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Mated_Their Vampire Princess

Page 5

by Harlow Thomas

  “No. It can’t be fae. I’m turned.” Thomas echoes my own thoughts.

  “It has fae blood. I can sense it. Perhaps you’re less vampire than you think?”

  “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  She grins. “Fae blood is strong, Thomas. No matter how diminished the line, every child born fae will grow in power at the same rate. It’s why we breed with humans. The children are strong and if they choose, they can join the court.”

  I don’t know what to say. Part of me is happy to know Thomas didn’t miss his chance at having a child with Felicity, but a bigger part wishes it was me who gave her this.

  “When will she wake up?” I ask.

  The healer smiles. “In her own time. I felt a mental block she’d put up. One of you is a human healer, correct?” Sebastian nods. “Her mind panicked when you tried to heal a body that wasn’t broken. She was protecting the child even though she didn’t know it existed.”

  “So I hurt her?” Sebastian’s voice is rough with guilt.

  “No. She’s going to need your blood frequently over the next few days, but she’ll be fine.”

  I let out a breath of relief. Blood is something I can give her.

  Chapter 16

  I’m in a soft, comfortable bed when I wake. My four lovers surround me, each one touching some part of my body. I can't help but smile at the sight of their sleeping forms, holding me, loving me. Swallowing against the painful dryness of my throat, I shift in the bed and try to get my bearings. I have no clue where we are, but something smells intoxicating and I’m so hungry my fangs ache in my mouth.

  Sitting up, I let my hunger draw me from the bed, following the need rather than using my head. I’ve denied myself too long and somewhere in the back of my mind, I know I’m making the wrong choice to leave this room. A large hand grabs my wrist before I walk out the door, causing me to turn with an angry growl ripping from my chest.

  Sebastian holds me, his eyes filled with shock and a hint of fear. “Don’t go out there. We’re here to give you what you need.”

  My hunger burns through me, making my vision nearly red. “I hurt,” I say.

  He shushes me and pulls me to him. “I know. Take what you need. I’m here.”

  Without ceremony I sink my fangs into his throat and take long, deep pulls of his warm blood. A groan falls from his lips and I want more of him. I feed until he’s relaxed against me and I feel stronger, more myself. “Thank you, Sebastian.”

  He runs his fingers through my hair and kisses me, his blood still singing in me. “I love you, princess. I don’t know how I thought I could ever leave you.”

  I pull the ring out of the pocket in my gown and smile as I press it into the center of his palm. “I’ve been keeping it with me for this moment.”

  Sliding it on his finger, he smiles and I know we’re going to be okay. But then my stomach twists and my hunger rises again. “I need more, Sebastian. What is wrong with me?”

  The others have woken. All three of them stand across from me with concern on their faces.

  “Felicity, we need to tell you something,” Thomas says. “After Sebastian tried to heal you, we brought you here, to the Shadow Court. My uncle sent up a fae healer to try and help. She told us you’re pregnant. She could sense the fae blood in you.”

  It’s as if the floor falls out from under me. “What?”

  A joyful smile fills his face. “It makes sense. You taste different. I could tell when I fed from you, I just didn’t know what it meant. The hunger, how sick you were. Sebastian couldn’t heal you because this isn’t something to be gotten rid of. You’re carrying a fae child. My child.”

  Love stronger than I imagined I could ever know fills my heart. I’m pregnant. I thought I’d be terrified for that to be the case so soon, but I’m not. It feels—right. Thomas fathered my child. I didn’t think it was possible. But worry creeps in, stealing the happiness before it can take root. I have to do this alone. Well, not totally alone, but without the help of my mother. A harsh pang of loss runs through me at the thought of not being able to share this with my mom.

  Thomas runs his hand over my cheek, concern on his face. “What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy.”

  Blinking back tears, I take a deep breath. “It’s just…a lot to take in. Everything is different now that we’re not at my home. I don’t know how to do this.”

  “You’ll have us to help you through it. I can’t wait to meet our baby.” His bright green gaze eases my fears.

  The door opens and the scent of fae drifts in making my fangs extend. I close my eyes against the waves of hunger and work to gain my control. When I open them, a tall handsome man with eyes the same green as Thomas is standing in front of me.

  “Princess Felicity,” he says, taking my hand and offering a slight dip of his head. “I’m so glad to see you are making a recovery. My healer says congratulations are in order for you and my nephew.”

  Thomas slides his hand around my waist, pulling me close. “This is my uncle, King Soren. He’s offered us protection and sanctuary until we make our plan.”

  Our plan. What could that possibly be? This child is destined to be the heir to the throne—my throne. It’s only after I let those words roll over me that I realize exactly what has to happen. “I need to go home,” I say, causing Thomas’ grip on my waist to tighten. “I have to reclaim the crown.”

  Chapter 17

  “You want to go back?” Sebastian speaks first, his voice holding frustration.

  I place my hand over my middle and take a moment before I turn to him. “If I don’t go back, Diana wins. That’s not an option. Especially not now. This baby deserves more than to be hidden away. She’ll be a queen one day.”

  “How do you know it’s a girl?” he asks.

  “The royal line has only borne girls for the last ten generations.”

  “If you go back, you’ll be at risk. What if something happens to you, or the baby?”

  “I have to try. Diana has tried to take everything from me. She killed my mother, tried to kill all of you. Taking my crown, my child’s legacy, can’t be allowed.”

  He doesn’t say anything, just nods. Then he glances to the other men before approaching King Soren. “You’ve helped us so far, are you willing to lend your aid to the princess so she can take back her throne?”

  This is what I wanted, and my strong prince is going to get it for me before I can ask for myself. Pride swells in my chest at the knowledge of Sebastian’s loyalty. He’s moved beyond his jealousy of Thomas because of his love for me.

  The king is a striking picture of calm and collected. His gaze rakes over me and my four princes, understanding taking hold on his face. “You’ve split the crown.” He grabs Thomas’ hand and inspects the ring. “Each of you wears one?” The men all nod and he trains his focus on me. “If this is truth, you’re not a traitor to your court. You are the one who will bring us all together as we should be.”

  My heart flips at the possibility of my destiny being reached. “I am.”

  “You will have my army at your disposal. I wish I could go with you, but my wife is also with child and she is nearing her delivery.”

  “Thank you. That is more than I could have hoped for.”

  He offers a light nod and says, “Stay a few more days, build your strength. Then, when the week is out, my troops will be ready to leave with you. Please, join us for dinner tonight in the hall. We’re celebrating the upcoming birth of my child.”

  I glance at my lovers and am met with silence and unease from most of them. But I can feel Thomas’ desires. He wants to connect with this side of himself. Nodding, I smile. “Thank you. If you’d be so kind as to give us a little time to freshen up, we’d be glad to celebrate with you.”

  King Soren beams and leaves us, the room still smelling of the intoxicating fae blood that permeates this place. How am I going to maintain control in a hall full of them? Thomas takes my hand and squeezes. “I know. I fee
l it too. Their blood is like a drug.”

  “Your blood,” I tell him. “Even as a vampire, you taste of fae.”

  “Maybe that’s what I’ve been tasting in you.”

  Garrett clears his throat and steps toward me. “Speaking of that. You need to build your strength and that means finishing what you started with Sebastian. It’s great that the Shadow Court is offering help, but you know Diana will come after you personally. There’s no way I’m willing to let you walk into the same kingdom, or even the same world that she’s in without making sure you’re as strong as possible.”

  Desire flares in me, for him and his blood. “I agree, but we have a few days here. King Soren was right to invite us into his celebration. We need to be present with our new allies in order to win their true loyalty. That means I can’t spend every waking moment tangled up in you four.”

  I look down my body at the gown I’m wearing now. It’s stained and torn in places from our venture through the forest. Pursing my lips, I sigh and run my fingers over the fabric. As I wander the chambers, I find a large bathroom with a soaking tub that makes my body cry out for a bubble bath, a beautiful sitting area that overlooks a garden with flowers of all colors, most I’ve never seen before, and lastly, a walk-in-closet that is almost the same size as the bathroom. Gauzy gowns hang all along one wall and I wonder for a moment if it would be wrong of me to use one of these for the celebration tonight.

  Walking back to the bedroom I find my men speaking in hushed tones, tension on their faces.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “We’re just coming up with a game plan for keeping you safe tonight. You’ll be tempted by every fae near you if your hunger catches hold of you again.” Miller’s tone is light and easy, but I can feel his worry rolling off him.

  “I’ll be fine. I was able to resist while the king was here.”

  “That was after you’d fed,” Garrett offers.

  “They’re right,” Thomas says. “I need to feed as well, to be safe.”

  Heavy tension sits between them. “You’ll feed from me.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t. That would defeat the purpose. You need to be strong and the baby is enough for you to bear. If I feed from you, you take more from them.”

  “What do you suggest, then?” The thought of him feeding from one of these fae women makes my chest burn.

  “He’ll feed from one of us until the baby comes,” Miller says, catching me completely off guard.


  “We’ve already decided. It should be one of us.” Sebastian’s voice is tight with discomfort, but he’s sincere. “We take care of each other. All of us.”

  “Which of you?” Honestly, the knowledge that they’d all be willing to engage in something so intimate with Thomas in order to keep me safe both excites and arouses me.

  “I’ve volunteered this first time,” Garrett says, his dark eyes locking onto mine and sending a pulse of need straight to my core.

  Thomas’ eyes have dilated so wide they’re nearly black. I can see them across the room and his hunger would be palpable even if I didn't have a connection to his mind.

  “Garrett, will you let me fuck you while he feeds?” I almost don’t recognize my own voice. I want this so badly.

  He swallows hard, and has to cough before he can get a response out. “Yes, my princess.”

  I drop the barrier between my thoughts and Thomas’, the connection between us instantaneous and raw. With a slight grin, I send my message strong and clear to him.

  Let’s begin.

  Chapter 18

  The room is heavy with silent tension as Garrett tugs off his shirt. Miller and Sebastian stand aside, gazes never faltering. They know their turns will not be far away. I can only hope to make this experience as enjoyable as possible for Garrett.

  My dark haired prince sits on the edge of the bed, his hands balled into fists, but lust in his eyes as he stares at me. “I love you,” I murmur when I drop to my knees between his legs and slide my hands over his firm chest. “This won’t hurt. In fact, if you let it, you’ll enjoy it.”

  Plenty of vampire couples have kept humans to feed from and fuck. It's not unheard of. But I know these men have never been interested in anything other than women, so to have another man touch them in such an intimate, sexual way, challenges their understanding of everything they are.

  “I’ll enjoy it if you’re here with me.”

  “I’ll always be here.” Slipping my gown off my shoulders, I shimmy out of it until I’m naked between his knees and his focus is only on me. I press kisses to his chest and down the hard ridges of his abs until I find his belt. Undoing the buckle, I pop the button and slide down the zipper. I want his length filling my mouth before Thomas feeds. I need Garrett to remember this as something special between the three of us rather than focus on Thomas’ teeth in his throat.

  Garrett throws his head back and groans when I pull his pants down and kiss the tip of his cock. I lick the bead of moisture glistening at the head and then suck him into my mouth. He shudders and lets out a hiss when I take him so deep he hits the back of my throat. I work him long and deep until he’s so hard I can feel his pulse in his dick. Then he tenses, and I look up to see that Thomas is behind him. He’s fully dressed, but his hands are resting tentatively on Garrett’s bare shoulders.

  Slowly, I tell him. This is a big deal for these three. You can’t rush it.

  Thomas nods once, but I can feel him fighting his blood lust. He needs to feed soon. Pulling away, I replace my mouth with my hand on Garrett’s cock and give him a few hard strokes while I get into position atop his thighs.

  You bite as soon as I sink down onto him. No sooner.


  Thomas is desperate to feed, but I need to make sure Garrett is ready for this.

  “Garrett, don’t look away from me while I take you inside. I want you to see how you make me feel.” My words are breathy with want. I’m more turned on than I’ve ever been and I think part of it is the fact that what we’re doing is so deeply rooted in who I am as a vampire.

  His onyx irises connect with mine and the mixture of agonized pleasure I see in their depths as I sheath him inside me nearly makes me come. Garrett’s hips buck and he cries out when Thomas sinks his fangs into the side of his throat. Almost as soon as the two men are connected, I feel a pulse of magic move through us.

  Oh God. So good. Fuck. Garrett’s voice fills my head as I roll my hips and Thomas continues feeding. His cock throbs inside me, already so close to release and I feel every ounce of his pleasure roll through me as well as Thomas’. We’re locked together in a cycle of orgasmic bliss as I ride Garrett and Thomas takes his blood. I can’t take it anymore. I’m shaking and moaning, crying out their names, begging for my pleasure to crest. Garrett thrusts up inside me and he comes, his fingers digging into my hips. I explode around him in exquisite, painful release.

  What the fuck was that? I don’t think I can move. Garrett’s voice in my head makes me smile and press my lips to his.

  That was what it feels like when three people share a consciousness during sex.

  He tenses and his breath hitches when he realizes we’re telepathically linked. A pang of loss runs through me when I think of how fleeting this moment is. Any minute now I’ll lose my link to Garrett. I expect our mental connection to break the instant Thomas stops feeding, but when I open my eyes, I see Thomas is sitting toward the head of the bed, his back resting on the headboard.

  Frowning, I reach out for Garrett with my mind, and surprisingly, he’s still there. The connection isn’t as strong, it’s more feelings than words between us now, but I’m at ease to know he can feel me and I can do the same with him.

  “That was intense,” Miller says from the other side of the room. My gaze darts to him and Sebastian, both sitting with tight posture and bulges in their pants.

  “It was,” I offer. “I could feel what they both felt and they could feel me.”

  Sebastian smirks. “Maybe this mind reading thing you and Thomas share isn’t so bad after all.”

  Smiling, I rise and walk naked to the bathroom. I glance over my shoulder at the four men I love with everything I have. “I’m going to freshen up before we go to the celebration. Miller, would you join me?”

  He nods, a grin spreading his lips and warming my heart. “Of course. I think every one of us could probably stand to have a shower.”

  “I plan to dirty you up a little more before getting you clean.” My words take me by surprise, but it’s only because I’ve just had the most powerful sexual experience of my life. I should be exhausted and sated. Instead, I want Miller.

  “You’re insatiable when you’re pregnant. This is going to be a fantastic nine months.”

  There’s no denying it. He’s right. Threading his fingers with mine, I pull him with me toward the bathroom. “I guess I’m lucky to have four of you then.”

  He wraps his hand around my waist and tugs me close. “Believe me, princess. We’re the lucky ones.”

  Chapter 19


  It turns out, sex in the shower with a newly knocked up vampire princess is my new favorite pastime. By the time we get out of the large walk-in shower, my muscles are shaking with overuse and I’ve got a bite mark on my inner thigh I insisted Felicity leave unhealed because it’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen. She fed on me on her knees, those big blue eyes of hers turned upward so she could stare at me. Then I took her against the cool tile wall, bent over with her hands on the floor, and finally she rode me while I sat on the stone bench until we both came.

  She’s got a towel around her beautiful body and is working at her damp hair with another. I think she’s the most gorgeous like this, fresh and vulnerable with none of her regal armor covering her. Right now, she’s only focused this moment between us.


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