Thy Will Be Done
Page 138
Fundamentalism, Islamic, 783, 796, 798
Fundamentalists: in American politics, 454, 544, 590; as missionaries, 26, 525, 819. See also Summer Institute of Linguistics; Wycliffe Bible Translators
F.W. Woolworth, 776
Gaitán, Jorge, 204, 392
Gallagher, John F., 887n32
Gallegos, Rómulo, 218–19
Gallotti, Antonio, 660, 790
Galo Plaza: at Chapultepec, 168; and OAS, 601–3, 645, 663, 677; as president of Ecuador, 209, 222, 277, 285, 496; and Nelson Rockefeller, 285–86, 602, 637; and SIL, 287; at U.N. founding, 174
Galvão, Eduardo Encas, 501
Gamio, Manuel, 68, 100, 198, 207, 319
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 52, 54–57
Ganso Azul Oil Company, 245
Ganso Azul oil field, Peru, 120, 151, 193, 245, 260, 459, 514
Garcia, Frank, 306
Gardner, John, 787
Gates, Frederick, 20–21, 33, 37
Gates, Walter, 900n68
Geisel, Gen. Ernesto, 774
Geneen, Harold, 425, 753
General Accounting Office, 426
General Advisory Committee on Foreign Assistance Programs, 474, 572–73. See also Rockefeller, David
General Aircraft, 340, 341
General Education Board, 21, 82, 215, 377
General Electric, 160
General Motors, 383, 442, 641
General Rubber Company, 844n30
Geneva Accord (1962), 547
Geneva Agreement (1954), 588
Geneva Convention (1925), 575, 892n21
Geneva Summit Conference (1955), 270, 332
Genocide: in Amazon, 1–3, 623–24, 676–77, 835n2, 884n63; and Barbados Conference, 680; and counterinsurgency warfare, 359; link with development, 827, 828, 829, 848n8; in Paraguay, 775–78. See also Indians: massacres of
Genocide Convention, U.N., 827–28
Genocide in Paraguay, 775, 778, 826
Geophysical Service, Inc. (GSI), 276, 570
Georgetown University: Hospital, 266, 505; School of Foreign Service, 602
Gerardi, Bishop Juan, 818
Germany: in Latin America during World War II, 118, 125, 134, 138, 849n12; postwar plans for at Yalta, 170–71; prewar competition in Latin America, 91, 92, 96, 97, 116–18
Geschickter, Dr. Charles, 265–66, 505
Getty Oil, 750
Geyer, Georgie Ann, 412
Giancana, Sam, 739
Giap. See Vo Nguyen Giap
Gil, Manuel, 413, 864n48
Gilpatric, Roswell: and counterinsurgency, 358, 375, 398; and Institute of Defense Analysis, 478; promotes K. T. Young, 560; in Special Group, 343; as undersecretary of defense, 335, 337, 434
Gilpatrick, Chadbourne, 221, 267, 562
Glick, Philip, 429
Golbery do Couto e Silva, Gen., 444, 450, 713
Gold, in Amazon, 133, 670
Gold crisis (1968), 585, 714, 880n17
Goldberg, Arthur, 724, 725
Goldwater, Barry: backs Nixon in 1968, 579–80; Kennedy consults, 355; Nelson Rockefeller courts in 1976, 761; on Nixon sellout to Rockefeller, 335; presidential campaign of, 404, 406, 407, 408, 410, 453, 454
Gómez, Juan Vicente, 77, 217
González Videla, Gabriel, 663
Good Neighbor Policy, 84, 97, 153, 155, 166, 283, 349, 356
Goodell, Charles, 592
Goodwin, Richard, 356, 356n, 377, 584
Goodyear, Charles, 146
Goodyear Rubber Company, 136
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 824
Gordon, Lincoln: as ambassador to Brazil, 421, 424, 444, 445–46, 617; appointed assistant secretary of state for Latin American affairs, 449; courts Galo Plaza for OAS, 602
Gospel Missionary Union, 284
Gospel Outreach, 816
Gottlieb, Dr. Sidney, 265, 325, 354, 505, 508, 567, 732
Goulart, João: as labor minister, 261; leftist leanings of, 296, 314, 443, 445; meets Nelson Rockefeller and Berle, 316; overthrow of, 439, 440–41, 448, 449; presidency of, 404, 423, 425, 426, 431
Governors’ conferences, 329, 370, 422
Grace, J. Peter, 312, 397, 660, 662, 673, 703, 712, 717, 887n32
Graham, Billy: in American politics, 399, 544, 580, 690; Fundamentalist backing of, 40, 202, 290, 324, 761; Rockefellers’ funding of crusades, 290, 294, 689; and SIL, 290, 486, 812, 820; support of Vietnam missions, 552. See also Billy Graham Crusade
Grau San Martín, Ramón, 89
Gray, Gordon, 332
Gray, L. Patrick, 731
“Great Lakes” proposal, 138, 154–55, 615–16, 633–34, 669
Great Southwest Corporation, 579, 880n6
Green, James, 799
Green Berets: in Amazon, 358, 359, 433–34, 491, 503, 530; and counterinsurgency, 375; and Fort Bragg display, 387; in Vietnam, 291, 358, 549
Greene, Betty, 200, 201, 552
Greene, Jerome, 30
Gregory, Don, 363, 367
Grenfell, Sir Wilfred, 31
Grew, Joseph, 175, 177
Griset, Eugene and Lula, 50
Griset, Loren, 744
Grünberg, Georg, 620, 622, 686
Guatemala: banana industry in, 849n10; coups in, 209, 264, 412, 730; massacre in, 815–16; Ministry of Education, 319; plan for invasion of, 241, 243; revolution in, 232
Guelier, Lidea, 813
Guerrilla Army of the Poor, 806, 809, 817
Guevara, Ernesto Lynch (Che): in Bolivia, 517, 523, 525–34, 639, 693; in CIA custody, 244; in Congo, 490, 493; and Cuban revolution, 325, 392, 515; death of, 533–34; at Punta del Este, 361–62
Guevara, Hector Cordero, 493
Guggenheim family, 326, 844n30
Gulf Oil: benefactor of IBAD, 412; in Bolivia, 276, 525, 528, 692; in Brazil, 189, 258, 304; in Colombia, 143, 387, 395; in Venezuela, 77
Guzmán, Loyola, 696
Hagerty, James, 263
Haggerty, Patrick, 761, 791, 853n20
Haig, Alexander, 720, 721, 762, 790, 812
Haldeman, H. R., 595, 730
Halstead, Dr. Bruce, 509
Hamilton, Fowler, 429, 868n53
Hammer, Armand, 756
Hanbury-Tenison, Robin, 677
Haney, Albert, 241
Haney, Ted, 747
Hanks, Nancy, 787
Hanna Mining, 188, 360, 404, 426, 435, 442, 652, 867n29
Hanna-National Steel-Chrysler complex, 404, 426, 426n, 435
Hannah, John, 743
Hanson, Earl Parker, 135, 137
Harder, Lewis B., 633, 662, 712, 887n32
Harding, Warren G., 25
Harding, William Barkley, 152
Harnoncourt, René d’, 147
Harper, William R., 22
Harrar. J. George, 572
Harriman, William Averell: as governor of New York, 295, 310; as heir, 83; and Marshall Plan, 424; and Paris peace talks, 587, 595; at State Department, 204, 228, 230; and test ban, 405; at U.N. founding, 174
Harrison, Wallace, 211, 295n, 315, 638
Hartmann, Robert, 764
Harvard University: anthropology at, 100, 129, 366, 698; Bundy as dean of arts and sciences, 339; K. T. Young teaches at, 559; Kissinger at, 309, 335, 355–56; Michael Rockefeller at, 364; and research funding, 873n32. See also Peabody Museum
Hatfield, Mark, 756–57, 759
Hawkins, Jack, 351
Haya de la Torre, Victor, 396, 457, 469, 516
Heckathorne, Malcolm “Mac,” 341
Helio Aircraft Corporation, 340, 384
Helio Courier airplane, 269, 282, 327, 340–42, 352, 384, 565, 853n1, 872n25
Helliwell, Paul L.E., 877n27
Helms, Jesse, 805
Helms, Richard: and Bay of Pigs, 347, 730; and Bolivia, 530; and Chile, 664; as CIA chief, 399, 567, 732
Hemisphere Economic Policy, 95, 96
Henry, Jules, 564
Heraud, Javier, 470
Hernandez, Aurelio, 529
Hernández de Alba,
Gregorio, 387, 395
Hersh, Seymour, 735
Herter, Christian, 320, 326
HEW, 126, 256, 265, 266
Hickenlooper Amendment, 458, 635
Hickey, Gerald C., 568
Higher War College, Brazil, 260, 442, 667
Highlander Education Project, 552
Hispanoil, 809
Hitler, Adolf, 97–98, 155
Hizballah, 504
Hmong (Meo) tribe: in Laos, 548, 555, 565, 574; resettlement to Bolivia, 748, 749, 752
Ho Chi Minh: accepts offer of peace talks, 587; and Diem, 267, 359; fights the French, 208; and Vietnam War, 265, 543, 547, 573
Ho Chi Minh Trail, 548, 573–74, 757
Hobbing, Enno, 381, 708n
Hodges, Luther, 378, 379, 381, 382–83, 861n8
Hoffa, Jimmy, 579, 739
Hoffman, Albert, 508
Holland, Henry, 312
Holland, Kenneth, 339, 832
Holland, Spessard, 321
Holmberg, Allen, 476
Holtzman, Elizabeth, 725
Honduras, 242, 243, 635
Hoopes, Townsend, 583, 585, 587
Hoover, Herbert, 30
Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 251
Hoover, J. Edgar, 113, 165, 184, 578, 708, 851n21. See also FBI
Hopkins, Harry, 88, 92, 95, 162
Hopper, Janice, 501, 503, 625
Hopper, Rex, 479, 503, 625
Horowitz, David, 540
House, Roy Temple, 122
Howard, Lisa, 416
Hruska, Roman, 592
Hudson Institute, 615, 633, 887n55
Hughes, Charles Evans, 25
Hughes, Howard, 731
Hukbalahap (Huks), 205, 234, 235, 236
Hull, Cordell: appointed secretary of state, 72; competition with Welles, 156; convenes Dumbarton Oaks, 160–61; diplomacy of in Latin America, 84, 86, 101, 157; and Nelson Rockefeller, 96, 143, 175; resigns, 162
Human Ecology Fund, 874n32
Hummerstone, Robert, 671
Humphrey, Hubert, 543, 588, 591, 594, 596
Hunt, E. Howard, 244, 708, 710, 730, 734
Hunt, H. L., 324, 408, 486
Hunt, Nelson Bunker, 408, 415, 486, 570, 590, 805
Huntington, Samuel P., 561, 564, 768
Hussein, Saddam, 783
Huxley, Matthew, 484
IBAD. See Brazilian Institute for Democratic Action
IBEC. See International Basic Economy Corporation
ICBM. See Minuteman; Titan II
Ickes, Harold, 88, 99, 145
ICOMI (Industria e Comercio de Minerios), 613, 659, 774. See also Antunes, Augusto T. A.; Bethlehem Steel
IDAB. See International Development Advisory Board
IFI. See Inter-American Finance and Investment Corporation
I.G. Farben, 97, 155, 156
Igorot tribes, Philippines, 800
III. See Inter-American Indian Institute
Indian Claims Commission, 719
Indian Defense Association, 28
Indian languages. See Tribal languages
Indian New Deal, 99
Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 99
Indian reservations: in Brazil, 317, 610, 681; in U.S., 577, 719–20, 763, 891n33
Indian Rights Association, 28–30
Indian tribes (of North and South America)
:—discussed: Aché, 504, 681, 775, 803, 826; Auca, 250, 493, 603–6; Aymará, 472, 746; Ayoreo (Moro), 680, 750; Beiço-de-Pau, 622, 623–24, 625, 628; Blackfoot, 16–17, 26; Cakchiquel, 41, 46, 240, 244, 806, 929; Campa, 489, 491–93, 510, 512, 514–15, 534, 684, 801, 869n17; Canelas, 623, 625, 626–27; Cintas Largas, 1–3, 620, 624–27, 673, 698, 712, 773–74, 888n66; Colorado, 285, 286, 287, 874n36; Creek, 13, 719; Guajibo, 681, 691–92, 753; Guaraní, 525, 528–29, 623, 829; Ixil Maya, 243, 806, 807–9, 815, 816; Kadiwéu, 300–301, 319, 625; Karajá, 319, 436, 625, 670; Kayapó, 215, 618, 670; Kekchí, 239, 806, 818; Kofán, 603, 685, 874n36; Kréen-Akaróre, 618, 626, 628; Lacondón, 125–26, 130–31; Mapuche, 664, 698; Matses, 461, 465–66, 481–82, 493, 514, 522, 821; Maxacalí, 215, 623, 625, 676; Miskito, 783, 810; Nambikuára, 87n, 623; Navajo, 15, 577, 717–18, 780, 803; Otomi, 108, 150; Parukotó-Charúma, 25–26; Pipil, 50, 143, 813; Quechua (Peru), 456–57, 486, 493, 515, 746; Quichua (Ecuador), 284, 285, 874n36; Secoya, 603, 874n36; Shapra, 250, 484, 486; Shoshone, 576–77, 719; Sibundoy, 386–87, 519, 681; Sioux, 577, 719, 763, 803; Suruí, 504, 652, 712; Tembé, 619, 670; Terêna, 300–301, 318–19, 360, 432, 856n25; Urubús-Kaapor, 619, 670; Xavante, 152, 315, 319, 624–25, 803, 828; Xikrín, 67, 618, 625, 626; Yanomami, 773–74, 829; Yaqui, 15, 123
—other tribes mentioned: Aguatatec, 240; Amahuaca, 514; Amarajaeiri, 801; Angaité, 777; Apache, 718; Apalaí, 670; Apinayé, 319; Arauca, 681; Arikiéna, 670; Black Carib, 240; Borôros, 623; Botocudos, 215; Carib, 144; Carijona, 811; Catio, 633; Chimayo, 15; Chippewa, 15; Chulupí, 681; Comanche, 711; Cree, 719; Cuiva, 681; Eastern Ojibway 719; Embera, 633; Gorotíre, 670; Guajajara, 319; Havasupai-Walappa, 719; Hixkaryána, 319; Hopi, 717; Jivaro, 496; Kaingáng, 774; Kaiwá, 319; Keres, 718; Kubén-Kran-Kegn, 670; Lengua, 777; Macaguane, 692; Manao, 146; Matillone (Venezuela), 277; Mazatec, 497; Mixtec, 68; Mojo, 750; Motilone (Colombia), 686; Movima, 750; Mudjetíre, 618; Nasca, 79; Noanama, 633; Northern Cheyenne, 718; Parakanân, 618; Patachôs, 623; Piro, 250; Pocoman Maya, 243; Pueblo, 577; Sáliba, 692; Sataré, 319; Senapaná, 777; Shuar, 874n36; Siona, 603; Tapirapé, 670; Tarascan, 129; Tarína, 773; Ticúna, 625; Tomarxa, 680; Tsimshian, 719; Txukahamei, 673; Wasiana, 773; Yagua, 522. See also list, 626
—See also Indians; Tribal languages
Indians: conscripted, 458, 491; disease introduced among, 44, 140–41, 432; enslavement of, 457–58; integration of, 685; lands of, 69–70, 430, 622–24, 628, 718–20, 856n22; massacres of 64n–65n, 141, 154, 465–66, 491–93, 622–24, 680–81, 719, 809, 817–18, 829; strategic importance of, 128, 147n; welfare of, 360. See also Ethnocide; Genocide; Indian tribes
Indians of Brazil in the Twentieth Century, 501, 503, 651
Indigenismo, 67, 100, 320
Industria Metalúrgica Forjaço, 307
Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of Pakistan, 863n17
Industrial Mining and Development Bank, Iran, 788, 863n17
Industrias Quimicas e Texteis, S.A., 660
Information Council of the Americas, 413, 863n48. See also Aldrich, Richard; Hobbing, Enno
Inman, Rev. Samuel Guy, 87, 319
Institute for Comparative Study of Political Systems, 503
Institute for Cross-Cultural Research, 501
Institute of Current World Affairs, 96
Institute of Defense Analysis, (IDA), 477–78, 558
Institute of International Education, 339
Institute of Pacific Affairs, 68. See also Institute of Pacific Relations
Institute of Pacific Relations, 231
Institute of Research and Social Studies (IPES), 444
Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Mexico, 830
Inter-American Association for Democracy and Freedom, 778
Inter-American Conference of Foreign Ministers, 202, 203–5, 361–62
Inter-American Conference on Indian Life, 165, 166–71, 176, 182, 185, 203, 319–20, 697–98
Inter-American Council, 474
Inter-American Council for the Alliance for Progress (CIAP), 645
Inter-American Defense Board, 160, 209
Inter-American Development Bank, 362, 427, 451, 715n
Inter-American Development Commission, 163, 183
Inter-American Economic and Social Council, 438
Inter-American Education Foundation, 339
Inter-American Escadrille, 118, 151
Inter-American Fellowship, 101
Inter-American Finance and Investment Corporation (IFI), 258, 300, 304, 305
Inter-American Friendship Fleet, 282–83
Inter-American Geodetic Survey, 394, 616
Inter-American Indian C
onference, 206–7, 244, 250, 319–22, 677, 697, 802–3
Inter-American Indian Institute: Gamio heads, 68, 198, 319; and government policy, 168, 677; homage to Zapata, 153; mission of, 101, 126; under OAS auspices, 206
Inter-American Institute, Mexico City, 128, 193, 239
Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Services, 608, 807
Inter-American Rural Youth Committee, 663
Inter-American Scientific Congress, 66, 67
Inter-American Service Brigade, 85, 86
Intercontinental Rubber Company, 276, 570, 844
Interdenominational Foreign Missionary Association (IFMA), 323
Internal Revenue Service, 266, 301, 724
International Bank of Iran, 787–88
International Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC): benefactor of IBAD, 442; in Bolivia, 305, 427; in Brazil, 278, 306–7, 453, 607, 610–14, 715; in Chile, 663, 703; in Colombia, 380; commodities of, 216, 258, 285, 298, 372; and Crescinco, 306–7; divisions of, 218–19, 307, 315, 608, 659, 669, 882n13; in Ecuador, 227, 286; management of, 257–58, 403, 474, 725, 780–83, 848n4, 862n17; in Peru, 249; in Puerto Rico, 364; raison d’être of, 6, 212, 313, 702, 769; in Thailand, 547–48, 559; in Venezuela, 218; and Vietnam, 568, 573
International Business Machines (IBM), 293n, 748
International Commission for Peace and Prosperity. See Trilateral Commission
International Committee for European Migration (ICEM), 777
International Cooperation Administration, 342
International Crude Rubber Company, 884n30
International Development Act, 222
International Development Advisory Board, (IDAB), 225–26, 256, 286
International Education Department, HEW, 744, 870n36
International Executive Services Committee, 474, 879n16
International Finance Corporation, 226
International Harvester Corporation, 20, 21, 216–17, 695
International Health Board, 36
International Human Rights Commission, 803
International League for the Rights of Man, 778
International Linguistics Center, 570, 692, 805
International Love Lift, 816–17
International Metals Processing Company, 692, 696
International Mining Corporation, 633
International Monetary Fund, 451, 715n, 814, 828
International Packers, Ltd., 619, 632
International Petroleum Company (IPC), 245, 281, 492, 538–40, 692, 869n17
International Police Academy, 4, 398, 478–79, 542, 675