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Page 24

by Sasha Pruett

  “Two hundred and fifty years and you don’t know how to cook?”

  “Do you really want to find out?”

  Calynn furrowed one side of her face as if contemplating the matter deeply. “Maybe later.”

  “Then I suggest you make your way to the fridge.”

  She turned and kissed him deeply and he groaned almost imperceptibly. “That’s not going to work.”

  “What? I’m not doing anything.”

  “Uh huh? So, do you have something in mind for me to prepare or do you just want me to ‘wing it’ as Maximilien says?”

  “Alright, alright I give!” She had to stop herself from calling him a spoiled sport as she made her way to the small kitchen area, pulled open the fridge; and froze. She blinked over and over as the shock wore off and she realized what she was seeing was real. Vial after vial of blood, rows and stacks of them taking up nearly two entire shelves of the fridge. She knew what he was. She’d known he needed blood, it was no secret, but she hadn’t thought of it; not of him and suddenly she became uncomfortable. Was this how he got it? She’d never asked and though they were about to be married in a little over a month she felt like she was somehow prying.


  Calynn jumped, startled and a bit embarrassed. “Drakon, I know what you are, I don’t need to know about this.”


  She took a deep breath, “What is all this?”

  “It’s you.”

  “What? I don’t understand?”

  “Those are the vials that were taken when you were brought to us, the first few weeks that is. When I learned you were still alive I retrieved them before they were destroyed, leaving only a few to keep anyone from growing suspicious. I’ve been using them to misdirect the doctor.”

  “How?” She absent-mindedly ran her fingers over the glass tubes.

  “By switching out the new vials he takes from you with these. As long as there are traces of hCG he hasn’t been able to perceive the difference and it’s kept him blind to the changes in your cells. He’s only been able to detect the slightest variation in them. I told you I’ve been looking out for you.”

  “What about the samples he’s been taking? Are they here as well?”

  “No, I destroyed them. I won’t take the chance that it’ll fall into the wrong hands. No amount of information that we could get from your blood is worth your safety or the safety of our child.”

  Would this man, whatever he was, ever cease to amaze her? “And you’ve been doing this the entire time, switching out my blood?”

  “Yes. I kept some of the earlier samples for when I ran out of the original batches.”

  “Are they still good?”

  “For what the doctor is testing yes, for now anyway. The serum you were given when you arrived altered the shelf life of your blood so there’s no threat of him discovering the age of the samples. Besides, he has run out of time.”

  “Should I ask?”

  “I can’t have him endangering us and it’s time for him to go. After tomorrow he’ll no longer be an issue.”

  “What happens tomorrow?”

  “The last straw.”

  Something in his voice changed.

  “Are you having second thoughts?”

  “What makes you think that?”

  Calynn looked at him and there was concern written plain as day all over his face. “Because it looks like you’re worried. About Dr. Edme?”

  “No, I have no care for him. He has long outlived his usefulness and is nothing more than a sadistic, power-hungry threat to everyone around him. He performs as many twisted experiments as Ivan. The two seem to be cut from the same cloth and I have no doubt they feed each other’s insanity.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “Father has forbidden him from having anything else to do with your care. That alone has driven him to the edge, but he needs one more push to fall.”

  “From you?”



  “When he snaps he’s going to come after you and I don’t know if I can put you in that position.”

  “You’ll be there right?”

  “In less than a second.”

  “Than what are you worried about?”

  “How can I do that to you? Intentionally put you in the path of a madman, and not just you, but our child as well? What does that make me?” He walked back to the fire staring deep within the flames.

  Calynn followed him sliding her arms around him from behind, her voice resonating through his body as well as his soul. “The kind I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Drakon huffed.

  “Tell me something Drakon. When haven’t we been in danger in some way?”

  “My job, my sole purpose is to keep you safe from harm. To care for you in every way and if I go through with this you’ll be right in the center of it.”

  “The entire household including the animals are set to protect me. Do you really think he’ll even come close to laying a hand on me?”

  He paused, but he couldn’t disagree. “No.”

  “Then let’s do this, whatever it is and get him out of our lives for good. You said it yourself, he’s too much of a threat if he’s left alone right? If I can put on my big girl pants to keep up the act with your mother I can handle a few minutes of Dr. Jekyll turning into Hyde. I trust you Drakon and I don’t think any less of you, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  He didn’t move, didn’t respond, but he didn’t have to. She’d gotten through. She’d given her permission and maybe that’s what he had truly desired all along. “Alright, tomorrow we end the doctor’s tenure with the House of Drake.”

  “Feel better?”

  He turned in her arms and held her tightly, kissing her forehead. “I’ll feel better when I have you away from them forever.”

  “Only a few more weeks to go, then it’s off to Switzerland and we can finally relax.”

  “There’s still a lot to do Calynn. It’s not as simple as all that.”

  “I know, but that’s why you have me.” She smiled playfully and rose up to kiss him.

  “That’s why I have you.” And he kissed her back. “Now go get dinner, while I work on the surveillance for the villa.”



  “Fine you talk I’ll eat.” She went back to the fridge and tried to ignore the vials of blood while scrounging for her own dinner for the first time in what felt like forever. She found it hard to concentrate on what Drakon was telling her over her own nostalgia. “What was that?”

  “My father has set up his own private surveillance system within the villa. In every room to be exact, but I’ve taken control of it.”

  “Every room?”


  “Even the bathrooms?!”

  “Video in all the main rooms and halls. Audio in the bathrooms and bedrooms.”

  “That’s sooo not right. How are we going to… you know; be alone with him listening in?”

  “Don’t worry I’ve taken over the system, hijacked it if you will. He’ll only see and hear what we want him to. Everything relays through here.” He set a tablet in front of her that looked much like any other computer on the market, but this one went way beyond.

  “My father isn’t much for technology, but I know enough. He, nor anyone else he has monitoring the feed, will ever know that I’m the one in control. Over time, once he’s assured that nothing is amiss between us, he’ll slowly begin to abandon his watchful eye for more important things. I’ve been able to listen in on everything that has been transpiring at the house for quite some time now.”

  “That’s where you’ve been disappearing to?”

  “At times, there’s also Rais and the doctor to deal with.”

  “Do you ever sleep?”

  “I’ll sleep when things are safe.”

  She arched an eyebrow.

  “Well, safer. I�
�ve made it secure for us to talk anywhere in the house, but while my parents are there they still have the ability to listen in. Plus there’s the staff to consider.”

  “The staff?”

  “Yes, currently everyone who’s there is under the servitude of my father. Any one of them could inform on us if they were to witness anything suspicious, but once we are joined the house will be under my control. Or more precisely, ours.”

  “How does that help?”

  “I’m in the process of choosing our own servants, those that can be trusted to be loyal to me; to us. Those that have no love for my father and would gladly leave his house if the opportunity arose.”

  “How do you know you can trust them?”

  “One thing you can depend on Calynn, when the cat’s away.”

  “The mice will play.”

  “Or gossip, complain, and all other manner of tongue wagging. One of the benefits of going unseen is knowing what goes on while the master of the house isn’t about. As part of my position as adviser it was to be my responsibility to reprimand those that were unhappy with their own position. Needless to say, I’ve gathered more than my fair share of knowledge of who is completely loyal to my father and who… isn’t.”

  She knew better than to ask how those servants were to be reprimanded. Most likely they would end up being served up as next week’s dinner and she shivered. “Which means we’re saving their lives aren’t we, by bringing them on as ours?”


  “What about Millie? Is she… loyal to your father?”

  “More like terrified of him, my mother too.”

  “Can she be trusted?”

  “At the present time, no. The fear of my parents is too great under their own roof. If they demanded of her to report everything that we said or did she would agree, but… I also believe she would hesitate to reveal everything to them if she feared it would put us at risk. Raised to the rank of Lady’s Maid to the Lady of the house within our home she may very well gain the strength to be a valued servant of ours.”

  “Is there a way to test that?”

  “Possibly. You like Millie, don’t you?”

  “Sure, she’s a bit shy but she’s a good girl who genuinely wants to help.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, it would be better if she stayed with us anyway. Replacing her would be too questionable, unless my mother believes she is not worthy to be raised to that rank and suggests you replace her.”

  “If I had my way about it I wouldn’t have a servant at all.”

  “Try thinking of her as a personal assistant; that may make things easier for you until you get used to the life of servants and excess.”

  “No offence, but I hope I never get used to it. I enjoy doing things for myself.” And she shoved a large forkful of eggs and ketchup in her mouth.

  “I can see that. Once we get settled in and my father begins to relax his grip you’ll be able to run the house any way you choose, deal?”

  “Deal. So how are we getting rid of Edme tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with father about the staff for the villa, along with other things. While I’m gone the doctor will seize the opportunity to pay you a visit. He’s been banned from being anywhere near you and this disobedience of my father’s direct order will seal his fate. Just scream good and loud and I’ll take care of everything else. You can do that right?”

  “What? Play along? Of course, it’s me you’re talking to remember? Your co-conspirator.”

  “No, I mean scream.”

  “Scream? Sure I can scream, why would you ask that?”

  “Because in all this time I’ve never heard you do it.”

  She looked down at her plate knowing exactly what he meant, but immediately raised her head and smirked, “You’ve never seen me come face to face with a spider then.”

  He laughed and smiled, “Somehow I doubt that. You’d be more likely to make the spider scream, but I’ll take your word for it.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  As Drakon had presumed it took very little influence that next morning to push the doctor past the breaking point of insanity. It wasn’t a long trip; the man had done much over the last few hours to further his own obsession with Calynn. He listened as frantic footsteps made their way to her suite, heard the door slam open as Edme shoved his way past Millie; forcing himself not to react in any way in front of Sir Drake. Every muscle tensed as the minutes ticked by and he found it difficult to concentrate on what his father was saying. He busied himself with his notes, struggling not to abandon the plan and rush to her side.

  It was a new sensation for him. He’d never felt that angry or that protective of anyone before, let alone a human and he wasn’t sure how to handle it. For the first time in his life the fury that burned inside him was justified, was righteous and his anger ran deep. Every word between Edme and Calynn had him on edge and had it not been for his skill as a hunter and decades of learning patience, nothing would have kept him in that chair.


  Calynn knew Edme was going to show up and she was prepared to play her part like a pro. She’d been waiting for him since Drakon had left that morning and not once could she concentrate on her book or the notes on running a house Lady Anula had sent. What she wasn’t expecting was how afraid she really was when the man slammed through her door sending it banging against the wall. The look in his eyes was feral and dangerous.

  “No… no, don’t move. I’m not going to hurt you. I just need a little more, just a little more…” he pulled a syringe from his pocket slowly walking towards her, “I almost have it. I’m so close! Just a little more my dear… just a little more.”

  “No; back off, I’m… I’m warning you…” Her voice stumbled and cracked, this was no act she was scared for real.

  “Just a little more, yes, just a little more, that’s it…” and he lunged toward her.

  Calynn jumped aside screaming, bounding over the couch and heading towards the bedroom and bathroom beyond. Preparing to lock herself in as chaos broke loose all around her.


  Her scream could have been heard through half the house even without their abilities and it drew instant attention. Drakon was out the door and through the house in half a heartbeat, his father close behind as the cries continued. He’d promised her he wouldn’t let anything happen to her and though he was in the room seconds after her scream fear had already set in. Would he be too late? Would the stress be too much for her or the baby? Had he sealed his doom in his blindness to rid them of the doctor?

  He could still hear Calynn as he rushed into the sitting room not even slowing as he slammed into Dr. Edme. Grabbing him by the throat and lifting him off the ground, tearing the man’s leg from the mouth of a very irate Devilicus who was back in his leathery form. Drakon squeezed the man’s neck tighter, threatening to snap it in two.

  “Stop!” Sir Drake stood in the doorway, Hamil closing in behind him.

  Drakon didn’t move.

  “Put him down son.”

  Not a twitch, and the look in his eyes told everyone that he meant to crush Edme just as he’d promised. Instead he opened his hand and dropped the now limp doctor to the floor gasping for air and holding his already bruising throat.

  “Bring him.”

  Silent as always Hamil walked past his master and retrieved him from the floor. Dragging him out of the room.

  “Are you alright? Did he hurt you? How do you feel?” Drakon had her in his arms looking her over.

  “Yeah, yeah I think so. He didn’t hurt me. He never got the chance, Villie stopped him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m fine, I’m just a little shook up is all.”

  Drakon looked down at the beast at Calynn’s feet, now in the form of a black and white shaggy dog.

  “What happened here?” He knew already, at least most of it, but he had to see this through.

  “Edme burst in ranting about ‘n
eeding more’. He pulled out a syringe and came at me. I tried to get to the bathroom to lock myself in until someone could come, but that’s when Villie appeared out of nowhere right before you did and latched onto him.”

  “And you’re sure that you’re alright?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. He never got near me. Thanks to you and Villie.”

  He held her tight, both thankful and furious at himself at the same time. He could feel her pulse, hear her heart and her breathing and she was right. Other than a little unsettled she was fine. He took a minute to place his hand on her abdomen to feel the child within. A wave of relief washed over him to find it resting safe and sound; completely oblivious to the distress going on around it.

  “What’s going to happen to him; Dr. Edme?”

  Drakon turned to find his father had gone, replaced by a very worried Millie. “He will never touch you again, that I promise.” He kissed her gently. “I have to go, but I’ll be back soon. I want you to lay down and rest; no arguments. Millie, I expect you to take care of her. She is not to leave this suite and is to rest.”

  “Yes, Master Drakon.”

  He kissed her again and left knowing exactly where his father had taken the doctor to put an end to his employment; permanently. He could hear the pathetic little man sniveling and begging all the while. Desperately he tried to convince Sir Drake to listen to reason, but with every attempt to validate his actions, to raise his progress and standing with his experiments it only served to dig his own grave deeper and deeper.

  His father would never have let him live after such a stunt. Had he taken it like a man he may have had a little mercy and made it quick, but no; now he would suffer and every excuse he gave only managed to lengthen the amount of torment he would endure. Drakon entered the subterranean room he knew the doctor would be in. It was hardly soundproofed for their kind, but his father wouldn’t want Calynn overhearing the tortured cries that would soon be spilling from Edme.


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