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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 4

by Madison Street

I couldn’t risk getting anyone else hurt which is why I left; stayed off the grid for so long. After the night with Major, I didn’t return home. Instead, I ran and hid out in a small town by the coast. It was the exact place I needed to hide after that stint in Atlantic City.

  One of the major regrets of my life; thinking that gambling is always a good thing. I should have known better. Instead I let myself get roped into this crazy mess with some guy I had the hots for.

  Typical Dylan, always chasing after the wrong guy. And look where it left me; alone in hiding. The stunt in Atlantic City happened so fast and to be honest, I barely remember it all. I was so drunk and high on life, I don’t know the whole story. All I know is I was with a guy who got into trouble and couldn’t pay his way out of it. And of course, we ran.

  We ran back to Connecticut and I went back to my life as normal, hoping things would die down and our stunt would mold into the past. And it did. For two months, I thought we were safe.

  The morning after my night with Major, I saw one of the henchman sent after us. I had never been so terrified before and knew I had to escape. Once I got back to Connecticut, I told the guy, Brian, that I’d seen one of the henchman.

  He paid no attention to it, but I imagined something worse. I left school and didn’t turn back. Of course, I couldn’t tell my parents and sold them some story about traveling for a journalism internship. After four years on my own, and nothing bad happening to Brian, I decided to head back home and confront my family.

  It wasn’t easy returning home, especially with a child. My parents were pissed and I came clean; hoping they would understood why I did it. Of course, they said I was irresponsible and should have asked for help. But I was young and stupid; my only excuse. I thought running would give them a chance, but I quickly learned that you can’t always run from your past.

  “Mommy, you’re going to be late.”

  A sweet soft voice, brings me out of my trance. I turn toward him and nod with a smile.

  “Okay, I’ll get dressed and then we’ll leave.”

  We walk, in hand, toward the school as the cool fall air blows in the wind. His small fingers unravel from mine as I bend to give him a kiss on the cheek and pull my son into a hug. “Have a good day sweetie.”

  “You too mommy. Good luck with your new job.”

  My boy is my lucky charm.

  I stand and watch as he walks toward the front entrance of the school. Before he steps inside, I shout toward him. “Crew, I love you!”

  Crew turns to face me and waves with a smile.

  I watch as he enters and then race toward the metro. I glance at the time on my watch, hoping I don’t miss the train this time. After frantically rushing with a quickened pace, I make the train just in time and grab an empty seat. An hour train ride into the city, gives me enough time to apply my makeup, fix my hair, and prepare for the interview of a lifetime.

  To even get asked to come in, was may more than I even expected. A chime from my cellphone rings and I glance down to read the text message. One of my good friends, Juliette, sends me a ‘fingers crossed’ emoji with the words ‘Good Luck’ written beside it.

  I smile at her message and send a quick reply. I met Juliette years ago in the city. I had scored tickets to the New York City Ballet and she was their principle dancer.

  Seeing the ballet was always a dream of mine and her performance took my breath away. I just had to meet her and congratulate her on her amazing talent. Since then we kept in touch and when I returned home, I reached out to her. My phone chimes again displaying her response.

  See you after the interview! I can’t wait to squeeze you again.

  I let out a deep breath, mentally relaxing myself as the nerves start to kick in. The train continues its descent toward the city just as the skyline comes into view. New York.

  My second home, well hopefully, one day.


  Luce del Sole

  A deep breath escapes my lips as I hit the button for the tenth floor. Nerves build inside as my palms begin to sweat. I bunch up my fists, forcing myself to relax and breathe like I’m in a Lamaze class.

  The elevator dings, opening its doors of my destination. I glance around the halls, stepping off the elevator, praying I don’t screw this up. I’ve worked so hard to get here at this moment. And even though my plan went off course for a few years, I managed to get it back on track.

  I step inside the office and greet the receptionist with a smile. “Hello, I’m Dylan Gellar. I’m here for an interview.”

  The receptionist motions me to have a seat and I follow, taking a seat at the corner chair. My legs tap impatiently so I place my hand on them, forcing them to stop shaking. A few minutes later, an older gentleman greets me with a handshake.

  “Dylan Gellar?”

  I stand, placing my hand in his, and shake firmly. “Yes sir. That’s me.”

  “Hello, I’m Tim Paxton.”

  “Nice to meet you Mr. Paxton.”

  Our hands let go of one another and I follow him toward his office. He motions me in. “Have a seat Miss Gellar.”

  I sit, crossing my ankles together. “Thank you, sir.”

  Mr. Paxton takes his seat as I slip him a copy of my resume. He glances at it for a few moments and I stay silent, waiting for him to initiate the discussion.

  He turns my resume face down and relaxes in his chair. “So, Miss Gellar. I noticed there was a significant gap in your education. What happened there?”

  Of course, he decided to drop this bomb on me.

  I wiggle in the chair uncomfortably before responding. “Well, I had a child so I took time off school to raise my son. But, as you can see, I returned a couple of years ago and graduated with honors.”

  He sits there quietly for a moment. “So, I see you’re currently at the local station in Connecticut. Have you ever done a story ‘live on air’?”

  “As a matter of fact, I have and I brought a tape of my story, if you’d like to see it.” I motion through my bag before he stops me.

  “No need. So, you’re currently in Connecticut. Do you plan on relocating to the city if the position is offered to you?”

  His question catches me off guard and I decide to respond honestly. “Well, I thought I’d commute on the metro. An apartment in the city is a little out of my price range and the schools are better up north.”

  His lips press against one another and my heart sinks into my stomach. He lets out a deep sigh. “Look, Miss Gellar. I’ll be honest. This is the kind of position that if there’s a story, we need you here within ten, fifteen minutes top. Having to take an hour-long train ride into the city is too long for our standards.

  All of the employees live in the city. There’s lots of long nights in the office and some work weekends. We expect the perfect candidate to be on call at a moment’s notice.

  I interrupt him before it gets worse. “I understand your concern but I can assure you that I will give 100% to this job. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am and I’ve always wanted to work here, ever since I was a little girl.”

  He pinches the brim of his nose. “Yes, I award your dedication but there are other candidates our there with more experience and let’s face it, you’ve only been at one news station. Most of our new hires, have years under their belts. Right now, I don’t think this may be the best option for you. Perhaps, you’ll find something a little closer to home.”

  I decide to stay quiet and accept defeat. “I understand sir. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.”

  I stand, holding my hand out for his. He shakes mine and offers one last piece of advice. “Get some more experience and move into the city. That’s the only way you’ll move up.”

  I nod with a smile. “Thank you. Have a nice day.”

  “It was nice meeting you Miss Gellar.”

  I exit his office, rushing toward the elevator, holding back the tears. As soon as I step inside, the tears flow and sobs of deep despair escape my lungs
. I envision my dream of being a world-renowned journalist crashing before my eyes just as the elevator reaches the ground floor.

  Tears spill down my face as I exit the elevator, hurling past a group of riders and out the building. I glance at my phone to see the time and know I have to meet Juliette in twenty minutes.

  Walking toward the curb, I hail a cab and give him the address of the restaurant where we are meeting. I sit in silence as the cab drives past the crowds of New Yorkers living their life in the city. I should have prepared myself for this a little better. I knew getting this job was a hell of a chance, but it still hurts.

  Before I know it, the cab pulls up at the destination and I pay him his fee. I wipe my face of any tears, glancing at my reflection in the window of the cab. Hoping I don’t have any hidden snot anywhere, I take a deep breath and step inside the restaurant.

  Juliette calls me from a seat by the window. “Dylan! Over here!”

  I catch her waving at me from the corner table and I smile at the sight of one of my dearest friends. She stands up and we greet one another in a tender hug. I put my bag down and take a seat across from her. I can’t believe it’s been so long since we’ve gotten together.

  “It’s been too long.”

  She smiles, “I know! Let’s not lose contact ever again. I’ve missed you. So, tell me how was the interview? Did you get the job?”

  I shrug with a frown. “Unfortunately, I’m not what they need at the moment.”

  A hint of pain hits my chest as I fight the tears from spilling again. Juliette gasps and holds my hand. “Oh shit. I’m so sorry Dylan.”

  “It is what it is. I’ll just continue to work at the station and maybe I’ll work my way up there. Who knows, maybe one day, I’ll anchor the evening news.”

  She smiles at my optimism and nods her head. “That’s exactly the kind of attitude you need to continue. No point in wallowing in your own downfall. Now, what are we eating? They have a great lunch menu.”

  I glance at the menu just as the waitress comes by for our drink order. “I’ll just have a water please.”

  Taking a look at the menu, I notice they have a nice seafood Alfredo so I decide on that.

  “Seafood Alfredo? That’s not really lunch.”

  I laugh at Juliette’s confusion and shrug. “Don’t care, I’ll pay extra if I have to. I want some damn Alfredo.”

  We both laugh in unison just as the waitress returns with our drinks. We give her our meal orders and I take a sip of the ice-cold water.

  “So, tell me. How’s the family? I bet Crew is growing up fast.”

  My face lights up at the sound of my son’s name. “Yes, a little too fast. This morning I walked him to school and he’s like a little man. I wanted to cry so bad.”

  Juliette laughs. “Yea, Cassie is too. She’s got that little spunky attitude with that sass that I just love about her. Of course, Declan, isn’t too keen about her growing up either. She’s been dancing really well and we’re having another recital for her fifth birthday. You should come.”

  “Just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there. And how’s little Henry? Is he getting along with his big sister?”

  Juliette sips her water and nods. “The kids have their riffs now and then, but he does love his big sister. And Cassie is such a big help. She picks out his clothes in the mornings and helps him get dressed.”

  A small smirk displays across my face as I listen. “He’s one year old now, right?”

  She nods. “Yup, one. Before I know it, I’ll have all three of them grown and living their own lives.”

  My brow arches as I give her a puzzling look. “Wait, three?”

  At that instant, her face glows. “Yes, three. I’m pregnant.”

  Happiness and joy soothes all over as I rejoice with Juliette. I stand, pulling her into a congratulatory hug. “Oh my god! Congratulations! When did you find out?”

  “Just recently. It’s all happening so fast but Declan and I couldn’t be any happier right now!”

  I sit back in my seat just as the waitress returns with our meals. “Okay, lunch is on me! I can’t believe you’re having another baby.”

  “Oh, Dylan, you don’t have to.”

  I put up my hand stopping her reluctance. “Please, it’s the least I can do.”

  We give each other warm smiles as we dive right into our meals. The hot goodness of the shrimp with scallops melts into my mouth as the Alfredo sauce brings it all together. The savory taste gives me butterflies of happiness as I try to make each morsel last.

  “Wow, this is really good.”

  Juliette chimes in, “Right? So, so good. This place opened up a couple months ago. Declan and I love this restaurant. Apparently, it’s the owner second location, too. Can you imagine two restaurants having food as good as heaven?”

  I grab the dessert menu from the table and glance at it. “What’s the name of this place?” I read the name with hesitation. “Luce del Sole…hmm. I wonder what means.”

  Juliette answers, “It’s Italian. Declan says it means ‘sunshine’.”

  I choke on scallop for a brief second as she says the meaning. “Did you say sunshine?”

  Juliette’s brow arches with concern. “Yes, you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  As soon as she asks, the waitress returns. “How’s everything tasting, good?”

  Juliette exclaims with delight. “Yes, everything is delicious. Thank you.”

  The waitress turns to me. “And you ma’am? Would you like a refill on that water?”

  The hit of a thousand bricks pound into my chest and I have the urge to suddenly hide under the table. This cannot be happening. It can’t be his place.

  I shake away my silent moment of freak out and respond to the waitress. “Ah yes, a refill is fine. Can you tell me if the owner is here, by chance?”

  Her eyes gleam. “Why yes, he’s in the back? Shall I get him for you?”

  I panic, “Oh no, that’s--”

  Juliette shrieks, interrupting me. “Yes! I’d love to meet him and tell him how amazing the food is!”

  My minor moment of panic instantly turns into a major catastrophe as the waitress walks away to get the owner. I stare at Juliette wanting to scream at her, but I can’t, not wanting to blame her for what’s about to happen.

  I scurry in my seat, glancing at the exit, mentally calculating how quickly I can escape this situation.

  Juliette stares at me with a puzzling look. “Dylan, what the hell is going on with you?”

  My voice trembles as I mumble, “Not now, Juliette. I just can’t see him. Not now.”

  Her head shakes with confusion. “Can’t see who? What are you talking about?”

  Just as I’m about to answer, the familiar faint of that deep voice echoes from the distance. Chills immediately flow down my spine as my heart beats a million miles per minute. I bend my head down, mentally preparing myself for this encounter.

  I can sense his body inching closer from behind me and that sweet, yet sexy hint of cologne confirms my reason for this anxiety attack.

  His voice greets us as he steps to our table. “Ladies, I heard you both loved the food. Thank you for coming out.”

  I watch as Juliette’s eyes grow wide as she sets sight on Major and look up to see him turning toward me. I swallow hard, not knowing how he’ll react.

  “It’s been a pleasure to—”

  Our eyes instantly meet and flashes of our night together spill before me. From the moment he broke my shoe, to our snowball fight, and hot and sweaty night we spent in his bed.

  Major and I stare at one another frozen in place. My mind wonders about what he must be thinking at this exact moment.


  My heart flutters to the sound of his voice as he says my name. I stand, greeting him. “Hi Major.”

  His deep dark eyes send all sorts of emotions coursing through my body as he steps closer and wraps his arms around me. My eyes close, relivin
g each tender moment we shared. He’s got that same scent I’ve missed for so long and his body is still the same, rugged build. We still fit perfectly.

  He pulls away, clearly in shock. “Wow, it’s been a long time.”

  Juliette clears her throat and I curse myself for completely ignoring her. “Ahh sorry. Juliette this is Major.”

  He shakes her hand. “Hi, welcome to my restaurant and thank you for coming.”

  Juliette smiles with grace. “It truly is amazing. My husband regularly come here often. Tell me, how did you come up with the name?”

  I slump in my seat, knowing my cheeks are beet red.

  Major mumbles for a brief second and glances at me. “Well, it means sunshine, which reminds me of the best times of my life.”

  “Awe, that’s so sweet.”

  The waitress returns the check and my glass of water and I immediately suck it down. Major lets out a deep chuckle and I resist the urge to look at him.

  “Well Ladies, I’m so glad you enjoyed the meal.”

  He grabs our check from the table. “This one’s on the house.”

  I rush, holding his hand with the check. “No! You don’t have to do that.”

  Major sends me a reassuring smile, filled with joy and a hint of longing. “Trust me Dylan. It’s the least I can do.”

  He stands upright with honor. “It was nice meeting you Juliette.”

  “Same as you, Major. I’m sure my husband and I will be back soon.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  Major turns to face me. His hand twitches by his side. “It was nice to see you again Dylan.”

  I nod, not knowing what to say. Before I muster up the courage, he turns and heads back toward the kitchen.

  As soon as he clears the distance, Juliette grabs her stuff. I follow hastily, wondering what the rush is. She quickens the pace, heading for the exit. The waitress thanks us for coming and I glance toward the back before I exit, hoping I get to see him one last time.

  Just as I step out of the door, I catch a glimpse of Major in the back hallway and our eyes meet for one split second, before he turns out of my view.


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