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Hot Hits

Page 10

by Harry Blue

‘I can guess what you’re talking about, and frankly, Sue and I are pretty hacked off with it as well.’

  That broke the ice, and the discussion only stopped when Thomas entered the room. They quietly arranged to meet in the pub later, and started their practice. It went pretty well, until Cedric came in, and plonked his fat arse on a chair at the front. Usually, as a matter of courtesy, if you came in late, you waited before the particular practice piece had been completed before talking your seat, but it was obvious to everyone that Cedric was pissed, as he started playing before the piece of music ended, joining in so poorly that everyone else stopped playing. That annoyed him, as he looked round aggressively, trying to pick an argument with anyone who would indulge him. Before he had the chance to start an argument, Thomas tapped his baton on his music stand to gain attention.

  ‘Sue, I want you to solo again, this time as the female voice playing in the Abba selection. I’ve marked everything for you with this music’ he handed her the sheet music ‘so as I know you can play by ear and don’t need to practice, shall we give it a go?’

  Both Roger and Sue were taken aback, because this was a new departure for Thomas. He usually insisted that all was rehearsed in depth by the solo artist alone before playing with the band, and Roger and Sue exchanged glances, wondering what was coming. The band started up, with Cedric playing to his usual poor standard, and then Sue stood up to play, with the other members who had nothing to play sitting, appreciating her ability. Cedric was one of them, and he loudly said

  ‘She can play with my trumpet any time.’

  Fortunately she was concentrating so hard that she didn’t hear, but Roger certainly did, shooting him a filthy look. This was replied with a look of pure amusement and mischief. Sue continued, playing with such verve and ability that at the end everyone, including Rick Thomas, gave her a spontaneous round of applause. When it stopped, Cedric said in a loud voice

  ‘she’s got one hell of a pair of lungs. I’d get her out of breath if I had the chance.’

  That was it, Roger was on his feet, but not for long as Cedric, even though he was more pissed than anyone had realised, was ready for him, and pushed Roger over without a lot of difficulty. As he went, he took three other players with him, ending up on the floor with two male and one female brass players, and a complete loss of dignity.

  ‘Ow, my arm,’ said one of the trumpet players.

  ‘I can’t move my elbow’ said the tuba player, with his right arm at a strange unnatural angle.

  Roger extricated himself with difficulty, and when they were all finally standing, three had broken limbs, all Roger was suffering from was loss of face. Rick Thomas was furious.

  ‘Right, where’s the keys to the minibuses. Roger, as it’s ALL your fault, you’re driving these three to casualty, and you’ll wait until they’re plastered.’

  ‘Look here,’ said Roger, ‘these aren’t going to be the only ones who get plastered. Have a look at this thick pisshead, and then ask yourself if the blame doesn’t land a lot closer to home. Right, I’m off with YOUR band members, as you don’t seem to give a shit about them.’ To Sue. ‘And she’s coming as well, to keep me company, while I’m hanging around waiting for your sidekick’s efforts to be seen to. We’re going to have a serious talk when I get back, not just about what’s happened here. Don’t think that we haven’t been watching at what’s been going on lately.’

  ‘I think that you’d better explain yourself, young man,’ said Thomas.

  ‘There’s a time and a place for everything, and that’s not now. There’s the injured to be seen to first. When’s the next band practice? Thursday, isn’t it? That’s only the day after tomorrow. If anyone’s got any objections, I suggest that we have a clear the air talk then.’

  With that, Roger grabbed the minibus keys and took Sue and the three walking wounded with him. He deposited them at the entrance to accident and emergency department, telling them to find him in the car park when they were fit and ready to go. Roger then drove the minibus with him and Sue to the car park, just making it under the height restriction barrier. When they were parked, they both sat there for at least five minutes, saying nothing. Sue was the first to break the silence.

  ‘Well, that’s put the cat among the pigeons.’

  ‘Sure has. But it just couldn’t continue as it was, with Cedric getting pissed, speaking to you like that, and playing such lousy music. Pissed and speaking like that, well, I can just about tolerate, but playing bum notes, that’s the worst thing possible’.

  Sue hit him hard on the shoulder. ‘Bastard. You know I can’t tolerate him playing badly. But on the other hand, it makes my playing seem all the better.’


  ‘That’s better. If you come in the back, then you might get a treat in reward.’

  Roger needed no second bidding, and was soon lying full length across the bench back seat, with Sue lying alongside him, in his arms, happily snogging away. It was quite dark in the back of the car park, and even darker in the back of the minibus, so while they were kissing Roger managed to extricate his right hand, using it to pull his zip down. Of course, Sue was aware of what he was doing, shifting her position to make it easier. His greatest difficulty came when he tried to remove his big prick from his pants, but he somehow managed, so he could guide her hand to his member so she could do something about his erection. Without breaking their kissing, she managed to work her hand up and down his shaft, with their passion being so intense that they both had difficulty in breathing properly. Sue was the first to break away, as she wanted to give him more reward. The floor was carpeted at the back, making it quite comfortable for her to kneel at his crotch, taking his prick in her mouth as now both hands were free to work the base of his erection. Still using both hands, she removed her mouth to say

  ‘Been a good boy, then? Deserve this treat.’

  ‘Oh yes,’ he moaned, ‘I’ve been ever such a good boy. I deserve everything that you’re going to get.’

  Sue continued with her hands, while at the same time replaced her mouth on him. He was far too big for her to cope going completely in her mouth, which is why she was glad that she could use both hands, but she took him as deep as she possibly could, almost swallowing his prick as it got a long way at the back of her throat. She opened her lips wider, instinctively wanking his prick deeply into her mouth, so she didn’t gag and spoil it for him, and she knew that she was good at this. No, not just good, with practice she would be an expert. The best part? She loved it. She loved listening to his moans, she loved riding her obliging mouth on his prick, she loved taking it as deep as she could, and she knew that in time with sufficient experience she would be able to take it all in. Sue was looking forward to working with Roger on this. She was breathing through her nose, so had no problems with taking and filling her mouth, and she wondered what she was going to do when he climaxed. Would she take it in her mouth, keep it there to savour, and then swallow? Or would she take one surge at the back of her mouth, swallow that, as she used her hands to finish him so he came all over her face. Or would she stop before he came, remove him from her mouth, and then use both hands to release his come all over her very willing body, which at present was still encased in her top. No, it wouldn’t be the last option, as she didn’t want to spend the rest of the evening wearing his come all over her, advertising what they had been doing. But she would save that option for another time, and use her top as a sort of glove, or mitt, so he could spend himself all over here. But the decision was going to have to be made very soon, as she could sense that his climax wasn’t far away.

  Roger jerked as his climax started, and Sue knew that she wanted to take him deep in her throat. She sucked her lips around him as lightly as she could, so his lubrication couldn’t escape her willing mouth, in and out he went, but never completely exiting, until he had climaxed all he was going to, all h
is come inside her mouth. Sue then slowly, ever so slowly, used both hands to take him by the base, and push him away. He looked down as she rolled her tongue around her mouth, licking her lips, his come glowing in the dark, and she then still slowly closed her mouth, took one very large swallow, and then opened her mouth again. All gone. She had a look of complete satisfaction on her face as he took her arms, gently guiding her back onto the seat alongside him.

  ‘That was fantastic,’ he said breathlessly. ‘You’ve never taken me that deep before. How the hell did you manage it?’

  Sue had a lovely contented smile on her face as she replied ‘I’ve been thinking about taking you deep for some time, and thought that now might be the best time to try it. It was. And I’ve got other ideas where I’d like to experiment with your prick in my mouth.’

  Roger looked at her in reply.

  ‘But I’m not going to tell you now. They’re going to be saved for when you’ve been a good boy again.’

  ‘Oh, I’ve been ever so good.’

  ‘Not good enough. The lads are on their way back. Look.’

  Roger looked up to see the three people coming towards him, all with bandaged arms. Oh well, there’s always another time.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  As it transpired, Barbara didn’t have to arrange anything for Sue, she managed to do it all by herself, with Roger a willing tool. Sue had a fantasy, involving sex and water. She had never indulged in this fantasy, for a variety of reasons, but the main one was that she had never felt comfortable trying anything out of the ordinary with any of her previous partners. She had never for example used a sex toy before the black balls in Belgium, surprising herself with her sexual experimentation. She had found them on a web site on the internet, being delighted with the response, and having more ideas along the same lines but with a variety on the theme. Sue wanted to have sex while swimming. She had seen the movie ‘From Here to Eternity’ on the t.v., loving the scene where Deborah Kerr and Burt Lancaster has been in a very close clinch on the beach. Of course, if they had shot the movie nowadays, there would have been much less left to the imagination. Sue wanted to experiment with her sexuality, considering herself ready to try lots of different things with Roger, as she thought that he was going to prove the ideal partner. She was under no illusions as to the future, appreciating the relationship for what it was, allowing it to develop naturally to see what happened. Enjoy the moment. However, she was no exhibitionist, preferring to keep sexual exploits as private as possible, even if in public.

  Sue had really enjoyed the sex on the beach with Roger, and wanted to explore more in the water. The next night they went out for a stroll after dinner, just sitting on a low brick wall on the seafront, bottle of water between them, watching the world go by. As a seaside coaching resort, a lot of older people were going for an evening stroll, maybe to the bandstand, perhaps to the pub, or maybe the theatre, so Sue knew that if she was to be indulged in her sexual fantasy it would have to be a lot later on, when most of the people who were out and about were all nicely tucked up in bed, having enjoyed a lovely day and evening by the seaside on their holidays. She and Roger were quite content, holding hands, not that far away from the bandstand so they could hear the group without paying anything.

  Sue said quietly ‘I’m not wearing any knickers. I’m up for a swim later, if you are.’

  Roger replied, just as quietly, ‘Neither am I, and yes I am.’

  They sat there for another hour, not saying much, content in each others’ company.

  ‘My bum’s getting numb on this brick wall. Fancy a stroll?’ said Sue.

  Without replying, Roger stood up, offered his right hand to Sue, who took it, assisting her getting up off the wall. They both brushed each others’ bums down is as lingering and provocative way as possible, then walked off slowly, holding hands, happy and content with anticipation. It was getting dark now, so they walked along the seafront away from the main areas of social activity, such as pier, restaurants and bandstand. Others were still walking along, so it was too early for what they both had in mind, Sue specifically, Roger generally. He was in for a treat tonight. About twenty minutes walk from the bandstand was a small outcrop. When the tide receded, a small sandy beach was left, protected from the casual walker passing by because it was a little further out to sea. The small bay was a natural one created by the tide, only known to the locals so rarely discovered by visitors. This was their destination.

  By this time it was quite dark, only natural light showing as they were quite some way from the path by now. The moon was their only way of seeing, the water making it appear so close, reflecting so they could walk along its path to touch, the moon was so close. But they both had other ideas in mind.

  Without saying anything, they walked hand in hand to the waters edge, delighted that it was a low tide so they could see the rock pools. The water was quite warm, with the winter chill long gone. They both easily slipped their sandals off, running the watery sand through their toes, still holding hands, until Sue reached up to take his face in her hands. To assist her, Roger bent down a little, making the pleasure all the greater. Still without speaking, Sue gently used her tongue to prise his lips open, so she could explore his mouth, sucking his juice, swallowing it, caressing his tongue with her very willing one. They were both clothed, but this wasn’t to last too long, because Sue took her arms away from Roger’s neck, shrugging her shoulders so her straps were loose, with only their closeness preventing the dress from slipping down her body into the water. He guided her onto the almost dry sand, so she could lose her dress, so there she stood, completely naked. As well as being knickerless, she had been braless.

  Her nipples were standing out in the moonlight, little pink round orbs of pleasure, urging his mouth to make them even larger, so he willingly obliged, lowering his mouth to lick and probe. Very quickly Sue was moaning in pleasure and anticipation, moving his head so he could enjoy her breasts in turn, giving each equal pleasure. She knew that some women regarded their breasts as over sensitive areas, but the only sensitivity of hers was the amount of pleasure that they could receive. She loved the way that his front teeth nibbled away at her nipples, with his tongue behind the teeth giving them even more caress. Each time he gave attention to her in this way he gave her more pleasure, and she didn’t know how her tits could take as much as they did. More, she murmured, and her young stud willingly obliged.

  He knew that he wanted some attention, so quickly took off his trousers and shirt, revealing that fact that he hadn’t previously lied – he had been wearing nothing under his trousers.

  Sue took his hand, guiding him to the waters edge. She then lay down in the water, allowing the waves to flow over her young supple body. Each flow of water covered her body as she opened her legs to accommodate the warm water, washing her cunt, going into her every crevice, joining her natural juices as they were quickly taken away by each gentle wave. Her head was just above the water line, as she reached up to bring him down to her. Roger kneeled, cradling her head in his left arm, as he played with first her left breast some more, then wandering further down to her still open, willing legs. His fingers probed as they got wet each time each wave broke over his hand, until he knew that he had to do more. He moved his naked body so he was completely in the surf, now the waved were breaking over his crack as well, as he lowered his mouth to her love hole. First wave he spluttered with the water, but he soon became used to the rhythm so he avoided the saltines. Sue rocked her body in time to each wave, conscious that yes, maybe every seventh wave was larger, because she did receive more pleasure after each sixth one. Soon she was beyond counting, as she reached her climax. Poor Roger was almost drowned by this time, as the tide had turned during their oral love making so when Sue’s body went rigid with the intensity of her climax, she clamped his head firmly between her upper legs so lightly that he had difficulty extricating himself when she
finally allowed him release. Both were breathing hard by this stage, loving the warm water gently lapping over their naked torsos.

  ‘Let’s have a swim first,’ said Roger, as he lifted Sue from the shore into the water, walking her hand in hand further out. Naked, they swam together for a few minutes, until Sue took his big prick in her right hand, guiding him back to shore. She then lay him down, looking at him directly into his eyes, as she sat on his chest, making sure that her legs were astride, then leaning back so she could accommodate his prick as she slowly, very slowly, lowered herself onto his shaft. The water and her own natural lubrication meant that she was able to easily slide up and down, also easy to accommodate the large member that she was getting so used to. The intensity of her feelings took away all other surroundings, as she kept up a steady rhythm, never varying, the image of Deborah Kerr playing vividly in her mind as she imagined Roger to be Burt Lancaster. He was good looking enough to be, and Roger had a lot of stamina so she could keep going for quite some time. Then Roger started to get a dreamy look on his face, so she knew that he wasn’t too far away. Damn, she had wanted this to last for a long, long time, but she knew there was no stopping nature, allowing his climax to take its natural course. But she didn’t vary her rhythm, steadily still working herself up and down, to the lapping of the water. She knew that he was coming, so she jumped off, so she could finish him off according to her fantasy. Using both hands, Sue worked his shaft so there was a huge spurt of come, which she directed all over her face, hair, and mouth. On and on it came, until she had so much she wondered where it had all come from. But she knew, and now she knew what was going to happen. Taking his hand, they ran together into the surf, so she could immediately duck her head under the water, washing it all off into the rising tide.

  Exhausted, they walked back to their clothing, hand in hand, as they quickly shrugged them back on. They might be wet, but it had been worth it. Holding their shoes in their hands, they walked towards the shore, through a rock pool.


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