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Mated_Their Vampire Princess

Page 6

by Harlow Thomas

  “Are you nervous?” I ask, covering my nudity with my own towel.

  She smiles, making my heart swell. “About what?”

  “All of it. The baby, the fight ahead, our future.”

  Biting her lower lip, she looks unsure. “Yes. No. I don’t know.” She settles herself on the bench in front of the wide vanity table and stares at me through the mirror while she runs her slender fingers through her hair. “I’m worried the baby will pull us apart. Thomas and I having a different level of connection already almost sent Sebastian away. Now that we know he’s the father…”

  I grab a brush from the table and stand behind her, placing my hand on her shoulder and giving a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “He’s the father of this one, but we’re all going to love her. She’s going to have all of us, and at least three more sisters after we’ve all given you a baby.”

  Running the brush through her hair, I watch her reflection. She’s got her eyes closed but I can practically feel the emotion radiating from her. “I want that. I want all this to be over so we can really live our lives together.”

  I continue working the bristles of the hairbrush through her long locks. “We will. I promise.” It’s the first lie I’ve ever told her.

  Chapter 20

  The celebration had been uneventful, aside from my princes receiving some lingering glances by the stunning fae women. I’d been able to tamp down my jealousy though with thoughts of my mark on Miller’s inner thigh, the overwhelming love and devotion I could still feel in Garrett, and Sebastian’s constant proximity. He had barely spent any time without his hand touching some part of me during the entire evening. And then there was Thomas. After sharing such an intimate experience with him and Garrett, I couldn’t bring myself to put up a wall against his thoughts any longer. Even though he spent most of the night with King Soren and Queen Astrid, I could sense everything he was feeling. He projected it to me.

  Now, after two nights filled with sharing our bodies and their blood, along with talks of the future and plans for the upcoming battle, we’re nearly ready to take on the usurper of my throne. Diana will go down tonight. There’s no other way.

  The Shadow Court is part of us now and they’ve shown what that means. Providing an army, protection, and faith in us means more than all the money they could have offered. I stare at myself in the full length mirror and smile and the fierce warrior reflected back.

  “You look so damn sexy,” Sebastian says, coming up behind me and running his hand around my waist until it rests over my still flat belly. “Leather pants and fuck me boots.”

  I laugh. “They’re not fuck me boots.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “We’re going to have to agree to disagree on that.”

  My tight top is lined with fae magic, a protective spell woven into the fabric to make it harder to cut through. I’m basically clothed in the Shadow Court’s armor, as are my princes. We look like we belong here—with one exception. I grab the blood red cloak which had been laid across my bed for me. This is the color of my house, the color of the Night Court, and I’m going into battle representing everything I will reclaim.

  “Are you ready?” Sebastian asks as he helps me clasp the cloak.

  “I am.”

  Turning, I take his hand and we stride out of the room, my other three chosen following close behind us. When we arrive in the courtyard, King Soren stands with his army of fae men and women, all ready to fight for me.

  “Princess, this is Jensen, my commander. He will lead the troops into battle behind you. Consider him your right hand.”

  Jensen steps forward, his blond hair falling in his face as he bows to me. “It is my honor, Princess Felicity.”

  When he takes my hand, I feel the tension surrounding Garrett and Thomas. They don’t mind sharing with each other, but it’s clear from how they radiate jealousy that they don’t want any other man touching me.

  Pulling my hand away, I smile. “Thank you, Jensen. You may rise. We have a long journey ahead of us and I’m sure you’ve got final preparations to make before we set off.”

  King Soren laughs. “There is nothing long about traveling through the faerie circles.”

  Frowning, I flick a glance at Thomas who only looks on with confusion as well. “What do you mean? There are no faerie circles in the Night Court’s domain.”

  “Do you think I have no power? I am king of this court. I can call circles wherever I need them. As long as I have the blood of one of the Night Court’s people to open the channel, we can travel directly to our destination.”

  Remembering Thomas slicing open his palm to activate the spell on the stones, I wonder how all of these warriors will get through. “Do they all have to be touching me? That’s how it worked for Thomas.”

  He shakes his head. “No. Leaving the realm is easier. Once you open the gate—so to speak—we will be able to cross unhindered.”

  “And when this is over? Will the gate remain opened?” As much as I appreciate the Shadow Court’s help, I don’t want a fae army able to enter my realm at will.

  “It won’t. Not without another blood offering. Consider your blood the key. The door will be locked.”

  That puts me at ease. I nod and step closer. “Where is the circle?”

  He grins. “You’re standing on it. Look down.”

  When I look at my feet, I see that the stones paving the courtyard aren’t just patterned to be beautifully intricate designs. They all eventually culminate into the circle I’m standing in the center of with the king.

  Holding out my palm, I nod. “Let’s get started.”

  Chapter 21

  My stomach churns with nerves the instant I step through the circle and my feet touch my homeland’s soil. I can see my home in the distance and my feet itch to run as fast as I can and barrel in headlong in search of vengeance for my mother. Darkness bathes everything around us in a heaviness that has everything to do with the magic surrounding us and nothing to do with night. But I’m home.

  I lead the way, knowing my army will follow. I can see clearly through the shadows and my focus is trained on the tall iron gate I will have to open for my fae allies. Where vampires can be wounded by silver, iron is lethal to faeries. Lucky for us, my cousin won’t be prepared with iron. She’ll have her arsenal of silver meant to kill vampires and humans.

  It’s too quiet out here. Thomas’ voice is laced with unease as he walks silently beside me. I worry they somehow got word we were coming.

  I shake my head still striding confidently toward my goal. They may know I would come, but they won’t know I’ve brought so many to the fight.

  He’s right about the silence, the ominous stillness. There is nothing moving outside the walls of my ancestral home. Nothing. With a signal of my hand, I tell the warriors behind me to fall back. I will go alone to the gate.

  The wind blows my cloak behind me, making it swirl and fly like a flag—a banner announcing my presence. I am not sneaking in like a thief. Tonight, I will be the queen I am and my subjects will obey.

  Our plan to get inside is simple. Garrett will use his gift to silence the guard at the gate and get him to open for me. After that, it all depends on what we find once inside.

  I approach the gate, my heart hammering a painful rhythm in my chest. “Guard,” I say with authority. I am here because this court is mine. “Open the gate.”

  A handsome young vampire appears from around the corner, his gaze wide and shocked. “Princess Felicity,” he says, bowing before he realizes he’s not supposed to. He catches himself in the middle of the act and corrects his posture. “Traitor.”

  “It isn’t me who is the traitor and I think you know it. Diana lied to all of you in order to steal the crown.”

  I see it the moment Garrett takes control. The man’s irises flash brown and his shoulders slump. He moves as though he’s in a trance, and I suppose he is. In mere seconds the gate is unlocked and I’m pushing open the heavy barrier.

  Stay with
them, Thomas. Keep them safe. I’ll call to you when it’s time.

  Thomas’ worry is clearly broadcasting when he says, I will. Be careful. I love you.

  I pull the solid silver knife from the sheath on my thigh and make my way straight for the main hall. She’ll be here somewhere, and if I know my cousin like I think I do, that somewhere will be the archaic throne my mother never used.

  A gasp falls from the courtiers who are milling the hall when I burst through the door. They stare at me with a mixture of shock and relief.

  “Look who is here to celebrate my ascension day!” Diana’s voice rings out from her place at the end of the hall. Just as I’d thought, she’s seated herself on the throne with a crown perched atop her head.

  I stand tall and determined, fury boiling my blood. “You can’t ascend to a throne that isn’t yours.”

  She rises and straightens the skirt of her emerald green gown. “But it is mine. I took it.”

  “If you’re ascending, you must be mated. Did you have your Choosing? Did the crown appear for you?”

  Fear sparks in her eyes. “I did. My prince is seated right over there.” She points to a human man, his skin pale from being fed on too deeply. He’s even wearing the false crown I’d given to Garrett.

  “Interesting,” I say. “Did you tell the court that is the same false crown I gave my prince? Did you tell them there is no crown any more because it split for me just like the prophecy stated it would?”

  The crowd begins to murmur and Diana glances around with panic clear in her expression.

  “Moreover, did you tell them that it was you who attempted to sabotage my Choosing by killing Thomas? If anyone is guilty of treason here, it’s you.”

  “No! You lied to the court so you could selfishly keep all of your men like the whore you are.”

  “You are pathetic. Do you even hear yourself? If the court was loyal to you, they would already have me in chains.”

  Rage contorts her face. “Guards! Take her to the tower. She can rot up there with her treasonous mother.”

  Shock rolls through me. My mother? The guards don’t move, they all stare at her with expressions of disgust. “So, let me get this straight. You attempted to murder my chosen, kidnapped Thomas and tried to turn him against me, staged a coup, and imprisoned the queen? Oh, Diana. You’re in big trouble.”

  A feral growl erupts from somewhere in the crowd to my left. Before I can stop him, my uncle has me pinned down and a blinding pain takes hold in my side. I glance down, fighting while he continues to use all his strength to push his weapon as far as possible into my body. The burn makes my breath come in sharp gasps as a silver dagger is imbedded into my ribs, only about an inch, but damaging enough. Even with the fae armor, my uncle’s strength is sliding the blade slowly home. I scream and attempt to push him off me, but he has me pinned. My nails score his face and I do the only thing I can think of. I call for my lovers to come to me.

  In mere moments the entire Shadow Court army has filed inside, filling the hall with bows drawn and silver arrows at the ready. My uncle’s blade presses farther inside, nicking my lung and sending me into a panic. I can’t die. My child, my chosen, my people all need me.

  Giving up my fight to wound him, I let my hands drop to my sides, hoping he’ll think I’ve lost consciousness. I can tell the moment he lets his guard down, his shoulders slump just enough and that’s when I strike. Palming the hilt of the silver knife at my thigh, I pull it free of the sheath and stab it straight into his back, piercing his heart. His eyes widen and blood trickles from his mouth as he dies, turning to ash atop me.

  “No!” Diana wails, but the guards have her. She’s not going anywhere.

  I can’t breathe, my lung is on fire and there’s too much blood pouring from my wound. Miller is the first to get to me, his hands gentle as he props my head in his lap.

  “Sebastian!” he screams, the name a tortured sound on his lips

  My Sebastian. My heroic knight armored with arrogance rather than steel. The last thing I see is his handsome face before the world around me goes dark and I give in to the pain.

  Chapter 22


  My vision had been too late. A few minutes before Felicity called to him, I saw her on the floor, under her uncle, fighting for her life. If I’d seen it sooner…

  Sebastian can’t breathe. He’s barely moving on the hard stone floor next to her after trying desperately to heal the terrible wound in her side. His skin is pale, face drawn tight with pain, and neither of them are responsive. We can’t lose them now.

  Grabbing the dagger Felicity had killed her uncle with, I slice my wrist. The wound is deep and the vampires around us suck in sharp breaths. Shit. Maybe that wasn’t very smart.

  I can’t worry about that now. Blood wells to the surface of the cut instantly, dripping onto the white floor, creating a grisly pattern symbolic of this night. Ugly and dangerous.

  “Please, my love. Please drink,” I whisper, pressing my bleeding wrist to her lips. The hall is silent as we wait and nothing happens.

  A wicked laugh echoes off the walls making my head snap up and my gaze fall to Diana. She’s in chains, but her vicious glee hits its intended mark. “Even now she fails. Her destiny wasn’t to rule and break the curse. She was meant to die as an example to everyone stupid enough to believe we could live in the light.”

  “Take her to the tower to await her execution,” Thomas booms.

  Terror streaks across Diana’s face. “No. You can’t take me there. She’ll kill me. The Queen will have my head.”

  “So be it,” Thomas says, his voice low and dark.

  As she’s taken away, screaming and wailing, I feel a slight pull against my skin. Hope blooms inside me and I close my eyes against the rush of unchecked emotion. The tug gets stronger and soon Felicity is gripping my wrist with both hands and feeding in earnest. She continues, not opening her eyes, and before long, I’m lightheaded from blood loss, but it’s worth it to know she’s alive. As my vision goes gray, I feel her stiffen and tear her mouth from my wrist.

  “Miller,” she whispers, her smile keeping me grounded. “Thank you for coming for me.”

  “Anything for you,” I say, fatigue winning the battle with my body.

  Thomas helps me to my feet and I hold out a hand to Felicity, but she is on her knees next to Sebastian.

  She turns to face us, tears in her eyes. “It was too much for him. He said there was a point of no return.” She returns her focus to Sebastian and traces his jaw and cheek with one tender fingertip. “We’ll take him to the Consort’s chambers.”

  Thomas bends down and lifts Sebastian, carrying him while Felicity walks to her throne.

  She speaks with a stoic calm that shows nothing but confidence and authority as her people watch. “I claim this throne as rightfully mine. I crown these men as my princes. The crown has split and I will ascend. Tomorrow, I will be mated. Tomorrow, I will ascend.”

  The crowd drops to their knees before her, bowing their heads and not looking up. Felicity takes the few steps down from the throne and strides to where Jensen waits at the ready with his army.

  “Jensen, thank you for your service. Go in peace back to your court. Please take this as an offering to your king.” She pulls a ruby ring from her finger and places it in his palm.

  The fae knight bows and the army behind him finally lowers their weapons. They leave in silence, as though they’d never been here. The members of the court are still on their knees and I think they won’t rise until their new queen has taken her leave. Felicity must know this as well because she gives Thomas a pointed look and he follows her out of the hall.

  We climb the stairs, Garrett next to me with worry etched on his face. “It’s going to be okay,” I tell him, but he just shakes his head.

  “We almost lost her when Thomas was taken.”

  “Sebastian will be fine. He just needs time to recover.”

  He presses his lips into a t
hin line, and I know he’s thinking the same thing I am. Sebastian is already gone.

  Chapter 23

  Sebastian’s heart hasn’t beat for the last five minutes. I’ve been counting, praying for that sound to fill my ears. He’s lying on the bed we shared, where we all bonded as mates. He sacrificed himself for me.

  Tears spill down my cheeks as I let grief take me under. I’ve come back and gotten everything I wanted but lost so much to do it. Burying my face against his chest, I sob. I feel Garrett next to me, Miller on my other side, both offering comfort and knowing there’s nothing else they can do. Thomas has closed himself off from me, no doubt the anguish is too much to bear.

  As I take in the scent of Sebastian, knowing I can’t turn him without losing too much blood and harming my child, I commit his essence to memory. I stare at his strong jaw, the arrogant mouth, the sharp cheekbones and regal nose. He was meant to be a prince.

  The door opens, catching my attention and I turn to see my mother with Thomas behind her. She’s covered in blood and I know it is Diana’s. My formidable mother has had her vengeance.

  “Move aside, Felicity,” she says.

  I do as I’m told, not willing to argue if there’s any way she can bring him back. Before my eyes, she tears into her wrist and tips back Sebastian’s head. Her blood spills into his mouth, overflowing but he doesn’t swallow. Thomas holds me close and I realize I’m trembling. And then, I see it. Sebastian throat works as he takes what she’s giving him.

  She winces as though in pain while he feeds, but soon she pulls her wrist away and Sebastian falls into a deep sleep.

  “Mother, you turned him. Won’t he be feral? A danger?” Fear grips my chest at the thought of him suffering as Thomas had, of not being able to fight his darkness and turning against us.


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