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Sex God

Page 5

by J. a Melville

  She gave me a ghost of a smile. “Well, at least we’re on the same page. You don’t want me and I sure as hell don’t want you.”

  I stared at her and for some reason I found her words irritating. She didn’t want me? Well, that was a first. Ok, I wasn’t an arrogant, egotistical asshole. Alright, I was an asshole, but I wasn’t all puffed up on my own self-importance, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t aware of my looks. Women wouldn’t throw themselves at me or beg me to fuck them if I was ugly. Hearing Lyla admit she didn’t want me should make happy. Apparently she wasn’t interested in becoming another notch on my bedpost but for some reason her lack of interest in me brought out my competitive streak.

  Whereas a moment ago I’d been ready to walk out the door and forget I’d ever met Leo’s sister, now I found myself wanting to see if I could tempt her. What would it take to make her want me? I still wouldn’t fuck her though. Fucking the sister of a mate was like shitting too close to where I ate. We’d run into one another eventually and then it would be awkward, and I sure as hell didn’t need that crap in my life.

  I stared down at her, my eyes moving over her beautiful face. God she was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that and watching her faking an orgasm had been something to see. I had to admit to a little curiosity as to how she would look having a real orgasm. Immediately I silently berated myself for even thinking that. I…wasn’t…going…to…fuck…this…woman.

  “So will you leave me alone, please?” She asked and I shook my head to clear it.

  I smiled a slow, lazy kind of smile. The kind of smile I knew could wet pussies - the kind of smile that would give me access to those wet pussies. I lowered my lashes so I could watch her reaction through them before dropping my head to hers, my lips against her ear.

  “I told you, I’ll go when you give me a kiss.” I breathed in deeply, smelling the sweetness of her perfume and something else that teased me, making me want to run my tongue along the outer shell of her ear. “Oh, and you smell good too.” I breathed her in again. “Really…fucking…good.”

  I’d learnt over the years with women that it was all a game. I used certain expressions, mannerisms, my voice and well played words to suck a woman in. After using some of my repertoire on Lyla I straightened to watch her reaction. Unless she was made of stone, my performance should have been enough to spark some kind of response in her.

  “Why?” Was all she said after a moment’s silence. “Why would you want to kiss me?”

  I stared at her, not sure if I should be disappointed over her response. Why did I want to kiss her? Good question. ‘You know why Vidal because you can’t have her and she doesn’t want you, and you never could knock back a challenge.’ My damn inner voice answered for me.

  “Because you know your brother is going to want to know what we did in here and if we both tell him we kissed to see if I might be able to…help you out, we can argue that there was zero chemistry between us. How about that?” I raised my eyes to hers to see her reaction.

  “Can’t we just tell him that without actually kissing?” She asked and I cursed under my breath. She had a point of course but this was personal now. I needed to know if there was any kind of chemistry between us before I got the hell out of there and kept right away from Ms Lyla Costa.

  I stepped closer to her, my hands coming up to cup her cheeks. Lowering my head until my lips were a mere hairs breadth from hers, I whispered. “Sure we could, but aren’t you just a little curious as I am?”

  I lifted my head enough to watch her pupils dilate until I could barely see the blue anymore. Oh yeah, she was feeling it too.

  “No.” She whispered and I smirked. Her lips were saying one thing but her body was clearly saying another.

  “Liar.” I replied before closing the gap and kissing her. As soon as my lips closed over hers, she opened to me and I pushed my way inside, the taste of her exploding on my tongue.

  She was sweet like honey but with a hint of chocolate too and those flavours were an addictive combination that had me wanting more. I deepened the kiss, exploring her, tasting her and feeling a moment’s triumph when her tongue brushed mine, tentatively, slowly, as if unsure she should be doing this.

  Not wanting her to stop and needing to encourage her, I gave in to the groan that was trying to rumble its way up my throat and I knew the sound excited her when she pressed her lips more firmly to mine and her fingers brushed over my shoulders.

  Still I was gentle with her, not rushing her in case I frightened her off. I put everything I could into the kiss, opening wider for her, teasing her with my tongue and feeling a flicker of excitement down my spine when she responded.

  We began a duel of our tongues, dipping in and out of one another’s mouths, tasting and exploring, and feeling the passion beginning to build.

  When she sighed against my lips and her fingers delved into my hair, destroying my neatly groomed ponytail, I let her mess it up. In response, I fisted her silvery blonde mane in my hands and tilted her head further back kissing her harder and with less control than before.

  Again she responded, tugging me closer and fighting the urge to go all Neanderthal on her, beating my chest and bellowing a sound of victory, I dropped my hands down her back until I reached her ass. God she felt good, toned as if she looked after herself but soft enough to still feel feminine in my arms. Cupping her ass cheeks, I dragged her against me, groaning again when the softness of her stomach made contact with my raging hard on.

  Damn, where had that come from? Normally I had more control than this. I didn’t bar up at the first bit of tit or pussy and I didn’t normally bar up at the first handful of ass. ‘Rein it in Vidal’, I warned myself, fighting the demands of my body which were telling me to grind against her. ‘Get the hell away from her.’ My inner voice screamed at me.

  I needed to stop this. I’d proven my point. I’d proven Lyla Costa was not as indifferent to me as she’d tried to make out. I didn’t need to fuck her to know the sex between us would be good, more than good. It would be hot and little Miss Fake an Orgasm would be screaming out as she had a real one, but it couldn’t happen. She was my friend’s sister and I only fucked women I had no connection to. Lyla was the very situation I worked hard to avoid: shitting where I ate. I couldn’t go there. I wouldn’t go there, and with a final squeeze of her ass, I pulled back, releasing her and stepping away, ignoring the throbbing of my cock that threatened to punch a hole through my tight jeans.

  Fighting to control my breathing so she wouldn’t see that I was affected by our kiss, I watched her eye lids flutter open and saw the vague, confused look clouding her powder blue eyes.

  “I think I’ve proven that there is chemistry between us.” I said, pulling the band from my hair and quickly smoothing it back into a neat ponytail. The last thing I needed was for Leo to notice that Lyla had roughed me up a bit.

  “I think I’ve done as you requested and now it’s time for you to leave my room.” She responded, her voice cool although I could hear a faint tremor in her words.

  “Very well.” I ran an eye down myself to be sure I didn’t look like someone who had just been kissing my friend’s sister. I adjusted my erection to try and make it less obvious because if Leo saw it he wasn’t going to buy my bullshit about there being no chemistry between Lyla and me.

  As I stepped forward to move around her so I could get to the door I stopped, bending down to her again. “You are an extremely passionate woman. Don’t settle for anything less than that in the bedroom.” I whispered.

  I heard her faint gasp and her eyes shot briefly to mine before I stepped around her and let myself out of her room.


  When the door shut behind Shay I collapsed on my bed, letting the breath I’d been holding out on a loud sigh. I raised a hand to my face, my fingers trailing lightly over my lips that tingled from his kiss. I could still taste him. I could still smell him; his Brut aftershave and some underlying musky scent. It was his scent. His ph
eromone. That individual scent designed to attract a mate. To draw women to him. To make them want him, and make them want to have sex with him. Well, they worked. They worked like a charm because right now, I was a mass of aching, unfulfilled need.

  It had been one kiss, just one bloody kiss. That’s all it had taken and I was more turned on than I’d ever been. If he hadn’t pulled away, how far would I have let him go? That was the frightening part. I’d probably have let him go all the way, right after denying I had any interest in him.

  I snorted to myself. Nothing good could come of being with a man like Shay. By his own admission he didn’t do relationships. He might have earned himself the nickname of Sex God, but wasn’t that just a glorified name for man whore? Women raved about his ability to make sex pleasurable, memorable even, but somehow to me, that sounded like he got to fuck as many women as he liked and walk away, not committing to any of them. That made him a bit of an asshole in my book. He probably justified his behaviour because he made them all come which blindsided them to the fact he was just using them to get his rocks off.

  Yeah, he was a smooth operator. Set them up with the no commitment speech first, offer them hot sex, dangle the temptation of mind blowing orgasms and they were falling all over themselves to get to him. Shit, he could charge for that service. Maybe he already did?

  Sighing again I stood and walked into my bathroom to splash some water over my face. I needed to freshen up and cool off a bit. I also needed to strongly convince myself that I was lucky that Shay hadn’t attempted to make love to me. Ok, so making love wasn’t the way to describe what he did. Fuck, he fucked. That’s what it was, it was fucking. There was no love involved at all. I couldn’t do something like that because I’d end up feeling used. I should be considering myself lucky that I escaped without becoming just another number to him.

  A knock on my bedroom door drew my attention and I tensed, wondering if the Sex God was coming back for round two?

  “Who is it?” I called, my heart fluttering and my stomach tensing, but when my brother answered I tried to ignore the flash of disappointment I felt that it wasn’t Shay returning.

  He didn’t wait for me to invite him in; he simply burst his way in, his eyes darting around the room before settling on me and studying me like I was some kind of laboratory experiment. I knew what he was looking for. He was looking for evidence; evidence that something had happened between Shay and me.

  “Nothing happened.” I said. “If you’re looking for some kind of evidence to the contrary, then you’re going to be sadly disappointed.”

  “Yeah, Shay said the same thing.” He frowned. “I have to say I’m kind of disappointed in him. He’s got this reputation and I thought he’d try his luck with you for sure. He does love a challenge.”

  I shot him a questioning look. “Are you saying I’m a challenge?”

  “Well, you do have this habit of settling for lame ass men Lyla. Maybe you think it’s weird that your brother wants to see you let your hair down and have some great but meaningless sex? I don’t mean that literally of course but hell, we all need that moment where it feels like the earth moved. You’ve looked down for a while. You put everyone before yourself and even though you’re my older sister, you seem to have lost your spark. It’s hard to explain, but you’re like a clockwork toy that’s winding down. Don’t you want to have some fun? Wouldn’t you like to have some hot sex without all the complications afterwards?”

  “I don’t know if I’m capable of doing that Leo. It’s different for women. Sex means more than it does to men. Our emotions can so easily become involved whereas for men, it’s a release, a way to destress, to let off some steam so to speak. Anyway, you can forget trying to set me up with Mr Sex God himself because there is no chemistry between us.” I lied, trying to keep my tone neutral.

  Leo narrowed his eyes at me for so long I felt like he was seeing right inside me to my soul or something. Finally he grinned. “Yeah, Shay tried to pull that shit on me too but although he might have earned his Sex God title, I’m not an amateur around a woman either you know. “You’re still gagging for it as much as he was.” He rolled his eyes. “He might have tried to convince me he had business that couldn’t wait, and he did try to keep his back to me as much as possible before he left but I’m not blind or stupid. He was sporting the mother fucker of all erections when he bolted out the door and I don’t think it was my sexy self that had him all tied up in knots.” He grinned. “Although I am a handsome bugger, I know.”

  I couldn’t help myself, I cracked up. “Yeah modest too.” I tilted my head to study him. “You know it’s kind of disturbing how much interest you have in my sex life. People would think we have an incestuous relationship or something if they heard us talking.”

  Leo grinned. “Nah Lyla. We’re just close and open with the way we talk. I think having European parents who gave us the birds and bees talk pretty young, not to mention catching them doing the deed more than once, kind of meant we grew up exposed to more than other kids. Mum’s Swedish don’t forget and remember she admitted that she used to walk around the house naked while we were both in school?”

  I nodded. “God, they were like rabbits. There’s just something not right about seeing your parents doing that.”

  Leo chuckled. “I know but that’s why no subject is taboo between us now. Is it so wrong to want to see my big sister happy, even if that happiness comes in the form of one night of hot and sweaty sex? You haven’t been happy in a long time. It’s time you changed that.”

  I winced. “You know you make me feel ancient when you call me your big sister.” I pointed out. Taking the few steps until I was in front of him, I threw my arms around him, hugging him. “I know you care and I love you for it. Ok, I confess, Shay is hot and holy hell when he kissed me, I think I forgot everything including my own name for a while, but I can’t do what you’re suggesting. I know you’re right, I shouldn’t settle for inadequate but I can’t do a one night thing either. I know myself. If the sex was out of this world, I’d want more and he made it quite clear he doesn’t do anything more than one night. Not even that really. More like a few hours or enough for the woman to get off then him to get off, and then he can spend the rest of the evening telling himself how brilliant he is.”

  Leo threw his hands in the air. “Ok, ok I won’t try and push him down your throat again.” He said and I knew I was blushing when the image of Shay’s cock being shoved down my throat filled my head in response to my brother’s words. “So what will you do now?” He asked.

  I smiled. “I’m going to be single for a while. I think I need some time without a man. I’m thinking a girls’ night out with Karen and Ava might be just what I need.”

  Leo laughed. “Sounds like a plan. Alcohol and good company might be just what you need about now.”

  Chapter Six


  I was tense, stressed but then I always was after I’d been to see my father. The man was an asshole. He’d always been an asshole. He’d been an asshole to my mother too and that’s why I blamed him for her death a few years ago.

  She’d been sweet and loving and I’d always felt cherished with her but my father was different. He hated me and made no effort to hide it or pretend otherwise.

  My mother had been fifteen years younger than my father. She was stunningly beautiful and everyone used to say I looked just like her. She was from Spanish blood. Her parents had come to Australia when she was a baby so she wasn’t as fluent as them but she had taught me a handful of words over the years.

  Her family was wealthy, incredibly so and I always believed that it was the money that had made my father pursue her. I’d heard the story about how he’d wooed and courted her and apparently she’d fallen pregnant and not long after that, my parents had married.

  I wasn’t sure if the marriage had been forced on him to save face. Maybe it was forced on my mother given she was from money and her family wouldn’t have wanted the scandal? A p
art of me wondered if he’d insisted on the marriage to get his hooks on my mother’s money. He did love it and he liked to spend it.

  With a father who hated me so much, I was thankful I’d taken after my mother in looks. We both shared the dark hair, although mine had lighter strands which were one of the few things that had come from my father. On him the highlights were blonde whereas mine were a chestnut colour. My mother’s eyes had been the darkest brown, a rich chocolate brown and my father’s a steely grey, so I wasn’t entirely sure where the blue came from, but probably from his side, somewhere.

  My father had come from fairly humble beginnings but he’d been ruthless and intelligent enough to figure out early in life how to make money. The key for him had been real estate. Still real estate only paid so well and he loved money and what it could buy. Around the time he began to live beyond his means and hid his business and financial dealings from my mother was around the time when my life with him went from shit to hell.

  I’d lived for years suffering at the hands of that man. Suffering because of his actions and through it all, my mother never knew. I knew she’d never known because she would never have stayed with a man who treated her son the way my father had.

  When she died I thought I’d be free of him but since her death my father insisted I come to see him each month. I hated that he summoned me and I hated that I obeyed him even though I loathed him every bit as much as he loathed me. It was always the same thing. It wasn’t because he cared about me and what I was doing. No, he cared about how I was spending the money my mother left me. He needed to be sure I wasn’t being irresponsible with it.


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