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Page 7

by Catherine Lievens

  “Dominic knows what he’s doing,” Jared said. His voice was flat, and he was obviously trying to calm Benjamin down.

  Benjamin took a deep breath, then another. He looked at the hunter and tried to put himself in the man’s place, but it was impossible. He understood the hunter thought he was an animal, and that he was probably scared of him even though Benjamin hadn’t done anything to make him afraid, but that didn’t justify attacking a house where kids and innocent people lived.

  “What’s Dominic plan?” Benjamin asked.

  “I think that’s something you should ask Dominic.”

  Benjamin nodded. “I’m free to go, right?”

  Jared looked at him, his eyes narrowed. “Yes, why? What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to ask Dominic what the fuck he’s thinking.”

  * * * *

  Lucas wasn’t sure what he was doing in Dominic’s office, but he wasn’t about to ask. Dominic had called him and asked him to come, and he’d obeyed. He’d been surprised to see John there, then apprehensive, because there had only been one time when he and John had been in Dominic’s office together.

  “I just wanted to let you know that we found someone else to infiltrate the hunters,” Dominic said from his side of the desk.

  Lucas looked at John, who nodded. “I called some of my old friends. I used to work for the Glass Research Company.” He paused and seemed to wait for a reaction from Lucas.

  Lucas nodded. “I talked with Jayden. I know what happened to him and who did it.” Lucas was surprised John had worked for that company, was now living with shifters, and mated with one, but he was the first to admit he didn’t understand most of what was going on around him. He’d been used to being around one or two shifters, and now he suddenly spent his days in a house with fifty of them.

  John nodded back. “I had friends who worked with me, and one of them agreed to help.”

  “That’s good. I’m still not sure what I’m doing here, though,” Lucas said, looking at Dominic.

  “I just wanted you to know that we’re fine even without you. You already have too much on your hands.”

  Lucas wasn’t about to admit he hadn’t thought about Dominic’s request for help since he’d met Benjamin and had decided he wouldn’t accept. Benjamin might have spent the entire past week in their room, but Lucas had been antsy, still was. He couldn’t wait to go back to the ranch, and he’d walked around the house and the gardens since he didn’t have anything better to do when Benjamin was sleeping.

  Lucas was worried about the ranch and his horses, and he couldn’t wait to go back. He hoped Benjamin would soon be well enough to see the ranch, although they hadn’t talked any further about what they were going to do.

  There was a hurried knock at the door and it opened before Dominic could call out. Lucas was surprised to see Benjamin. He got up, wondering what was happening, but Benjamin didn’t even look at him. He stomped his way to the desk and stopped right in front of it, his hands on his hips, looking as fierce as a five foot eight man wearing a cartoon T-shirt could.

  Lucas sat back down and waited to see what was happening. There was no way he was putting himself between Benjamin and Dominic.

  “Benjamin,” Dominic said, looking amused.

  “Why is there a hunter in the infirmary?” Benjamin asked, his voice making the fact that he wanted an answer obvious.

  “Because he’s still hurt. He has a concussion, and Noem can’t do much for those.”

  Benjamin gaped. “He’s a hunter!”

  “So? He’s a person.”

  “I’m not asking why you didn’t kill him painfully, although I wouldn’t mind an answer to that. I want to know why he’s not locked up in a cell somewhere far away from here.”

  Dominic leaned backward in his chair, his eyes narrowing. “I don’t owe you any explanations.”

  Benjamin’s shoulders slumped. “I know that. I just spent a week basically sleeping next to the guy.”

  “He can’t hurt anyone. He’s injured, hasn’t woken up yet, and we’ve been keeping an eye on him. You were never in any danger.”

  Benjamin nodded. “I know. Sorry. I guess I didn’t react well when I found out. You know, with what happened to put me in the infirmary in the first place.”

  “I understand, but that’s not a good reason to come in here and demand explanations.”

  “Sorry. I just... I don’t understand. I get that he’s hurt and that you’re a good man who wouldn’t hurt even his worst enemy, but there’s a huge step between doing that and letting a hunter live with us.”

  Dominic sighed and tapped his fingers on his desk. “If you really need to know, one of the Nix realized the man is their mate. That’s one of the reasons he’s still here.”

  Benjamin seemed surprised by that, and he grimaced. “Damn. I’m sorry for whoever earned themselves a mate who’d sooner try to kill them than talk to them.”

  “Yes, it’s complicated to say the least, and the Nix asked me to take care of his mate for now.”

  “You’re not going to tell us who the Nix in question is, right?”

  “No. You don’t need to know that.”

  “I don’t need to, but I want to.”

  Lucas could see Benjamin was pouting, and it was adorable. He still had a hard time believing the two of them were soul mates and were going to spend the rest of their lives together.

  Someone knocked on the door and Dominic groaned. “What now?”

  The door opened and a guy peeked in. Lucas knew he’d seen him around the house, but he didn’t remember his name until the guy came in and flopped onto John’s lap. That meant he was Isaiah, John’s mate and the pride’s tech guru.

  “Don’t tear the messenger apart,” he said, raising his hands at Dominic.

  “I don’t think that’s how the saying goes, but anyway. What’s wrong?”

  Isaiah smiled. “I never said something was wrong. There’s someone at the gate, though.”


  Isaiah looked at Benjamin. “They said they’re Benjamin’s family.”

  Lucas had no idea what had happened between Benjamin and his family, but he knew it hadn’t been good, and he had yet more proof of that when Benjamin paled and swayed. Lucas got up and put both hands on Benjamin’s shoulders, hoping it would be enough to keep him grounded.

  He gently steered Benjamin toward the chair he’d just vacated, but Benjamin shook his head when Lucas tried to make him sit. Instead, he pushed Lucas until he was settled again, then climbed into his lap and buried his face against Lucas’ neck.

  Lucas’ eyes went wide, because while they’d been sleeping in the same bed for a week, they hadn’t done anything else. Benjamin had slept a lot, and Jared had been clear—no sex. Lucas had limited himself to holding Benjamin when he slept, reassuring him when he had nightmares, and that was all.

  “Benjamin?” Dominic asked. “I can ask them to leave.”

  Isaiah cleared his throat. “They said they ran away from their skulk. The hunters attacked it.”

  Everyone looked at Benjamin, but Benjamin didn’t look up. He shuddered, and Lucas held him tighter. “Ben?” he asked softly. “What do you want Dominic to do? I’m sure we can keep your family away from you if you don’t want to see them, but Dominic probably needs to talk to them.”

  Benjamin peeked up. His eyes were huge and he looked a bit scared, but he nodded. “They can stay here. It’s fine.”

  “Are you going to tell us what happened with them?” Dominic asked. “If they hurt you... ”

  “They didn’t. It’s old story anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “Of course it does. You just recovered from a near death experience. I don’t want you to have to face people who hurt you. I can find them another place to go.”

  Benjamin straightened, but he didn’t slide off Lucas’ lap. “It’s fine, really. I can take them. They might have hurt me and m
y feelings, but they’re not my family anymore. I have the pride, and Lucas. I’ll be fine.”

  Dominic looked at Isaiah. “You can have them come in. Don’t offer them a place to stay just yet. I want to hear what they have to say before making any decisions.”

  Isaiah hopped off John’s lap. “Okay, boss. I’ll let them in. Do I bring them here?”

  Dominic nodded. “Yes. I’ll talk to them.”

  Isaiah left the office and Benjamin slumped against Lucas’ chest again. Lucas had no idea what was going on, but he was about to find out, and he was pretty sure he wouldn’t like it.

  * * * *

  Benjamin knew he couldn’t stay hidden in Lucas’ lap forever, but he could try. He didn’t want to see his parents, or his siblings, although they didn’t have much to do with what had happened. No, that had been completely on his father’s shoulders, and since his mother hadn’t said anything, on hers as well. Seeing his brother and his sister and knowing he wouldn’t see them again after they left the mansion would hurt, though, especially now that he’d gotten used to the idea of never seeing them again.

  “We can leave if you want to,” Lucas said in a soft voice.

  Benjamin shrugged and looked up at him. “I do, but it’s probably time I face them.”

  “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”

  “I know, and believe me, I don’t want to see them, but it would be so easy to run away again, and again, and to ignore the problem.”

  Lucas cupped Benjamin’s cheek. “Sometimes running away isn’t as bad an idea as you think it is.”

  Benjamin groaned. “Don’t enable me, okay?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  Benjamin wanted to go back to his room and burrow under his comforter, possibly in Lucas’ company, but he stayed right where he was. He probably should have at least sat in another chair, but Lucas didn’t look like he wanted to let him go, and Benjamin didn’t want to in any case. Screw whatever his parents would think. He’d spent too much time moping about them already.

  If there was one thing his encounter with the hunter had taught him, apart from the fact that he could be a killer if he needed to be, it was that it was time to start living again. His life had been in limbo since he’d been taken and locked away in a cage. Even after he’d been rescued, he hadn’t started to live again. It had been easier to fade into the background, especially after he’d gone back home only to be told he didn’t have a place there anymore. It had been easier to keep himself isolated so that when the pride rejected him, it wouldn’t hurt as badly.

  But the pride hadn’t rejected him, even though some days he still wasn’t sure they wouldn’t, one day. The little voice that was convinced of that wasn’t an easy one to ignore, but Lucas’ presence helped. Benjamin knew he’d never be alone again, that even if everyone else abandoned him, he’d still have Lucas.

  The office door opened and Benjamin fought the instinct to press his face against Lucas’ neck again, to go to what he now thought of as his safe place. Considering another man’s neck as his safe place sounded stupid, but Benjamin didn’t care. Lucas’ neck was where his scent was stronger, at least of the places Benjamin could get to in public. It made him feel safe and it made his fox relax, and that could only be a good thing.

  Benjamin’s fox perked up when someone shuffled inside, but it didn’t last long. The fox yipped and suddenly Benjamin had to fight the instinct to attack. It surprised him, because his fox usually was meek, but apparently what his parents had done had touched his fox more than he’d thought.

  Benjamin’s brother was the first one to enter, his hand on their sister’s shoulder. He was quickly followed by Benjamin’s mother, then his father. Benjamin pressed his lips together. He wasn’t sure what would come out of his mouth if he didn’t, because he both wanted to yell at his parents and to hide away from them, to tell them to go away. It was safer to keep his mouth shut.

  He saw the moment his sister noticed him and recognized him. Her eyes widened, and she shook their brother’s hand off to run toward him. Benjamin hadn’t expected that reaction, even though he was pretty sure neither of his siblings thought he didn’t have a place with them anymore, and he quickly twisted in Lucas’ lap. He didn’t have the time to shift around completely, but Rachel was only thirteen, and she was small next to Lucas’ bulk. Benjamin opened his arms and she threw herself into them. He wrapped them around her and buried his nose into her red curls, smelling home and family. He closed his eyes, not giving one fuck about how his parents reacted.

  He heard someone say something, then a growl and silence. He didn’t let go, and Lucas didn’t either. Benjamin felt him hesitate before he wrapped his own arms around both Benjamin and Rachel, as if he wanted to protect them from everything bad in the room.

  “I thought you were gone forever,” Rachel said, her lips moving against the skin of Benjamin’s neck.

  “I’m not. I’m here, right?”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  Lucas chuckled, his chest moving against Benjamin’s back. “She’s a potty mouth just like you,” he said, and Benjamin smiled, because she really was.

  Their position was a bit awkward, with Rachel in Benjamin’s lap and both of them in Lucas’, so when Michael stepped forward, she slid down. She didn’t go far, keeping one hand in Benjamin’s, and Benjamin was glad for the support, and for Lucas, who was still holding him close.

  Michael hovered in front of Benjamin as though he wasn’t sure what to say. He probably didn’t, knowing him.

  “You’re an asshole,” he finally said.

  Benjamin grinned. “I can’t deny that.”

  “You could have called.”

  “I know.”

  “You didn’t.”

  Benjamin shrugged. “Sorry.” He hated that he’d hurt his brother, but he didn’t want to show that, not in front of his parents.

  Michael looked at him, eyes narrowed, until he apparently made a decision. He nodded, patted Benjamin’s head, and stepped to the side. That left Benjamin facing his parents, and he swallowed, resisting the urge to turn around again.

  “Benji... ” his mother said. She hadn’t called him that in years, not since he’d been a teenager, and he wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  Then his father said, “I’m glad to see you, son,” and Benjamin knew.

  Benjamin snorted. “You don’t have to try to get back into my good graces. Dominic will help you anyway.”


  “Don’t call me that,” Benjamin snapped, because if it had been bad coming from his mother, it was even worse coming from his father. “You don’t have the right, not anymore. Not after what you did.”

  Benjamin’s father looked like he wanted to protest, but Dominic finally decided it was time for him to say something. Benjamin could have kissed him.

  “What can the Whitedell Pride do for you?” he asked. He hadn’t asked anyone to leave his office, not even John, who was looking at Benjamin’s parents with an inquisitive glare. Benjamin didn’t mind.

  “Our skulk was attacked yesterday,” Benjamin’s father said.

  Now that Benjamin looked at him, really looked at him, he could see he looked worse for wear. His clothes were dirty, not something he’d have normally allowed. There was a tear on his knee, and the rip in his jacket made it so that Benjamin could see several buttons were missing from his shirt.

  Dominic nodded. “Tell me what happened.”

  “Our skulk members lived together in the same house, like you do. I was home, but my mate and children were out. I managed to sneak out, but I had to fight my way through the garden and the wood. I called my family and told them to stay away.”

  Benjamin was happy only his father had been home. He knew from experience how bad a hunters’ attack could be, and he didn’t want his brother and sister to see that.

  “Are there any survivors apart from you?” Dominic asked.
/>   “I don’t know. We didn’t go back to check.”

  Benjamin tightened his hands and Rachel squeaked. He swallowed and tried to relax, but it was hard. His father hadn’t been an important man in their skulk. He hadn’t been the alpha, or even the beta. He hadn’t even been liked by most skulk members, as far as Benjamin knew, not even by the alpha. Alpha Lang had asked Benjamin if he wanted to stay, even though his father had made it clear he wasn’t welcome in their family anymore. Alpha Lang would have had the power to do that, but Benjamin hadn’t wanted to create problems, or to have to see his family every day without being able to be a part of their lives.

  He’d said no and had come back to Whitedell.

  Dominic nodded, his hand already on his phone. Benjamin listened as he called Nate, the pride’s beta, and organized a group of enforcers to go check on Benjamin’s old skulk. Benjamin hoped they were fine, but even if he tried, he couldn’t quite convince himself of it.

  * * * *

  Lucas could see there was something between Benjamin and his parents. He’d welcomed his siblings with open arms, but he had yet to even look at either his mother or his father in the face.

  They hadn’t talked about families yet, and Lucas wasn’t going to ask, but he was curious. He looked at Benjamin’s sister and realized she was looking back at him, staring, her forehead wrinkled in a frown. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “Rachel!” Benjamin protested.

  Lucas wasn’t sure if Benjamin was protesting because he didn’t want his family to know about Lucas, or if it was just because Rachel’s question had been bordering on rude. He didn’t know how to answer, so he looked at Benjamin, who smiled at him.

  “Lucas is my mate,” he said, never looking away from Lucas.

  Lucas almost kissed him, and would have if Benjamin’s mother hadn’t gasped. Lucas, Benjamin and Rachel turned to look at her. She was pressing a hand over her mouth and her eyes were wide, her gaze flitting between Benjamin and her mate.


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