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My Fake Relationship

Page 5

by V. R. Knight

  “OK, well bye,” I said and waved.

  She waved but frowned. Her and Grant walked out and we watched them get into the car and drive away. What was Grant going to tell me? Zane gently started gliding his hand down to my butt. I slapped it and threw it back at him then went out the door.

  “Aw come on!” he complained.

  I rolled my eyes and got into his car.

  Chapter 10

  A month later:

  Zane and I had been together a whole month and one week now. We tried our best to make Grant and Kendra jealous, but it didn’t matter what we did, nothing seemed to bother them. Once in a while they would break but then they would act as if nothing happened. But we weren’t giving up. Zane and I would still rant on to each other and fight but it was better. But we hadn’t kissed since that night.

  “Oh, would you just shut up!” Zane complained as we came into my house.

  “You shut up! I’m the one who has to deal with you!” I yelled.

  He threw himself down onto the couch dramatically.

  “Drama queen,” I muttered.

  He grinned.

  “Get me something to eat,” he ordered grabbing the TV buttons.

  “What do I look like? Your slave?” I said putting my hands on my hips.

  He looked me up and down and was about to say something but I put a finger up.

  “Just don’t answer that.”

  He laughed.

  I went up stairs and changed out of my tight clothes. I put on a pair of my loose jeans and a tank top. I put my hair up in a pony tail and went back down stairs. I cooked grilled cheese and got two beers from the frig. My parents wouldn’t be home till late so why not? I went back into the living room and slapped his plate down onto the coffee table.

  He looked up his eyes wide.

  “What?” I asked frowning. I pushed his feet and sat down.

  He kept looking at me strangely.

  “Oh…nothing,” he forced his eyes away from me and I kept frowning as I bit into my sandwich. I handed him over a beer and he raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and opened mine. It tasted awful but I really didn’t care. We were watching an old rerun of Smallville. I loved the show.

  “So, you watch this?” I asked taking another swig of my drink.

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, it’s cool.”

  Five beers for both of us, 4 episodes of Smallville and 4 hours later and we were loopy. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe Chloe would reject him like that!” I yelled my hands flopping by my sides. Zane and I were lounged on the couch our heads almost touching our bodies hang off the couch.

  “But Clark was being an ass! He deserved it.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “But she is his friend she should be ok with what every Clark decides.”

  Zane sighed.

  “It’s just the way it is.”

  I frowned.

  Our words had slurred halfway through our second beer. Wow, who knew you could get buzzed off of that! It was dark out and I didn’t know when my parents would be home. Zane blew out a breath and I looked over at him. My mind was foggy again. My body over took me before I could even control it. I sat on my knees and looked down at Zane. He looked up at me then saw something in my eyes. His eyes got serious for a moment then turned drunkenly happy. He grabbed my waist and yanked me down on top of him. I gave out a shriek giggle and started kissing him. Our legs got tangled together and I ran my hands through his hair. I didn’t care if I was drunk! This was good! And even though I didn’t exactly feel drunk he didn’t know that. So tomorrow, if he asks why I kissed him, I’ll say I was drunk, not that I actually might have feelings for him and wanted to kiss him so badly.

  He was drunk too so he’ll think we both were drunk and didn’t mean to kiss. Yes, it’s perfect! Boy was he drunk! The way he was holding me, the way he was kissing me was like nothing before! He was definitely drunk! Our tongues came together and I moaned. He kissed my neck and I smiled my eyes closed. Man this felt so good! I was hot. He kissed down my throat to the middle of my chest where a freckle was. He kissed it and I felt lust for him. Or more than that? Then his phone vibrated. We both jumped and he pushed me off him.

  I grumbled and stood up. He grabbed his phone, washing off his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “Yeah?” he asked out of breath. “Mom!.....yeah….what’s wrong?....” worry started in my stomach. He clenched his teeth. “Yeah, I’ll be there……it’s ok…..yeah, I’m coming home.”

  He stood up and looked at me while he put his shoes on. “Listen I got to go.” His words were crisp and clear.

  “Why? Is something wrong?” I asked.

  He shook his head.

  “No, well, I’m not sure. But I have to go.”

  He stood up and wobbled a little.

  “Wait, should you really be driving?”

  He half smiled at me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  I nodded.

  He came over to me and stared down into my eyes. “Bye,” he said and then left. I heard his car start up and blew out a quivering breath.

  Wow that was exciting! I thought. But wait. You don’t like him, remember? I asked myself. I nodded.

  “Yeah, I don’t like him.” I’m just using him. I thought and smiled.


  I was in my room doing homework that night when my mom called. I went down the stairs and she was in the kitchen holding empty beer cans.

  “Mom, I-I-I….I can explain,” I stuttered.

  She shook her head.

  “How many did you drink?” she asked.

  “Just five and Zane had five too,” she sighed and closed her eyes.

  “Olivia I’m disappointed but I’m not going to ground you.”

  I looked at her surprised. “What? Why?”

  She laughed and smiled.

  “They’re non-alcoholic sweetie.”

  My mouth fell to the ground as she came over to me and kissed my forehead.


  I swear a fly went into my mouth. If I wasn’t drunk….and he wasn’t drunk….we were both somber…..that means….I gulped. We both did that. We both wanted to make out with each other.

  “Non- alcoholic beer…..mother fu—“

  Chapter 11

  The next day Zane didn’t call or come over. On Monday, Zane didn’t pick me up that morning. I was almost late for school but arrived just before the bell rang. I rolled my eyes as I ran into class. Zane wasn’t in there. I frowned. I wonder what’s wrong. Should I text him? Maybe he decided that he didn’t want get back together with Kendra and just decided to give up. I sat down in the back row and stared off into space.

  I had seen Zane moving in the crowd but I couldn’t get to him. I went to his locker and there he was.

  “Zane!” I said angrily.

  He looked over at me with a blank expression on his face.

  “What the hell? You said you were going to pick me up today.”

  He looked at me, with a frown on his face, and then turned back to his locker.

  “Zane?” I whispered. He didn’t look at me.

  “Would you look at me?” I yelled grabbing his arm.

  He turned around his eyes were dark blue. No emotions in them.

  “What happened Saturday night?” I asked. “Is your mom ok?” I asked.

  He looked away then back at me.

  “Why the fuck do you care?” he said.

  I was so stunned that I didn’t even move.

  He pushed past me and went in through the crowd without a glance back.

  “Awww… are you two having a rough patch?” Kendra asked coming to my side. She had little compassion on her face and I ignored the urge to punch her.

  I put on a fake smile.

  “Not really it’s just he is in a crappy mood. You know how guys get.”

  She nodded, looking mad by my cheeriness.

  “One thing you got to know about Zane is that he c
an be bipolar.” She acted as if she knew him more than me. Which she did, but I was pissed that she would act that way.

  “Oh really? Wow he has never been that way to me before!” I said acting stunned.

  She glared.

  “He’s always so happy with me. Maybe it was just something he got over when we got together.” she was glaring daggers at me.

  “Well maybe—, “ she started but Grant came up behind her and put his hand around her waist.

  “Hey Olivia.”

  Kendra smirked at me.

  “Hi,” I said biting the inside of my mouth.

  “Oh Grant, it was horrible! Zane is completely being a jerk and totally blew her off. I really hope you two don’t break up,” she gave a fluttered of her eye lashes and a pout.

  This time I glared.

  “No, we’re not breaking up. We are just in a bad mood today.”

  Grant shrugged.

  “Well if you need anything ask ,we’re always here, if Zane blows you off again.”

  I wanted to rip both of their heads off.

  “Yeah, ok,” I said and walked away. Damn them! I hated them! Oh, but Zane was so dead! I am not talking to him at all today! He’s an asshole!

  The last bell rang and I quickly went to my locker trying not to let anyone see I was alone. Kendra is probably already spreading rumors about me and Zane.

  “Hey Olivia!”

  I turned around and saw my other friend Candice running over with my history book. “Here, you left this in there.”

  “Oh thanks!” I said relived. “Wow, I can’t believe I almost forgot that!”

  She laughed.

  “Big test tomorrow, too?”

  I nodded and groaned. “I hate tests.”

  “You and me both!”

  We laughed together.

  “Hey are you going to try out for the play?”

  I laughed.

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Awww, you should. It’s Hamlet and I’m producing it.”

  “Oh that’s cool!” I said.

  “Olivia,” I turned around and saw Zane making his way through to us. I looked back at Candice.

  “Ugh, sorry. I should probably go.”

  She smiled.

  “It’s fine. We can talk in History.”

  I nodded.

  “Thanks again for the book.”

  She nodded. I took off down the hall.

  “Olivia!” he yelled.

  I didn’t turn around. If he could run away so could I! “Would you stop!” he yelled.

  People were watching us. I got to the door and was about to open it when he grabbed my arm swinging me around.

  “Let go!” I threatened.

  “Would you stop? I’m trying to talk to you!” he whispered fiercely.

  I rolled my eyes. “Just save your breath.” I pulled my arm back.

  “Listen, I’m sorry!” he said rolling his eyes.

  I shook my head.

  “You left me. Grant and Kendra completely humiliated me! No thanks to you!” I gritted my teeth together.

  He shook his head clenching his teeth.

  “See that’s what I thought.” I swung open the door accidently hitting him in the stomach with it. I didn’t turn back I just went out to my jeep.

  “Ugh! You are such a pain in the ass, you know that?!” Zane said running out of the school toward me.

  I ignored him. I put my bag in the back and got in my car.

  “Olivia, come on,” he said pleading.

  I looked at him through the window. His eyes were sad. No Olivia, don’t you dare. He was a jerk to you. You don’t need that shit from him. I looked away and drove off.

  “Olivia! There you are,” my mom said as I came in the door. I raised an eyebrow at her.


  She smiled.

  “Now, now don’t say anything, just let me tell you. Ok so there is this beauty Pageant in New York this weekend and I—“

  “No!” I yelled rolling my eyes.

  She frowned.

  “But honey it’s—“

  “I said no. How many times do we have to go through this mom? I don’t want to do that! I don’t want to do what you did.”

  She pouted.

  “I got a couple scholarships to really good colleges you—“

  “Yeah and you didn’t even go to any of them.”

  She huffed.

  “I just want what’s best for you sweetie.” She came over and put her hands on my face.

  “Then let me do what I want.”

  She scrunched her nose.

  “What was that you wanted to do?”

  I rolled my eyes and pushed her hands away from me. I walked around her.

  “I want to go to medical school to become a doctor.”

  She put her hands on her hips and turned around me.

  “Oh…that,” she sounded disgusted.

  I ignored it. I wasn’t in the mood.

  “Where is dad?” I asked.

  Her eyes looked hurt for a moment.

  “Um, he’s with, um a meeting at his work.”

  I nodded.

  “I’m going up stairs.”

  She nodded.

  I went to my room and changed into comfortable clothes. I hated wearing this uncomfortable stuff. The tight jeans, the tight reveling shirts, the high heels. I hated not being myself anymore. I forgot how much I liked being myself.

  Chapter 12

  That morning I didn’t put on a lot of makeup and I didn’t wear the fancy shirts. I wore a pair of nice dark jeans and one of my old t shirts. I slipped on my jacket and grabbed my backpack. Mom was down stairs making breakfast which surprised me because she can’t make hardly anything.

  “Hey baby, I made pancakes.”

  I frowned at her.

  “I can’t. I have to go.”

  She sighed. She had powder on her nose from the mix and she looked very tired.

  “You ok?” I asked.

  She smiled and nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Have a good day at school.”

  I nodded; still a little worried. As I got my keys out of my purse and opened the front door, Zane was already there leaning on his car. I jumped when I saw him surprised.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  I didn’t speak one word to him. I started over to my jeep almost running. He caught me. “I don’t think so!” he said laughing a little. I grunted and tried to get him to let me go. “You’re coming with me!” he said and pulled me by my waist away from my car.

  I struggled and struggled but he had too much of a good grip on me.

  “Ugh put me down!” I yelled.

  He laughed.

  “No!” He dragged me over to his car and started to open the passenger’s side. I kneed him in the stomach. He lost his breath and I quickly got out from under his arm but that wasn’t enough time. He spun and grabbed me and put me over his shoulder.

  “Man, you’re heavy,” he complained.

  I hit him in the back and he winced. He dunked me down and tried putting me in the car but I stuck my arm out and caught the top of the car. “Just get in the car!” he yelled. I laughed and pushed myself back out but he pushed me in. We were both laughing at this point.

  “Hey! Is something wrong?” We both jumped and I looked up to see our neighbor looking at us strangely.

  “Um, yeah Mr. Rogers I’m fine.”

  He nodded and went back to his yard work. Zane looked back at me his eyes amused.

  “You have a neighbor named Mr. Rogers?”

  At that point, I burst out laughing, nodding my head. He laughed too. I was lying on the seat on my back as my legs were wrapped around his one leg. It was a very weird way but it was funny.

  “Can we just go to school?” he asked sighing.

  I smiled and nodded. I let go of him and he let go of me. I turned myself around in the seat and he got in the other side.

  “No, I totally would have won!�
� he laughed and shook his head.

  “No way! You were so weak!”

  “Says my knee to your stomach!”

  He rubbed his stomach and pouted.

  I laughed.

  “Whatever, that’s what you think,”

  “It is,” I smirked and he playfully glared.

  “So are you guys ok now?” Kendra asked coming up to our table. Zane narrowed his eyes at her. He reached across the table and put his hand over mine.

  “Yeah, we’re fine now. Actually, more than fine.” He gave me a smile that almost made me stop breathing. Wow, he was really good at faking! Something in me wished he wasn’t. She bit her lip roughly.

  “That’s good,” she said.

  Grant smiled at me but I rolled my eyes.

  “Hey!” Candice said coming up to our table.

  I smiled.

  “Candice, hey. How did you do on the test?”

  She sighed and sat down into a chair beside me with her lunch.

  “I think I did well. But who knows. What about you?”

  Kendra was completely ignored and her and Grant retreated.

  “I have no idea. But if I fail this I’m dead meat!”

  Zane laughed.

  “Oh Candice, this is Zane,” she smiled kindly at him.

  “Hi Candice,” he said and shook her hand.

  She seemed impressed.

  “Do you know Tommy Collins?” she asked.

  He thought for a moment.

  “Yeah, he’s in gym with me. He’s a cool dude.”

  She grinned.

  “He’s my boyfriend.”

  He smiled.

  “Well he’s a lucky man then.”

  I bit my lip as I watched him talking to her like a normal kind guy. He was sweet. How come I never saw this side of him before? I looked down at my tray of half eaten food and smiled.

  “Olivia?” I looked up.

  Zane looked amused and Candice just smiled. “You ok?”

  I nodded eagerly.

  “Yeah I’m great.” But will I be great when this thing with Zane is over?

  “So you and Zane,” Candice said, as we walked to English.

  I nodded.

  “Yeah, after Grant broke up with me, Zane asked me out. I said yes.” The way I said it, it sounded so real.


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