone else’s. A bit demoralized and getting sleepy, Kara was almost ready to close the laptop when she reached the last listing.


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