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Sex God

Page 3

by J. a Melville

  Chapter Three

  When I walked out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around my hips and another one in my hands which I used to dry my hair, Tanya, I think it was Tanya was still lying in the bed, sprawled out on her stomach, my cum drying on her back.

  “You’re still here?” My tone was cool. I was stating the obvious, but hopefully she’d realise by my tone that the fun was over and it was time for her to go home.

  She turned her head towards me, her expression sleepy. Her eyes moved over me lazily and I sighed. This one was going to be one of the harder ones to shift. I could just tell.

  “Why aren’t you in bed?” Her voice was husky as she stared up at me. “Come back to bed. I’m not done with you yet.”

  I ignored her as she stretched a hand out towards me and instead walked over to the cupboard, grabbing a pair of jeans which I stepped into before pulling on a plain black tee-shirt.

  When I turned towards her again, she was still watching me and I knew I looked fucking good. It wasn’t that I was conceited; I just knew it was a fact. Women didn’t throw themselves at ugly men.

  I straightened, folding my arms over my chest and tightening my muscles so she would get her best eyeful of me. They say men are shallow, only attracted to women they think are beautiful, but women are just as shallow.

  Let’s face it, they weren’t interested in me for my brain and since I never revealed my financial status to them, I knew they weren’t after me for my money. No, it was all about the looks for them too.

  I knew exactly what she was seeing from my six foot three frame, with dark brown hair that had natural chestnut highlights through it. I wore it long. Not ridiculously long, just a bit beyond my shoulders and usually tied back in a neat ponytail.

  My eyes were one feature I knew sucked in the ladies. They were a pale blue but on closer inspection a silvery grey colour fanned out from the blue.

  I had a toned body from working out at the gym but I wasn’t interested in becoming too bulky. My shoulders were broad, my waist narrow and my ass tight, or so I was told.

  I didn’t do like so many other men at the gym; I didn’t shave or wax my chest, instead opting to keep my chest hair. Women didn’t seem to mind it and I was lucky in that it wasn’t at all thick. It was literally only a fine spattering of hair over my chest which narrowed down to a thin strip that led all the way down to my cock. I kept the hair trimmed neatly around him because he and I had to do a lot of work servicing the local women and any female tourists who wanted a holiday fuck.

  Of course to me, my best asset was my cock. I knew I was well hung. I knew I was bigger than the average male. I didn’t need to get out the measuring tape to confirm that. Women chose to scream it at me on a regular basis. Or whisper it almost reverently, as their eyes bugged out of their heads when they saw him for the first time.

  Speaking of screaming I suspected I was about to hear some of that and not screams of passion either. Getting my apartment emptied out of the woman who still lay in my bed was my top priority right now. I knew it made me an asshole, fucking women and then tossing them out like last week’s leftovers but I never promised them anything more than sex.

  I considered myself a considerate asshole though. I might use them for sex and send them home again but not without giving them a few orgasms first. They should be thankful for the orgasms and not sully the evening by trying to snuggle. I didn’t snuggle and I didn’t cuddle. Just the thought of doing either nearly made me break out in a cold sweat.

  “I need you to get up, get dressed and go home.” I said, scooping up Tanya’s clothes from the floor and tossing them at her.

  She frowned, the first hint of confusion showing on her face. “But I thought I was staying the night?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry sweetheart but no woman stays the night. No woman has ever stayed the night and I’m not making you the exception.”

  Tanya pulled herself up off the bed, her face darkening. “You’re throwing me out? Just like that? We had sex, great sex. I thought we’d get to have more.”

  “I don’t do repeat performances. I asked you if you wanted to have the best sex of your life. I didn’t ask if you wanted to stay. I didn’t ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend. I gave you several orgasms, great orgasms too, so now it’s time to say goodbye. Why do you women always think my words mean more? There is no fine print. It is what it is. Now it’s time to part company.”

  “Can I have a shower first? You cum is all over my back.” She snapped clearly stalling.

  “It’s dried on you so no, you can have one when you get home. Get dressed and get out. I can call you a cab.”

  She shot me a look that might have made a lesser man crumble, but I wasn’t a lesser man. “Fuck you. You are an asshole.” I watched as she began to pull her clothes on with a series of jerky angry movements.

  “I’m not going to argue with you on that one Tanya.” I agreed with her completely. I was an asshole.

  Her mouth dropped open, anger flashing in her eyes and hot colour rose in her cheeks. “Oh you bastard. You fucking bastard. My…name…is…Taylor.” She screeched at me. “You can’t even remember my fucking name?” She dragged her tank top over her head and scrambled around for her shoes, stepping into them. “You really are the asshole to end all assholes. How long do you think you can get away with treating women like sex objects?” She snapped.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “For as long as you women treat me like a prize winning stallion and want to mount me. Don’t act like I’ve treated you badly. You got a hell of a lot more orgasms out of this arrangement than I did.”

  “You are still a low life bastard.” She sneered before storming from the room. I listened to the clatter of her heels across the wooden floor of my living room before the door was pulled open and slammed shut again so violently, I flinched at the violence behind it. At least when blissful silence followed I could relax. I’d finally managed to drive her from my apartment.

  I walked from the bedroom and headed for the balcony so I could keep an eye out for her to be sure she was gone. After a few minutes I saw her leave the building and walk away, anger still evident in the way she moved. She had a mobile phone up to her ear so I could only assume she was calling a cab or something.

  When one pulled up about ten minutes later, I watched her climb inside and once it merged back into the meagre late night traffic, I turned off the lights and exited the apartment too, riding the elevator to the underground carpark.

  I smiled when I unlocked my convertible Porsche 911 Turbo. One of the benefits of having money was being able to own nice cars. Nearly $200,000 worth of car and no one knew I had it. I couldn’t tell anyone or show anyone or they’d realise just how wealthy I was.

  I kept a cheaper car for when I went out with friends, although in actual fact, my friends were few and far between. I didn’t let anyone get too close, male or female. Leo was probably the only person I considered a friend, despite having only known him a few months. We were similar creatures, both enjoying the pleasures of women without the commitment. We understood one another and although I hadn’t revealed that much of myself to him, he didn’t seem to care. In fact, Leo didn’t seem to care about much at all, except for when he was going to get his next dose of warm, wet pussy.

  Starting the Porsche’s engine I inhaled deeply, relaxing into the soft black leather. The smell of it and the overall new car smell calmed me, soothed me, and with a grin at my image in the rear view mirror, I pulled out of my parking space and left the carpark, turning the Porsche towards home, my real home.


  “How can you do this to me; to us? We’ve been together for three years, three…fucking…years. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” Jeff looked at me with tears swimming in his eyes, effectively making me feel crappier than I was already feeling.

  ‘Stay strong.’ My inner voice nearly drowned out my boyfriend’s words. No, wait; ex boyfriend’s words. My inner voice was right. I co
uldn’t let his pain guilt me into backing down. I didn’t love him. The sex hadn’t done it for me for a long time. I wasn’t naïve enough to expect fireworks every time. To expect that electric current to pass through us when we touched as was so often described in romance books. I’d touched so many men over the years waiting for that fabled jolt of electricity to tell me, this is the one. Until I realised of course, there is no such thing.

  “I’m sorry.” I murmured, unable to come up with anything better than that. Clearly I was hurting him by ending things. But I would hurt him more if I told him exactly how I felt. The truth was, for me the sex sucked and although I loved him, it was much the same way I might love a friend or sibling. I wasn’t in love with him. I wasn’t attracted to him. The flutters in my stomach that I’d once felt for him had died long ago. My heart no longer missed a beat when he spoke to me or smiled at me. Hell, it didn’t even speed up during sex anymore because there was no excitement, no passion and certainly no fucking orgasms to kick start it into a frantic rhythm.

  “You’re sorry? You’re fucking sorry? That’s the best you can come up with? I love you dammit. I thought we’d get married one day; have kids. I thought we would be forever.” His voice cracked on the last word and I winced, hating that I was hurting him, because he wasn’t a bad person. He just wasn’t right for me and I sure as hell wasn’t right for him. He deserved to be loved and I hoped one day he’d find it, but it just wasn’t going to be with me.

  “I’m sorry Jeff. I don’t know what else you want me to say? I don’t want to hurt you but if we stayed together, I’d be lying to you and you should be with someone who will give you what you want.” I reached up to touch his cheek, but he pulled away from me.

  “Don’t fucking touch me. Don’t you dare fucking touch me. Don’t be hypocritical enough to dump me and pretend you care about me.” He snapped. “You know what? Fuck you then. Turn your back on three fucking years of my love and three fucking years of great sex. I made you come every fucking time too. Good luck finding someone else who can give you the kind of sex I gave you.” His look when he ran his eyes down my body was filled with contempt.

  Wow, this was going to shit rapidly. Now his behaviour was starting to piss me off, enough that I wanted to set him straight on a few things.

  “You’re delusional Jeff.” It was my turn to snap at him. “I did love you once and the sex was good in the early days, but not for a long time.”

  He shot me a sneering look. “Bullshit Lyla. I always make you come and you know it.”

  My jaw dropped at his expression. Stupid man. Why did they always think they were sex gods?

  “I faked it you idiot. I’ve been faking it for months. Months and months, and months.” I got right up in his face, my anger boiling over.

  “You’re lying. I can tell the difference between faking it and real passion.” He shot back, looking so damn confident that he knew best.

  “Oh you mean this real passion?” I asked, stepping away from him. Raising my hands to my breasts I cupped them and squeezed, tipping my head back. “Oh Jeff…harder…harder…fuck me…oh…oh…oh…I’m coming…I’m coming…OH JEFF !” I screamed, my voice throaty with passion; fake passion. I moaned a few more times, bringing the moans down to whimpers, then sighs until finally falling silent. When I was done, I brought my head forward, dropping my hands from my breasts as I opened my eyes again, shooting him a smug look. “You mean that kind of real orgasm?”

  Jeff simply stared at me and I watched the hurt bloom in in his eyes, followed by pain, anger and finally humiliation which stained his cheeks red.

  “You bitch.” He said softly, his voice trembling. “Fine, we’re done. I hope I never see you again.” He stormed towards the door before spinning to face me again. “You know what? You can blame me and tell me I didn’t know how to please you, but have you ever considered you’re just a cold, frigid bitch?” He asked bitterly.

  My mouth fell open at his words but before I could think of something scathing to toss back at him, I noticed my brother standing just inside the apartment, a shocked expression on his face. That was bad enough but when I realised he wasn’t alone I prayed for the floor to open and suck me in. The man with my brother wasn’t all open mouthed, like Leo. No - he was grinning - perfect white teeth showing brightly against his bronzed skin.

  Jeff barely acknowledged them as he opened the front door and walked out, slamming it so hard behind him the pictures on the wall threatened to fall off their hooks.

  With him gone my focus shifted back to Leo and his companion and when I realised from their expressions that they’d witnessed my award winning performance of a fake orgasm, it was my turn to blush as red as a ripe tomato.

  Leo was the first to break the awkward silence. “So I’m going to put it right out there and guess that you just broke it off with lover boy?”

  I nodded. “Yeah but it didn’t go so well.”

  He snorted. “Ya think? You just humiliated him Lyla. No man wants to have it pointed out to him that he’s a failure in the bedroom. You might as well have pulled out your sharpest knife and cut the man’s dick off. He’s going to feel like he’s just been emasculated.”

  “He was being a dick. I couldn’t help myself. I tried to break it off with him peacefully and without hurting him but he was so convinced we’d had the perfect relationship. He thought that we were forever and that the sex was mind blowing.” I stopped, sucking in a deep breath before closing my eyes and cringing when I realised I’d just said all that in front of Leo’s silent companion.

  “Well, my guess is you won’t have to worry about him trying to win you back.”

  “Probably not.” I ground out. “Now that I’ve completely humiliated myself in front of my brother and-?” I shot a quick questioning glance at the other man. “I think it’s time to exit, stage right before I do anything else to further my level of embarrassment.” I moved towards the doorway that would take me to my bedroom and a place to hide until Leo’s friend left.

  It was bad enough that Leo had seen me faking an orgasm, but worse that his friend had witnessed it too. I had no idea who he was, but hot damn, he was gorgeous. He was sex and sin on two legs. He was the most attractive man I’d ever laid eyes on. He screamed danger and heart breaker, and everything I normally avoided in a man. Just looking into his stunningly handsome face made me realise it was even more important that I get the hell away from him and back to my room.

  “You can’t go until I introduce you to my friend Lyla.” Leo called halting me before I could make my frantic dash out of there. “This is Shay, a friend of mine. We met at the gym a few months ago.”

  I froze at the name. Oh fuck so this was Shay? I knew that name. Leo had told me about him, what women whispered about him. Holy fuck, so this was the fabled Sex God himself and turning back to face him, I could see exactly why he’d earned that name, and I didn’t need to spread my legs to know that he would be well and truly worthy of that title.

  Chapter Four


  So this was Leo’s sister. His older sister. I needed to remember that. Her skin was flawless; a perfect mask that covered exquisite cheekbones and gave no hint that she was actually three years older than me and Leo.

  I stood studying her, letting my eyes drift slowly down the front of her; not letting one single inch miss my inspection. I could see a lot of her brother in her, although her features were far more feminine and of course she was way more attractive than Leo. She was beautiful. Probably the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen and I knew she was going to be trouble when my cock stirred in my jeans.

  Her eyes were stunning, a bright shade of blue, but not as deep a shade as her brother’s I noticed. Her hair was such a pale blonde, it was like a silvery halo around her and when I saw just how long the straight strands hung down her back, I couldn’t get the image out of my head of that hair wrapped around my cock or spread over my pillow.

  Her lips were perfectly shaped with
the bottom one plump and just begging for a kiss. Her neck was slender; her breasts were the right size from what I could see of them where they were outlined by the tight fit of her dress’s bodice. They weren’t too big or too small and my palms tingled with the desire to cup them and explore them for myself.

  She had a tiny waist. I bet I could span it with my fingers. Then there was the gentle swell of her hips and although she was wearing a dress, it was fitted enough for me to see she had a great ass and long legs. Damn, they were long legs and again I felt my cock stir at the thought of those long legs wrapped around my hips.

  My eyes made their way back up her, taking note of the floral covered dress she wore until I met the confused mix of emotions swirling in her baby blue irises.

  There was still some colour tainting her cheeks and it made me want to see that colour flood her cheeks for an entirely different reason.

  When Leo’s words to his sister finally registered with me, I turned to him. What had he been telling her about me? I frowned, feeling at a distinct disadvantage all of a sudden.

  “What have you been saying about me?” I asked, curious as to why he would have been discussing me with her.

  Leo grinned. “Well, I already knew Lyla’s been having a shit time of it with the now ex-lover boy. She always ends up with these uninspiring men because she’s too focused on the happily ever after rather than the happily getting fucked to multiple orgasms. I mentioned to her that you have a reputation for giving the ladies a good time and I thought…” He trailed off and my attention shifted back to Lyla.

  She looked not only horrified, but completely mortified and I felt a moment’s urge to punch Leo in his smiling face. He should not have been discussing me and my reputation with his sister and he sure as hell shouldn’t be bringing this conversation up in front of me which was clearly embarrassing the hell out of her. If he went after women without thinking first and constantly had his foot in his damned mouth, it was amazing he got laid at all.


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