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Who Wants That Perfect Love Story Anyway

Page 7

by Natavia

  Royal helped me up off the ground and examined my face. “Yo, you can’t keep going around and hitting niggas thinking they might not hit your little ass back,” he told me.

  I broke down crying. My feelings were all over the place. This nigga had my head fucked up so bad I wasn’t myself. This love shit was for the birds.

  Corey’s face softened up. “Come on shorty. Don’t do that shit. I swear I didn’t mean to hit you. You slapped me so hard I forgot who you were.” He hugged me. I cried even harder as he kissed my forehead.

  “This is exactly why I haven’t fucked with a virgin since high school. They act crazy as shit!” Killa said sounding like he had a bad experience with one.

  “I can’t believe this young ass nigga got her gangsta ass standing on the sidewalk crying and shit,” Ashaun said out loudly.

  “Y’all good? I’m ready dip,” Royal said.

  “Yeah, me too! Y’all motherfuckers out here tripping. Acting like Ike and Tina. I’m surprised the police didn’t come yet,” Ashaun said.

  “That’s because I paid the owner to keep his mouth shut about this,” Killa told him. “I’m going back in to mingle. These two bitches in there were eyeing a nigga. You know what that means? Threesome!” He laughed then he looked at me. “Thanks to you Tee for fucking up my shot tonight, shorty could barely walk,” Killa told me referring to the girl that tried jumping me.

  “What happened to them bitches anyway?” I asked.

  “They left out the back door. I think Jazz needed stitches in her cheek. That plate had her shit wide open,” Killa said. Jazz must have been the red-haired chick. Killa walked back inside and it was just Corey and I still standing outside.

  “We alone now, Tee, what’s up with you? Why you going hard on a nigga?” he asked.

  “I’m pregnant!” I blurted out. A smile crept across his face. The mood didn’t last long because a black pick-up truck crept up on us. The tinted windows rolled down with a gun pointing out of it aiming for Corey. I couldn’t warn him in time. I shoved him out the way as hard as I could. Shots rang out and I fell to the ground. Corey started busting back.

  “Pop! Pop! Pop! Boom!”

  Bullets were flying everywhere. It even set a few car alarms off. The truck skidded away. He kneeled down beside me cradling my head into his lap. I felt burning sensations all over. I knew I was hit more than once. The pain was so bad; I couldn’t tell where I was shot at. A lot of blood was leaving my body. It was flowing down the sidewalk as I bled out. I was losing consciousness.

  “Come on shorty you can’t go out like this! We got a little seed to raise,” his voice trembled.

  I heard Killa’s voice. He must have come out with the rest of the people that was inside “The Black Wall.” I know he didn’t expect to see me lying on the sidewalk.

  “Yo, what the fuck happened? I was just out here less than five minutes ago!”

  “They shot her! They fucking shot her man!” Corey told him squeezing me harder. My eyelids were getting heavy. “Come on, Tee, you got to stay awake! I love you, yo! I swear I’m sorry for fucking with your head like that!” he finally admitted.

  “I love you, too,” I heard sirens getting closer, but I couldn’t fight it any longer. I blacked out…


  We all sat in the emergency room waiting to get word back on Tee. It was Cam, Jamie, my mother, Royal, Killa, Ashaun, her parents and brothers nervously waiting. I didn’t know where she was hit, blood was everywhere. I wasn’t hit I just had a sprained ankle from her shoving me. See, shit like this made me feel less than a man. She took bullets for me while carrying my seed. I was supposed to be back there fighting for my life, not her. I had doubts about taking it to the next level with her, but when she was lying there fighting for her life, I realized I couldn’t be without her. Shit like this was exactly why I had my doubts. Tee goes harder than most niggas. What man wanted to lose their woman to the streets? This was not the type life for a woman.

  Now, I was sitting up in the hospital with blood-drenched clothes while the doctors were trying to save her life. Her mother was all over the place crying and shit. While Tee’s dad tried to console her. That shit was all a front and it seemed a little fake to me. One drunk night of passionate sex a year ago led up to this. Ever since then, Tee and me started fucking around and somehow it became serious.

  I didn’t know she was a virgin until I went in. By then it was too late to turn back. She felt like heaven. Before that happened, we were cool and we were always hanging out with each other. Back then her acting like one of the niggas was cool, but when we started having sex it changed everything. I caught feelings for Tee a while ago, even though my idol woman was everything that she was not. I wasn’t even going to lie; I was jealous ass fuck when that nigga tried spitting game to her.

  I had never been jealous over Tee because I never had a reason to. She was very attractive, but niggas never stepped to her because of the way she acted. When she put on her make-up and extra tight clothes, she drew all types of attention from niggas and I was pissed. Not because she looked good, but because I now had to compete with other men.

  I was overwhelmed and I had a lot on my mind. I went outside and lit the rest of my blunt up. I needed to calm my nerves because I felt like killing everything in sight. I was pissed that someone had the balls to try and take me out, and even more pissed that Tee got shot instead. A few minutes later, Royal came outside.

  “Yo, you good?” He patted my shoulder.

  “That should have been me! Those bullets weren’t meant for her! She’s pregnant with my seed man! She shouldn’t be fighting for her life!” A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away.

  “Pray my nigga! Your shorty is a fighter and she’s tougher than half the motherfuckers on our team. She’s too damn stubborn to go anyway,” he joked trying to lighten the mood.

  After we had finished smoking, we went back in. We were just in time because her doctor walked out into the waiting room as we were walking back in.

  “Family of Vance,” Dr. Bernstein called out. Everyone stood up and Jamie grabbed my hand just in case he delivered us some bad news.

  “She pulled through the surgery, but she lost a lot of blood. The bullets didn’t hit any main organs; she had mostly flesh wounds. She was about three weeks pregnant, but she miscarried due to her stress levels. The early stages of pregnancy is very sensitive to trauma,” he explained. He also told us that we could go back to see her in groups of two, but only for a few minutes. I let her parents go first. Her bitch ass daddy grilled me as he walked past. He had been grilling me ever since I told them she was pregnant when they arrived. He was lucky we are in the hospital or else I would knock his big dumb ass flat out.

  They were only in less than five minutes. Her mother told me to go in because she was asking for me. When I walked in my legs were like noodles. I was nervous as hell to see her in that condition. As soon as she seen me, she burst out in tears.

  “I’m sorry I lost the baby, I feel so bad because I was thinking about getting an abortion,” she cried harder. I pulled her head into my chest and blocked out what she had just told me. If Tee wasn’t fucked up and hurting, I would’ve jacked her ass up.


  We sat in Royal’s living room the next day trying to figure out who had a hit on me and why. Well, they were trying figure shit out, I wasn’t. I remember the tag number on the pickup truck. I had some little shorty that worked at a MVA that I fucked with time to time to run it for me. I didn’t want anyone to know I had the information because it was my problem and I didn’t need no one handling shit for me. Royal thought because we were five years apart that I needed him do my dirty work sometimes. That shit was not happening as long as I had air in my lungs. My phone rang and I answered.

  “What the fuck you want, Jazz? Damn you gettin on my fucking nerves!”

  “I heard your bitch got shot and I was hoping the bitch didn’t make it!” she stated boldly.

Where you at?” I asked calmly.

  “I’m at home maybe you should come through,” she answered. I hung up on her ass. I was going to come through, but it damn sure wasn’t going to be a friendly visit.

  “Y’all I’m out!” I dapped everyone up then dipped.

  I arrived at Jazz’s house in fifteen minutes. I left my Infinity truck running and headed to her house. They knew not to fuck with my shit because a motherfucker would be left stanking.

  I banged on her door until she opened it. Her face was swollen with a gauze patch on her left cheek. She had two black eyes and a patch of hair missing around her edges. Tee- Tee really fucked her up and that was why she wished death on my shorty. I slammed her into the wall jacking her ass up.

  “Yo, if you ever in your hood rat ass life tell me some shit like that again I will kill your ass! I lost my seed and I could’ve lost my girl! You don’t know where my head is at right now shorty. I’m telling you now let that be your last time calling my phone disrespecting me! Don’t you ever in your life wish death on someone I hold close to my heart! No more crazy ass text messages either. My girl not feeling that shit and neither am I! This shit is dead, over! We are not banging with each other no more!” I dropped her ass on the floor.

  “I hate you!” she said in between breaths.

  “The feeling is mutual! You already know how I roll, I fuck ‘em then duck ‘em! You ain’t know, well now you do!” I told her and exited her crib.

  A week later…

  At 3am, I sat behind the nigga, Ervin’s crib. I had all the dirt on this nigga now. Ervin was the nigga that approached Tee-Tee at the lounge a week ago. When I look back on how the shit happened, I should’ve known it was a setup. What man comes and approaches a female that’s chilling with some niggas? I could understand if she was with some females, but one of us could’ve been her man. I think he did that shit to feel me out and see what type of nigga I was, but somehow he knew that fucking with her would irk my nerves. This led me to believe that he was following me. Only people who knew about us before all this shit happened was just us.

  I jumped over his fence and ended up in his backyard. I located his alarm system then deactivated it. I crept in silently with my two twin Berettas drawn. This nigga’s house was filthy as fuck! He had dirty clothes thrown everywhere, dirty dishes piled up in the kitchen, old pizza boxes and beer bottles were everywhere. I laughed to myself because he had the nerve to have an alarm system as if someone would like to break into his shit. As soon as you walk in you would want to walk right back out. I prayed to God I didn’t see no rats. I could be a tough nigga all day, but I didn’t fuck with rats!

  I heard moaning and the bed squeaking coming from upstairs. This lame ass dude was getting his rocks off. I was going to give him five minutes because this would be the last time he would be getting some pussy. I lit my blunt up and smoked it in the hallway. I was only giving him five minutes.

  Five minutes later, I barged into the room. “Surprise nigga!” I had one gun pointed at him and the other pointing at his bitch.

  “Agghhhhh!” She screamed.

  “Bitch, shut the fuck up! You know you should’ve washed that funky ass pussy before you spread those legs. You got it smelling like sardines and mustard sauce in this bitch!” She tried making a run for it and I shot her in the back of her head. It was sitting wide open, leaking, like a bloody vagina.

  “What the fuck you do that for man? That was my woman!” he cried.

  “Fuck you need that funky pussy, crack head bitch for? She’s not even cleaning up around this bitch! The bitch is just as good as dead!” I told him.

  “What you want, man? I only have ten g’s in the safe!”

  “Remember that nigga you was trying get at a week ago and you ended up shooting his girl instead?” I took off my mask. “Well, here I am! What are you trying do now nigga?”

  He cried harder. “I swear I didn’t mean to shoot her!”

  “Who sent you?” I asked him.

  “I don’t know what you talking about!” I smacked him across the face with the butt of my gun. I could hear his cheekbone crack.

  “AGGHHHH FUCK!” he screamed.

  “I’m not dumb motherfucker, someone sent you! I know for a fact they did! All I want to know is why! We can skip all that bullshit on how I found out. You acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” I pointed both guns to his head. “If you don’t tell me what I want to know you are going to be joining that bitch over there!” I nodded towards his girl.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you talking about! I had a lot of drinks and I was feeling salty at how you came at me!”

  “You think I am a young, dumb nigga don’t you? What motherfucker you know that’s going to go all out for some pussy they never had?” I asked him then pulled out my phone.

  “You see this picture here? That’s your baby momma and daughter tied up and gagged. These niggas are waiting for my call. You fucking with the wrong nigga! This cartel has connections everywhere! Don’t think because they live in Georgia my reach isn’t far! You almost killed my girl and she lost my seed, eye for an eye right?”

  He was balling his eyes out. “Yo, please don’t kill them! I didn’t mean to shoot her! I swear yo, I’m sorry!” he sobbed.

  “Tell me who sent you then!”

  “It was Man-Man. He wanted you out because he ready to go to war with your brother. He said you started snooping around in his business and he wanted you gone before you found out anything to alert them. Now, can you please let me and my family go?” he asked.

  I smirked. “See you in hell!” I shot him twice in the head. I pulled my razor out then sliced off his lips putting them in an envelope. I put the envelope in Man-Man’s mailbox with the words, “Loose lips sinks ships” written across it. I wanted that nigga to know I was coming for his ass. I could have murked his dumb ass right then, but that would have been too easy. I was like a lion I stalked my prey before I killed it.

  I still lived with my moms in a mini mansion Royal had copped for her a few years ago. Even though I was making my own money and could move out, my mom didn’t want me to. She told me how she didn’t want to be alone in this big house all by herself, so I stayed just to give her a piece of mind.

  Tee-Tee was laying in my California king size bed with my t-shirt on watching UFC. “Damn, shorty you can’t wear nothing sexy for your man?” I teased. She had only been out of the hospital for a few hours. I requested that she stayed here with me so my mom could look after her. Tee-Tee didn’t feel comfortable staying at her parents’ house. She never explained why, but I didn’t push the subject.

  “I just got out of the hospital from being shot up, and you worried about me being sexy,” she snapped. Tee-Tee took two bullets to her shoulder and one in her abdomen; the fourth one grazed her neck.

  I laughed. She was a trip with her feisty attitude. “What you think you Fifty Cent now?” I asked. She giggled then kissed me. Behind closed doors, Teyana was feminine. Out in public she was like a ratchet ass nigga. I just wished she presented herself like a lady at all times.

  “Where the fuck you just coming from anyway?” she snapped all of a sudden.

  “Taking care of some shit! You always tryna start some shit. My ass tired as fuck!”

  She looked at me then crossed her arms over her chest. “Why the fuck you go see Jazz?” she asked.

  “Yo, chill the fuck out! I am not worried about that girl! You stay tripping over some bullshit! But since you bringing up old shit, what made you think about getting an abortion? Let’s talk about that! I might be a young nigga, but I don’t believe in those. As a man, I supposed take care of my responsibilities regardless of the circumstances!”

  “Corey, let’s be real. When would we have the time to raise a child? We stay busy running the streets, and that was why I wanted to get one at first, but when I had gotten shot I had a change of heart. By then it was too late.”

  I knew this was a touchy su
bject, but that really bothered me. All of her concern was focused on running the streets. You would’ve thought I was the female and she was the man. That was the shit I heard a few of my niggas tell their girl when she wanted to keep their baby. What type of fuckery is this?

  She grabbed my face with both hands. “I love you. I swear if I knew it was going to hurt you I wouldn’t have gotten it done. That’s why I wanted to talk to you, to have your input on it. I will never hurt you purposely, even though you constantly hurt me over and over again,” she kissed my lips.

  “On some real shit though, you need to quit this shit! If it’s your family you are worried about, I will take care of that! But, I’ll be damned if my shorty is going to be running around here like a nigga! You have a man now, Tee, you need think about his feelings too. This is no longer about you; it’s about the both of us! Fall back and let me do what I do, go to school or something. You can even open up a boutique and I’ll help you, but we can’t be doing the same shit. When people find out we made this official, you are going to become a liability,” I told her.

  “Can you just give me more time, like a few weeks? I have some loose ends I need to tie up first,” she said rubbing on my dick. Before I could even respond she had my dick so far down her throat, I felt her tonsils. Her mouth was extra wet as she slurped on it. She took that shit like a G with a bandaged neck and all. Not once did she gag. She trailed her tongue down my shaft to my nuts. When she got to my balls, she flicked her tongue across them back and forth as she jerked me off. This girl was an undercover freak and I loved that shit.

  Tee-Tee catered to me like a king in the bedroom. Her only problem was that she thought she was one too. Little do she know she was about to fall back.

  “Ohhh shiiitttttt!” I hissed. “Damn, boo suck that shit!” She must’ve taken some painkillers because not once did she flinch. She had my toes curling. I was ready to scream like a bitch. She started jerking me off with two hands like she was grinding pepper.

  “I’m about to nut!” I damn near shouted. She started sucking it faster. I didn’t want to nut in her mouth, but I had no choice it was feeling too good. All the blood started rushing to the tip of my dick and it started throbbing. She took it all the way down her throat and cupped my balls with spit running down my nuts. I gripped her face forcing her head down more; it felt like I was knee deep in pussy. I busted the biggest nut in all my 19yrs of life!


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