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Hot Hits

Page 11

by Harry Blue

  ‘Ouch’, said Sue.

  ‘What’s the matter, my darling?’

  ‘I’ve been bitten.’


  ‘Sole of my foot. I must have trodden on something.’

  By this time they were out of the pool, so Roger went back, using his sandal to disturb the sand in the water. A little water snake swum away behind a rock. He returned to Sue.

  ‘Better get you to hospital quickly. You’ve been bitten by water snake.’

  Chapter Twenty Three

  ‘Glad you could meet up at such short notice. Mick, I think there’s a problem, and no-one else is going to tell you, so it’d better be me.’

  ‘Thanks Barbara, appreciate you letting me know. What do you have to say?’

  ‘It’s Cedric, and also Roger. Cedric is getting out of hand. His drinking is getting worse, his playing is abysmal, and his attitude is all wrong. He can’t stop making stupid unintelligent remarks to the other band players, and his attitude towards Sue is not just sexist, if I were here I’d have hit him a long time ago. His remarks are lascivious, and it’s no wonder that Roger is protective of her. It’s got to the stage where you’re going to have to replace Cedric. Let’s face it, he’s not much at the best of times, and now that drink has taken on, then he is making too many loose comments about your activities.’

  ‘Okay, that’s Cedric. What about Roger.’

  ‘We both know that he’s intelligent, comes from a very good background, and there would be a lot of difficult questions to answer if we were to make him disappear. Just like his influential parents, and Sue, there could be complications and ramifications with your businesses. However, he has to be taught a lesson that there’s a consequence to his nosiness. At tomorrow’s band practice he’s having a showdown with Cedric. Roger has called this meeting with the band, as some of them are actually talking about forming a breakaway group, because they’ve become so pissed off with what’s occurring. They’re not stupid, by any means, and Thomas hasn’t done much of a job keeping them in order. Of course, he’s had it difficult with Cedric, but Thomas has divided loyalties. He hasn’t told you about any of this, he certainly hasn’t let you know about tomorrow’s meeting. It could potentially turn nasty, and I am getting concerned that Thomas can’t sit on this little escapade for much longer. It was a good scam, but it’s coming to its end. You’ve got other projects, my advice? Dump this one, be as ruthless as always.’

  ‘Thanks Barbara,’ replied Busy Mick. ‘Good assessment as always. I’ll have a think and let you know by the end of the day’.

  When Barbara had gone, Mick used a mobile phone. He was a very careful man, using a throw away one for each call. He had a drawerful of phones and sim cards, destroying the card after every conversation. He knew that the police had the ability to place him under constant surveillance, part of which was to track all mobile phone devices. He used the latest special technology that he imported from the far east to sweep his house every day for bugs, once in the morning before breakfast, the second when he was preparing lunch, and the third later on in the afternoon. It was because he was so careful that he had never been caught or in prison. He and his wife still lived in the same large house, but now without any tenants. It was just the two of them, no children living at home, as both kids had left a long time ago. They had no inkling of their father’s criminal activities, as he kept such a respectable facade. His wife was aware of some of his activities, but wasn’t at all concerned, as they had been married for so long, since childhood, that she accepted anything he did.

  Mick made a phone call. ‘Hello Rick, how’s things.’ Listens

  ‘That’s what I like to hear, no problems. Keep in touch, eh. We’ve got the Milan trip soon, and I’ll have one more trip for you before the season stops in the Autumn.’ Listens again.

  ‘Okay, speak soon. Bye.’

  When he finished, he used his desk scissors to destroy the sim card. He continued sitting, contemplating his options. What concerned him the most was Rick Thomas’s lack of loyalty and judgment. He was aware of Mick’s ability to know what was occurring, he was also aware of Mick’s propensity for necessary violence. Mick could only attribute Thomas’s stupidity to misplaced friendship and loyalty to Cedric. Mick decided what to do, and took another phone and sim card from his drawer.

  ‘It’s Mick. Put the word about, the club’s on for tomorrow night. Venue to be notified in the usual way.’ He then destroyed the sim card. Mick went into the lounge, picked up the paper which he started reading, and it was if no bad news had come his way. There was a problem, but soon there wouldn’t be a problem. Sorted, like all difficulties that came his way. A successful businessman, it was just a by-product that crime was his career, he could have been approaching a problem and solving in any business.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  One of the reasons why Club Sadist was so successful was because Mick was able to use it as a front for other activities, as well as employing various people that had very little going for them except for the fact that they were expendable hired hands. The Club had a manager, through whom all instructions were guided, so when for example this particular night had to be organised, all it took was one phone call from Mick. The manager’s real name was Dek, as in Derek, but everyone knew him as Ace, as in Ace of Cards, because he loved playing poker. He was also the master of ceremonies, general manager and organiser of the whole evening, except for the main act. He never knew who the victim was going to be, just arranging for the correct implements to be ready to be used on the stage. He would book the heavies, who would act as security as well as bar staff. No women ever worked at Club Sadist, simply because Mick and his partner Slow Jack reckoned that they would never be able to stomach the activities on a regular basis. As far as the men were concerned, they were too thick to worry about being squeamish. Two such men were H, short for Harry, and P, short for Pat. They were known as the sauce boys.

  The sauce boys would do what they were told, had known each other since childhood, and were natural workers at the Club Sadist. They lived in Peckham in South London, and were paid a retainer by Ace. They neither knew nor cared who owned the club, happy to spend their days on the fringe of criminal activities, dealing in drugs, shagging any woman who happened to be convenient and willing, and being heavy handed under contract to whoever was their employer at the time. They were both unmarried, in their early thirties, with similar large builds. Both were just over six feet six tall, short cropped hair, supremely fit, attending the gym every day, with no tattoos. They had been bullies at school, with all the teachers dreading them being in their classes – when they had bothered attending. Most of the time they had been honing their sadistic skills in a boxing and wrestling club owned by Ace, and when he had required some assistance with muscle, they had been the first ones that he had considered. Ace had been visited by a gang of three heavies from the neighbouring borough of Lewisham, trying it on really, suggesting that he pay a weekly fee for a quiet life. He had just laughed at them, which had been a bit of an error because they had returned mob handed two nights later as his manager was closing. The manager had ended up in hospital, the takings had disappeared, Ace had a quiet word with the two lads. The money wasn’t the important thing, respect was, so the sauce boys waited in a stolen van outside the block of flats where the Lewisham leader lived, when he came out they took him for a drive. The intelligence they showed was that when they had killed him, they took his untouched wallet back to Ace. Clever, because they showed Ace respect, which he repaid by handing the wallet directly back to them. That was the start of the relationship.

  They had little interest in Club Sadist except for the fact that it earned them a considerable amount of money over a short period of time for not a lot of effort. They received the call from Ace, they set the wheels in motion. They were the ones who drove north, opened the padlocked gates, made sure that t
he other security was hired, stocked up the bar, and ensured the gate was properly manned when the punters arrived. They weren’t bothered about what occurred on the stage, even though they weren’t averse to a bit of torture themselves. No, what interested them was the money. And afterwards, they were the pair who had to dispose of the remains that had ended up on the stage.

  By the time that the next evening came round, they were all prepared, job done.

  But Ace had informed that tonight was going to be something different. For the first time ever, there was going to be a double. On stage. At the same time. A sell-out was assured, but security had to be that much tighter, because of the interest.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Ace was speaking to Mick at the club ‘Yes, all in place for tonight, and you’ve really got interest going by saying that it’s going to be a double. That’s a first, and I’m surprised that we’ve never thought of it before.’

  ‘I had, but never had the opportunity. Now, one of them is going to be difficult for you.’

  ‘Why? Who’s that going to be, then?’


  ‘Cedric!’ exclaimed Ace. But..but, he’s been with you for years. Have you told Jack yet?’

  ‘Yup, and the reason why. He said that he’d seen it coming for some time, and wasn’t at all surprised.’

  ‘Without being nosey,’ said Ace, ‘why have you decided on making it Cedric tonight?’

  ‘One of the businesses has been experiencing a lot of difficulties, and a lot of this has been created by Cedric being pissed, and letting his mouth run away with him. There’s a lot of people who take an interest in our activities, and I don’t want any of them muscling in, let alone the law discovering what Cedric’s been up to. No, it’s really sad, but he’s got to go.’

  ‘Who’s the other going to be?’

  ‘Never you mind. Suffice to say that he’s going to excite a lot of interest. What’s the take on tonight?’

  ‘Eight thou just on admission. Full house, so I reckon on another easy ten on the bar,’ said Ace.

  ‘Got sufficient equipment on stage for two of them?’

  ‘Yep, even at such short notice,’ he replied with pride.

  ‘Back stage prepared?’


  ‘Got sufficient transport laid on at the end to get rid of the evidence?’

  ‘Yes, I’ve got four men, two trolleys, a long wheel base Transit van, and the boat’s booked as well.’

  ‘Got sufficient cash’ asked Mick.

  ‘Yes, fine thanks.’

  ‘Okay, then it looks like we’ve thought of everything.’

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Cedric drove up to the gates at 6pm. He knew the heavies on the gate, but even so they checked his name against their list. Unusually, they both also checked inside his car and in the boot. Saying nothing, they waved him to the parking area to the rear of the warehouse on the industrial estate. He got out his car, to see the Sauce Boys waiting for him in the warehouse doorway, still at the back.

  ‘Evening Cedric. You’re early,’ said Pat

  ‘Not much traffic coming north, and I had a takeaway McDonalds in my car. All set for tonight?’

  ‘As always,’ replied Harry. ‘Follow us, the boss wants a word.’

  The three men walked through the makeshift stage area, curtains closed into the seating auditorium area, so the big man could see a strange frame contraption on the makeshift stage. The frame was timber, very solid, with a bar at the top. This was seven feet tall, with four ropes hanging down, each pair of ropes obviously made for one man. The ropes were sufficiently far apart for the two intended victims to face each other, though unable to make contact even though they were going to be tied. On the concrete floor were two pairs of manacles for the ankles to go through. These were cemented into the concrete, and any resistance that the victims made would be all the more painful, because there was just no way of escaping. The whole construction gave the impression of being made by a professional person who knew exactly what they were doing. Cedric admired the handiwork. There was complete silence as they stopped while the big man inspected. He rattled the floor metal linkings, impressed that they were so firmly embedded into the floor. He then tried to shake the frame, unsuccessfully, because it had been constructed so well. He nodded his head to himself. A good job.

  ‘So, there is really going to be two tonight,’ he said to the back of Harry, who leading with Pat escorting behind. Neither man said anything. They took him further behind the makeshift stage area, with its high ceiling, until he was in an unfamiliar area. They opened a door to a room that had no furniture, or occupant. Cedric was immediately suspicious, but Harry had quickly stood to one side, as both he and Pat shoved the unwilling victim into the room. They slammed the door shut, not needing to lock it as they already knew there were no windows, nothing inside, no carpet, a light in the ceiling that had a metal bar across the unbreakable glass, and no door handle on the inside.

  Cedric banged on the door ‘Let me out you bastards. I’ll have you, you cunts. You think that you’re big boys, but believe me, I’ll fucking have you when I get out of here. I’m a big man around here, you can’t do this to me.’

  Two chairs were placed outside the door, and the two Sauce Boys occupied them, knowing that they were on duty until Cedric was in place, on the stage. They could hear all Cedric rantings, but didn’t react. They were professionals, just doing their jobs.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  The other victim for that night’s entertainment was not so easy to catch and contain, let alone lure all the way north. It was decided that he should be captured close to home, drugged, and then taken north while out under the influence.

  Barbara was sitting on a bench on the seafront, waiting for Roger to run past on the way back from the gym. She had seen him running to the gym an hour earlier, so sat patiently. Roger’s parents, John and Jenny, had seen Barbara playing with the band, but she had never seen them, so when they walked past her sitting on the seaside bench Barbara had no idea who they were. They didn’t recognise her initially, and had already walked past a way when Jenny said to John

  ‘Isn’t that Barbara, you know, the girl from Roger’s band, the blond one that we think might have her eye on him?’

  ‘D’you know, I think you might be right. Too late now to say anything. Very attractive girl, but a little older than Roger. Very good looker, though.’

  They thought no more about it, walking into town for their shopping and morning coffee. Barbara continued waiting, until her quarry came along later on. He was running as usual, but soon stopped when he saw her sitting there. He found her really fanciable, and under different circumstances he would have definitely made a play for her. However, he was being very well serviced by Sue, so the temptation was placed to one side. For the meantime. He sat down next to the blonde beauty, still out of breath from his exertions. He looked good, white trainers, white socks, blue training shorts, and a white sleeveless top. His muscles stood out, and where his body wasn’t clothed, his skin glistened with manly sweat from his gym and running exertions. My, but Barbara thought that he looked good. Under different circumstance, she wouldn’t hesitate to let matters take their course. However, there was work to be done. He came and sat next to her on the bench.

  ‘You look like you’ve had a good workout. I think Sue’s a lucky girl. That’s why I wanted to meet up with you this morning. There’s something I think you’d better be aware of, and that is, you are both in danger.’

  ‘Come on, we know how to look after ourselves. There might be something dodgy going on with the band, but I think you’re exaggerating when you say that Sue and I have safety issues.’

  ‘I can prove it to you, if you come back to my place.’

  ‘Not too sure, Barbara. You’re a really good looking
woman, and I wouldn’t like to be tempted.’

  ‘Don’t flatter yourself. I’m not looking for trouble, just want to help you. I’ve already warned Sue, now it’s time to warn you. Come back, I’m not trying to be mysterious, just sensible.’

  ‘Okay, if you REALLY think there’s a problem, and you REALLY have some information, then I suppose I’d better come back with you.’

  They drove into the country a couple of miles away. ‘Where are we going. I thought that we were going to your place.’

  ‘I’ve rented a cottage about a mile from here. It’s down a country track. Almost there.’

  When they arrived at the end of a lane, a white Ford Transit van was waiting, with two men leaning on the side. They were both over 6ft 4in, wearing black blouson jackets, trainers with the Nike insignia, black jeans, and dark grey shirts with button down collars. For a change, Roger was concerned. One he could cope with, but two, well, he hoped it wouldn’t come to it, but he suspected it would.

  As the car came to a halt he said to Barbara ‘Some friend you turned out to be.’

  She looked at him, replying ‘Nothing personal, just obeying orders. Under different circumstances, there would be another outcome, I’m sure.’

  As she spoke these last words, Roger pulled on the handle, shooting out of the car towards the two heavies. They were both the same size, so his previous principal didn’t apply this time. Just get the first one down. He had his right hand open with fingers close together as he ran for the thug on the right, the closest one, immediately giving him an upper under his jaw. It hurt Roger’s hand, as the thug looked at him with surprise. He started to do down, but then shook his head as he came up, rushing towards Roger who was immediately on the other heavy. This man was far quicker, and it was immediately apparent to Roger that he had attacked the wrong one first. The second thug grabbed Roger round the waist from the rear, pinning his hands, as the first one recovered so he could have a little fun before completing what they had in mind and been ordered to do. It was an uneven contest because the two men were bigger than Roger, more experienced in dirty fighting, and both wore knuckle dusters. Roger was powerless as the first villain took an almighty pull back with his right fist, gaining real pleasure from landing a blow in the middle of Roger’s gut. His breath expelled in one go, as he doubled up in agony. Roger had been in fights before, but nothing like this. No punches landed on his face, but that was the only consolation as he lay on the ground, taking kick after kick to the front and back of his curled body. He vaguely heard Barbara shouting ‘enough’ and was distantly aware that she had to shout this three or four times until the kicks and blows stopped. He was completely unable to stop a dirty hanky being placed over his mouth as he slowly lost consciousness. It was to be many hours later when he awoke, aware that he was on the floor in the back of the Transit, going he knew not where. He wasn’t gagged, there was no point in that, but he was certainly secure with ropes round his body, tying his ankles and wrists. He was grateful for the fact that he was lying on a mattress.


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