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Choices [Slick Rock 19]

Page 11

by Becca Van

  Cael made a growly sound in the back of his throat, and when she gazed up at him another surge of heat coursed through her blood. His eyes were closed, his head was tilted back with the veins and tendons in his neck standing out starkly under his skin. She wondered what he’d look like when she took his hard dick into her mouth. Jaylynn didn’t waste another minute. She lowered her head down toward his dick, all the while keeping her eyes on his face and lapped over the head of his erection. He groaned, and she moaned. His sweet salty essence caused saliva to pool in her mouth as she craved more of his wonderful taste.

  Jaylynn opened her mouth and sucked the head of his cock in between her lips, swirling and twirling her tongue around the head.

  She froze when Ajay dipped a finger into her folds, caressing and spreading all her creamy juices around until he got to the top of her slit and pressed against her clit.

  She whimpered as her blood heated even more and liquid desire pooled low in her belly.

  “So fucking hot and wet,” Ajay rasped out, giving her clit a final caress before dipping into her soaked entrance. “So fucking tight.”

  When Cael combed his fingers into her hair and grasped the tresses at the back of her head, Jaylynn realized she’d closed her eyes and wasn’t doing what she’d set out to do. She wasn’t sure she could open her eyes since her lids were so heavy with passion, but figured she didn’t need to. All she needed to do was feel and go with her instincts.

  She began to caress up and down Cael’s shaft again and took him further into her mouth. Once she’d measured the depths she could take him without gagging, she began to bob her head up and down, suctioning her cheeks to add to Cael’s pleasure.

  She gasped in a breath when Ajay blanketed her back with his front and moaned when he cupped both of her breasts in his hands. He molded and kneaded the soft globes before strumming his thumbs over the aching peaks and then pinching and plucking them.

  Her pussy clenched on emptiness, sending another slew of cream dripping onto her folds and she shifted on her knees, wiggling her hips as she tried to get Ajay to ease the carnal ache slowly building inside her womb and pussy. She sucked Cael back into her mouth and groaned when Ajay’s cock shifted from between the crack of her ass to between her legs and started rocking her hips. She gasped with pleasure when the tip of his cock rubbed against her clit.


  What the fuck?

  Chapter Ten

  “Behave, Jaylynn,” Ajay ordered as he grasped the base of his dick and squeezed. The little minx was so fucking sexy and responsive, he’d nearly lost his load. The only way he’d been able to stave off his embarrassment was by swatting her ass and grabbing his erection. He sighed with relief when the heat in his blood, dick, and balls subsided somewhat.

  “What the hell was that for?” Jaylynn asked after lifting her mouth from Cael’s dick and meeting Ajay’s gaze over her shoulder.

  “I was getting too close, honey, and I’m not even inside of you yet.”

  “Well, hurry the hell up,” Cael groused in a deep, hoarse voice as he tightened his grip in her hair. “Our woman is a natural. I’m not fucking coming in her mouth.”

  Jaylynn shook her head over that statement and before Ajay and Cael could do anything else, she took him deep into her mouth. Ajay figured she’d taken him to the back of her throat when he heard her gag, but she didn’t ease off to breathe. He heard her drag air in through her nose and was about to push down further, but Cael tugged on her hair.

  “No, sweetness. You’re not going to make me come in your mouth,” Cael stated emphatically.

  Jaylynn pulled off of Cael’s cock and was about to protest but ended up gasping instead. Ajay pushed against her entrance until the broad head of his dick penetrated her wet folds. Even while the urge to drive into her fast and deep was strong, he remained still and concentrated on his breathing, giving her time to get used to his penetration.

  When her cunt muscles clamped around him, he gritted his teeth, but when she did it again and tried to push back against him, he realized that she was deliberately trying to entice and tantalize him. The leash he held himself on broke free and he powered into her hard and fast.

  She whimpered, causing him to freeze. He was panting fast and shallowly, as if he’d just run a mile in a minute flat. Contrition filled his heart and soul at what he’d done. “Are you all right, honey? Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she gasped. “You didn’t hurt me, Ajay.”

  He sighed with relief and when she flexed her inner muscles around his hard, throbbing dick again, he began to move. Ajay withdrew until just the tip of his cock was resting inside of her hot slick entrance, and then he shoved forward again. He gazed at Cael through narrow eyes when his brother maneuvered his legs out from under Jaylynn and shifted onto his side so that he was lying crossways over the mattress.

  Ajay started a slow rhythmic slide and glide as Cael slanted his mouth over Jaylynn’s while reaching up to cup one of her breasts. His jaw ached from gritting his teeth so hard. Each time he pumped his hips, sliding his cock in and out of her hot, tight, wet cunt, he increased the pace. The hot wet frictional glide of her soaked walls along his dick was the most amazingly pleasurable experience of his life. He’d never felt such nirvanic bliss or such a strong emotional connection while making love to a woman in his whole life. Jaylynn was the be all and end all of his existence. She was deeply entrenched into his heart, soul, the very psyche of his being and he never wanted her to leave.

  He tightened his grip on her hips and pounded in and out of her wet cunt. The heated friction on his dick was bliss personified and he never wanted to stop. Ajay panted air in and out of his lungs, uncaring of the sweat dripping from his brow as he made love to his woman for the first time. Each gasp, sigh, moan and groan that emitted from her mouth ratcheted his need, his famishment for her up another notch.

  Their flesh slapped together as he pistoned in and out of her hot, wet cunt. Warm tingles formed at the base of his spine and began to move around his hips toward his groin. Ajay once more blanketed her back with his front, wrapping an arm around her waist, splaying his large hand over her belly to hold her in place and dipped into the top of her folds.

  Cael released her lips, ducked his head under her chest and suckled firmly on one of her hard, little nipples.

  “Oh,” Jaylynn moaned, rocking her hips forward and back in counterthrust to him.

  Ajay growled when her internal walls rippled around and along his dick. Every twitch from her was sending him faster and faster toward the edge of reason, toward the pinnacle of climax. Molten heat pooled in his belly and the warm tingles crawled toward his balls, making them firmer and harder as if they were turning to stone. They felt swollen and heavy between his legs and so full of seed he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out, but he was determined to hold on as long as necessary. He wasn’t climaxing before Jaylynn, but he was hanging on by the tips of his fingers.

  Cael released the nipple he’d been suckling on, shifted out from under Jaylynn and kissed her passionately. Her cunt tightened, gripping his shuttling length so hard he was sure he was going to topple, but he managed to hold out.

  The second Cael broke the kiss, Jaylynn collapsed onto her shoulders. The angle made her pussy so much tighter and Ajay knew he wasn’t going to last. He released one of her hips, caressed over her ass and then lifted his thumb to his mouth. After coating his thumb with saliva, he lowered it to her star and caressed over her pucker.

  “Oh my—”

  Jaylynn didn’t finish whatever she was moaning because Ajay delved his thumb into her ass.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” she groaned.

  Just as Ajay drew back his balls crawled up even closer to his body. He shouted as he plunged into her cunt before retreating and shoving in again as he pushed his thumb deeper into her back entrance.

  Jaylynn cried out as she started to climax.

  She sucked the cum right out of his balls. He groaned as
he ground his hips into her ass. Her pussy quaked and quivered around and along his dick, massaging his length and sucking on the tip of his cock. Stars exploded in front of his eyes as spume after spume of cum erupted from his cock. She shook and shivered beneath him while he trembled and twitched. Each time her pussy muscles clamped down on and around his dick, another load of cum shot up his cock deep into her cunt and womb.

  The orgasm was so strong, he felt as if the top of his head was about to blow off. Every time Jaylynn’s smaller frame was wracked with another aftershock, another load of jism surged from his balls. By the time the last euphoric palpitation faded away he felt as weak as a newborn babe. Air sawed in and out of his burning lungs and he tried to blink the rapturous haze away from his blurry eyes. His arms and legs were shaking with ecstatic fatigue and he wasn’t sure he was going to be able to keep himself upright. He tightened the arm he had around her waist and then flopped onto the bed onto his side, taking Jaylynn with him.

  Ajay had no idea where Cael was but right at that moment he didn’t care. All that mattered to him was in his arms. He kissed Jaylynn’s neck after brushing the hair away from her skin and caressed a hand up and down her side, taking note of every shiver as well as mapping every delectable curve.

  He was so in love with her, he felt as if they were connected on every level a human being could be. His softening cock was still locked into her tight, wet pussy but it was the love, the overwhelming emotion entrenched in his heart and soul that had tears stinging the back of his eyes.

  Ajay had dreamed of this moment and now that it was here, he was totally overcome.

  Jaylynn was his world and he was going to do everything within his power to make sure she was happy and felt loved. He hated the time they’d lost with her and even though there was no way to make up for it, he was just grateful she was in their life again.

  His and his brothers’ lives would have been dismal existences if they hadn’t found her.

  Ajay wondered if Sebastian was looking down from heaven and smiling. Maybe he’d even orchestrated them meeting up again. Whatever and whoever it was that had brought them together again, was too good to question. He was hoping to spend the rest of his life with Jaylynn at his side.

  Losing her would absolutely devastate him.

  * * * *

  Cael had rolled from the bed to give Ajay and Jaylynn the room they needed to love one another. It had also been necessary for him to get out of the way. She was so fucking beautiful, sexy and responsive, he’d almost climaxed three times. He’d loved the sounds she’d made as he suckled on her nipples and kissed her passionately. He more than loved having her mouth sucking on his cock. He closed his eyes and tried to think of something other than what it had felt like to have her lips wrapped around his dick. He couldn’t believe he’d been close to coming after such a short time and while she’d been tentative at first, as soon as she’d let herself be swept up in the passion, in the hunger, she’d been a natural.

  He shivered as another wave of heat raced through his blood and over his skin. Goose bumps erupted over his flesh and his cock twitched. He opened his eyes and stared down at his aching cock when pre-cum bubbled to the tip. His balls were hot and heavy between his legs and he was sure just one brush of skin would send him careening over the edge into climax.

  He pushed his lustful thoughts aside and turned his gaze toward the bed. Ajay was murmuring something in Jaylynn’s ear and while he couldn’t hear what his brother was saying, it made their woman happy. She was smiling. She was so fucking gorgeous, his heart flipped in his chest and his breath hitched in his throat.

  He sighed out a breath when Ajay kissed her softly, lovingly on the lips and after another hug, rolled away from her before sauntering from the room. Jaylynn rolled over to her back and gazed about the room. As soon as her gaze locked with his, she held her hand out toward him.

  Cael didn’t hesitate to shove to his feet and hurry toward her. He was eager to make love with and claim the love of his life, but he was also nervous. He’d spent nearly two years dreaming, imagining and fantasizing about making love with Jaylynn and hoped he didn’t do anything to fuck things up.

  He laced his fingers with hers as he sat on the side of the mattress and stared at her beautiful face.

  “Are you okay, Cael?”

  He nodded but then shook his head.

  “Come lie down with me.” She tugged on his hand.

  Cael swung his legs up onto the bed, rolled onto his side so that he was facing her, lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it.

  “Are you…angry with me?” she asked hesitantly.

  “No sweetness, I’m not angry with you.”

  “You look angry.” She frowned.

  It took a moment for Cael to realize that to his inexperienced woman his stark hunger could be misconstrued as anger. “Jaylynn, I’m so turned on I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to make love with you right now. I don’t want to hurt you, sweetness. I’m a lot bigger and stronger than you are. I’m worried that if I hold you too hard, or move too fast and deep, I’m going to leave bruises and cause you pain.”

  She reached out with her free hand and cupped his cheek. “You might feel that way, Cael, but I know you. You would never hurt anyone, least of all me.”

  “I’m still not sure—”

  She placed a finger over his lips, rolled from her back to her side and then pressed her lips to his.

  His heart pounded so hard and fast against his ribs it hurt. Blood roared through his ears and he was millimeters away from snapping. He drew his mouth away from hers, rolled over to his back and stared at the ceiling.

  She sat up beside him and when she covered her breasts with her arms, he knew he’d fucked up. He sat up quickly and grasped her upper arms before she could move away from him. “I don’t know how to explain in words how hungry, how needy I am for you, sweetness. I’m scared.”

  Her green eyes softened, and she smiled at him. “Do you trust me, Cael?”

  “Yes,” he answered without any hesitation.

  “Good.” She moved, tugged her arms from his hold and shifted away from him. “Scoot into the middle of the bed.”

  He maneuvered on the bed until he was in the center and closer to her again. Although he tried to keep his gaze from wandering, it was an impossible feat. She was just so fucking beautiful to him with her long auburn hair, amazing green eyes, and slim, curvy body.

  One day soon he hoped to be able to spend hours feasting on every inch of her skin.

  As soon as he settled, Jaylynn straddled his hips with her hands braced on his chest for balance. He sucked in a breath and she bent toward him and he groaned when she pressed her mouth to his. He growled when she licked over his lips and immediately gave her access by opening his mouth.

  She stroked her tongue in to dance and duel with his, before rubbing along it. He slanted his mouth and kissed her back hungrily. They devoured each other with a wild carnal intent.

  Jaylynn broke the kiss and began to lick and nibble her way down his neck. He groaned when she scraped the edge of her teeth over the thick tendon and artery down his neck. She licked over his collarbone and down his chest toward his nipple.

  Cael held his breath and then groaned gustily when she swirled her tongue around the areola. The skin around his nipple crinkled and hardened, as did the tiny bud. He was surprised that his nipples were so sensitive. No other woman had ever touched him this way or bothered to find out what he liked. He quickly pushed thoughts of other women from his mind. No female before Jaylynn was worth thinking about.

  She was the most important person in his world other than his brothers.

  When she nibbled at his nipple gently with her teeth, he gasped and threaded his fingers into her hair. His dick twitched and flexed and another drop of pre-cum rose to the tip. Every muscle in his body was taut with sexual tension and his legs were trembling.

  “Sweetness, I can’t wait any longer. Please, let
me love you?”

  She flicked his nipple with the tip of her tongue and lifted her head to meet his gaze.

  There was so much to see in her amazing green eyes he couldn’t sort out what he was seeing. And then he wasn’t seeing anything.

  Jaylynn lifted higher onto her knees, reached back and clasped his cock in her soft, warm hand. He gritted his teeth when she caressed the tip of his cock through her soaked folds and then began to sink over him.

  He squeezed his eyes closed and clutched at the sheet. The blood raced through his system and his heart pounded so hard and fast he could feel it in his head, but that wasn’t the only place. His cock was pulsing and throbbing as if it had a heartbeat of its own.

  Cael wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to remain still, but he was going to try for as long as possible. He wanted Jaylynn to have control so he didn’t hurt her. He forced his heavy lids up so that he could see her through the narrow slits and groaned when he saw the pleasure etched on her gorgeous face. She had her head thrown back, her long auburn hair draping down around her shoulders and flowing in a silky wave down her back. Her lips were parted, and her eyes were closed.

  He clutched at the sheet so hard his knuckles hurt but he wasn’t, couldn’t let go. Cael knew as soon as he did he’d grab her hips, flip her over and pound into her hot, slick cunt.

  She moaned as she lowered down further over him and when she lifted up again, the wet frictional slide of her taut muscles sent shards of bliss deep into his lower belly, over his cock and down to his balls.

  Each time she rose and lowered she increased the pace, taking him deeper and deeper until she was bathing his hard, aching dick in her wet cream. Her breasts moved up and down when she did and without conscious thought he reached toward them. He palmed her breasts, molding and kneading the warm, soft, silky skin before flicking the hard, rosy tips with his thumbs.

  She whimpered and when she lowered onto him, Jaylynn ground her crotch into his. After opening her eyes, she leaned forward and braced her hands onto his chest. She was so fucking small compared to him and his brothers, he barely felt her weight and yet having her hands on him while she made love to him was the best thing he’d ever felt.


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