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My Fake Relationship

Page 4

by V. R. Knight

  “You’re mom is hot!” he said coming in my door. I turned around to him and gave out a dramatic sigh.

  “You would!” I said and shook my head.

  “Your mom loves me!” he said and wiggled an eyebrow at me. “When we split up, I’m going for her!”

  My mouth dropped and he came over and fell down onto my bed.

  “Aren’t you going to get together with Kendra?”

  He looked at me for a second, then looked away and shrugged. I hit his leg to move it and got my history book out from under it.

  “Don’t you have to go home?” I asked and sat down.

  His leg hit my back and I rolled my eyes.

  “Not right now. I want to annoy you more.”

  I looked back at him.

  He had his arms crossed under his head and he grinned.

  “Well, I’m going to bore you because I’m doing homework.”

  “You bore me anyhow.”

  I scrunched up my face.

  He laughed.

  I sighed and looked at my book. I pulled off my sandals and threw them in the corner. I pulled my hair back into a pony tail, trying to get it out of my face, then started reading in my book. “

  It’s going to be weird tomorrow.” Zane clarified.

  “You think?” I muttered.

  “I think we should make out in the movie.”

  I scoffed.

  “Like I told you… no! I’m not doing that!”

  He rolled his eyes up at me.

  “They aren’t getting jealous or didn’t you realize that?!” he yelled.

  “I know that! Maybe it’s just because they are ok with it. Maybe we should just give it up.” I sighed. He rolled his eyes.

  “You’re so damn dramatic.” he said putting his fingers on the bridge of his nose.

  “No, I’m being logical!”

  He shook his head, his eyes closed.

  “Well, logic doesn’t always work!” he opened his eyes and looked at me. They were blazing like a blue fire. My heart beat started going faster.

  “F-fine,” I said giving in.

  He looked surprised.

  “But I don’t want to like make out make out, just like kiss once or twice. Ewe I can’t believe I just said that!”

  He looked bored.

  “Yeah, same here, but I want Kendra back.”

  I looked at him and could see he was mad. Why would he be? But see Olivia. He just wants her back. So just kiss him once or twice and you have Grant back. No worries.

  “Ok, but don’t like…” I tried to explain but I couldn’t.

  He laughed.

  “What? Don’t what? I know how to kiss stupid. I'm probably better than you.” I gasped.

  “You’re such a jerk! Probably not! I’ll show you how to kiss, you little ass.”

  He raised an eyebrow but didn't object.

  “Well, then come on then. Show me,” he said getting comfortable on the bed.

  “I don’t think so!—“

  “Dry lips.”

  I gritted my teeth together.

  “Fine!” I dropped my books to the floor and got on the bed. I straddled him and his eyes got wide. I smirked.

  “This is how you kiss,” I leaned down and he stared up at me. I can’t believe I’m doing this! Get a hold of yourself Olivia! Get off him and tell him you’re done with this whole fake relationship! I couldn’t. His lips looked so soft and sweet. I leaned down and he lifted his head a little. Our lips touched softly and my stomach did flips. They were soft. I forced open his lips and sucked on his top lip not that he was struggling. Now this is showing him! His hands wrapped themselves around my waist holding me closer. They were burning me. His lips, his hands….a moan almost escaped my mouth but I held it in. He tasted of peppermint and cigarettes. I didn’t want to end the kiss and I could tell he didn’t want to either. I was quickly losing my breath, my head getting foggy. Really, what I wanted to do was take off—

  “Honey I was—“

  I jumped back and stared at my mother at the door. Her eyes were wide, and then she smiled. “Oh, I’m sorry sweetie,”

  I looked down at Zane and he grinned up at me; his hands closer to my butt. I slapped his hands and got off him.

  “No mom, it’s not what you think.”

  “No, no, it’s ok honey.”

  I shook my head my eyes wide.

  “No, I was just…he was….Zane go home!” I finally yelled turning around to him.

  He laughed and sat up.

  “She just can’t think right after we kiss. I’m glad I have that affect on her.” I glared at him.

  He got his jacket and backpack.

  “Sorry, Mrs. Taylor,” he said sweetly. He looked at me, winked, and then smiled at my mom. “Bye!” he ran out the door and down stairs.

  My mom chuckled.

  “He really is a sweet boy. I hope you’re being safe too.”

  I stared at her with my mouth open.

  “Mom! I’m not having sex!”

  She sighed.

  “Honey, a mother knows when her daughter is.”

  “Mom, please, you don’t know anything about me.”

  She frowned.

  “Olivia I—“

  “I have homework.”

  She stopped and nodded. She left. I shut the door and went over to my bed. I heard his car start up and go down the road. I sighed and laid back on the bed. My pillow had a dent in the top and I grabbed it. I smelled it. It smelled like bittersweet cologne, Zane’s. I licked my lips and still tasted him. Get a hold of yourself girl! With that, I put the pillow back and started on my school work.

  Chapter 7

  Saturday, one of the best days of the week. No school, just sleep and do nothing. Peaceful sleep. Something I had not gotten in a while. Nothing but peace and quiet.

  “Yo, Taylor, get up!”

  I jumped and flipped around in bed to glare at Zane. He looked at me raised an eyebrow then laughed.

  “Get out!” I yelled. “And who the hell let you in?!”

  He laughed again.

  “Your mom did,” he winked. “And she told me to tell you that its 3:30 and that they are leaving to go out to dinner and to visits some friends.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Thanks, now get out,” I shoved my face back into the pillow, wanting more sleep.

  “Gosh, how many hours do you need Princess?” he muttered. I threw an arm up at him to silence him and he did.

  I sighed. I felt the bed squeak, as someone sat down. I didn’t care. I was so tired. It might have been my mind playing tricks on me but I swear I felt someone stroking my hair. Then, pushing it away from my face, his fingers were rough but gentle. Yeah I think I was dreaming!

  His blonde hair blew across his face, a smile glistening in the perfect sun.

  “Grant?” I asked surprised. He stood in front of me.

  “Hey,” he said and smiled.

  I frowned.

  “I wanted to tell you something.”

  I shifted my feet. “Yeah?” I asked, my heart pounding.

  “I want you back. I’m in love with you.”

  I smiled. “Really?”

  He nodded and got down on his knees. “Olivia, I can’t live without you. I want you back. I love you so much,” he was begging.

  I laughed and nodded. “Yes! I… “

  I groaned. No! I couldn’t finish it! I felt something hard under me. It was breathing. What?! Breathing? I looked up and I was laying half way on Zane, his eyes closed. His hand was on my back, our legs tangled together. My eyes got wide. Holy shit. I looked at the clock and saw it was 7.

  “Shit!” I yelled.

  Zane jumped up and almost mashed heads with me.

  “For the love of God, Olivia!” he yelled.

  I looked at him then jumped off of him and shook myself.

  “Ewe, ewe, ewe! That was sick! Why would you do that? Ewe! I got Zane coodies!” I yelled feeling not even the slightest bit di
rty but wanted him to think I did.

  He laughed.

  “Me? You think I did that? Princess you cuddled up to me first!”

  My mouth dropped.

  “Did not! You’re lying!”

  He shrugged and looked at me with the corner of his eye.

  It was the truth. I clenched my teeth. “Ugh, would you get off my bed! You’re making it dirty! I’ll be back. I’m taking a shower.” I grabbed my clothes and hurried to the bathroom, locking the door. I drew in a deep breath. I can’t believe I did that! I don’t remember cuddling up to him. But he didn’t look mad he actually looked….I gulped… happy or pleased.

  After my shower, I got dressed into a short skirt and a pretty dark purple top. I blow dried my hair and did my makeup. I went out and back into the room. Zane was still lying in my bed with his eyes closed. I didn’t want to wake him but then I wanted to jump up on the bed and scare the crap out of him. I put my clothes in my hamper, and then went to my dresser to get earrings. I dropped an earring and bent to pick it up.

  “You have a great ass; did anyone ever tell you that?”

  I jumped and turned around. Zane was watching me; his hands behind his head, his hair sweeping down in front of his eyes.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “No, but thanks,” I said sarcastically. “Get up, we need to go.” I order.

  He sighed and got up. He ran his hand through his hair once, and then put on his shoes. I turned around and grabbed a pair of high heeled sandals and sat in my desk chair to put them on.

  “Do we have an escape plan?” I asked.

  Zane laughed and tied his shoe.

  “I don’t know. We could say that your parents need you back home?”

  I nodded.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  We both got up at the same time. I looked him up and down. He was wearing a nice pair of dark jeans with an ivory shirt on, plus his black leather jacket. I gasped, and then got my purse. This was going to be an interesting night.

  Chapter 8

  “No! Stop it!” Zane yelled at me.

  I growled.

  “It hurts that way!”

  I grabbed his hand and put our fingers together, then made sure my arm was over his. Because the other way my arm got cramps and he knew that. We were walking up to the movie theater and we were still fighting.

  “Zane! Cut it out!” I yelled.

  He smirked.

  I grabbed the back of his head with a fist full of hair.

  “Ow!” he yelled and grabbed mine.

  “Let go,” I warned and pulled harder.

  He grunted.

  “Not till you do,” and he pulled just as hard.

  I whimpered.

  “Fine!” I let go, then he did too.

  I held the back of my head and rubbed it. He did the same. “You’re such a girl.” I muttered.

  He shook his head.

  “You’re such a boy.”

  I glared at him.

  We went to the ticket counter, not holding hands and got our tickets.

  We walked in arguing over that he was a girl and I was boy.

  “Look, there they are,” he whispered.

  Grant and Kendra stood by the entrance to the movie gazing into each other’s eyes. Grant had never looked at me that way before. My heart sunk. Were they really in love? Did we even have a chance to get back together with them? I glanced over at Zane and saw the same questions. I took his hand, the way he wanted it, but didn’t look at him. His fingers wrapped around mine gently. We walked over and put on our best smiles.

  “Hey guys!” I called.

  They turned toward us and smiled. Grant put his arm around Kendra and hers around him. I tried to ignore the urge to frown. Grant looked at me, his eyes a little wide.

  I stood next to Zane. He gulped. I smiled.

  “Aw, I hope I don’t get scared,” Kendra said to Grant, holding on and laughing a little. I heard Zane gasp but they didn’t.

  “I know!” I agreed and held onto Zane’s arm.

  He looked down at me and gave me a wink and a smile.

  “It’s ok baby I’ll take care of you.”

  I smiled and batted my eye lashes.

  “Olivia, you’ve always loved scary movies. You’ve never been scared of them before,” Grant said with a laugh.

  I looked at him and glared.

  “I’ve changed a lot since then, Grant.”

  He cleared his throat and I looked back at Zane. He rolled his eyes. I shrugged and we went into the theater. The credits were playing and there were only about a dozen people in the place. We went to the third row from the top and sat down. Kendra sat beside me with Zane on my other side. My hands were sweating as soon as we got in there. Zane and I let our hands go. It was awkward sometimes with him. I put my feet up on the chair in front of me and Zane did the same. The movie started up and I took in a deep breath. So this isn’t too bad. It feels like old times. When we would go out together, Kendra and I would sit like this. It’s just Zane’s with me and Grant’s with her. See, no difference. I smiled lightly. I looked down and saw Zane’s hand on the arm rest. It was long and thin. His fingers looked rough but I knew how gently and soft they were. Did Kendra know this? Or did she just go out with him just because? I heard a giggled after someone screamed in the movie and looked over. Grant was nuzzling Kendra’s neck, whispering something. I gritted my teeth together. I looked over at Zane who looked bored at the screen.

  “Zane?” I whispered and pinched his arm. He looked over at me and sighed. “Kiss me.”

  His eyes got wide well what I could see.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I said, kiss me.” My breath was low.

  He looked around me and saw Kendra and Grant. He narrowed his eyes at them, and then turned to me. He surprised me by putting his hand on my jaw and bringing me to him. His hand was cold on my neck but I liked it. I made the first move and kissed him. His lips were warm and just the way they felt yesterday but more….I wasn’t sure. My stomach was fluttering with butterflies and I felt like I was floating. It sure hell didn’t feel this way with Grant! But why didn’t it? We parted our lips and tongues touched. I gasped a little but put my hands in his hair. His other hand was on my shoulder. Our breathing was heavy and we had to pull back before we couldn’t breathe. I bit at my lip as we looked at each other. I didn’t know what to say. We both felt it was different for each other. But I wasn’t going to admit that.

  “I think they saw, so that’s all we’ll do.”

  He nodded stiffly and we turned back to the movie.

  Chapter 9

  “Wow! That was such a good movie!” Kendra gushed, as we went back to our cars. I looked over at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Do you even know what it’s about?”

  She stared at me a moment, looking like a blow up doll.

  “Um, yeah!” she looked away. She didn’t even know. It was a good movie but it wasn’t scary. Zane and I didn’t really talk but mostly in our thoughts.

  “So you guys want to go to the Burger restaurant?”

  I looked at Zane and shrugged.

  “Sure, Kendra,” he said and put his hand around my waist. It surprised me. “My baby needs something to eat.”

  I looked over at her nervously. She smiled but it quivered.

  “Y-yeah, of course,” she stuttered. We got back into our cars and we went to the dinner.

  “Well, that turned out pretty well.” I mumbled, as we headed to the door and went in. Kendra and Grant followed slowly behind us.

  He laughed.

  “Yeah, sure it did. Like, it wasn’t awkward and weird.” He opened up the door for me and I went in. He held it open for Grant and Kendra.

  I smiled at him. He came back to me and Grant and Kendra found a seat in the corner. Zane slid in first, and then I went in beside him. Grant and Kendra were across from us. The place was busy and I figured we wouldn’t get served for a while.

how are you two doing?” Kendra asked, leaning over the table to us. She sat across from Zane. Grant watched me and I tried not to look up at him. Zane sighed and laid a lazy arm around my shoulder. I smiled.

  “Great! I just love my Zaney!” I said and playfully knocking him in the side. He grinned. It felt weird doing this. I hated being fake and plastic. But this is how I’m going to make Grant jealous.

  “Yeah, and I love you, too,” he pinched my cheek and I tried to smile but it came forced.

  He saw and grinned wider.

  “Aww… you’re just so cute!” I said.

  “Not as cute as you!” he said.

  “Well, I have to give you that one!” I wiggled my eye brows and he glared for a moment but then smiled. “So yeah, we’re doing great!” Kendra smiled but it wasn’t real. I saw it before. Grant looked mad but then Kendra put her hand on his lap and patted it.

  “We are too!” she expected us to ask but we didn’t. She sighed.

  “Hello, how may I help you?” a waitress asked finally coming to take our orders.

  “Oh yeah!” Zane slapped my butt and winked at Grant. Grant merely smiled. I laughed and turned and glared at him.

  “Zane, get out so I can sit back down.” I said and smiled. He grinned and stood up.

  “I’ll be right back,” Zane said and headed to the restroom. Kendra did the same. I sat back down in the seat and wished I had gone too. This was really awkward.

  “So you and Walker,” Grant said nodding. I nodded. This was the first time I had been alone with him since we broke up. “You really like him?” he asked. I looked up and narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Yeah I do.” He clenched his teeth.

  “I was thinking…” he said looking down. “I thought maybe we could—“

  “Back, did ya miss me?” Zane asked, with a grin and his arms open. I smiled.

  “Of course!” I giggled and he slid in next to me. Kendra came back and looked at Grant. “My mom said I need to be home in 10 minutes. So let’s go.” Grant stood up hastily and put his jacket back on.

  “Awww… ok,” I said and pushed Zane to stand up.

  “Yeah, sorry,” she said quickly. Zane smirked.


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