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Sex God

Page 1

by J. a Melville

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two

  Sex God


  J.A Melville



  About The Author

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty One

  Chapter Thirty Two


  I want to thank all those ladies who have kindly supported me from the very first book I wrote, through to this one. Friends, authors, bloggers, too many of you to list.

  I want to thank my kids for putting up with me being somewhat vague and distant at times. A special thanks to my daughter Bianca for being my sounding board at times when I needed to run some ideas past her. Not to mention for the wonderful job she’s done on the covers of my previous books.

  I also want to give a big, big thank you to Karen who is my lifesaver. You are my editor, proof reader, finder of mistakes, both plot holes and things that make you go hmmm. I call you my reader guru or reader extraordinaire. Thank you so much for being with me every step, every word and every moment of this. Thank you for believing in me.

  Thank you to anyone and everyone who ever took a chance on me and read one of my books. Each and every one of you is appreciated, more than you will ever know.

  About The Author

  From my teenage years, all I wanted to do was become a writer one day. Even now as an adult woman with three children who are not so little anymore, I've always lived with my head in the clouds, a dreamer, often amusing myself with my own imagination.

  It might have taken me awhile to finally live my dream, but I did it. I hope to one day be good enough to stand beside the many talented writers out there who have kept me entertained with their wonderful stories over the years.

  I live in a sleepy country town in Tasmania, Australia with my three children, my little dog who thinks he’s a Dobermann and a messy pair of cockatiels.

  I've had to overcome many emotional obstacles along the way to get to this point and attempting to self-publish a book does tend to make a person feel like they've thrown themselves in at the deep end of the pool. Here's hoping some of you actually like what I write and save me from drowning in the deep end as I probably forgot to mention, I can't swim.

  J. A Melville.

  © Copyright J. A Melville. May 9, 2017

  Do the right thing, don’t download pirated books. Authors deserve to get paid for their hard work as much as anyone else.

  No parts of this book can be copied unless permission is given by the author for quotes to be used for reviews etc.

  This book is fiction. The characters are fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

  This book is the work of the writer's imagination.

  Cover photo used under license from

  Cover image designed for the author by Bianca Eberle.

  Chapter One


  “Milk, I need milk.” I closed my eyes tight enough that it caused little frown lines to appear on my forehead. Well, I couldn’t see that for myself, but I knew it would be happening. It always did when I scrunched up my eyes tightly.

  “Bread, toilet paper, tissues, eggs, yeah, I need eggs.” I murmured to myself.

  “Oh baby, did you say something?” Jeff asked, his voice breathless as he lay on me thrusting like a madman. If I was a well-used old section of tarred road that needed replacing and he was a jackhammer, then this would be a winning situation, but that wasn’t the case.

  We were supposed to be making love or at the very least having sex, which technically we were. After all Object A had been inserted into Object B and was being moved in and out of Object B very quickly; so it was sex, just really bad sex. That was the problem these days. The sex was always bad and I was tired of faking it. There is no such thing as faking it until you make it when it comes to sex. All faking got me was more and more bad sex, which made me feel more and more pissed off with the relationship.

  “Are you close because I can’t hold back much longer?” Jeff’s strained voice broke through my musings and I sucked in a deep breath, getting ready to give my award winning performance.

  I tightened my inner muscles around his cock. In fact, I tightened everything; my legs around his hips, my arms around his body, even going so far as to dig my fingernails into the smooth skin of his back. I was going to earn myself an Oscar out of this one.

  “Oh Jeff…oh…oh Jeff.” I began to moan, dragging my nails over his shoulders. “I’m coming…I’m coming…I…I…now…now.” I cried writhing under his body, bucking my hips and tightening and releasing my inner muscles in what I hoped felt like an orgasm to him. Fuck I was good. If they did hand out awards for faking an orgasm then I’d be heading for the stage soon to accept mine and give my thank you speech.

  “Oh fuck baby….fuck…fuck…FUCK!” He let out a loud moan, his body convulsing over mine and I felt the hot flood of his release deep within me.

  I lay quietly under him, panting just enough that he would think I had been as much in the moment as he was, until finally he settled, his weight getting heavier on me, his body limp on mine and I knew he’d fallen asleep.

  I waited until I was sure he was deeply sleeping before beginning the ritual of extracting myself from under him. Jeff always fell asleep after sex. Fuck, if it was good sex I wouldn’t mind, but it was shit and he couldn’t even do me the common decency of getting off me before he fell asleep.

  Once I was finally out from under him, I pushed his sweaty length to the side and climbed out of bed, heading for his bathroom to shower.

  I adjusted the water until there was only a trace of warmth to it before stepping under the spray. The combination of being mid-summer and having been forced to lie beneath Jeff’s sweaty body and right now, all I wanted was to feel the cool water cascading over me.

n I felt clean and refreshed, I took a towel from the rail and dried off before walking back into the bedroom. As quietly as possible I gathered my clothes, dressing quickly.

  Once upon a time I’d wanted to stay the night with Jeff but these days and especially now, I wanted away from him. The fact that the sex had been nothing but ordinary for months now meant that at least, in my mind, our relationship was over.

  I was going to have to break it off with him, but not now while he was asleep. I’d do the middle of the night run away from his home and sit him down for a talk the next time we got together.

  The thought of breaking it off made my stomach turn. Not because I felt anything for Jeff, but I wasn’t sure how he would react. He frequently told me he loved me and I know he wanted me to move in with him, but I kept balking, reluctant to give him any kind of definite answer. Same as I felt like I had a throat full of marbles each time he told me he loved me and I knew he was waiting for me to declare my love for him. I couldn’t though because no matter how much I wished I did, I simply didn’t love him and I never would.

  It wasn’t that Jeff was a bad person. He was a good man, kind, loyal, loving, but I wanted more. I didn’t want a man who held all the qualities I’d look for in a dog if I was looking to buy one.

  We’d been together three years. Three long years and while things had been good for the first year or so, I knew the relationship was dying when the sex stopped being good. Sure Jeff had become less inclined to go with the whole seduction theme like he once had and his version of foreplay had been reduced to some frantic swat at my clitoris as if he was trying to kill a fly or perhaps it was more an attempt to actually find it.

  He was more interested in getting his cock inside me and clearly convinced that penetrative sex got me off when in fact, I was incapable of orgasming that way.

  I’d been faking it for months; many, many months, but I was tired of that. I was 27 years old. I didn’t want to throw away any more years of my life pretending that I was having good sex. I didn’t have to settle. I wasn’t going to settle. Every woman deserved a good orgasm or two, surely?

  Sighing I turned towards the bed and Jeff’s sleeping form. Walking quietly to him, I bent low, whispering in his ear.

  “I’m going home. I can’t sleep and I’ll only keep you awake with my tossing and turning.”

  He stirred, opening sleepy looking hazel eyes. “Everything okay Lyla?” He asked, his voice husky.

  “Yeah.” I nodded, trying to keep the guilt from showing on my face as I looked down at him. He wasn’t the most observant man around, but he knew me well enough to know when I was lying. “Go back to sleep. I’ll let myself out.”

  “Ok baby. Good night.” He mumbled, his eyes closing and as I straightened and walked away I heard a gentle snore rumble up from him, and I couldn’t help but envy him and his ability to fall asleep so damn fast.

  When I stepped out into the still balmy night air I stopped for a moment, taking a deep, shaky breath before walking over to my car that was parked in the driveway.

  As I climbed in and looked back towards Jeff’s home that was all in darkness, I couldn’t help feeling guilty.

  “Goodbye Jeff.” I whispered as I started the car and pulled out of the driveway, heading for home.

  “And here she comes doing the middle of the night walk of shame.” Leo mocked as I let myself into the apartment I shared with my brother. I’d made it halfway to my bedroom when my night owl of a sibling stuck his head out from the kitchen, scaring the crap out of me.

  “Shut up you moron. I’m not doing the walk of shame at all.” I snapped, not exactly in the mood for my brother’s humour this time of night.

  He narrowed his piercing blue eyes at me. “Actually, why are you home? I thought you always stayed at lover boy’s house after you went out on a date or something?”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “We don’t date anymore Leo. We’ve been together three years so it’s not really dating.”

  He curled a lip at me. “Let’s not get all technical about it. The point is you don’t usually run from the scene of the crime in the middle of the night. I call it a crime because I’ve heard you two when you’re in the middle of it, and if that’s passion at its finest, then someone needs to check to see if you’re both still alive. Perhaps a medic should jump in and feel around for a pulse? Let’s face it, you fuck like an old married couple and that might actually be an insult to old married couples too.”

  “Leo.” I gasped. “You shouldn’t be listening to us and what would you know anyway?”

  He gave me a look from narrowed eyes as if I’d just asked him if the sky was blue. I made a sound of disgust as I stared at him. It was a stupid question on my part. Of course he would know all about sex. There was rarely a day that passed where he wasn’t between the legs of some bimbo he’d picked up.

  He might be my brother but I wasn’t blind to what a good looking man he was. Dark blonde hair that he wore just a little too long. Hair that was tousled enough that he had that just out of bed look. His eyes were a really intense blue, the kind of blue that could rival the colour of the sky on a brilliant summer’s day. I’d seen him using them on women and it was entertaining to watch. They would be gasping and gaping, hands clutching their hearts as he pinned them with those eyes. He knew how to play the game and get them exactly where he wanted them: in his bed for the nightly fuck fest.

  He had a beard which wasn’t all that thick. For some reason he couldn’t seem to grow a full beard and he had settled for that semi scruffy look. I called it bum fluff since it wasn’t a proper beard. Of course my opinion didn’t matter. I was just the sister after all.

  The women seemed to love it and probably thought he spent ages perfecting the look but really, he hated shaving so chose instead to trim the hair he did manage to grow.

  My eyes drifted over him as he stood propped against the kitchen door jamb staring at me, smiling; his perfect white teeth gleaming against his tanned skin. He’d been lucky to have struck it rich with the gene pool. He had the looks and the height, not to mention the body to go with it. Of course he worked for the body literally, since he was a personal trainer. He put in plenty of hours at the gym which according to Leo, was necessary to win over the women.

  “My sex life might seem dull to you.” I said, turning away from him. “But at least I’m not at risk of picking up some sort of sexually transmitted disease.”

  Leo threw a hand over his chest, faking a wounded look at my words. “Low blow sis. I’m always careful though. I never take a dip without covering up first. I’m a safety first kind of guy.”

  “You’re also a jackass and I’m going to bed. I’m too tired for conversations about your sexual conquests.” I threw the words over my shoulder at him before leaving and making my way to my bedroom. Once I was inside I closed the door and stripped off, walking naked through to my private bathroom.

  Flipping on the light, I studied my image in the long mirror over the vanity basin. My eyes, a slightly lighter shade than my brother’s stared back at me, framed by one of my better assets, long, thick eyelashes.

  Whereas Leo’s hair was dark blonde like our father, I’d inherited my mother’s Swedish looks with ash blonde hair. It was more than ash blonde. It was so pale it looked silvery under the sunlight, or in this case, my overhead light in the bathroom.

  The only thing I was thankful for that I shared with my brother was the same skin tone. We both tanned easily but that was partially due to that bit of Italian blood from dad. He was Sicilian born but had come to Australia with his parents as a baby.

  I poked my tongue out at my image in the mirror before making all kinds of comical faces at myself. With my naturally olive complexion, it at least stopped me from looking all washed out with my nearly white hair and it was a good contrast with my blue eyes. Of course it worked better on Leo with his eyes being a much brighter blue than mine but although I wasn’t a conceited type, I knew with my blonde hair, blue eyes,
pouty kind of lips, generous but not too large breasts, naturally tiny waist, slim thighs and long legs, that I was at least, passably attractive.

  Jeff liked to tell me how hot and sexy I was but staring at myself now, makeup worn off, hair a tangled mess and fatigue making me look pale, I couldn’t really see what it was that he thought hot and sexy.

  Sighing, I ran a brush through my hair until it hung smooth and sleek down my back to my waist. There were times when I wished I didn’t have dead straight hair but on the plus side, it was easy to maintain. Quickly I twisted it into a loose plait for bed and after brushing my teeth, I walked back into my bedroom and with a low moan of satisfaction, I crawled under the sheets.

  I was so damn tired I couldn’t think about how I was going to break the news to Jeff that it was over between us. I couldn’t think at all really and rolling over onto my stomach, I gave into my fatigue and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  Sunlight streaming in through the curtains woke me earlier than I really wanted to be woken and I cursed the fact I’d forgotten to shut them when I’d gone to bed.

  A quick glance at the clock showed it was a little after 8am. That wasn’t exactly the crack of dawn but it was too early for someone who’d finally crawled into bed at 3.30a.m.

  Groaning I threw back the covers and sat up, feeling the beginning of a headache. It would be from the little sleep I’d had. I always got a headache if I didn’t get enough sleep or I was stressed about something. The combination of a late night and worrying about how I was going to break it off with Jeff made the perfect cocktail for a headache. I was going to need pain killers and coffee; lots and lots of coffee.

  Climbing out of bed I made my way to my bathroom and after taking care of business and splashing cold water over my face in an attempt to bring myself back to something that resembled the living, I left my bedroom and headed for the kitchen.

  Before I got there, the smell of bacon cooking greeted me and when I rounded the corner I found Leo standing in the kitchen wearing nothing but an apron, whistling as he flipped the sizzling rashers over in the frying pan.


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