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Passion, Vows & Babies: Perfect Strangers (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 5

by Madison Street

  We rush outside, taking steps away from the restaurant. Juliette stops and spins to face me, her face filled with concern. “He’s Crew’s father, isn’t he?”

  Her question catches me off guard. “What? Why would you think that?”

  She huffs. “Don’t bullshit me Dylan. He looks just like him.”

  Tears well up as I break down and spill the secrets I’ve been hiding for so long. I take a couple steps toward Juliette.

  “Okay, fine. Yes, he is.”

  Juliette sighs. “Does he know?”

  I shake my head. “No, he doesn’t.”

  Her face screams with disappointment. “Shit, Dylan. I thought you said Crew’s father was some one night stand and that he left when he found out.”

  “What, I panicked. And besides, it’s complicated. A small portion of that story is true, though. We did have one night together.”

  With a stern look, she sets me straight. “You need to tell him.”

  I exclaim. “What! How? What am I supposed to do? Hey guess what, you have a five-year-old son? How do you think he’s going to react to that?”

  “How will he handle knowing that you hid that from him. Dylan, the man has a child. He deserves to know.”

  I shake my head as tears spill. “It’s crazy Juliette. You don’t know the whole story. There’s a reason why I didn’t tell him.”

  “So, you’re telling me you knew where he was this whole time. You knew how to find him?”

  “Well, I know about the other restaurant. That’s how we met.”

  Juliette’s heats with anger. “This is all so fucked up, Dylan. You need to tell him or I will.”

  I give her quick look. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  She sighs deep, pulling me into a hug. “Look, I know there’s things that happened to you which is why you disappeared for all those years, but you’re back now. Now’s your chance to come clean. If not for Major, then do it for your son. Don’t you think he’ll want to meet his father?”

  The thought of Crew growing up without a father haunts me every day and I know it upsets him. He’s asked about his father’s absence multiple times and maybe Juliette’s right. I haven’t been in any danger for all these years.

  The money sharks have obviously disappeared. I need to stop running.



  It’s been two weeks since my run in with Major and Juliette has not stopped texting to remind me of what I need to do. I’ve been putting it off for so long and these two weeks have been absolutely chaos for me.

  Crew came down with a nasty virus so I had to take off work to stay at home with him, which is never a good thing. Luckily my mother was able to stay with him for a day so I could go back in and catch up on what I missed.

  But as I slip into my dress, and stare at my reflection in the mirror, I can’t help but tremble at the thought of telling Major my secret. What will he say? How will he react?

  I silently pray, hoping that everything will go over smooth. But who am I kidding? I’m about to drop a major bombshell and it’s all my fault.

  Crew comes rushing into the room and wraps his arms around me legs. “Mommy, do you have to leave? We were going to watch a movie tonight.”

  I bend to match his short height. “I’m sorry honey, but mommy has to go see someone tonight. But I promise, we can watch the movie tomorrow, okay? Or, maybe you can watch it with Grandma?”

  Crew frowns and shrugs. “But Grandma always falls asleep during the movie.”

  I giggle at his observation and pull my little man into a hug. “I’ll be home later tonight and give you kisses while you sleep.”

  “Okay, mommy. Have fun.”

  He rushes out of the room and I give myself one last inspection. A nice simple dress paired with black pumps; the exact replica of the shoes that Major broke. I figured these may bring a little good luck.

  I apply a coat of lip gloss and spray a hint of my perfume, before setting on my adventure for the evening. “Mom, I’ll be back later tonight. Don’t wait up for me, okay?”

  “Have fun Dylan. Crew and I have lots of plans. We’re making cookies!”

  As I exit my apartment, I hear Crew yell with excitement. “Cookies? Yay!”

  I smirk as I lock up and walk toward the metro. An hour train ride gives me enough time to come up with a plan of action.

  How should I play this out? Should I wait till the restaurant is closed? Maybe pull him off to the side? Gosh, what if he’s not even there? Maybe I should have called ahead just to make sure.

  Before I know it, the train pulls into the station and I swallow hard. Forcing myself to be a grown up, I exit the station and hail a cab. I give the driver the address of Major’s and glance up at the night sky as the cab drives through the city streets.

  Sweat beads down my face as the nerves slowly beginning to catch up with me. Relax Dylan. Everything will be alright. You can do this.

  Minutes later the cab slows to a curb and my eyes descend upon Major’s first restaurant. I peer inside and see a booming crowd of diners. I pay the cab fare and exit the vehicle, taking a deep breath before stepping forward.

  Come on Dylan. Walk.

  My foot steps forward as I walk toward the entrance and head inside. A young hostess greets me at the front door. “Welcome to Major’s. Do you have a reservation?”

  My eyes glance around looking for the man I’ve come to see but he’s nowhere in sight. “Uh no. Actually, I’d like to speak to the owner. Is he here tonight?”

  She glances at me with a questionable look. “Uh yes ma’am. Can I tell him who’s here to see him?”

  My voice cracks with nerves. “Oh yes, tell him Dylan is here.”

  The hostess nods. “Ok, sure. Take a seat and I’ll be right back.”

  I clear my throat, ready to vomit I’m so nervous. I sit in the waiting area, twitching my leg as I wait in silence. My eyes travel toward the dining area and I smile at the familiar ambiance and decor of that special night so long ago. I peek at the diners as they converse with one another and eat their delicious meals.

  Everyone seems so happy as they eat and I can’t help but smile at Major’s accomplishment. This is his dream and he conquered it. And now he has two restaurants.

  The hostess quickly returns, motioning toward me. “Miss, he’ll be right out.”

  I return a smile. “Thank you.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  This is it. Now or never.

  I glance out the window toward the street and coach myself on the exact words I need to say. My hands tremble with nerves and I clasp them shut into fists, hoping they’ll stop shaking. My heart pounds so fast in my chest as though I’ve ran a marathon and I can’t even breathe.

  I find myself gasping for air just as I hear his voice. “Dylan?”

  I glance up to see Major standing above me. I come to a stand and stutter. “Uh…Hi…Hi.”

  His eyes grow wide. “What are you doing here?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to show up here, but I really need to talk to you.”

  He gasps, “Umm okay? Talk?”

  I nod. “Yes. Talk.”

  “Look, Dylan, we’re in the middle of dinner service. I can’t just leave my kitchen stranded so we can talk.”

  He turns toward the back, but I grab his arm just before he steps forward. “No, wait. I can wait for it to be over.”

  A tiny smirk curves across his face. “Dinner service isn’t over for another couple of hours.”

  “I will wait. It’s alright. I can come back when you’re done.”

  He lets out a low chuckle. “You’re gonna wait?”

  I nod frantically. “Yup, that’s fine. See you then.”

  Before he could respond, I spin and exit the restaurant. I walk frantically to the end of the corner and turn the block walking down the unknown streets of the city. After a couple minutes, I shut off the nerves and glance at my phone to see it’s only 8:30. What the hell am I supposed to do for two

  Well, I might as well get something to eat. I catch a small café in sight and decide to wait there until it’s time to see Major and tell him everything. I step inside the café and the instant scent of coffee fills my nostrils.

  Oh yes.

  I grab a seat at the corner booth and give the waitress my order. Moments later she returns with a cup of steaming coffee and a BLT.

  Just one sip of the delicious brew sends a heated sensation throughout my body and I’m insanely happy.

  I freakin’ love coffee.

  Seated in the corner booth, I eat my sandwich and sip my coffee in a comfortable silence. I find myself watching the city’s residents pass by the window, imagining where life has taken them. Some walk alone while others walk in pairs. Children run along each other, laughing and grinning with wide smiles, enjoying their lives in this beautiful city.

  I study the other diners and find I’m not the only one dining alone this evening. A hint of sadness spreads throughout the diner as the lonely eaters sit in a silent display of solidarity. And as I sit and wait, I realize that life doesn’t always take you where you want it to. Instead, life throws you curveballs and end up in this never-ending cycle of what ifs.

  The past six years of my life has been one giant what if. But tonight, that’s about to change. As time passes, I glance at my phone and decide to head back toward the restaurant. I motion the waitress for the check and I leave some cash on the table for her.

  Sending her a thank you, I stand and grab my things. I breathe deep as I step out into the cool autumn air. A strong gust blows through my long blonde wavy hair causing a shiver to flow throughout my body. I bundle up my jacket as I head back toward Major’s.

  A few minutes later, I see the restaurant in the clearing and smile with comfort. I glance through the glass window to find the place empty. The last of the servers clean their assigned areas as I see the hostess from before, wipe down her podium.

  I pull on the door, only to find it locked. I tap the glass, getting her attention, and motion her to come toward the door.

  She steps up to it. “Ma’am, we’re closed.”

  I shout from outside. “Hi, I was here earlier. I’m here to talk to Major.”

  She nods and heads toward the back. A deep sigh escapes me as I stand outside, waiting for Major to open the door.

  “You guys can head out. I’ll finish up.”

  The sound of his voice still gives me chills as I catch him walking toward the door. I step back, allowing him to unlock the door, and open it, giving me the chance to escape the crisp, bitter air.

  I step inside, thanking him for letting me in. He locks up behind me as we motion further inside the empty restaurant.

  I hear the last of the servers exit the back door, wishing him a goodnight. All of a sudden, the nerves kick back in, and I force my body not to tremble. Major waltzes past me, heading toward the kitchen. I follow, unsure of what to do next.

  I had this whole plan, sorted out in my head, and now I’m utterly speechless. I don’t even know where to begin.

  Major grabs a rag and begins to wipe down the counters and surfaces of the kitchen. I take a seat at that same counter I did, all those years ago.

  Just as I’m about to muster up some words, he speaks above me. “So, you wanted to talk.”

  My throat clears. “Well, yes. I…I.”

  I look away and breathe out.

  I turn back around, to find Major staring right at me with those dark eyes. I’m caught in his gaze, unable to look away as though he has a hold of me. The same hold that’s perplexed me so many times before.

  “What’s on your mind Dylan?”

  I chuckle. “Oh, just a million things.”

  He drops the rag and steps closer, standing right next to me as I sit in the stool. “Trust me, I understand.”

  I give him a puzzling look. “You do?”

  “Of course, I do. Why are you even here right now, after all this time. I admit, the remaining of dinner service didn’t go as smooth as usual. The thought of you distracted me and I was off my game tonight.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  He bends down so he’s eye level with me. “Don’t be. I liked the surprise.”

  The familiar scent of his cologne hits my nostrils and suddenly all my nerves melt away. I catch his eyes study me, as though I’m a fixture of his imagination. His face tells a story of its own as his eyes curve along my cheeks, down to my lips.

  The shrill of his cellphone interrupts us and he stands, answering the call. “Yeah.”

  The sound of a female voice echoes from the phone’s speaker and I watch as he looks out toward the front of the restaurant.

  “Ah shit, I’m sorry.”

  He rushes toward the front and, because I’m nosey, I decide to follow him. A gorgeous brunette stands at the front, waiting to be let in. Major unlocks the door for her ushering her into the restaurant.

  She shivers from the cool air. “Ahh finally. I was knocking on that door forever.”

  “Sorry Mia.”

  At that moment, my heart sinks into my chest as I watch him plant a kiss on her cheek.

  She smiles in return. “You all set? Everyone’s waiting for you.”

  “Yeah, just give me a few minutes. There’s something I need to handle.”

  She huffs. “It’s your birthday party! What could you possibly –”

  She turns toward me as I still, caught in the act of eavesdropping on them. I jump out from behind the shadows.

  “Sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to interrupt your plans. I’ll just be on my way.”

  Oh my god. His birthday. No way can I lay this on him tonight.

  I hurry past them before Major can grab hold of me. “No, Dylan hold on. Wait a sec.”


  I scurry out of the restaurant as fast as I can. Oh god, I would have ruined his birthday. Dammit, I’m such a fool sometimes. I step out toward the curb, glancing around for a cab, but can’t see any close by.

  Deciding to walk toward a busier street, I bundle up my jacket and brave the cool air as I walk, in my black pumps, laughing at the irony of this whole situation. At least I’m not stranded without any money. There’s a plus for me.

  I near the next crosswalk just as I hear my name being shouted from the distance. I spin around to see Major running towards me. A loud gasp escapes my lungs as I see my handsome stranger race toward me. He stops as he reaches me, gasping for air as he breathes in shallows.

  “Major, what are you doing out here? Don’t you have a birthday party to get to?”

  He shrugs. “Ehh, it’s just a party. Nothing spectacular about it. I’ve had plenty of parties before. They’re all the same.”

  My lips flatten at his excuse. “What about your girlfriend?”

  He hints behind himself. “Who Mia? She’s not my girlfriend. Mia is just a friend. Besides, I’d rather spend my birthday with the most beautiful woman in the city.”

  Heat rises to my cheeks as I pull a stray stand of hair behind my ear. Major inches closer, practically a millimeter away from my lips. “You’re not leaving this time, right?”

  His words sting me right in my chest as I force to words. “I have to go back to Connecticut. I can’t stay.”

  He glances up at the sky for a brief moment. “Seems to me all we have is one night again. Come on, where are we headed?”

  He reaches out his hand toward me but I stay still. I glance up toward him with sorrow. “Major, I can’t go. I can’t miss the last train. I need to start heading back.”

  “It’s an hour-long train ride, right? So, what’s that about a thirty-minute drive in the car?”

  I glance at him questionably, “Uh, I guess.”

  He grabs hold of hand as we head back down the street. “Fine then I’ll drive you home.”

  I beg. “Major, please. You don’t have to do that.”

  “Honestly Dylan, I just want to spend time with you, no matter how I get i

  I smile at his honesty as we head toward his apartment to pick up his car. A few minutes later, we enter a parking garage, and head inside to scour for his car. Moments later, Major beeps the car, flashing the headlights. I watch as his black SUV remote starts to life.

  He motions me to get in on the passenger side. “Get in. The door’s unlocked.”

  I slide into the vehicle, feeling the smooth cool leather sink underneath me. “Wow, you drive an Audi? Nice.”

  Major jumps in, shutting his door. “Yeah, it gets me places. Buckle up Sunshine.”

  I giggle at the sudden return of my nickname as he winks at me. Major shifts the car into gear, pressing the gas as we make our way out into the city streets. The dashboard display blinks to life just as a Spotify playlist begins to play.

  I glance at the screen to see a song I’ve never heard of before. Stay by Attom.

  Major whispers, “You can change it if you want. I listen to this because it’s good chill / drive music. It brings me peace with a nice beat.”

  I raise the volume, allowing the sound of the music to seep into my mind, melting into my seat as Major heads toward the highway. “No, I like this song. It’s different.”

  “Yeah, I’m not really into the whole Top 40, you know?”

  I nod, “Yeah, I get it. So, how old are you anyway?”

  He laughs. “I’m twenty-nine. You know, I’m a little surprised I don’t see you on TV. I figured you’d be hosting your own news show on one of the big networks or something. Headlining your own investigation and stories, while interviewing some New York politician or a famous movie star. You know, uncovering the hidden corruption our country exudes. Stuff like that.”

  Disappointment hits me as I listen to him ask me where life has taken me. “Actually, I’m still working at the local news station in Stamford.”

  He glances at me. “But you’re on the air, right?”

  I shrug. “Sometimes. It really depends on the station’s needs. I’m not anchor, if that’s what you’re asking. Most of the time, I interview any witnesses and type up the stories for the anchors to read during the live broadcast.”

  “Does it make you happy?”


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