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Sex God

Page 4

by J. a Melville

  The man got nearly as much pussy as I did but if this was his usual approach, the really open, too open approach, I was surprised he didn’t get kicked in the balls rather than the opportunity to empty his balls inside some woman.

  “You’re embarrassing your sister.” I pointed out quietly. “Plus you don’t have the right to push her into something she might not want. You shouldn’t have been discussing me with her, and you sure as hell shouldn’t be parading me out like a prize stud fucking bull. Not to mention you know me and if you’re thinking of me as a potential suitor for Lyla, then you don’t know me all that well.”

  Leo let out a loud burst of laughter. “Don’t be a fucking moron Shay. I’m not parading you like a piece of prime beef. I didn’t suggest you to my sister as a potential new boyfriend. I know how you operate. You and I are alike when it comes to the pussy chase. I’m not going to say anymore or I’ll have my balls handed to me on a platter shortly.” He shot a glance at the frozen blonde beauty. “I think you know what the problem is. Everyone deserves to get laid and get laid fucking well at least once in a lifetime, right?” His eyes turned to me, giving me the once over before he chuckled quietly. “Who knows anyway?” He shot us both a shit eating grin. “Maybe she’ll be the first one who doesn’t think you’re a good looking son of a bitch.”

  “I can’t do this.” Lyla’s voice finally broke the uncomfortable silence that descended. “You had no right Leo. You make me look like-” She fell silent as she lowered her head and her sleek mane of hair swung forward, shielding her face from me. “I’m not some desperate loser who needs to have her brother find someone who will take pity on her and make her feel good for a night. I’m not a charity case.” She raised her eyes again, flashing a look of annoyance at Leo before shooting me the briefest glance. “If you’ll excuse me.” She said, not waiting for either of us to respond before turning and walking from the room.

  “Jesus Leo, what the fuck were you thinking?” I turned on him the minute Lyla had left the room. “Did you tell your sister I could fuck her? You did, didn’t you?”

  Leo raised his hands, stepping back from me. “Alright, alright, so maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea but I’ve watched my sister waste so much of her time on these limp dicked men. I don’t know why. It’s like she doesn’t think she can do better. Or she feels she needs to lose herself to be everything they want and it’s crap, complete and utter horseshit.”

  “So you thought you’d bring me over to fuck her?” I repeated myself, making sure he could hear how pissed off I was. “Was this supposed to be a chance to see if there was any kind of attraction between us or did you intend for me to just go to her bed and fuck her immediately?”

  “You don’t understand.” Leo protested. “I’ve watched her give herself over to Jeff for three fucking years. I’ve had to listen to them fuck when he’s come here, for three fucking years, and in all that time, I’ve only ever heard him announce he was coming. Screaming it like a bloody cavalry charge.” He sighed. “Lyla and I are close. We discuss just about anything.”

  I raised an eyebrow at Leo, before studying him through narrowed eyes. “Isn’t that just a little bit creepy that you listen to your sister and her boyfriend having sex?”

  Leo gave me a knowing look. “You’re telling me you’ve never listened to anyone having sex? Anyway, it’s not like I’ve been standing with my ear pushed up against the wall. The walls in this apartment aren’t very thick and our rooms are right alongside each other. I’d have to be fucking deaf not to hear the fucking headboard banging on my wall or lover boy screaming out his release from her room. Anyway, she confessed it was all shit and she wanted out. This is why we walked in on her dumping him.”

  “That wasn’t her dumping him.” I pointed out. “That was her humiliating him by proving that she's been lying to him in the sack and faking her orgasms. Women really need to stop that shit. A man who knows his way around a woman’s body, knows when she’s faking it, and if she thinks the sex is shitty enough that she fakes an orgasm, why not just be honest and tell him he sucks? Women do this shit and then wonder why their sex lives are crap. They’re giving men false beliefs. They’re feeding them a lie, then bitch and moan about it when the sex continues to be shitty. Stop faking it and start telling him what she wants would make more damn sense.”

  “You don’t need to preach it to me Shay. Women create the problem by lying to men. But in my sister’s defence, I know her. She would have been too worried about hurting Jeff to admit that he wasn’t floating her boat.”

  I found myself reluctantly smiling. “So she spends months with her sexual frustration building and then decides to dump him. But she doesn’t want to hurt him so she performs her own version of the old movie When Harry Met Sally?” I curled up a lip. “Nah, now that’s not going to hurt him at all is it?”

  “Fuck you.” Leo grinned at me. “I suppose I’d better go see if she’s alright. If I know my sister, she’s going to be feeling pretty embarrassed herself right now. Not just because we got to witness her performance but because you’re here and she knows who you are and the affect you have on the ladies.”

  “Let me talk to her.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them. Fucking hell, what was I thinking? Well, I wasn’t thinking, clearly. This was all too much shit for me to deal with. Lyla was beautiful, stunningly beautiful in fact but Leo said she’d always been in relationships and I didn’t do relationships. As tempting as it was to prise those slim thighs of hers apart and show her what sex should be like, it was too risky laying even one finger on someone like her. It would be better to walk away so why the fuck had I just offered to go see her?

  “Dude, she’ll probably flip out if you show up at her door.” Leo warned me.

  I shot him a grin. “All the more reason to be the one to talk to her.”

  “What the hell will you say?” He asked and I knew he’d backed down and could see it made more sense for me to talk to his sister. That or he was being a pussy about how she’d treat him. I could see in my brief time around her that she had spirit and if she unleashed all that spirit on Leo, the man might be looking around on the floor for his balls.

  “I have no fucking idea. I’m just going to wing it.” I turned towards the doorway where Lyla had gone. “Where’s her room?”

  “Second door on the right.” Leo told me and with a brief nod to him, I left the room and walked the short distance down the hallway to Lyla’s door.

  Pausing, I took a deep breath, feeling my heart begin a rapid tattoo and I realised I was nervous. I didn’t normally do nervous, so I had no idea why I felt this way now. It was enough that I hesitated, feeling much like a young colt about to flee danger, so before I could change my mind, I manned up and knocked on Lyla’s door.


  I frowned when I heard the quiet knock on my bedroom door. What did Leo want now? I’d just been caught in the act of being a bit of a bitch to Jeff and my behaviour hadn’t just been witnessed by my brother, it had also been seen by the gorgeous lump of man meat he’d brought with him.

  “Go away Leo.” I called out and flopped down on my bed, letting my breath out on a gusty sigh.

  The door opened taking me by surprise and without looking towards it, I told my brother to bugger off.

  “Leo was concerned for his balls I suspect, so I offered to come and speak to you.” The deep voice that flowed like warm honey over me was enough to have me shooting upright on my bed again. Wide eyed with shock I stared at Shay. Having someone who exuded so much animal magnetism and downright physical beauty made me feel like my bedroom had been reduced to the size of a broom closet. The man sucked all the air from the room. Either that or he simply left me breathless.

  Fighting not to open and close my mouth like a goldfish going through the death throes or even worse, my voice coming out as little more than a squeak, I fought for cool and calm before I attempted to answer him.

  “I have no idea why you feel the
need to speak to me. I don’t know you and I’m not one for spilling all my inner most thoughts to a perfect stranger.” I said, realising that the word perfect before stranger really applied to him. The man was perfection and if it wouldn’t be weird to do it, I’d have happily stared at him all day.

  He stepped forward; approaching my bed slowly, like one might approach a flighty animal. The closer he got, the more I felt myself tensing up.

  When he was finally before me, I felt colour heat my cheeks when I realised I was on eye level with his crotch. As embarrassing as that was because I worried he might think I was staring at him, I couldn’t help but notice that the size of the bulge in his jeans was pretty impressive.

  Dropping my gaze to the floor for a moment, I finally gave into temptation and began the slow perusal up the man’s body. He wore black boots on his feet; big black boots. Clearly the man had large feet. I felt my cheeks heat when staring at them made me think of his penis size.

  Raising my eyes, I took in the charcoal grey denim jeans that followed the long length of his legs, showing off strong thighs and a trim waist accentuated by a wide black belt.

  Moving on up, I took note of the close fitting black tee-shirt which hugged his flat stomach, wide shoulders and mouth-watering pecs and biceps. My god the man had a body that was every woman’s wet dream.

  He was built exactly the way my fantasy man was built; fit, strong, athletic but not a powerhouse. I wasn’t turned on by men who were bulging muscles on top of bulging muscles. That huge beefy look just didn’t do it for me.

  When I could finally drag my eyes away from his body, I moved my hungry gaze over a firm chin covered with several days’ growth. It wasn’t thick enough for a beard but it was too much for a five o’clock shadow. It was somewhere in the middle and it looked damn fine on him; especially against his olive skin. Either this man was a sun worshiper or he had other blood in him that made it look like he was deeply tanned.

  Unable to look away, I ran my eyes over his full bottom lip and nicely shaped top one, a straight nose and thick, dark hair with lighter highlights through it. He wore it longer than I normally liked but it was all slicked back and contained in a neat ponytail that finished at about shoulder length.

  Once I’d studied what felt like every strand on the man’s head, I brought my focus back to his eyes and as soon as mine locked onto his, I lost the ability to breathe yet again.

  They were a stunning shade of blue. A quite unique shade actually, being a sort of pale blue but with silvery, grey flecks that seemed to radiate out from his pupils. I stared into them, trying to get air into my lungs as I looked at the thick, long lashes that framed them and cursed the fact a man had the kind of lashes most women would kill for.

  Finished with my visual exploration of him, it registered that amusement was visible in those eyes that held me captive and I blushed again, dropping my head forward and staring at my feet.

  “Do I make you uncomfortable?” He asked and my eyes shot up to his again.

  “This whole situation makes me uncomfortable.” I muttered. “You walk in while I’m insulting my ex and I know my brother’s been telling you about my sex life, just to add to my total humiliation, and I’m sure you’re looking at me and thinking what a pathetic loser I am. Leo had no right to say anything to you and I seriously can’t imagine hiring or asking you, or whatever it is that women do to get you to…to umm…to show them a good time?” I finished on a high pitched squeak.

  “So your brother told you that I would be able to…” He paused for a moment. “Service you? Is that what he told you?” He sighed heavily. “I swear when he first suggested I come over that I had no idea of his ulterior motive. To be honest I thought he was going to try and play matchmaker or something. No offence but I don’t do relationships…ever.” He punctuated the last word by slicing his hand through the air as if to underline it. He needn’t have bothered. I got it. I was getting the memo loud and clear.

  I felt another wave of embarrassment pass over me when I realised that my brother had tried to take matters into his own hands and not set me up with this man as a potential boyfriend but as a lay. I felt like an even bigger loser now and all before a man who wasn’t just the epitome of a sex god, he was the Sex God.

  “Ugh.” I groaned, slapping my hands over my eyes as if by blocking my view of him I could pretend he wasn’t there. It didn’t work though and it sure as hell didn’t work when I felt my bed dip as he sat down by my side. As soon as he did, his aftershave drifted to me, filling my nostrils, making me even more aware of him. Not only was he gorgeous but he smelt amazing, even more so because of the aftershave he was wearing.

  Ever since I’d been a small child I’d loved the scent of Brut. It was an old fragrance these days. Men had a much bigger selection of aftershaves available to them, but something about Brut just drove me crazy. Knowing that Shay was sitting next to me wearing the aftershave that was almost like my drug of choice, had me fighting not to bury my nose in his neck, and breathe him in until I’d had my fill. I threw my head back, my mouth falling open as I frantically sucked in air, in an attempt to get my hormones and senses back under control, all the time feeling like such a fool for behaving the way I was.

  “Are you alright?” I could hear the concern in his voice and I turned my head to him, my breathing loud and rasping as I struggled for air. “Deep breaths Lyla; you’re going to hyperventilate. Shit, take it easy. Watch me.”

  He grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at him and once I did, he began to breathe deeply and slowly, and I watched him, following his lead until my breathing began to regulate.

  “Thank you.” I whispered. “I think I was having a panic attack or something.” I turned my eyes from his to hide my embarrassment. I wasn’t sure if that had been a panic attack or whether just his presence and his scent had overwhelmed me.

  “You’re welcome.” His deep voice was soft and I gasped when the hands that still held my shoulders pulled me forward. I tumbled against him and his arms coming around me, holding me to him in what I assumed was an attempt to comfort me. The only problem with that of course was I ended up with my lips against his neck.

  Jesus, this was it. I was going to die. This close to him, touching him, smelling him was going to be too much for my poor fragile heart. It wasn’t helping that he was being nice, comforting as his hand moved slowly up and down my spine in a gentle, reassuring movement. Well, I was assuming it was meant to be reassuring because the reality was, being this close to him I was sure I’d probably have a heart attack. My heart was pounding so hard, so violently he was bound to feel it leaping about with our bodies touching one another.

  Chapter Five


  Damn, what possessed me to hug her? She smelt so fucking good it made me want to bury my nose in her and breathe in her scent. As it was, just smelling her now was making my cock start to sit up and take notice and this was far from the right time for me to be cracking a bar.

  And again, what the fuck made me hug her? I didn’t do warm and fuzzy or cute and cuddly. The only time I held a woman was if she was my mother or I was holding onto my lay for the evening as I fucked her. I didn’t do the whole comforting scene and what the hell was I trying to comfort her for anyway? She wasn’t in tears or about to detonate with any of that crazy female hormonal crap. Well I didn’t think she was. Women could be tricky things though and so often with them, if they seemed calm and controlled, they were seconds off going bat shit crazy on a man.

  “Hmmm…you smell good.” Her voice was muffled where her lips pressed against my neck and I felt a shiver work its way up my spine. She was only talking but the warmth of her breath was like a feather light caress on my sensitive skin.

  Before I had time to react to what she’d said, she pulled back so abruptly she lost her balance and tumbled off the edge of the bed, landing on the floor with a tiny squeal.

  “Holy shit, are you alright?” I asked reaching out a hand with the
intention of helping her up until my eyes fell on her and the sight of her sprawled out on the carpet. Her fall hadn’t been one of grace that was clear. She’d managed to prop herself back up on her elbows but her legs were spread, enough that I could see a strip of black lace under the short hem of her dress. It covered enough of her that I couldn’t see her pussy, but left enough exposed that her dignity was only just intact.

  She must have noticed where my focus was because she turned a brilliant shade of red and hastily scrambled to her feet. Her hands clawing at her dress in an attempt to hitch it back down, but even then, it still only made it to mid-thigh.

  “So…what do I have to do to get you out of my bedroom?” She asked after a few moments’ silence.

  “Kiss me.” The words were out of my mouth before I realised I’d said them and when Lyla’s eyes shot open with surprise, I was sure my expression would be a mirror of hers.

  Her reaction to my question was different to any other woman’s. I was used to them practically throwing themselves into my arms and locking lips in a split second. Lyla however, backed up so quickly she nearly ended up on the floor again in her haste to put distance between us.

  “Look I know you’ve earned the nickname of Sex God and I know my brother thinks I’m some pathetic sad sap and a loser who settles for crappy sex, but seriously, I don’t need you to do some white knight on his noble steed act and show me a ‘good time’.” She used her fingers to air quote ‘good time.’

  “I don’t think you’re a sad sap and I sure as fuck don’t think you’re a loser. I didn’t come here to show you a ‘good time’, I was invited here by Leo and although he mentioned that you were in some shitty relationship as he called it, he never implied that I was here to get in your pants. He chose to hold off revealing his true intentions until after I was here.” I ground out. “I made it clear to him that he was wasting his time. He had no right to imply I could help you and he sure as hell didn’t have the right to drag me here under false pretences. Seriously your brother should know better. You sound like a girl looking for a committed relationship and I don’t do relationships: ever.” I stopped, suddenly realising how harsh my words sounded. “Although I’m sure there are hundreds of men who would love to have you.” I added.


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