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Forgiven (Book 3, The Watchers Trilogy; Young Adult Paranormal Romance)

Page 4

by S. J. West

  “I think that’s a good idea.”

  I looked up at Brand, completely shocked by this statement. “Why?”

  “Because I think you need to prove to him and possibly yourself that you can’t be anything but friends. Whether I like it or not, he is a good friend to you and he treats Abby like part of his family now. We might not like each other much but we will have to put up with one another for a very long time. The sooner you deal with whatever it is he’s brought to the surface inside you the better off we’ll all be.”

  “How are you so rational about all this?”

  “I love you. I know we are meant to be together, and I don’t think Malcolm has a chance in hell of ever changing your feelings for me. But, I want you to be as sure about your feelings for me as I am. I want you to stand at that altar with me completely certain you’re making the right decision.”

  “I love you,” I said, feeling the love I held for the man in my arms with all of my heart.

  “I know,” he replied, gently bringing my face up to his with a warm hand and pressing his lips against mine with a tenderness only someone who truly loves you can show.

  Chapter 4

  The next day was Sunday. Early that morning I received a phone call from Utha Mae, Tara’s grandmother.

  “Lilly honey, I wanted to invite you and Brand over to my house for supper tonight.”

  “Sure, Utha Mae. What time?”

  “Let’s say six, baby.”

  “Will it just be us three?”

  “No, I invited your mom and her new boyfriend too.”

  I paused trying to think if my mother had mentioned a new boyfriend.

  “Who is he?” I asked.

  “His name is Lucas Hunter. He’s a doctor of some sort.”

  “Did you say Lucas Hunter?” I asked sitting up straighter.

  “Yes, baby. Do you know him?”

  “Is he good looking with wavy blonde hair?”

  “That’s him. Has your mother already introduced you to him? I was under the impression she hadn’t yet.”

  “I met him in a jewelry store here in Lakewood before Halloween. When did she start dating him?”

  “Around that time, now that I think of it. What a small world it is.”

  A small world indeed. I knew then for a fact my first meeting with Lucas Hunter hadn’t been by chance.

  “I hate to talk ill about someone,” Utha Mae said hesitantly. “But that man just doesn’t seem right to me. That was one reason I wanted you and Brand to come meet him. Maybe I’m just an old woman who imagines things but there’s just something wrong with the man that I can’t quite put my finger on. Your mom is head over heels in love with him though. I’ve never seen her so happy.”

  And here I thought it was the wedding which was making my mother happier lately. I should have known a man was figured into the equation somewhere.

  “Mind if we bring Tara and Will with us tonight?”

  “I’ve already called them, baby. They’ll all be here. I told Tara to bring her new man along too. Malik, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am that’s him. You’ll like him, Utha Mae. He’s good for Tara.”

  “Well that’s good to know.” I could hear the relief in Utha Mae’s voice at my reassurance about Malik. “I’ll see you tonight, baby. Give Brand my love.”

  When I got off the phone, I told Brand what I had just learned.

  “Good, now we’ll be able to find out who this Lucas Hunter really is.”

  “What if he’s dangerous?” I asked, now filled with worry. “How will I get my mom away from him?”

  Brand sighed. “I don’t know, Lilly. Let’s meet him first. Then we can decide what needs to be done.”

  “Utha Mae doesn’t like him,” I said. “She’s usually spot on with her judgment of people.”

  “But when you met him you felt good in his presence, right? You didn’t feel any danger.”

  “Yes, I know, but I also knew there was something not quite right about him too.”

  “Let’s not worry just yet. We’ll meet him and go from there. No need to stress over something which might not mean anything in the long run.”

  Malik drove us in his Lexus RX hybrid to Dalton, my hometown. Will followed in his Honda accord.

  “I hope your grandma likes me,” Malik said, nervously tapping his steering wheel with his thumb.

  “She’s gonna love you,” Tara told him.

  “How do you know?” Malik asked.

  “Cause you make me happy.”

  I watched Tara smile at Malik and couldn’t help but smile myself. I knew then Tara’s heart had finally been conquered by a man.

  When we reached the trailer park Utha Mae and my mom lived in, I immediately noticed the brand new black Mercedes Benz parked in front of my mom’s place.

  Malik knocked on Utha Mae’s door while holding a pot of his homemade chicken and dumplings. I knew his desperation to make a good first impression had lead him into dangerous territory. I almost wished he had contacted me first before making the dish. I knew Utha Mae set a high standard with her own recipe for dumplings and hoped she didn’t squash Malik’s pride into dust if she didn’t like his version. Even though I had tasted his before, I wasn’t sure if Utha Mae would appreciate someone else butting into here culinary niche.

  Utha Mae opened the door, a smile of joy on her face at seeing us all.

  “Come in, come in,” she said, “Don’t stand out there like strangers.”

  After we all walked in, Tara said, “Grandma, I’d like you to meet Malik. Malik this is my grandma Utha Mae.”

  Malik set his pot of dumplings on her kitchen island and held out his hand for Utha Mae to shake.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Jenkins. Tara and Lilly have told me a lot about you.”

  “Nice to meet you too, hon. Now just call me Utha Mae like everybody else. I don’t stand for too much formality in my own home.”

  “Yes, ma’am.

  Utha Mae eyed Malik’s pot with curiosity. “And just what did you bring in that pot, hon?”

  “Chicken and dumplings, ma’am. I hope you like them.”

  “Well,” Utha Mae’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, “I’ll let you know after I taste them.”

  There was a knock at the door. Will was the closest one standing to it so he turned to open it. I saw Will’s shoulders tense all of a sudden like he had just received a blow to the gut. Brand seemed to notice the same thing as I and we watched the door to see what had caused the change in Will’s stance.

  “We’re not late are we?” I heard my mother say before she stepped inside.

  I almost fell out when I saw what my mother was wearing: a well tailored white shirt, blue blazer, slacks and penny loafers. Here hair was completely straight and styled in a layered bob which made her look age appropriate. The ensemble was a far cry from the usual go-go dancer mini-dresses she normally wore. I assumed that was what made Will tense but soon felt Brand’s body stiffen when my mother’s new boyfriend walked into the trailer behind her.

  “If we are, I take all the blame,” Lucas Hunter said to us all. “I wanted to show Cora pictures of the new house I just bought and completely lost track of time.”

  Brand discreetly took my hand, tightly holding onto it. Will backed away from the door and came to stand on the other side of me. I wanted to ask what was wrong since they both took up a protective stance around me but knew such a question would draw the unwanted attention of my mom and Utha Mae.

  Both Brand and Will kept their eyes locked on Lucas’ every movement.

  Lucas’ eyes found me easily and he smiled at me like we were old friends.

  “Haven’t we met before?” He asked me.

  “Yes,” I answered, feeling Brand squeeze my hand even tighter as if warning me not to say too much. “We met at Clive Jewelers in Lakewood right before Halloween.”

  Lucas held his index finger in the air. “That’s right. I remember now.” His eyes shifted
to Brand. “Is this the lucky man you’re supposed to marry?”

  Brand held out his hand to Lucas. “Brand Cole.”

  “Lucas Hunter. Glad to finally meet you, Brand. Cora’s told me a lot about you.”

  “All good of course,” my mother said, wrapping a possessive arm around one of Lucas’.

  “I heard you were a doctor,” Brand said, his voice not betraying the strain I knew he actually felt.

  “Pediatric oncologist,” Lucas answered. “Though I’ve been taking a break from my practice the last couple of weeks.” Lucas looked down at my mom like he only had eyes for her. “Cora and I have been spending the time getting to know one another better.”

  And then something happened I never thought I would see in my lifetime. My mother blushed.

  “Well, since everybody knows everybody now,” Utha Mae said. “Let’s sit down and eat. Malik honey you can use my stove if you need to heat your dumplings up.”

  Brand turned into me and whispered, “Make up an excuse for us to leave for a minute.”

  I quickly racked my brain to think of something.

  “Mom, would you mind if I grabbed my baby book from your place. Brand wanted to see some pictures of me when I was younger.”

  “Sure, sweetie. The albums are still in the book case in your room.”

  Brand and I stepped out of Utha Mae’s trailer and headed to my mom’s trailer right next door. Once we were inside Brand sat down heavily on the couch in the living room putting his head in his hands like he had a headache.

  “Who is he?” I asked. “Why did you and Will act like he might eat me alive in there?”

  Brand looked up at me. I could see the shock on his face and worry in his eyes.

  “That’s Lucifer.”

  All I could hear after that was my own ragged breathing. Brand came to me just as I lost feeling in my legs. He sat me down on the couch beside him and held me tight.

  “He won’t do anything to you tonight. We still have over a month,” Brand said. “We’ll find a way to stop him, Lilly.”

  I couldn’t make a reply. I was having a hard enough time just trying to remember to bring oxygen into my lungs. I’m not sure why I was so surprised. I knew this day would come. I knew I would have to face him eventually, but to have him take on the guise of my mother’s new boyfriend was something I hadn’t prepared myself for.

  “What are we going to do?” I asked, not seeing how I could possibly stay in the same room as him now knowing who he actually was.

  “We stay strong and face him together. Maybe this is what we’ve needed to happen. He may slip up and reveal something to us unintentionally.”

  “He wouldn’t be that stupid would he?”

  “Lucifer’s vanity has always gotten in his way. He may want to brag about something in front of us that will give us the hint we need to figure out what he wants with you.”

  I focused on Brand’s plan because if I let myself think about Lucifer too much, I knew I might faint away from shock. I couldn’t let him see me weak. I wouldn’t let Lucifer think I was going to let him win without a fight. I had too much to live for, and I wasn’t about to let him take it all away from me.

  I did go to my room and fetch one of my baby albums just to make our excuse to leave truthful. When we returned to Utha Mae’s trailer, everyone was already sitting around her table ladling their plates with food.

  Lucas/Lucifer stood from his chair at the table when I entered and smiled at me. I knew I should feel terror at such an expression on his face but there was an inner light in him I just didn’t understand. I knew he was evil incarnate but he didn’t seem it to me for some reason. It was just like when he touched me when we were in the jewelry store. I felt comfort in his presence like he was an old friend. I chalked it up to being part of his power. He was the great deceiver after all.

  All through the meal I noticed how happy my mother was. She looked at Lucifer in a way I had never seen her look at a man before. How was I going to get her away from Lucifer without telling her the complete truth? Would she believe me even if I told her? I highly doubted it. She was completely under his spell, and I couldn’t think of a thing to say to bring her back to reality.

  “Lilly sweetie,” my mom said. “Did you happen to bring those silk purses back with you?”

  “Yes, they’re in Malik’s vehicle. We filled them all.”

  “Oh yes,” Lucifer said knowingly. “You two are supposed to get married next Saturday, right?”

  “Yes,” I answered, “we are.”

  “Your mother invited me but I’m not going to be able to make it. I have a doctor’s symposium that weekend. I’m sorry I will miss it. I’m sure you will make a beautiful bride.”

  “I’ll miss you,” my mother said, putting her hand on Lucifer’s arm. “I wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “I won’t be gone long,” he reassured, patting her hand. “I’ll be back before you have a chance to miss me too much.”

  “So have you decided who will give you away, baby?” Utha Mae asked me.

  I glanced at Will but answered, “I’ll probably just give myself away.”

  “Well, why not have Will stand in for your father?” Utha Mae suggested. “He’s about the closest thing you have to a brother.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t want Utha Mae to think badly of Will just because he couldn’t bring himself to walk me down the isle to someone he didn’t think I should be marrying.

  “Don’t you think that’s a good idea, Will baby?” Utha Mae said.

  All eyes focused on Will as he rolled a dumpling on his plate over and over, avoiding direct eye contact with Utha Mae. He knew as well as I if he looked at her directly he would end up doing whatever she told him to. It was like in Star Wars when the Jedi used their mind tricks to make you do what they wanted with just a few coercive words. Utha Mae didn’t have to use tricks, just guilt.

  “I can’t do that, Utha Mae,” he finally said.

  “Why not, baby?”

  “Because,” Will sighed, “I’m still in love with Lilly. Why would I willingly give her away to someone else?”

  The rattle of dinnerware on dishes ceased and an uneasy silence permeated the room.

  My mother cleared her throat. “Well, if Lilly’s father hadn’t abandoned us you wouldn’t have been placed in such an awkward position, Will. You can’t help the way you feel. I think we all understand.”

  “Malik,” Utha Mae turned her attention to my fairy godfather. “I swear I’ve never tasted chicken and dumplings as good as yours. You’ll have to give me your recipe.”

  “Oh,” Malik smiled shyly knowing Utha Mae had just given him the highest of praises. “I’ll definitely do that. I’ll bring you a copy the next time I see you.”

  I was thankful for Utha Mae’s quick change of subject. She and Malik talked for the rest of the meal about his variations on classic dishes Utha Mae had made all her life. I kept my eyes on my plate, but I felt Brand place a comforting hand on my thigh under the table. When I looked over at him, he smiled and winked at me making me feel more at ease. I chanced a glance in Will’s direction and immediately regretted it.

  He was staring at me with intense longing. I knew he wanted nothing more than to be where Brand was right now. If he could have possessed Brand like he could any human body, I felt sure he would have given half a chance. I quickly looked away and tried to concentrate on Malik and Utha Mae’s conversation.

  Will’s eyes weren’t the only one’s staring holes into me. I felt Lucifer’s eyes on me and couldn’t prevent myself from glancing in his direction. His expression was indecipherable, but I got the distinct impression he found Will’s confession amusing. It was him, after all, who had placed Will in charge of keeping me safe all these years. Now that he knew for sure Will loved me, he had to wonder how divided Will’s loyalties were. Since I was marrying someone Will didn’t approve of, perhaps Lucifer felt Will was back on his side. I had no way of knowing for s
ure if he was right.

  While I was helping to clear the table, Lucifer asked, “Lilly, could I speak with you privately for a moment? I have something I would like to ask you.”

  Both Brand and Will quickly set the dishes in their hands down, turning their full attention to Lucifer.

  “Why?” I asked. It seemed a logical question. I wasn’t supposed to know this Lucas Hunter guise Lucifer was wearing very well. Why would he want to have a private moment with me?

  “I have something I wish to ask you but it’s something I would like to keep as a surprise for Cora.”

  “Go ahead, baby,” Utha Mae said. “We’ve got the dishes.”

  Feeling like a lamb led to slaughter, I couldn’t think of a polite or non-suspicious way to refuse Lucifer’s request. Besides, my mother looked beside herself with pent up anticipation. I followed behind Lucifer out the door but saw both Will and Brand take up positions at different windows to keep watch over me.

  Once outside, Lucifer leaned his back against the wood railing of Utha Mae’s front porch and faced me. I stood close to the door just in case I felt a need to make a hasty retreat.

  “I assume you know who I am now,” he said to me.

  “Yes,” I answered. “I know.”

  Lucifer smiled. “I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to meet you in person. When I took over this body, it was easy to charm your mother into thinking someone like him could be interested in a trollop like her.”

  “Don’t you dare call her that,” I hissed, surprising myself at how protective I felt over my mother. “She is a good woman. Her life only got screwed up because she got pregnant with me.”

  As soon as I said the words, I realized how true they were. My mother had at one time wanted to stay in the Amish community my grandparents belonged to. It was only because she fell in love with my father and conceived me that she ended up where she was now.

  “Well, I for one am glad she did spread her legs so easily for the first angel she met. It certainly helped me out.”

  From the pleased look on Lucifer’s face, a question popped into my mind and out of my mouth. “Are you my father?”

  Lucifer’s brow furrowed in consternation before he let out a billowing laugh like I’d made the joke of the century. Once he got himself under control, he chuckled, “Now, that would be interesting wouldn’t it? But no, dear Lilly, that would just be too clichéd. It sounds like something you would read in a bad dime store novel. Oh no my dear, your father was someone else. But, I did help your mother pick up the pieces when he unceremoniously kicked her to the curb.”


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