Thy Will Be Done
Page 137
CIAA: administration of, 107, 108, 112, 115, 154, 159, 180, 212; and development schemes, 113–15, 135, 139, 152, 181–82, 201, 224; and Indians, 121, 124, 126–27, 144; as intelligence unit, 137, 169; and Partners in Progress, 226–28, 256; personnel on Rockefeller campaign staff, 311; programs of, 145, 146, 150–51, 167; in wartime, 113, 154–55, 156, 180
CIMI. See Missionary Indigenist Council
CIT Financial Corporation of New York, 306, 855n32
Cities Service Oil, 801
Civil Aeronautics Board, 721
Civil Affairs Office (CAO), Philippines, 235
Civil Air Transport (CAT), 269, 595n, 852n45
Civil Irregular Defense Groups (CIDG) 553, 575
Civil Operations and Rural Development Support (CORDS), 566–67
Clandestine Services for the Western Hemisphere, 144, 733. See also King, John Caldwell
Clark, Leonard, 285
Clayton, Will, 115, 139
Clifford, Clark, 583, 585, 587, 594
Cline, Ray, 734
Clinton, Bill, 830
CNPI. See National Council for the Protection of the Indian
Coal: in Amazon basin, 133; in Vietnamese Central Highlands, 568
Cobb, Jerri, 522
Coca, Gen. Ariel, 813
Coerr, Wymberly, 602
Coffee, 239, 240, 258–59, 379
Coffin, William Sloane, 761, 795
Coggins, Wade, 689
Cohen, Patrick, 552–53
Coherent Radiation company, 725
COINTELPRO program, FBI, 392, 731
Colby, William, 566–67, 735, 737, 756, 758, 765
Cold War: ideology, 583, 665, 694; strategy, 191, 220–21, 226–28, 645, 745
Colgate-Palmolive, 804
Collazo, Oscar, 223–24
Collier, Charles, 144, 145
Collier, John: as Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 67, 89, 99, 145, 145n, 147, 207, 257; founds American Indian Defense Association, 13; heads Institute of Ethnic Affairs, 256–257; and National Indian Institute, 107; as supporter of Indians, 29, 127, 460n, 677
Collier, Peter, 540
Colombia: American interests in, 116, 143; military in, 312, 393, 684; protest in, 349, 636; resources of, 136, 152, 379–81. See also Amazon basin
Colombian Finance Corporation, 380
Colombian National Oil Company, 692
Colonization in Paraguay, 777n
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 11, 12
Colson, Charles, 753
Columbia Bible College, S.C., 811
Columbia University, 17, 100, 147, 226, 295n, 644, 645, 715, 829
Commandos to Hunt Communists (CCC), 631
Commerce Committee for the Alliance for Progress, 403
Commission on a Just and Durable Peace, 176
Commission on Critical Choices, 711, 716, 765
Commission on the Role of a Modern State in a Changing World, 710
Committee for an Effective and Desirable Peace in Asia, 562
Committee on Civil Defense, 37
Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, 36, 43, 47, 87, 319
Committee to Re-elect the President, 732
Communism, in Latin America, 165, 212, 478, 800
Communist party: in Bolivia, 525, 696; in Brazil, 189, 314, 442, 445, 450; in Ecuador, 434; in Guatemala, 233; in Peru, 470; in Vietnam, 359
Compact of Fifth Avenue, 334–35
Comparative Studies of Cultural Change, 870n41
Companhia Auxilar de Emprésas Mineração (CAEMI), 428, 432
Companhia Brasileira de Construção Fichet and Schwartz-Hautmont, 307
Companhia Brasileira de Metalurgía e Mineração (CBMM) 633, 662, 674, 712
Companhia City de Desenvolvimento, 660
Companhia Espirito Santo de Mineração, 662
Companhia Estanifera do Brasil (CESBRA), 888n66
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, 183, 188, 215, 619
Compañia Administradora Finibec, Ltda., 862n17
Compañia de Fomento Venezolano, 91
Compañia Distribuidora de Valores (CODIVAL), 306
COMPENSA. See Madeiras Compendas do Amazonia Companhia
Conference of Non-aligned Nations, 364
Conference on Subsistence and Peasant Economies, 475. See also Rockefeller, John D. 3rd
Congregationalist Foreign Missions Board, 20
Congo. See Belgian Congo
Connally, John, 414, 579, 696, 701
Connor, John T., 790, 833
Continental Grain, 307
Continental Oil, 15
Consejo de Bienestar Rural (CBR), 777n
Cooke, Morris L., 138
Cooper, Prentice, 200
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Office of. See CIAA
Copper, 298, 652, 671
CORDS. See Civil Operations and Rural Development Support
Cornell University, 474, 476, 480, 484, 611, 630, 870n41
Cortina, Humberto, 666
Costa Cavalcante, José, 698
Costa e Silva, Artur da, 624, 639, 647
Costa Rica, 320, 635
Costello, Frank, 864n48
Council for Latin America, 474, 539, 666, 870n36. See also Council of the Americas
Council of Latin American Churches, 812
Council of the Americas, 474, 586, 664
Council of Vietnamese Studies, 561
Council on Foreign Economic Policy, 263
Council on Foreign Relations, 39, 191, 232–33, 447, 701
Counterinsurgency doctrine, 358–59, 375, 381, 392–95, 442–43
Crane, Jay, 81
Crawford, Walter, 424, 427, 428–29, 609, 614, 777
Creel, Dana, 293, 294, 339, 360
Crenaque labor camp, Brazil, 676
Creole Petroleum (Venezuela): and Brazil, 188, 218, 260, 777n; and IBEC, 257; impact of Amazon/Orinoco project on, 182, 616; and Indians in Venezuela, 144; and Nelson Rockefeller, 77, 81, 91
Crescinco, 306–7, 430, 452, 610–11, 634. See also Banco de Investimento Brasileiros; International Basic Economy Corporation
Cristero movement, Mexico, 70
Criswell, Rev. William, 324, 486–87, 569, 690, 768
Crow, Trammel, 415, 593, 761, 805, 880n6
Crowell, Adrian, 628
Crowell, Henry Coleman, 202, 486, 853n1
Crowell, Henry P., 202
Crowell Trust, 569n
Cuba: and Angolan war, 766; at Chapultepec, 166; and Nelson Rockefeller, 404–5; oil resources, 276; revolution in, 313–14, 353, 354
Cuban missile crisis, 398–400
Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC), 354, 355, 412–13, 864n48
Cubas José de, 671
Cubela, Rolando, 413
Cultural Relations Program, CIAA, 145n
Cultural Survival Enterprises, 825, 900n68
Curry, Fr. Charles, 745
Curtis, Carl, 569, 799
Custer, Gen. George Armstrong, 575
Daley, Richard J., 281, 283
Dallas Theological Seminary, 63
Dallas Trust Company, 569
Dani tribe, Dutch New Guinea, 779
Daniel, Jean, 416
Daniels, Josephus: as ambassador to Mexico, 70, 72, 84, 98, 101, 102; concern about policy, 115, 136, 160; as friend of Cam, 60, 70, 74, 85, 86, 100
Dargue, Herbert, 47, 838n9
Darling, Ed, 290
DAS (Colombian secret police), 393
Dauphinot, Clarence, 712
Davidson, Daniel, 595
Davila, Carlos, 243
Davis, Nathaniel, 664
Davis, Robert, 730
Davis, Shelton, 698
Davis, Fr. William, 745
Dawes Allotment Act of 1887, 67, 69, 99
Dayuma, 287, 289, 290
Dean, Robert, 771, 772, 754, 756
Dearborn, Henry, 393
Debevoise, Thomas, 77, 88–89, 180, 210, 211
DeBruyn, Victor, 366, 859n47
Declaration o
f Barbados, 687, 698
Defense spending, 333, 766
Delada Oil, 880n6
de la Rosa, Enrique, 124
de Las Casas, Bishop Bartolomé, 125
de Lavalle, Hernando, 245
Del Monte corporation, 800
Deloria, Vine, Jr., 576–77
Deltec Banking, 611, 662, 702n, 712, 884n54. See also Banco de Investimento Brasileiros
Deltec International, Ltd., 305, 445, 610–11, 619, 632–34, 702, 883n52. See also Moreira Salles, Walther; Swift-Armour, S.A.
Democratic National Committee, 700, 731n
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam), 543, 573, 594; Christmas bombing of (1972), 709. See also Vietnam; Vietnam War
De Mohrenschildt, George, 416, 739
Department of Indian Affairs, Mexico, 125
De Sapio, Carmine, 310
DeVegh Mutual Fund, 885n7
Devlin, Laurance, 327
Dewey, John, 17
Dewey, Thomas E., 163, 210, 310, 416
Diamonds: in Congo, 326; in Brazil, 652, 669
Díaz, Francisco, 42
Díaz, Porfirio, 83
Diem. See Ngo Dinh Diem
Dillon, C. Douglas: business affiliations of, 372, 478, 789; on Commission to Investigate CIA, 833; on gold crisis, 585; as treasury secretary, 337; as undersecretary of state for economic affairs, 326, 343, 361–62
Dillon Reed investment bank, 337
Dilworth, J. Richardson, 372, 390, 403, 426n, 435, 725, 782, 789
Dilworth, Richardson, 390, 435
Disenvolvimento e Sistemas, S.A., 715n
Dodge, Cleveland E., 293, 293n
Doherty, Mary, 96
Doherty, William, Jr., 442
Dole, Robert, 767
Dole Philippines, 878n39
Domestic Contract Service (DCS), 733
Domestic Council, under Ford, 761–62
Dominican Republic, 218, 312, 537–38
Donovan, Gen. William J., 112
Doole, George, 852n45
Doolittle, Gen. James, 251, 284
Douglas, Percy, 115
Douglas, William O., 157
Dourado, Rodolfo, 654
Dow Chemical, 450, 608. See also Golbery do Couto e Silva, Gen.
Downtown Lower Manhattan Association, 295n
Dreyfuss, René, 445
Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), 523, 747, 811
Dulles, Allen: as CIA head, 233, 332, 355; and Guatemala, 241, 243; investigates CIA operations, 256, 264; and Special Group, 251, 278, 332, 851n21. See also CIA; “Family Jewels”
Dulles, John Foster: death of, 324–25; at Rockefeller Foundation, 266, 849n10; as secretary of state, 263, 267, 271, 274; as special consultant to State Department, 221; at U.N., 176, 243; as young lawyer, 26
Dumbarton Oaks conference, 160–61, 169, 175, 176, 177
Dunlop do Brasil, 660
Duong Van Minh, 410
du Pont, A. Felix, Jr., 593
Dupouy, Dr. Walter, 320
Duran Dusan, Hernando, 756
Dutch New Guinea (Irian Jaya), 54, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 542, 778
Dutra, Gen. Eurico Gaspar, 183, 192, 214
Duvalier, François “Papa Doc,” 642
Eagleton, Thomas, 775
Early, Steve, 85
Eastern Airlines: 116, 119, 152, 291, 293n, 382, 721, 861n7
ECA. See Marshall Plan
Economic Botany magazine, 508
Ecuador: AID/CIA link in, 743; military in, 281, 412; missions in, 121, 250; resources of, 136, 192, 359; unrest in, 243, 636. See also Amazon basin
Edison, Charles, 180
Edwards, Augustín E., 662, 663–64
Edwards, Ralph, 289, 485
Edwards, Sheffield, 266
Ehrlichman, John, 710–11, 721, 730
E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, 87, 116
Eisenhower, Dwight David: as candidate, 230, 231–32; and CIA, 251, 332; heart attack of, 274; and Kennedy, 355; and military/industrial complex, 356, 357; Nelson Rockefeller as adviser to, 6; policies of 271, 328
Eisenhower, Milton, 259, 279
Elbrick, Charles, 647
“El Chino.” See Chang, Juan Pablo
Elder, Jerry, 434, 770, 872n25
Elf Aquitaine, 806, 807n
Eli Lilly company, 508
Elliot, Betty, 283, 285, 287, 290
Elliot, Helen, 816
Elliot, James, 284
Elliot, Ray, 816, 817–18, 819
Ellsberg, Daniel, 708
El Salvador, 50, 64, 64–65n, 143, 806, 810, 813
EMA. See Mechanized Agricultural Services Company
Emergency Committee for American Trade, 701
En Guardia magazine, 112
Energy Research and Development Administration, 718
Engelhard Minerals, 692
Equitable Life Assurance Society, 852n45, 853n20
Equitable Trust bank, 76, 77
Erickson, Rev. Clarence, 202
Ernani, Drault de Melo Silva, 189
Escuela Agricola Panamericana, 320
Ethiopia, 341
Ethnocide, 688, 827
European Common Market, 402
European Currency Zone, 644
Evangelical Alliance Mission, 363, 888n77
Evangelical Foreign Missionary Association, 323, 689
Evangelical Mission Society of Amazonia, 773
Exploitation of Indian labor, 152–53
Export-Import Bank, 154, 183, 255, 611, 800
Fahs, Charles B., 221
Fairchild, Henry, 475
Falange party, Bolivia, 98, 693–94, 695
Falwell, Rev. Jerry, 804, 805, 817
“Family Jewels,” CIA, 264, 733–38
Far Eastern Broadcasting Company, 747
Farah, David, 747, 749, 752, 759
Farewell to Eden, 484, 485
Fazenda Bodoquena. See Bodoquena
Fazenda Cambuhy, 608
Fazenda Paulistas, 301, 608
FBI: in Latin America, 113, 184, 233; in U.S., 130, 416, 590, 719, 763. See also Hoover, J. Edgar
Federal Border Zone Commission, 302
Federal Bureau of Investigation. See FBI
Federal Council of Churches, 34, 176
Federal Labor Union of Chuquisaca Workers, 153
Federal Property and Administrative Services Act (1949), 743, 856n38
Federal Reserve Board, 88
Federal Security Agency, 256
Ferrari, Alberto, 611
Ferrie, David, 416
Fertilizer industry, Brazil, 215–16, 428
Fields, Harriet, 461
Figueiredo, Jader, 313, 622, 663
Film Study Center, Peabody Museum, 366
Finch, John, 744
Firestone Rubber Company, 136
First Global Forum on the Environment, 822, 823
First Inter-American Conference on Indian Life, Mexico, 96–97, 99, 100–101, 124, 207, 677
First National Bank of Boston, 190, 867n8
First National Bank of Chicago, 620
First National Bank of Dallas, 569
First National City Bank, New York, 312, 459, 562, 570, 660, 669, 867n8
First Union National Bank, 385
Fish, Hamilton, 97
Fitzgerald, Desmond, 662
Flanagan, Mannie, 130
Fleming, Peter, 284
Flipse, Joseph, 565
Fluorspar, 557
Fontainha Geyer, Paulo, 660
Forbes, Alexander E., 46
Ford, Gerald: and foreign affairs, 744–45, 757; and Nelson Rockefeller, 729, 764–65, 780, 796; as president, 729, 764–65, 767; as vice-president, 716, 721–22
Ford Foundation, 569, 720
Ford Motor Company, 134–35, 337
Fordlândia rubber plantation, 134
Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 6, 411, 664, 690, 707
Foreign Ministers Conference (1942), 156
Foreign Operations Admini
stration, 256
Foreign Policy Association, 118
Foreign Policy Research Institute, 371, 503, 510
Foreign Service Institute, 398
Food for the Hungry, 748, 752
Forrestal, James V., 96, 847n1
Fort Bragg, North Carolina, 291, 358, 359, 392, 479
Fort Sill, Oklahoma, 60n, 122
Forty-first International Congress of Americanists, 888n67
Fosdick, Dr. Harry Emerson, 12, 26, 82, 176
Fosdick, Raymond: as head of Rockefeller Foundation, 36, 191, 220–21; as a liberal, 12, 28, 37, 89; as trustee of Brookings Institution, 30
Fourth Russell Tribunal on Human Rights, 803
Fox, Edward, 472
Franco, Gen. Francisco, 312, 388
Frear, James A., 29
Free Asia Committee, 234
Free Cuba Committee, 864n48
Free Europe Committee, 852n45
Free Trade Zone, 319, 607, 645, 668
Freeport Sulphur Company, 325, 363, 364, 542, 778, 859n44
Frei, Eduardo, 663, 707
Friele, Berent: and Bodoquena purchase, 30; Brazilian-American business associations of, 135; and CIAA in Brazil, 133, 137–38; and IBEC in Brazil, 258, 298, 452; advice to Nelson Rockefeller, 154, 181; on South American tour, 831
Fries, Charles, 122, 124
French Indochina, 133, 208. See also Vietnam
Fubini, Eugene G., 339, 372
Fuentes Roldan, Alfredo, 320
Fulbright, William, 415
Fuller, Charles, 63, 65, 123, 200, 201
Fuller Theological Seminary, 689
FUNAI (National Foundation for the Indian): and Amazon development, 670; created, 4, 624; and Indian tribes, 673, 698, 803; mission and philosophy of, 652, 774; and missionaries, 627, 651, 772
Fundamentalism, Christian: backers of, 123, 202, 248, 284, 292–95; and election of Reagan, 803–6; and Fundamentalist Controversy, 24–27, 176, 407–8; and Indian ethnicity, 483, 687, 689, 750–51; and modernism, 21, 26–27, 32–39, 795; nexus with politics, 408, 454, 796–97, 804–5; and Religious Roundtable, 803; and Rethinking Missions, 39–40; and Rockefellers, 22, 293; and settling American frontier, 20; in South, 34, 122, 323, 324, 385–86, 804; in Vietnam, 510, 549, 553, 747. See also Fosdick, Dr. Harry Emerson; Gates, Frederick; Mott, John; Summer Institute of Linguistics; Wycliffe Bible Translators