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Choices [Slick Rock 19]

Page 12

by Becca Van

  Cael spread his legs wider and as she sank down over him, he raised his hips toward hers, stroking his cock as deeply as he could into her hot, tight cunt.

  “Oh,” she groaned as the head of his dick rubbed against her G-spot and his shaft brushed against her clit. Her short blunt nails dug into the flesh of his chest and she picked up the pace again.

  Cael growled with hungry frustration when the base of his spine began to tingle with heat. He was getting close to coming but he couldn’t let loose yet.

  He wrapped his arms around her slim body and pulled her down over him. As soon her breasts were pressed into his chest, Cael rolled. As soon as she spread her legs and wrapped her arms around his neck, he drove his cock into her until he was embedded all the way.

  She moaned and then kissed him with greedy carnality.

  Cael ravaged her mouth, their tongues dueling and rubbing together in an erotic carnal dance.

  Jaylynn combed her fingers into his hair and held on tight as their bodies slapped together. The heat at the base of his spine moved around toward his groin and when his balls started tingling he groaned.

  She broke the kiss and gasped air into her lungs, panting heavily as she rolled her head back and forth on the pillow. Her wet walls rippled around and along his dick, causing him to moan as he drove his cock back into her balls deep.

  He could feel the tension growing in her, the same as him and hoped that they both fell together. There would be nothing sexier or satisfying than to have his woman coming with him.

  Cael bent his head toward her chest, laved one of her nipples with his tongue and then sucked it into his mouth. He drew on the sensitive nub firmly and was rewarded with more soft sounds from Jaylynn. He released that nipple and quickly moved to the other one, scraping the edge of his teeth over her hard peak before suckling on it strongly.

  She froze, and she was so tight with tension he knew she was about to climax, and so was he.

  Cael shuttled in and out of her cunt like a man possessed, his rhythmic thrusts gone as they both reached toward ecstasy.

  And then they were both falling.

  Jaylynn screamed softly. He roared a second later, drowning out her cry of rapture as he followed her into bliss.

  Her pussy clamped and released around his palpitating cock. Searing nirvanic heat shot up from his balls, through his shaft and out the tip of his dick. He jerked and shuddered as cum spurted from the tip of his cock over and over. Each time her internal walls convulsed around his dick, she drew another spume of cum from his balls.

  Cael had never felt such profound ecstasy in his life. His arms and legs were trembling with rapturous weakness, and yet he was so full of love and joy, he felt as if he could take on the world and win all by himself.

  The euphoria began to wane, leaving him in a breathless heap of feebleness. It took a few moments to notice he was slumped over Jaylynn and pushed up on shaking arms to give her room to breathe. He opened his eyes and stared with incredulous, but grateful wonder at the woman who’d stolen his heart so long ago, still finding it hard to believe that she was finally here, where she was meant to be.

  Cael pushed an arm under her shoulders, tightened his hold on her and rolled until she was sprawled out on top of him. He caressed his hands up and down her smooth, soft back as he tried to get his equilibrium back.

  He smiled happily when she sighed and nuzzled her cheek on his pectoral, not in any hurry to move. He was going to hold her as long as he could and savor every minute she was in his arms.

  Jaylynn Freedman was the love of his life.

  He would do anything for her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Jimmy scoped out the town as he drove through the main street. He’d read on the internet that the town had grown quickly over the last few years. The population had almost tripled. The shop fronts all looked as if they had fresh coats of paint and the windows were sparkling in the early afternoon sunshine.

  A smile of anticipation curved his lips as he drove past the diner, and he wondered if his girl was working. The smile slowly slid from his face as anger replaced his excitement. He took a few deep breaths, trying to control the rage heating his blood. He still couldn’t believe Jaylynn had run from him. They’d been through so much together and she’d turned away without so much as a phone call.

  He had no idea what he’d done to make her leave him, but he was going to find out.

  Jimmy slowed his speed as he came toward the end of the street. When he spied the motel, he put his indicator on and turned into the parking lot. After parking and turning off the ignition, he got out of his truck, pocketed his keys and walked toward the motel office.

  “Hi, how can I help you?” the young woman greeted him with a friendly smile.

  He smiled in return. “I’d like to rent a room, please?”

  “Sure.” She grabbed a clipboard with the paperwork and then asked to see his ID. Jimmy had no qualms about handing his information over. He was a law-abiding citizen who’d been a Marine. No one would look at him twice. After removing his wallet from his pocket, he retrieved his license, handed it to the woman and tugged a credit card out in preparation. He filled in the paperwork while she entered the details into the computer. “How long will you be staying for?”

  Jimmy glanced at her name tag and gave her the smile that women seemed to go gaga over. She blushed and smiled back. He flexed his biceps as he leaned on the counter and almost laughed when her gaze widened as she ogled his muscles. “I’m not sure yet, Lucy. I’m here to do some sightseeing and catch up with a few friends I served in the Marines with.”

  “Thank you for your service.” The blush on her cheeks deepened.

  He shrugged as if it was no big deal, but he loved it when people, especially women, kowtowed to him with gratitude. As far as he was concerned they all should be kissing his feet for keeping them and America safe. “Just doing my job.”

  She nodded and shyly glanced away. Jimmy studied her face as she finished up entering the data into the computer. She wasn’t beautiful like Jaylynn, only passably pretty, but he would have no trouble fucking her. If he closed his eyes and imagined it was his woman, he’d get off with no problems. He licked his lips and winked when he caught her staring at his mouth. Jimmy loved how females watched him. He was a good-looking guy and didn’t hesitate to use his looks to get what he wanted. He’d never had any trouble getting a woman for the night, but none of the sluts had been Jaylynn. There was just something about her that drew him and while he knew he was obsessed with her, he couldn’t just let her get away with turning her back on him.

  Jaylynn Freedman was his, had been for a lot of years and he wasn’t giving up until he had her in his arms, in his bed, under him while he fucked her. However, first he had to find the bitch.

  “Okay, so you have room two, which is near the back of the lot. Meals are served in the motel dining room between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. Lunch is 12:00 till 2 p.m. and dinner is 6 p.m. till 9:30 p.m. There are other establishments you could eat at in town if you wish. We have a diner, a pizza place which only opened up a month ago and a small café. The café is only open from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m. The hotel, or pub, whatever you want to call it, serves lunch and dinner, but their fare is simple like burgers, chicken wings and such. The diner serves the best meals in town besides our kitchen.”

  “Thanks, Lucy.” Jimmy accepted the room key and the pamphlets she handed over to him.

  “I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun with your friends.”

  Jimmy smiled, winked and turned away. He hurried out of the office and after locating his room went back to his truck to park the vehicle in front of it. He didn’t want to worry about finding a carpark as he drove about the busy small town and figured he’d see more if he walked. He was eager to stretch his legs after being cooped up in his truck for so long, and search for Jaylynn. He wasn’t sure how he was going to convince her to come back with him, but he wasn’t giving up until he had what he wanted.

  Jimmy grabbed his bag and whistled as he entered the motel room. It looked as if it had been updated recently, was clean and roomy. He just hoped he didn’t have to stay too long, before he found Jaylynn. He didn’t like spending money on frivolous things, but this wasn’t what he’d called frivolous.

  In his mind, it was a necessity.

  * * * *

  Jaylynn sighed with relief and smiled at Dr. Phoenix Carter. “So it was just that horrible flu virus?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry if I scared you with the other things I said.”

  She raised an eyebrow in question.

  “The suspected glandular fever and chronic fatigue syndrome. With how swollen your glands were and the excessive temperature, I thought for sure that’s what you had. There’s no way we can test for the Epstein-Barr virus.”

  “I’m really happy you were wrong, but also thankful you were being cautious. So, when can I go back to work?”

  Phoenix nodded and then frowned down at the paper on his desk before meeting her eyes with a serious gaze. “You were really sick, Jaylynn. I was ready to admit you to the hospital. I heard about how many hours you’ve been working. You’re still too pale and you’ve lost too much weight. Even though you might feel better, you still have the dark smudges under your eyes and you look tired. You’re on the verge of exhaustion. That’s why you had such a hard time fighting off that virus. If you don’t slow down, you’re going to end up collapsing in a heap and having a relapse. I want you to take a week off to rest and relax. Come back and see me and we can discuss you returning to work then.”

  “Oh, but—”

  Phoenix shook his head. “I’m not clearing you and don’t think you can ignore me either. I will be letting Delta, Violet, and Enya know you aren’t allowed back without giving them any other information.”

  Jaylynn frowned, sighed and twisted her fingers together in agitated frustration. She’d thought for sure that Phoenix would have cleared her for work, but she should have known better. Most of the men in this growing rural town were protective to the point of being overbearing. Why she thought he would be any different she didn’t know.

  “I’ll have your bloodwork sent to the lab and call you if there are any problems. Do you need anything else?”

  She swallowed and hoped her face wasn’t as red as it felt. “I need another contraceptive prescription.”

  Phoenix nodded. “Have you had any side effects? Bloating, fluid retention, headaches?”


  “Good.” Phoenix wrote out the script and then wrote on another piece of paper before he handed them over, after he rose and moved around his desk. “Please take the week off to rest. I’ve given you a medical certificate as well as the prescription. Eat properly and sleep. I’ll see you in a week from today, same time if that’s okay?”

  “Fine,” she huffed out.

  “Don’t get pissed, Jaylynn. Although I’m currently your treating doctor, I hope I’m also a friend. If you’d seen you the way I had, you’d be worried, too.”

  Jaylynn gave him an apologetic smile. “I know. I’m sorry for the attitude. It’s just…”

  Phoenix held up his hand with his palm out toward her. “You don’t have to explain, honey. I know you’re an independent grown woman.” He rolled his eyes and then smiled at her. “I’ve heard it all before.”

  Jaylynn giggled. “I’ll bet you have.”

  Phoenix hurried toward his office door and opened it for her. He glanced out in the waiting room and when he saw Brax, Ajay, and Cael shoving to their feet, he blanked his expression, but she could tell by the twinkle in his eyes he was up to mischief. “No heavy lifting and definitely no strenuous activities.”

  Jaylynn rolled her lips to try and hide the smile wanting out.

  Brax rushed over, grasped her hand in his and frowned at Phoenix. “What do you mean by strenuous activities?”

  When she saw guilty contrition in Brax’s, Ajay’s and Cael’s eyes, she couldn’t hold her mirth in any longer and burst out laughing.

  Phoenix joined in and he pointed at her guys. “You should have seen your faces. Y’all looked so guilty.”

  “You’re an asshole.” Brax grinned.

  “That’s Dr. Asshole to you, soldier.”

  Jaylynn shook her head as she chuckled. She loved how her guys and the other men living in the Slick Rock area were always bantering back and forth. And while she and the other women bemoaned their overprotective attitudes at times, she also liked it because she’d never felt safer.

  She shivered as a frisson of apprehension skated up her spine as Jimmy’s angry determined face flashed across her mind. She quickly pushed him out of her thoughts. She didn’t want to think about that abusive asshole ever again. Jaylynn was happy for the first time in a long while and didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that happiness.

  After thanking Phoenix and waving good-bye she, Brax, Cael, and Ajay headed out of the hospital.

  Ajay laced his fingers with hers, and Brax slung an arm around her shoulders. Cael walked behind them.

  “Where are we going?” Jaylynn asked as the guys steered her away from the parking lot where the truck was parked and down the street toward the shops.

  “We’re going to have a late lunch at the diner and then we’re going shopping,” Ajay answered.

  “Do you need groceries?” she asked.

  “No,” Brax answered without further clarification. She glanced up and him and decided that maybe she didn’t want to know when she saw the determined look in his brown eyes.

  “I’m not very hungry,” she said, almost to herself. She had a large breakfast and didn’t feel hungry in the least. Normally Jaylynn didn’t eat breakfast at all.

  “I don’t care whether you’re hungry or not, baby,” Brax said. “You’re going to eat something. You need to gain the weight you lost.”

  “You’re so bossy,” she groused.

  “You keep saying that, Jaylynn. It doesn’t matter how many times you do, we aren’t going to change just because you don’t like being told what to do,” Cael said.

  “We’re only trying to look after you, honey.” Ajay lifted her hand toward his mouth and kissed the back of it. “We’re going to get you to eat as often as possible until you’re back to your normal healthy self.”

  “I’m not sick.” She sighed with exasperation. “Phoenix said other than signs of being tired, the virus has mostly run its course.”

  Brax stopped walking, nudged her chin up with a knuckle and locked gazes with her. “He also said he wants you to relax and rest. We’re going to make sure you do that to the letter, baby.”

  “You’re so annoying.” She huffed out a breath as she turned her head away, dislodging his hold on her chin. She hurried ahead but didn’t get far before they caught up with her.

  Ajay clasped her wrist and pulled her to a stop. He guided her backward until she bumped into a brick wall and couldn’t go any farther. Ajay stood in front of her while Brax and Cael stood beside him, but angled toward her until she was surrounded. “Why are you so annoyed, honey? We care for you and want to keep you healthy and happy. What’s so bad about that?”

  She lowered her gaze and bit her lip. She knew that, but they could be so darned arrogant sometimes, and yet that was one of the traits that had attracted her to them in the first place. She might be independent and while she wasn’t submissive, she liked knowing they had her back. What scared her the most was that she had no idea how long this relationship would last. Every single person she’d ever loved had ended up leaving her. Although she knew they hadn’t left by choice, she couldn’t help being scared that Cael, Ajay, and Brax would leave her, too. “For how long?”

  “What?” Cael frowned.

  “For how long what, Jaylynn?” Ajay asked.

  Brax cupped her face between his hands and brought her gaze back to his. “Shit, Jaylynn, we’ve already been through this. Do you honestly think we would leave you, baby? We want to spend th
e rest of our lives with you. Unless we’re killed in an accident which is totally out of our control, we want to grow old with you. What did you think we meant when we asked if you would have a relationship with us? Did you think that once we’d made love with you that we wouldn’t want you anymore?”

  Tears burned her eyes and she tried to blink them back, but two welled over and rolled down her cheeks.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?” Brax asked. “You honestly thought we’d ditch you after getting you into our bed.” He released her cheeks, his arms dropping back to his sides as he sighed. He glanced about before looking in her direction without meeting her eyes again. “We’ll talk about this when we get back home. This isn’t the time or the place.”

  Jaylynn swiped impatiently at the moisture on her face and sighed with despondency.

  She still wasn’t sure where she stood with the Rhodes brothers. There was physical attraction there between them, but for all she knew they might have been with her as an obligation to her brother. If that was the case, their relationship was doomed to failure. Her heart gave a painful lurch, but she ignored it. She was used to living with and hiding pain. She’d had years to perfect the image she portrayed to the outside world, when inside she was screaming in agony and dying a little each day.

  She wasn’t sure she’d be able to deal with life if Ajay, Brax, and Cael didn’t want her for the long haul. Jaylynn pushed off the wall and turned toward the diner. It was going to be difficult to get through the rest of the day as she tried to portray that everything was right in her world, when inside she was a mass of pain and anxiety.

  Getting through the next few hours was going to be sheer torture.

  Chapter Twelve

  Jimmy almost tripped over his own feet when he caught sight of Jaylynn walking down the street, but rage quickly replaced the excitement coursing through his blood when he noticed the men she was with.


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