Thy Will Be Done
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Anglo-Mexican Oil Company, 188
Angola, CIA’s covert war in, 738, 766
Anthropology, American: and Rockefeller-funded network, 126, 476–77; and U.S. counterinsurgency, 128–30, 320–21, 477–80. See also Barbados Conferences; Project Camelot; Strategic Index of the Americas
Antunes, Augusto T. A.: in Amapá, 316, 428, 613–14, 659; on BIB board, 660; on Chase Advisory Board, 790; and ICOMI, 316, 428, 613–14, 659, 774
Antunes Foundation, 429, 614, 659
A.O. Investing Company, 862n17
Applied anthropology, 128–30
APRA party, Peru, 396–97, 457, 469, 516
Arab oil: embargo, 716; fields, 192
Araguaia River massacre, 144
Aranha, Oswaldo, 138
Arbenz Guzman, Jacobo, 232, 238–41, 243, 262, 319
Arbor Acres: in southern Africa, 782; in Thailand, 547
Arbuckle, Ernest, 878n39
ARCO. See Atlantic Richfield Company
Arévalo, Juan, 412
Argentina: anti-American protests in, 641, 823–24; changing U.S. relations with, 158, 159, 163; and CIA in Guatemala, 243; and Guevara in Bolivia, 529; military coup (1963), 412; nationalism in, 168; U.N. membership issue of, 171, 172, 175, 181; in World War II, 156–59
Argueadas Mendieta, Antonio, 534
Armour Packing, 298, 608
Arnold, Gen. Henry H. “Hap,” 169
Arósemena, Carlos Julio, 392, 434
Arraes, Gov. Miguel, 448
Arriola, Jorge Louis, 319
Arruda, Sebastiano, 624
Arruda and juqueira Company, 620–21, 624
Artime, Manuel, 412–13
Artola, Gen. Armando, 489, 515–16, 535, 771
Arvelo de Jiménez, Nelly, 685
Asia Foundation, 556, 560, 571–72, 779, 879n16
Asia Society, 559, 568
Asian Development Bank, 715n
Asmat tribes, Dutch New Guinea, 366–67, 793, 794
Associação Brasileiras de Crédito e Assistência Rural (ABCAR), 777n
Associaçao de Crédito e Assistência Rural (ACAR), 216
Associated Farmers of California, 65
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company (A&P), 181, 258
Atlantic Charter, 170
Atlantic Refining Company, 189
Atlantic Richfield Oil Company (ARCO), 258, 450, 718, 821
Atlas Corporation, 279
Atlas magazine, 651
Atomic Energy Commission, 669, 733
Attica, New York, 706
Atwood, William, 411, 416
Avicultura, Comercio e Industria, S.A. (AVISCO), 307
Ayers, Bradley, 875n16
Aztec-Spanish primer, 72
Bac, Trinidad, 49
Bacone, Rev. Almon A., 13–15
Bagley, Henry W., 631
Baker, Bobby, 579, 880n6
Baker, John, 321
Baldrige, Malcolm, 782
Baldus, Herbert, 501
Ball, George, 868n53
Banco Agrícola Mercantil, 611
Banco Argentino de Comercio, 703
Banco Continental, Peru, 703
Banco do Brasil, 695
Banco de Investimento Brasileiros (BIB), 611, 632–33, 634, 660, 702, 712. See also Deltec Banking
Banco Lar Brasileiro, S.A., 474, 634
Banco Mercantil de São Paulo, 305
Banco Moreira Salles, 300, 304, 305
Banco Nazionale del Lavoro, Italy, 611
Bandeira de Mello, Gen. Oscar Jeronimo, 651, 673, 676, 698
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), 611
Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas, 573
Banzer Suarez, Hugo: immigration policy of, 749; regime of, 532, 693, 695, 696, 745; and SIL, 747–48, 750
Bao Dai, 238
Baptist Bible Union, 20
Barbados Conferences, 679–89, 801. See also Declaration of Barbados Barber, Charles, 783, 789
Barber, Willard F., 208–9
Barbie, Klaus, 470, 524
Bardesio, Nelson, 690
Barker, Bernard, 732
Barquin, Casirio “Chick,” 552
Barrett, Edwin, 881n2
Barrientos, Gen. René, 472, 473, 525, 532, 534
Barros, Adhemar de, 441, 442, 444
Bartolomé, Miguel Alberto, 680, 686
Baruch, Bernard, 884n30
Basic Resources International, 806, 807n, 809
Bassler, Dr. Harvey, 616
Batista, Fulgencio, 89, 311, 313, 362
Bauxite, in Amazon, 432, 440, 619, 652, 655, 670
Bay of Pigs, 333, 343, 347–56
BCCI. See Bank of Credit and Commerce International
Bechtel Corporation, 692
Beerli, Col. Stan, 352
Béjar, Héctor, 489, 493, 525, 533, 534
Belaúnde Terry, Fernando: and David Rockefeller, 539; and foreign oil companies, 459, 514, 516; as president, 481; presidential campaign of, 457; regains power, 799
Belgian Congo, 276, 325–26, 327, 523, 844n30
Belk, Harrison, 322
Belk, Henderson, 291, 382, 486
Belk, Henry, 324
Belk, Irwin, 385, 861n8
Belk, John, 385, 799, 860n7, 861n8
Belk, Tom, 861n7
Belk Brothers Investment Corporation, 385
Belk family, 323, 379
Bell, Nelson, 40, 569
Bellows International, 782
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 215, 297, 315
Belt, Guillermo, 174, 176
Beltrán, Pedro, 516
Benavides, Gen. Oscar, 80, 120, 247
Benge, Mike, 581n
Bennett, Elmer F., 319–21
Berle, Adolf: as ambassador to Brazil, 168, 182, 185, 189–91, 257, 259; and Brazilian oil, 295; business affairs of, 295n, 313, 316; chairs Task Force on Latin America, 336, 348; and CIA mind control, 265; dies, 711–12; in Eisenhower administration, 241; as friend to Latin American presidents, 312; and Guatemalan coup, 233; and J. C. King, 325; in Kennedy administration, 336, 348–51, 356, 374–75; and Nelson Rockefeller, 113, 155, 156, 168, 182, 191, 233, 259, 336; and New York politics, 538; 1945 Brazilian coup, 186–87; 1956 trip to Brazil, 316; 1964 coup in Brazil, 440; opinions of, 295, 311, 827; and OAS Association, 606–7; and psychological warfare, 376; in Roosevelt administration, 85, 88, 92, 113, 400
Betancourt, Rómulo, 90, 217–19, 312, 349, 406
Bethelen, Gen. Hugo, 693
Bethlehem Steel: and Brazilian manganese, 214, 428, 432; as Chase client, 77; and IBAD, 442; and ICOMI, 316, 428, 613–14, 659, 744; and price war, 401
Bevans, Bernard, 62
Bhutto, Ali, 798
BIA. See Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIB. See Banco de Investimento Brasileiros
Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 65
Bible, translation of, 46–47, 48. See also Summer Institute of Linguistics; Wycliffe Bible Translators
Bicol River Basin Development Project, Philippines, 799–800
Billy Graham Crusade, New York, 289–90, 292–94, 485, 689. See also Graham, Billy
Bird, Willis, 877n27
Bird & Sons, 548
Birth control, 475–76, 696. See also Intrauterine device; Population control
Bissell, Richard, 347–48, 351, 356, 490
Bitterman, Chester, 810, 811, 822
Blanco, Hugo, 469
Blom, Franz, 130
Blood, Hank, 549, 552, 574, 581
Blood of the Condor (film), 692
Blough, Roger, 401
Board of Economic Welfare, 115, 130, 221
Boas, Franz, 66, 501
Bodard, Lucie, 317
Bodoquena: acquired by Nelson Rockefeller, 298, 300, 301–2; and Bolivian oil, 302–5; coffee plantation at, 608; development of, 305, 308, 427, 634; Indians of area, 300; mineral resources in, 298, 305; Rockefeller retains, 712, 792, 821; size hidden by Rockefellers, 299, 306
Boletín Indigenista magazine, 101
and American Bible Society, 121; and Argentina, 158; and Brazil, 276, 298, 302; Catavi massacres, 154, 693; and CIA, 243; and drug traffic in, 517, 528; Germans in, 526–27, 749; highway construction in, 750; and Mexico, 98–99; military in, 472; mine workers in, 153, 813; Ministry of Education and Culture, 746; and oil, 81, 192, 276, 298, 524, 525. See also Amazon basin; Guevara, Ernesto Lynch
Bolivian Agricultural Bank, 695
Bolivian-Brazilian oil reserves, 302–5
Bollinger, Lynn, 340, 490, 853n1
Bond, Niles, 445
Bonfíl Batalla, Guillermo, 686
Bonilla, Victor Daniel, 388, 519, 681, 685
Bôntoc tribe, Philippines, 800
Borella, Victor, 257, 832
Borman, M. “Bub,” 874n36
Bosch, Juan, 538
Bowdler, William, 530, 541
Bowles, Chester, 337, 348, 560
Boyer, Ed, 744
Boyer, Louise, 249
Braden, Spruille, 178, 188
Brascan, Ltd., 660, 674, 712, 867n8
Brasília, 5, 215, 307, 315, 500, 638
—and Amazon development, 133—40, 147, 614–18, 620, 625
—American investment in, 133, 295, 608, 613–15, 618–20; and banking, 258–59, 610–11; and mining, 183, 188, 190, 360, 432, 440, 616–17; and oil, 181–82, 192, 257–58; and ranching, 618–20; Rockefeller holdings, 648, 784–86, 855n32
—and Bolivia, 276, 298, 302, 529
—financial affairs of, 182, 403, 421, 426, 618, 648
—government: army, 442–43, 515, 638–39; foreign relations of, 134, 166, 181, 350–51; Ministry of Agriculture, 427; Ministry of Labor, 147; Ministry of Planning and Economic Coordination, 451; National Department of Mineral Production, 662; supreme court of, 450, 451, 638
—human rights in, 650–61
—Indians of: Indian labor and CIAA, 145–47; tribal peoples, 620–29. See also Indian tribes
—military coups in, 186–87, 261–62, 440, 443, 632
—and nationalism, 299, 772–75
—politics in, 183–87, 450, 452, 650
—See also Alliance for Progress; Amazon basin; American International Association for Economic and Social Development; Bodoquena; Brazilian junta; CIA; Goulart, João; International Basic Economy Corporation; King, John Caldwell; Moreira Salles, Walther; Operation Amazon; Quadros, Jânio; Rockefeller, Nelson; Summer Institute of Linguistics; Vargas, Getúlio
Brazil Herald, 631
Brazilian-American Association of New York, 135
Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, 611, 671
Brazilian Election Factbook, 503
Brazilian ethnology, bibliography of, 501
Brazilian Expeditionary Force, 260, 442
Brazilian Foundation, 427
Brazilian Institute of Agrarian Reform, 624
Brazilian Institute for Democratic Action (IBAD), 442
Brazilian Investexport, 695
Brazilian junta, strategy in: Bolivia, 665, 694; Chile, 664; Uruguay, 665
Brazilian Labor Party (PTB), 184, 190
Brazilian Petroleum Company. See Petrobrás
Breitweiser, Gen. Robert W., 471, 895n34
Bressler, Dr. Harvey, 183
Brett, Gen. George, 199n
Brewster, Owen, 192
Brezhnev, Leonid, 798
Brito, Francisco de, 1–2
Brizola, Lionel, 425, 525
Brookings Institution, 29–30, 62, 708
Brooks, Arthur Oakley, 632–33, 885n7
Brú tribe, Vietnam, 573, 757
Bryan, William Jennings, 20, 26
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 644, 715, 768
Buchen, Philip, 757
Buckley, William, 504–5, 509, 514–15, 567
Budhoo, Davison L., 828
Buell, Edgar “Pop,” 565, 748
Bulganin, Nikolai, 272
Bulnes, Jaime, 130
Buna artificial rubber, 155, 156
Bunche, Ralph, 327, 340
Bundy, McGeorge: as Ford Foundation president, 720; in Johnson administration, 437, 490, 541, 543, 868n53; in Kennedy administration, 339, 375, 399; reliance on CIA, 339
Bundy, William, 339
Bunker, Ellsworth, 576, 581
Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior (BIA): in American West, 4, 9, 11, 27, 29; under Collier, 94, 99, 126, 147; cuts in, 256; Indians confront, 717, 719; model for FUNAI, 652, 803; philosophy of, 477; revisions in, 576–77; and tribal police, 4, 676
Bureau of Native Affairs, New Guinea, 366
Burke, Adm. Arleigh, 355
Burke, Charles H., 15, 28, 30
Burns, Donald: in Bolivia, 746, 746n; at Chicago dedication, 283; education, 480; in Peru, 483, 484, 489, 691
Burns, Nadine, 484, 691
Bush, George: as head of CIA, 696, 734, 758, 765; as president, 823; as vice-president, 796–97
Business Advisory Council (BAC), 160, 383
Business Group for Latin America, 474, 824
Business Roundtable, 803–4
Butcher, Willard C., 783, 789
Buzomi, Fr. Francesco, 553
Byington, Alberto, 440, 443, 445, 868n53
Byrnes, James, 178
Cabell, Gen. Charles, 352, 415
Cabell, Earl, 415
Cabot, John Moors, 351, 424, 849n10
Cabot, Paul C., 426n
Cabot, Thomas C., Jr., 849n10
Café Filho (Brazilian v.p.), 261
Caffery, Jefferson, 135, 143, 148–49
Cali, Francisco, 829
California Institute of Technology, 478
California Orange Growers Association, 63, 65
Calles, Gen. Plutarco Elias, 66, 72
Caltex, 779
“Cam.” See Townsend, William Cameron
Camacho, Gen. Manuel Ávila, 102, 118, 125
Cambodia, 238, 547, 758–59
Cambuhy Coffee & Cotton Estates, Ltd., 301
Cameron, D. Ewen, 284
Camirí oil, 276, 496, 525
Camp, John, 232, 429, 831
Camp Wycliffe, 65, 73, 85, 249
Campos, Milton, 216
Campos, Roberto, 436, 437, 450, 610, 615
Cannon, James, 637, 762
Cantrell, William, 690
Canyes, Fr. Eduardo. See Canyes, Bishop Marceliano
Canyes, Bishop Marceliano, 387–89, 473, 519, 521, 590
Canzeri, Joseph, 591, 786, 788, 831
Capa, Cornell, 287–88, 484
Capuchins, 387, 519
Carbon and carbon gas, in Amazon, 669
Cárdenas, Amalia, 198, 799, 802
Cárdenas, Gen. Lázaro: as benefactor of Cam, 74, 83, 131, 166, 198, 209, 287; and foreign relations, 98, 169, 322; meets Nelson Rockefeller, 93; as Mexican president, 61, 66, 67, 71–72, 84, 102; as supporter of Indians, 97, 206
Cárdenas Solarzano, Cuauhtémoc, 799, 802, 830
Cárdenas Museum (Waxhaw, N.C.), 799, 820
Cardin, Christian, 573
Cargill Agricola e Comercial, S.A. (CASCA), 217, 307
Caribbean Free Trade Association, 645
Carlsen, William, 565
Carranza, Venustiano, 70
Carrion, Alejandro, 813
Carter, Jimmy, 760–63, 768, 774, 788, 795
Cassiterite, 620, 652–54, 773, 774
Castelo Branco, Humberto de, 425, 444, 449, 450, 654
Castillo Armas, Carlos, 243, 244, 312
Castillo-Cárdenas, Gonzalo, 686
Castle and Cooke, 878n39
Castro, Fidel: assassination plots against, 266, 348, 354, 739; and Cuban revolution, 311, 313; and Guevara, 515, 525; and ICBMs, 374; as law student, 203; relationship with U.S. of, 325, 416, 517
Castro, Raúl, 325
Catavi, Bolivia, massacre, 153, 157
Cater, Douglas, 575
Caterpillar Tractor, 695
Catholic Action, 807
Catholic Bishops Conference, 818
Catholic chu
rch. See Roman Catholic church
Catholic Relief Services, 745
Celler, Emmanuel, 880n6
Center for Research in the Social Sciences, 558, 558n
Central American Bulletin, 44
Central American Common Market, 645
Central American Mission (C.A.M.), 43, 47, 48, 238
Central Brazil Foundation, 152
Central Highlands, Vietnam, 546–47, 568
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Central University, Quito, 636
Cerro de Pasco Corporation, 486, 703
Chagnon, Napoleon, 773
Champion, George, 293, 689, 783, 791
Chang, Juan Pablo (“El Chino”), 525, 532–33
Chapin, Dwight, 596
Charismatic Renewal, 770
Charlotte, North Carolina, 323, 324, 384–85, 860n7
Chase International Investment Corporation, 568
Chase Manhattan Bank: board of directors of, 789–91; and Iran, 787; in Latin America, 451, 458, 459, 654–55, 659; and Vietnam lobby, 568. See also Rockefeller, David
Chase National Bank: and Batista regime, 313; Latin American Department of, 211, 258, 285n, 412; links with Nelson Rockefeller, 75, 154, 190, 257. See also Chase Manhattan Bank; Rockefeller, David
Chase Sardi, Miguel, 680, 685, 775
Chavez, Cesar, 542, 880n14
Cheney, Dick, 765, 768
Chennault, Anna, 595, 595n, 596
Chennault, Gen. Claire, 595n, 852n45
Chesebrough-Pond’s, 852n45
Chevron Resources, 692, 719
Chiang Kai-shek, 35, 170, 238, 595n
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 556–57, 565, 743, 757
Chiapas, Mexico, 130–31, 201–2, 802, 830
Chicol, Joe, 63
Chile, 158, 164, 166, 243, 663–64, 703, 744
Chilean Development Corporation, 663
China: China lobby, 595n; at Dumbarton Oaks, 161; missions in, 32–35, 123; nationalism in, 34; Nixon in, 709
Chinlund, Edwin, 293n
“Chino, El.” See Chang, Juan Pablo
Chiriboga Villagomez, José, 277–78, 281–82, 287, 321
Chou En-lai, 740
Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), 246, 366, 549, 552–53, 565, 571, 757
Christian Century magazine, 292
Christian Church of the Word, 816
Christian Democratic Party, Chile, 662, 663
Christian Herald, 46
Christian Television Network, 386
Christopher, Warren, 392
Chrysler Corporation, 404, 634. See also Hanna–National Steel–Chrysler complex
Church, Frank, 745, 804
Church of the Word by Gospel Outreach, 809
Churchill, Winston, 157, 158, 164, 171
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency): administration of, 144, 264, 357, 690, 733, 734; in Africa, 327–28, 738, 766; and Amazon hallucinogens and poisons, 504–5, 508–9; and Bay of Pigs, 333, 343, 347–56; and drug traffic, 524; in Far East, 222, 343, 556, 565, 566, 877n27; in Guatemala, 233, 239, 241, 242, 262, 413; organizations used as fronts by, 180, 341, 375, 662, 879n16; in Philippines, 208, 209, 221, 234, 235–38; in South America, 275, 349, 431, 471–72, 490–91, 503, 515, 745; tactics of, 256, 264–65, 398, 448, 467, 497, 690, 737; and U-2 flights, 271, 331; use of missionaries, 564–65, 743–45, 751–52, 756–59; use of social scientists, 557–58; use of tribal people in war, 503–4, 565, 574. See also Colby, William; Dulles, Allen; “Family Jewels”; Helio Courier airplane; Helms, Richard; King, John Caldwell; Lansdale, Edward; Mind control experiments; Rockefeller, Nelson