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Sex God

Page 2

by J. a Melville

  “Bloody hell Leo, my eyes, my fucking eyes.” I cried, slapping my palms over them to block the image of my brother’s ass from my view.

  “You shouldn’t be up so early. I thought you’d lie around until midday or something?” I heard his voice close by and I could only assume he was walking past me but I had no intention of opening my eyes to look. I didn’t want to risk seeing any more of my brother than I’d already seen.

  Once I was sure he’d left the room I moved over to the frying pan and snagged a rasher of bacon, shifting it rapidly from hand to hand to avoid being burnt as I took a bite. Leo was lucky. He’d inherited what I called the cooking gene. He was as good a cook as my parents. My father being of Italian descent was a really good cook, but something went wrong with me. I could handle the basics, soup, hard boil an egg, really simple stuff. Anytime I got too adventurous and it all went to shit. Leo was younger than me by three years and it was just as well we lived together otherwise I’d starve to death or die of food poisoning or something if I didn’t have him to cook for me when he was home.

  “Hands off the bacon and step away from the frying pan.” Leo’s sudden appearance back in the dining area near the breakfast bar, made me jump. I spun around, sure there was guilt written all over my face, but I still held the last half of the bacon rasher I’d scored in one hand. I wasn’t giving it up without a fight.

  Fortunately this time when I looked at Leo, he was dressed in jeans and a plain white tee-shirt which accentuated his tanned skin.

  “Can you refrain from wandering around the apartment naked from now on?” I waved the half a bacon rasher at him as I spoke. “I live here too you know and I can certainly do without seeing your ass first thing in the morning.”

  Leo grinned. “Well, just as well Jasmine and Prudence think this is a mighty fine ass.” He slapped a hand over one cheek and I groaned, rolling my eyes to the ceiling as if in search of divine intervention.

  His words echoed in my head and I realised what he’d just said. “Jasmine and Prudence?”

  Leo’s teeth flashed again, his tanned skin making them look even whiter than they were. “I have company.” He sounded smug.

  I frowned, stepping closer to him. “You’ve got women here?” I hissed. “How long have they been here? Were they here when I got home?”

  He shrugged. “They’ve been here all night. Obviously we didn’t keep you awake so that’s good.” Leo walked past me to continue preparing breakfast.

  “Two women; you have two women here? You are such a whore. So what are they doing now?”

  Again Leo just shrugged. “They’re sleeping. It was a busy night.” He shot me another grin and I rolled my eyes in response. “I’m cooking breakfast. We worked up an appetite. Well I did. I’m sure when they wake they’ll be hungry too. I’ll feed them, then send them on their way.” He pushed all the bacon to one side and began cracking eggs into the pan. “I’m not a whore. I just like sex and if women are going to beg me for it, who am I to say no?”

  “So you’re going to try and claim this is some kind of community service you’re providing, is that it?” I scoffed.

  Leo chuckled. “You could say that. I’m a pussy cat compared to some. You should see Shay in action. Women call him the Sex God. I met him at the gym a couple of months ago and we’ve been to the club a few times together to look for more women who need…” He paused for a moment looking over at me. “Women who need that community service or servicing, depending on what you want to call it.” He eyed me up and down for a moment. “Now if anyone could use some decent servicing it’s you sis. You have that uptight, constipated look about you. When was the last time the Missionary Master gave you an orgasm you thought would kill you it was that fucking good?”

  My mouth fell open briefly before I closed it again, hitting Leo on the arm as hard as I could. “You didn’t just ask me about my sex life.” I growled. “It’s got nothing to do with you what Jeff and I do in bed.”

  Leo made a dismissive noise at me. “I’ve had to endure your sex life sometimes when lover boy is here, remember? Listening to people having sex should be enough to give me a boner. Walking in on you two should have been enough to make me wish I was getting it on with some hot babe too. I didn’t though. I felt embarrassed for you. When I saw him lying on you, pounding away and you looking positively bored with the whole thing? Well, that was just sad. All I could hear was the headboard of your bed banging on the wall and finally him calling out your name loud enough that all the neighbours probably know who you are now. But you know what the sad thing is? I didn’t hear a single peep from you. Not even a solitary squeak, cry, scream or moan. Nothing, nada. Is he really that bad or are you frigid?”

  “I’m not frigid.” I balled my hands into fists by my side, my teeth clenched as I answered him. “You shouldn’t have barged in on us as you did that time and you shouldn’t be listening to us either. That’s just rude.” I felt unexpected tears burning at the backs of my eyes and a lump began to form in my throat. “I’m not frigid. I’m not frigid. I like sex. I really do…I do…like…I’m not…not…frigid.” I gasped; my voice thick with emotion. When I fell silent, I could contain my tears no more and they began to flow down my cheeks, as I sobbed quietly.

  “Holy fuck Lyla, I was just messing with you. I’m sorry, fuck, don’t cry.” Leo’s voice soft and filled with concern was the last straw and my tears fell faster and heavier. “Come here.” He pulled me into his arms and I sobbed into his tee-shirt. “I’m sorry sis. I’m an interfering asshole I know. Don’t take the shit that comes out of my mouth so seriously. I just don’t want you settling ok? I think Jeff has all the personality of a dead fish. You could do so much better than him.”

  I listened to him as I sobbed and realised that despite his less than subtle way of wording it, that he was right. I had wasted a lot of time on Jeff and I had settled. Why I wasn’t even sure. Maybe it was because dating was so damn hard and I’d fallen into the pattern of accepting what I had rather than looking for more. I’d stopped believing that I deserved more and I’d stopped demanding more when it came to sex.

  I rubbed my face on Leo’s chest and let him comfort me with the hand he smoothed down my back. When my tears finally stopped, I raised my head to look up at him through tear soaked lashes.

  “I’m sorry. I made you all wet.”

  He gave me a crooked grin. “Nah, I shouldn’t have been such a dick. You always bite so well and I can’t help myself sometimes.”

  “The thing is, you’re right. Not about being frigid.” I shook my head vehemently. “My sex life is dull. Would you believe I was working out my shopping list during it last night?” I asked before I realised what I’d just said to my brother and I blushed, dropping my head down so I wouldn’t see his expression at my revelation.

  “Why keep him around if he’s not floating your boat?”

  That got my head up to meet his eyes again. “That’s just it. I decided last night that I’m done, but it was late and I knew if I broke it off with him then, we’d be up all damn night with him either going ballistic or trying to talk me out of it.” I sighed, lowering my head again. “I chickened out in other words. I’m 27 years old and I finally realised I don’t want to just settle with someone. I want the sparks and the passion. I want to be driven near crazy by a man and for him to not treat me like a fucking hole to stick his cock in and out of until he comes. Is it so much to ask? I’ve had some passion challenged men in my life. Maybe it is me? Maybe I just get the dicks who don’t know how to use their dicks? I need a dick that isn’t attached to one. Is that possible?”

  “That would be called a vibrator sis.” Leo joked before sobering. “Maybe you just haven’t found that one that floats your boat? Maybe you shouldn’t be always looking for a boyfriend. Stop wanting a man as a fucking keepsake. Play the field. Do what I do. Whore around a bit. I was joking earlier, but really, I should introduce you to Shay. I know how to show a girl a good time, sometimes more than
one at a time but obviously I’m not suggesting incest.

  You’re my sister, I love you and we’ve always been able to talk about anything, including each other’s sex lives or my sex life at least. I know you’re not happy. I can see it in your eyes. Instead of looking for a boyfriend, let yourself enjoy some mind blowing sex, then walk away and continue on with life, even if that means finding another dead in the sack boyfriend. Shay might be the one to show you what it’s like. The ladies do love him and I’ve seen his back at the gym. Either he’s got some fucking large cat locked away in his apartment or women are taking chunks of his DNA home with them under their fingernails when they claw the crap out of him. Somehow I doubt they’re clawing him in an attempt to get away. Think about it. I can introduce you to him if you like.”

  My heart lurched in my chest. God, it was frightening how tempted I was, but crazy that I would even consider having sex with someone I didn’t know. Could I do that? Take a night of passion like I read about in romance books and walk away?

  I’d just opened my mouth to answer him when two tall, walking, talking Barbie dolls appeared in the doorway. They were both wearing nothing more than a tee-shirt each which I recognised as my brother’s.

  “Aww honey bunny, whatcha doing out here?” One of them asked Leo as she battered clearly fake and exceedingly long lashes up at him. She tossed her purple hair out of her eyes. I wasn’t imagining it, and I wasn’t imagining the ‘come hither’ look she gave my brother either. Did he seriously fall for all that battering and hair tossing bullshit?

  “Yeah baby, that bed of yours is so big and lonely without you in it.” The other one, slightly shorter and with a pixie hair cut that was coloured half black and half red, pushed out a lip in a pout as she too stared up at my brother.

  I turned from them, rolling my eyes and silently groaning. Seriously, I knew Leo was a man whore but couldn’t he at least look for a woman or women with something between the ears and with a bit of a natural look? It didn’t have to be about sex all the time, did it? My brother’s face answered my question. Clearly, going by the lazy smile he was giving both women, it was all just about the sex.

  “Ugh.” I threw my hands up, backing away from my brother. “I’m outta here. I’ll leave you to…to your…to…oh fuck it, I’ll leave you to whatever it is you’re up to.” I muttered. “We’ll talk later.” I shot him a glance but he was too busy staring at the bimbos before him while rubbing a hand lazily across his chest. I rolled my eyes again. I didn’t have to be a genius to know he was no longer thinking with the head between his shoulders.

  “Men.” I spat the one word out, shooting a final look at the trio in the kitchen before hurrying back to my bedroom.


  “Oh shit…shit…fuck…fuck…fuck…I’m…I’m…I’m COMING!” The last word was screamed so loudly I wondered briefly if I might receive some noise complaints from the neighbouring apartments.

  As the delicious feel of the blonde’s pussy muscles tightened around my cock, trying like hell to milk my release out of me, I felt nails clawing at my back and winced as she opened up the skin across my shoulders.

  Damn, every time it healed the next bit of pussy I fucked opened the wounds again or added more. My back was starting to look like a messy kind of noughts and crosses grid.

  “Oh…you’re so good at this. I love that you’re pierced. It feels so good…so good.” Tracey, Tanya; I think her name started with ‘T’ smiled up at me, her eyelids heavy with that post orgasmic glow. “I feel like all I want to do now is curl up and sleep.”

  Her words forced a growl from me. No way in hell was that ever going to happen. No women slept with me. I didn’t allow any woman to spend the night. Not now, not ever. Besides, I wasn’t done with her yet.

  “No way baby.” I settled for baby so there was no risk of calling her by the wrong name. “I haven’t come yet and after four orgasms for you, you’re not doing anything until you get me off.” I thrust into her, grinding my pelvis against her so she would feel every hard inch of me still inside her.

  I pulled back until I was kneeling on the bed - my cock still inside her - her legs over my shoulders. She was flushed, her breathing rapid as she stared up at me. A smile made her plump lips curve up. “I can do that for you. How do you want me?” She fluttered her fake lashes at me and I struggled not to roll my eyes at her attempt to be seductive. With only her head and shoulders still on the bed it was hard to pull off a sexy look. I didn’t need her to try and be sexy. I just needed her to help me get off. It was the least she could do given how many times I’d made her come first.

  I didn’t want to look at her though. Too much eye contact and they thought they stood a chance with me. They didn’t. No woman did. All I wanted them for was to fuck but I wasn’t a selfish bastard. I enjoyed the challenge of getting them off too. That was how I’d inadvertently earned myself the title of Sex God.

  The only problem with a title like that was it brought more and more women out of the woodwork. Seriously, they came from all over the country and most of them came thinking they would be the one to change me. They didn’t understand. It wasn’t possible. I was too fucked up for any woman to ever lay claim to my heart.

  I stared down at the woman on my bed and saw that look in her eyes. It was time to finish fucking her, come, and get her the hell out of my apartment. Pulling out of her, I moved down the bed. “Get on your hands and knees. I want to take you from behind.”

  She obliged me, scrambling over onto her stomach before pulling her shapely body up onto all fours. Immediately I felt better. She couldn’t look at me anymore.

  Shifting until I was behind her, I reached out, smoothing my palm over one fleshy ass cheek. My other hand grasped my cock at the base and I rubbed the tip between her legs; back and forth over her wet pussy.

  When I’d teased her enough to have her pushing back towards me - tiny whimpers coming from her - I lined myself up at her entrance - taking her hips between my hands and plunged into her - not stopping until I was as deep as I could go.

  She shrieked, tightening around me as I began to pound into her, using my hold on her hips to pull her body back towards me and harder onto my cock.

  It was a brutal pace and I took a moment to enjoy the way I was treating her. Not caring that her body was being flung about like a rag doll as she struggled to hold her position while I fucked her.

  Slowing down a little, I reached around her and flicked my fingers over her clit until she began moaning. Her moans escalated until she started screaming, her screams announcing that she was about to come. Something the neighbours were probably tired of hearing by now.

  I ground into her while she contracted around me and when she began to come down from her orgasm again, I pulled out of her and watched as she collapsed onto the mattress.

  Ripping off the condom and taking my cock in my hand, I began fisting it hard and fast as I leaned over her back. I’d given her five fucking orgasms and now it was my turn. Stifling the groan that worked its way up my throat I started to shoot my load over her back. It was an exquisitely painful pleasure after denying my release for so long but I kept silent other than my harsh breathing as I watched shot after shot of my cum hit her skin.

  I had my reasons for not being vocal during sex. Groans or moans could be misinterpreted. A woman might think I had really enjoyed myself and sure, shooting my load over her or in her showed that I’d enjoyed myself enough to get off, but being vocal might make her think I was really invested in our time together and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  Apart from being committed to maintaining my title as Sex God, it was also vitally important to me that I kept myself as distanced from women as possible. Some might argue that it was impossible to have sex and keep it from being an intimate act but given I wore condoms and rarely kissed the women, other than a mere touching of lips with no tongue, I argued that it was possible. I had zero interest in getting to know any of the women I fucked.
They were vessels for me to use to destress but I wasn’t such an asshole that I just made my deposit and that was it. I loved the challenge of making them come. I loved the challenge of making them come multiple times and seeing how many times I could make them come before finally seeking my own release.

  A small noise from the woman under me drew my focus back to her and I leaned closer, running a hand up my length to squeeze out the last of my release over her back. Once I was done, I began smearing it over her skin, using my cock as if it was the paintbrush and my cum as the paint.

  When I was satisfied I climbed off the bed and walked through to my bathroom, turning on the shower. I didn’t wait for it to warm up before stepping under the spray, immediately soaping up my body. Now I was done fucking for the evening, I just wanted to get home and get some sleep.

  I had to get the woman in the bed out of here first though. They never realised when I brought them here that this was only my fuck pad. I stayed here occasionally but my real home was on the outskirts of the city and no women ever went there. Some women didn’t handle finding out that they were nothing more than a few hours of pleasure to me. It was never serious. I was never going to be serious. I didn’t have it in me to want more than the one night with them.

  I had no interest in women for anything more than a casual fuck, although I did enjoy making it good for them too. It got them gagging for me and it never grew old watching their expressions when they came apart under me or over me. Not to mention the range of expressions from shocked, to pissed off, to tearful displays when they realised they weren’t getting anything more from me than great sex.

  I knew I was fucking good. They screamed it at me often enough and I had earned myself the nickname of the Sex God. At 24 years of age, it was a title I was proud to have earned.


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