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Chance (Rusted and Reckless Book 1)

Page 11

by Charlotte Casey

  “Hey pop, got your brew over there.”

  His dad clapped him on the shoulder as he walked by. “We’ll talk in a little,” he said in his ear. Greer nodded. Right about now he needed to talk. He wanted to know what the hell was going on.

  Greer was unabashedly staring at Jamie. Sure, he could have gotten clean. People have turned their lives around before. But this was Jamie. He’d need a little more convincing than a haircut and some clean clothes.

  His mom broke the awkward silence.

  “Jamie can you help me with the salad. Greer take these steaks out to your father.”

  Without comment, each brother did as he was told. His dad was standing by the grill and staring out over the lawn. His face was a conflict of emotions, which told Greer more than any words could. He thought that Jamie could be telling the truth. His dad wasn’t sold on it completely but Jamie had put that kernel of doubt in his head.

  “What did he tell you?” Greer asked, as he opened the grill and began to lay the steaks on the grates. A loud sizzle nipped at their ears as the flames began to do their thing.

  “He apologized. I know, nothing new, but this was not like in the past. It was…real.” His dad shook his head in wonderment and looked at Greer. “I know we are the skeptics of the house and your momma is the naive one but she might just be right this time. Jamie seems to have turned around.”

  “He just got out,” Greer reminded him.

  “I know. But there is something in his eyes that wasn’t there before. Something I haven’t seen since he was seventeen.”

  Greer grunted out a response.

  His dad smiled. “Yeah, I sound just as crazy as your momma. He’s has a way to go before I believe him completely but it’s looking good so far. You don’t have to talk to him just yet. I know you don’t want to. But at some point you should hear him out. He genuinely sounds as if he wants to change.”

  Pod people.

  That was the only explanation he could come up with that would explain the change in heart toward his deadbeat brother.

  They dropped the topic and moved on to easier things like the band, school and Ava.

  “So you’re saying that she is just a few hours away and you are not going to see her?”

  When he said it like that Greer felt like an idiot.

  “She is busy,” he murmured but even he was beginning to question his logic.

  “So? You think she would actually turn you away if you showed up there?”

  No. She wouldn’t. Her eyes would go wide and her mouth would drop open but then she’d smile and the drive, the waiting, the short time they would have together would all be worth it.

  “Bring flowers, something sunny and bright,” his dad continued. “They love flowers. Then apologize for not listening but tell her how you needed to see her even if it was just to give her the flowers and leave. Even if she’s busy this weekend she’ll find time for you.”

  His dad was a ladies' man. It was easy to forget since he had been with his mom for so long but once upon a time, his dad had moves.

  The steaks came off the grill. Greer grabbed the plate while his dad got his beer. He saw his mom and brother laughing about something through the window. The happiness on his mom’s face was a weight in his gut he didn’t want right now. She was going to be crushed. If Jamie…when Jamie fucked up, he was going to break her. She was a strong woman but a person could only take so much. It’s why his dad had stopped talking to his brother a few years ago. Their limit had been reached. Greer looked at his brother and didn’t see a man reformed, he saw a man who had honed a skill. He was still playing them, he had just gotten better at it.

  Maybe he had gotten clean but that didn’t make his brother a good person. Without the drugs and alcohol muddling his mind, he could be the sly asshole that he was.

  Jamie looked up as they came in. He smiled at Greer and tipped his head toward the hallway. Greer wanted to ignore him, he wanted to flick him off and tell him to go find another family to fuck with. But he didn’t. He nodded and put down the steaks and followed his brother out of the hall.

  “You look good,” Jamie told him when they were out of eye shot of their parents.

  “Thanks,” he said with no feeling. There was an awkward moment when Jamie waited for him to say something back to him but that wouldn’t be happening. Compliments were for those who deserved them.

  “So, I was hoping we could talk.”

  “We are.”

  Jamie’s forehead wrinkled. “No, I mean for real. Have a serious conversation. There are some things I need to say…”

  Greer crossed his arms over his chest. “Fine. I’ve got some things I want to say as well, but not here.” If they talked here, his mom would be listening in and pushing for reconciliation. Greer wanted his brother on his turf. “After dinner come over to my place.”

  Jamie had never been invited over to his house. He had shown up multiple times begging for money or trying to steal this or that for drug money but never had he been invited.

  “Yeah, yeah ok.”

  Greer would get to the bottom of this. He’d find out what Jamie was up to and he would end it.


  Greer waited for his parent’s car to park beside him before he got out. They had lent Jamie their car so that the brothers could have a talk in private. His mom was just so thrilled that Greer agreed to it that she didn’t put up a fuss with them leaving. His dad had taken him aside before leaving. “I must admit, I’m feeling a bit bias at the moment. Tell me your thoughts after you talk to him. I’m curious to see how you take all this. No one wants to be the fool and I’d like to avoid it if I can.”

  Jamie got out of the car and together they walked inside. He had never been to Greer’s house. After moving two years ago, Greer decided it was best if his brother didn’t have his address. Less likely of a chance to come home after a tour to find his shit stolen like at his last place.

  He took a glance at his brother as he unlocked the front door. His mouth was trying very hard not to drag on the floor. Yeah, he had come up in the world. Another thing he tried to hide form Jamie, his success.

  “Come on in,” he told his brother as he turned off the alarm. Greer hadn’t missed the glance to the keypad. He was staking out the security already. Recovered my ass.

  “Let’s have a seat and you can-” His phone rang. “Sorry,” he said fishing it out of his pocket. It was Jason. Greer ignored it along with the ten messages from the man. “Right, so over here.” Greer led him into the dining room and sat down. He was being a horrible host in that he didn’t offer anything to eat or drink, or even a comfortable seat. If it had been anyone else, his mom would beat his ass for his lack of hospitality, but under the circumstances, he was sure she would understand.

  “The floor is yours, Jamie.”

  “Your home is impressive,” he said. “I, uh, guess you’ve been doing well.”

  He was fishing. Unfortunately, if he wanted answers he’d have to go to Google like everyone did. “Thank you and we are but I was under the assumption that we were here to talk about you, not me.”

  Jamie ducked his head. “Yeah. No, you’re right.” Jamie settled is face into a prepared somber expression. “Things were different this time around, G. There was an incident at the prison and…well, it made me see that my life was going the wrong way.”

  Every word that came from his mouth was a practiced lie. Did his brother, his twin brother, really think that he could pull one over on him? At least before when he screwed him over Jamie would have the decency to tell them semi-truthful lies or just flat out say what he needed money for.

  His phone started to ring again. “Fuck. Sorry.”

  “No, take it.”

  “You sure?” Jason never called him like this. Greer took a peek at his missed texts. A bunch of “Call me now” and “PICK UP!” texts were beginning to fill his screen.

  “Yeah, do what you gotta do.”

  Greer didn’t m
iss the relief on his brother’s face. Both of them knew he wasn’t falling for the act Jamie had given to his parents. He needed a chance to regroup.

  Greer left the table and went into his study down the hall. Jason picked up on the first ring.


  His house was big.

  Like, rock star big.

  Which, if she was thinking, made sense. But she thought of Greer as Greer and not as famous musician.

  Still, big house.

  She wasn’t sure why there were butterflies in her stomach going into a frenzy and making her slightly nauseous. Aveline had gotten into town two hours earlier and had spent it at Jason’s house, which was just down the road. He teased her about being dick whipped but had told her that Greer was going to be ecstatic when he saw her. The fact that Jason was teasing her like he did with the guys in the band made her feel like she belonged.

  It was a nice warm and fuzzy to go along with those raging butterflies.

  Aveline left her bag in the car, figuring that in the off chance that Greer wasn’t thrilled beyond measure at her appearance, at least she could exit with some dignity. Although, as she stood at his door she really wished she had something to hold or keep her hands occupied. Aveline knocked and then had the torturous task of waiting.

  And waiting.

  And waiting.

  Should she ring again? Maybe Jason had been wrong. Maybe he wasn’t home yet.

  Aveline was about to hit the button again when the door swung open and he was there looking at her with heat in his eyes. She wanted to jump him but something held her back. Maybe it was leftover anxiety from the drive and wait but she thought it had more to do with the fact that he had not made a move toward her yet. His stillness and silence for that matter was…unsettling.

  “Surprise,” she said unsure if he was happy to see her or not.

  “Yes it is. Do you want to come in?” His voice was scratchier, like he had just gotten over a cold.

  Aveline stepped around him and into the house. She needed to touch him, to feel that he was real. She placed her hand on his head and ruffled the short hairs. “You cut your hair,” she pointed out. He had also lost some weight but she figured that wouldn’t be a good icebreaker. “I like it.” She didn’t, not really. He was a buzzed head but Aveline liked to run her fingers through his locks. It would be a few weeks till it was long enough for her to do that again.

  Greer swiped a hand over his head like he hadn’t noticed his hair was shorter. “Yeah. Got sick of it. Can I give you a tour?”

  They stood in his foyer and she was having a hard time keeping her eyes on him and not on everything else. Greer was rich. She knew this, of course. But knowing and seeing the evidence were two different things.

  “I’d love one.”

  Greer took her hand and led her around the first floor and then upstairs. It was strange how in each room he had to look around before he could tell her what it was exactly. She hadn’t realized just how little time he spent there but with touring and all, it made sense. Sort of.

  Alright, so the truth was that by the third bedroom she was feeling a bit odd. Greer hadn’t greeted her at all like she imagined and their chemistry that had been so strong weeks earlier was missing. His hand in hers was missing something. It could be anyone’s hand that she was holding and that just seemed wrong. Any touch from him before would have elicited a range of emotions from desire to profound happiness. But now? Well, the only feeling she had were those of mourning. How had things gone so bad so fast?

  “And this here is the…” Greer walked through the door, pulling her with. “My bedroom,” he said happily.

  Aveline smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. Being in his bedroom was something she had dreamed of for weeks and now that she was here, she just wanted to leave.

  “It’s nice,” she said in a non-committed tone. Maybe she could excuse herself for the night and go back to Jason. Maybe he had some answers as to what had gone so wrong between them.

  “Come here, Baby,” Greer said tugging on her hand. His eyes raked over her body but instead of feeling sexy, she felt creeped out. He settled his hands on her ass and before trying to kiss her or touch her in any kind of civilized manner, he pulled her butt towards him and ground his hips into her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Aveline put her hands on his chest to stop whatever forward motion he thought he’d take this.

  “Givin’ you what you want.” His hard-on pushed into her stomach and she had to fight back a gag.

  “Yeah, no. You can stop now. I think I’m going to go.” Aveline pushed at his chest but he didn’t budge. The smile he wore dropped from his face, transforming him from someone she thought she knew into a monster. This was not Greer. Being this close to him now, she could see the differences. A healed scar ran down the side of his face, his teeth were yellow and the muscles under her hands were bony. There was no meat to him. And now that she thought about it, where were the calluses on his fingers? His hands had been smooth against hers.

  “What? This is what you came here for, ain’t it bitch? Groupie sluts like you just want my dick.”

  That particular appendage was spearing at her stomach. Aveline tried to push away but he grabbed both her hands behind her back and groped her breast over her shirt. She grunted as she twisted her hands trying to free them.

  “Quiet!” he roared and then looked at the open door behind her.

  His hand tugged down at the neckline until the seam had broken. The smile that grew on his face at the sight of her breasts sickened her. Who the hell was this person?

  “Get the fuck off me!”

  “I don’t think I will. I can see you have figured out that I am not your precious Greer but since he is off somewhere in this fucking house you’ll have to settle for the next best thing.”

  He pulled the cup of her bra down exposing her breast. She shrank away from his touch but couldn’t go anywhere. Aveline could feel the bruise blossoming already. He squeezed like a man starved for a woman.

  This is not happening. She was not going to be raped by an evil Greer.

  Not today.

  Not ever.

  “Fuck you,” she spat and kneed him in the balls.


  “Greer, fuck man. I’ve been trying to catch you all night.”

  “Yeah,” he said annoyed. His brother was alone in his house. He didn’t want to leave him alone for long. “What do you need?”

  “Look, I can’t tell you why but you need to get home now. I’ve got a surprise on its way.” Jason sounded so smug. Greer had been expecting bad news, maybe something on Nix. He had no time for surprises and this was just pissing him off.

  “Now is really not a good time.” A door opened down the hall. Fuck. Jamie was exploring. He needed to finish this up.

  “Well make it a good time! You’ll like this. I promise.”

  Greer ran a hand over his head. He had been pacing but sat at his desk. “Jason,” he began. Greer wasn’t planning on telling the guys about Jamie until he could get a better grasp on everything but plans change. “Jamie is here.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “He’s up to something and I needed to get him away from my mom to figure it out so I brought him back-”

  “Shut up, Greer,” Jason interrupted. “Jesus Christ. Aveline is on her way to your place. Get your fucking shit of a brother out of there.”

  Her name stunned him. Of all the outcomes, this was not one he had imagined. “What?”

  “She just left here and is on her way, you dumb fuck. She was trying to surprise you.”

  He heard footsteps on the stairs. Multiple footsteps.

  “Fuck. No.” Was she here already?

  Greer ran out of the room and took the stairs two at a time. There was a muffled yell and then a crash. Fuck. If his brother hurt her. If he did anything to her, Greer would kill him. Murder had little consequence to him when it came to Aveline.

  All the doors we
re opened on the second floor. All but his bedroom. Bile rose in his throat as sounds of struggle came through the door. He turned the knob and pushed open the door. The first sight he had was of Aveline, back against the wall, tears and makeup running down her face like depressed watercolors and her purse held protectively against her chest covering the remains of her torn shirt. She wasn’t looking at Greer but at his sick fuck of a brother on the floor. Jamie was recovering from whatever dose of reality she had given his balls.

  Greer was about to give him some more.

  “Aveline, are you ok?”

  At the sound of his voice, her head snapped up and she looked at him with so much fear that you would have thought it was Greer who had attacked her. She looked between the two of them in horror.

  Jamie was moving to his feet. With a hand on the nightstand, he pushed himself up to standing.

  “Fucking bitch,” Jamie spat. “Greer, you need better groupies.”

  Now this was the Jamie he had expected to see. This piece of shit was the brother he knew and hated.

  Greer crossed the room and slammed his brother against the wall. Aveline screamed as they hit, the drywall cracking on impact. The calm, respectful facade Jamie had been wearing all night was now gone.

  Jamie’s smile was all bite. “Careful brother, you’ll knock your pretty house down.”

  Blood or not, this fucker was not his brother. “What did you do to her?” Greer fisted his shirt and slammed him harder into the wall. “Tell me!”

  “Nothing she didn’t ask for. That right baby?” Jamie asked Aveline with a kiss in her direction.

  If she said anything, he didn’t hear it. Greer let his right hook flow and punched his brother. He was panting when he did it again. Years of loathing and resentment flowed through his fist. Again and again he swung. It felt fucking good, until he realized his brother was laughing.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aveline inching out of the room. By the time he turned and called out, she was gone.

  “Good one, Slick. Now she’ll really want to take you back.” Jamie turned his head and spit some blood onto the carpet.


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