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Page 25

by Sasha Pruett

  “You disappoint me Edme. After all the decades, all the centuries of service to this family you have betrayed me.”

  “No! No I haven’t, I’m so close you just don’t understand…”

  “Silence! Your service is no longer required Dr. Edme.”

  “No please, please… I…”

  “Father?” Drakon stepped to his side ready to end the man’s life himself.

  “No Drakon. I know what you shall ask, but the doctor here is of my staff and therefore my responsibility. Something to remember when you become the head of your own house. You may how ever find it profitable to stay.” And he turned back to the doctor who had been bound, bare chested to the ceiling by leather straps around his wrists, his toes barely brushing the floor. Only the solid wall behind him keeping him from spinning as he thrashed.

  “How shall I kill you Edme? Shall I pull your head from your shoulders? Tear out your heart as you watch, your eyes diming as it beats its last? Slash that lying throat of yours or maybe rip it out completely, ending those pathetic pleas of yours? Maybe I should twist your head backwards slowly as every bone breaks one by one?”

  The doctor’s eyes were wide with fear and he stumbled one word of mercy over the other as his master calmly removed his coat and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

  “I take into consideration your years of faithful service or I’d spend the next two weeks slowly draining every drop of blood from your body, but you have disobeyed my orders, my direct orders and attacked a member of the House of Drake and my family. A member of my family that is carrying my grandchild and for that I show you no mercy.”

  Drakon watched as his father sank his inverted hands into the doctor’s gut, grabbed ahold of his ribcage and began to pull. Screams of agony immediately filled the room, but no one, not even the servants that waited in the back flinched. Sir Drake held the man’s ribs at the edge of the breaking point before easing up the tiniest bit for a moment of reprieve, then pulled again. Over and over he stretched Edme’s skeletal frame, giving him just a hint of relief until one by one he began to snap his bones.

  He could have kept him awake and alert for days, but he had no interest in wasting that kind of time on a disappointment. When the doctor finally went unconscious from the pain Drake walked away. Wiping his hands on a nearby towel he gave orders to the waiting servants. “Drain him, the doctor will be of service to this family one final time after all.” And both father and son silently left the room, it was over.

  Chapter Forty

  A light snow had begun to fall as Drakon set her down on the steps of what was to be her new home in a few short weeks and she couldn’t help but gasp. “Drakon this isn’t a house it’s a castle!”

  “What would you expect?”

  “Something normal!”

  “Normal? Have you met our family?”

  “Yes, but a castle? It’s a freakin’ castle Drakon!”

  “It was our family home for quite some time, long before we ever moved to the Americas and now it is our home. It’s only right that my queen, my empress, live in a castle isn’t it?”

  She couldn’t speak. Her heart was in her throat and the only thought that popped in her head was, ‘I hope I can get use to the cold’, when she felt the strong arms of Drakon wrap around her from behind. His breath warming her neck and she forgot all about the chill and the snow.

  “Ready for the grand tour?”

  “Is it safe?”

  He chuckled, “Unquestionably, I’ve taken care of everything and my parents won’t be here for another hour for dinner.”


  “Don’t worry it’s already been arranged. You’re not expected to do anything while we’re here.”

  “Good. What about the staff?”

  “The only thing they’ll see is two people deeply in love, barely able to keep their hands off each other. If it’s something like we talked about there’s plenty of places we can disappear to.”

  “Not out here I hope!”

  He laughed again, “No, there have been many renovations over the centuries and many hidden places within the house that no one remembers anymore, not even my father. Now let’s get inside before you freeze.”

  “I’m quite warm right here.”

  “Yes, but holding you this close is a bit distracting and no amount of procrastination is going to make it any easier.”

  “Right, like a Band-Aid.”

  “A what?”

  “Come on let’s get this over with.”

  There was no way to take her through the entire house. She was perfectly accurate when she compared the villa to a castle and she had been through enough over the past few days without tiring her even more. He explained its remote location, showing her a tapestry of the grounds that seemed to go on forever. To this day the estate was still mostly hidden from the world through the vast forest. Its situation in the mountains and the connections of the family all kept it virtually unknown.

  There was a helipad for supplies next to the small airstrip for the private jets that brought in the servants that couldn’t travel like they could, or his parents who preferred luxury more often than their own speed. They were both hidden as well as the road that wound its way through multiple check points down to the town. She was at the top of the world, virtually cut off from it in a palace that held more servants than her high school senior class and it made her very nervous.

  ‘How am I going to do this? I’m going to need a map just to find my way around let alone run this place.’

  “You’ll be fine Calynn, no one expects you to walk into the role my mother has played. Besides you’ll have me, I’ll be your map.”

  “What? How did you…?” She stopped dead in her tracks. “How did you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  She looked around them warily checking for anyone that might over hear and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Know what I was thinking?”

  He wasn’t expecting to have to use the secret passages so soon, but this was nothing to leave to chance. Under the guise of showing her around he wound his way to a hidden corner and the room behind closing them safely in.

  All was quiet, dark and dusty. “Drakon what’s…”

  “Shhhh, just a minute.”







  “You heard me?”

  “Of course I heard you, you’re standing right there and practically yelled my name.”

  “How many times?”


  “How many times did I say your name?”

  “One why?”

  “Calynn I didn’t say anything.”

  “What do you mean ‘you didn’t say anything’?”

  “You know exactly what I mean. Just like you never said anything about a map, did you?”

  “No… you mean you… we? How? I thought you said that takes decades to develop? How could it start all of a sudden like this?”

  “I don’t know.” Both grew silent, stunned at this newest development. “Unless it hasn’t.”

  “You think we’ve been doing it all along, kind of like how I can always sense when you’re near.”

  “Something like that. It must be the Valdi side coming through or else we never would have been able to communicate like that and it can’t be too strong yet. I said your name three times before you heard it and that last time I had to yell.”

  “I know, but how can you pick up on me so easily?”

  “I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you have or have you forgotten already?”

  “Excuse me for forgetting that there’s such a vast difference between us for a minute.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that Calynn.”

  “I know, I’m sorry I’m just a like freaked out that’s all.”

  “Don’t be, this is great, don’t you see if we can develop this it
can only be to our advantage. No more having to sneak around to find a secure place to talk.”

  “True, and no more worrying if you can hear me when I need you right?”

  “Right, the more we focus the further we can be from each other and still communicate. Come on let’s practice.”

  “Here? Won’t we be missed?”

  “No, not here you’re right. Being absent too long would cause alarm, I mustn’t lose focus.” He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it, she had saved him once again. “How about this? We carry on a discourse and answer with thought, repeating what the other said to confirm, understand?”

  “I think so. That will be a lot of echoing each other, are you sure you won’t get irritated after a while? You don’t strike me as the kind of guy who likes to repeat himself once let alone over and over.”

  “Normally no you’re right about that, but one thing I’ve learned is when you’re working to develop any ability comfort is usually the first thing to go.”

  “Preaching to the choir.”

  He tilted his head.

  “Free trial weekend at the gym, went a little overboard.”

  He still looked confused.

  “Never mind, must be nice.” The last part was said under her breath, but he could have heard it on the other side of the estate.

  For the rest of the night they practiced sending each other messages and trying to hold conversations without saying a word out loud. The bond wasn’t exactly strong and many times it was more like whispers or impressions, but the more they concentrated, the more they worked together the stronger it became. At first Calynn was afraid she’d get on his nerves, but the two found it was more like a game between them and the secret smiles and quick glances did not go unnoticed. To their relief, they were thought to be nothing more than a flirtatious couple by his parents. They had chosen to fly in with all of the personal servants in tow, just as Drakon had predicted, only moments before dinner was to be served.

  Dinner was similar to the first one, full of plans, facts, histories and more. She was much more relaxed this time around as Lady Anula went on and on about the place, the staff and the upcoming wedding arrangements while Millie took copious notes in the background. More than once she sent Drakon a telepathic comment that, had he not been an expert in hiding all emotion, would have sent him coughing into his napkin to hide his amusement. Sometimes he’d come back with something just as funny or charming in that way of his. Other times, nothing; either because he was involved with a very in-depth discussion with his father about the villa or because the link still wasn’t strong enough. Although one time she did choke on her water when he made a reference to the droning on of his mother and an ancient form of torture.

  When they finally excused themselves for the night Calynn found herself alone in a bed the size of a small swimming pool, while Drakon went over more plans with his father, walking the halls and talking with the servants. Strangely enough she couldn’t sleep without him next to her. She’d never had that happen before. It scared her how dependent on him she’d become, but she gave herself a little slack considering she was in the mountains of a foreign country at the mercy of everyone and everything around her. So, if she was a little nervous, hey who wouldn’t be? As a distraction, she busied herself with the notes that Millie had been taking throughout the night and all the ones she had taken on the plane trip in. It was nearly sunrise when Drakon appeared out of nowhere. At least that’s what it seemed, but he still couldn’t startle her. Somehow, whether it was their bond or her own developing abilities she could tell where he was all over the house. He stripped down and slid into the bed beside her drawing her close.

  “Why aren’t you asleep?”

  “I missed you.”

  “You’d miss me less if you were asleep right now.”

  “Can’t argue with you there.”

  “No, but knowing you you’d at least try.”

  “I should smack you for that, but I’m too tired.”

  “Thank you for making my point for me.”

  “You’re so asking for it.”

  “Maybe I’m am. Now hush.” He whispered in her ear before picking up the book on the night stand and opening it to the last place she’d left off and began reading to her. His voice was soft and smooth and washed over every inch of her and she couldn’t help but wonder in the seconds right before she fell asleep if he was using one of his powers to put her out. If so she didn’t care in the least. Hopefully no one would mind if she slept well into the afternoon.

  No one did and no one woke her. Drakon was gone, but that wasn’t unusual. His father was flying out later that day and they probably had more things to discuss. Plus, she had the rest of the day scheduled with his mother about the staff and furniture.

  Everything she’d adored from the warehouse had already been delivered and they were to go room by room deciding what should go and what should stay. For that she needed a lot of caffeine, too bad they had her on restriction when it came to stimulants. Maybe she could convince Millie to break the rules this once. This was to be her house and her servants after all, they should start listening to her even if she felt uncomfortable ordering them around. That was the one part of her role she hated the most, and the one that made her feel the worst. Looking down on anyone just felt wrong, and the whole us/them thing left a bad taste in her soul.

  Thankfully ‘Mother Anula’ found it a little more taxing to actually go through all the details of being mistress of the house and had quite a bit of her ‘tips for being a lady’ relayed via her personal servant Lana. She hadn’t had this many notes to go through since she was in school and it looked like class was back in session. At least his mother was leaving the next day for some arrangements dealing with the ceremony and reception.

  A shiver ran through her before she could stop it. She couldn’t think about that now, after today she and Drakon would have the rest of the week by themselves before heading back home. Strange how she thought of the mansion like that, but at the moment, it was the closest thing she had.

  Calynn looked around the room that was nearly twice the size of her entire apartment before all this and even dwarfed her place back at the estate. At least that’s what it appeared like anyway and this was only one of the guest suites. Her and Drakon’s master was under renovation along with the nursery and in a little over a month she’d be calling this massive place home. At the moment, she felt more like when she’d visit her Aunt Sandy who had a large colonial house on a horse farm. Her Aunt would always tell her to ‘make herself at home’ but it never felt that way no matter how much time she spent there. She was almost afraid to touch anything regardless that everything here was hers now, or would be soon enough.

  Now she really felt like a fish out of water. In any other respect, it would be like a movie. A country girl from a small town becomes mistress of a castle in Switzerland, living in the lap of luxury and married to… what exactly? She didn’t want to think about it. Not now. Not here, but the thought stuck in her mind before she could stop it. She was marrying a murderer; a serial killer if you wanted to get technical. He’s killed at least twenty-one people and that’s just the ones he’s admitted to. Who knows how many people he’s murdered in his lifetime? Her body began to shake uncontrollably. No, she wouldn’t think like that. She couldn’t. Not now; not ever. It wasn’t like that anymore. The world wasn’t as black and white now and whether she liked it or not she was linked to him forever. He was what he was and there was no changing that; ever.

  Could she do it? Could she kill someone if her life or the life of her child depended on it? She had no doubt Drakon would. He’d already seen to the demise of Dr. Edme and even though she was glad to see him go she wasn’t thrilled that a life had been lost. How many more might suffer before they were free? She hated to admit that it made her feel safe and protected to know he would go to any means for her.

  She looked down at the ring on her finger that seemed to catch the light
even in the dark. She loved him, even if her mind screamed at her that she was in way over her head she couldn’t help but love him.

  ‘I love you too Calynn. More than all the stars in the sky, all the sand on the earth, and all the snow that has ever fallen since the beginning of time.’

  She could hear his voice as if he was beside her and in that instant, she wanted nothing more than to feel him holding her. To be in his arms where everything was peaceful, the world was normal, and only they existed. She’d have to watch doing that, it could get her into trouble, especially since he was much better at it than she was. She had no doubt he’d take full advantage of it, in the best way of course, but still she didn’t want him ‘hearing’ everything she was feeling or thinking. He was good enough at it as it was and it was bad enough she was now on camera everywhere she went, privacy had become a hot commodity of late.

  She stretched and got out of bed wondering what to wear for a day of castle decorating when she spotted a large piece of paper tacked to the door. She unfolded it to find a map of the place with the words ‘you are here’ in Drakon’s hand writing with an arrow pointing to their room trailed by dashes that led to another spot that read ‘meet me here 4 o’clock’. She grinned and quickly changed her clothes for a day of palace walking just as Millie entered with her breakfast tray. Some things never change, even in the snowcapped mountains of Switzerland breakfast was served right on time.

  Other than a quick rendezvous in the solarium, which Calynn quickly decided was her favorite place in the entire house, she didn’t see him again until the three of them had dinner together before his mother left. By then she was completely exhausted. She never knew acting superior could be so tiring, but everything went smoothly and Lady Anula left for parts unknown pleased with the progress they were making. Nothing like teaching someone how to be a pompous snob to make you feel good she guessed.

  Finally, the two were alone in the house. Well… if you didn’t count the servants, the security team and everyone on the other side of the monitors watching them and she realized she was suddenly very anxious about it. Drakon had pulled some sort of trick with the microphones in their room to where anyone listening in could only hear the music he’d started and he’d assured her that no one could see or hear them. They’d been alone before sure, but only for a few moments here and there. This was nearly a week of them and only them all day… and night. She walked to the closet full of things just for her as Drakon finished giving instructions to his personal servant and closed the door, and wondered if she should put on something special just for him. She noticed her pulse quicken and felt a flush all over.


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