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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 9

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Amanda came in for some papers for him to sign. He looked up and said, "You know Amanda, there's a guy from America in Manaus buying coffee and other products. He's a big time operator that could hurt out business."

  "That's not good Lord. How can one man hurt our business," asked Amanda setting some papers in front of him acting like it was of concern, but not life threatening.

  "He could entice some of our farmers to stop growing coca and begin planting coffee plants. This troubles me Amanda. See if you can find out more about a man called Mike Brimstone from Chicago. Call this number and have him run a background check on Brimstone. Ask him to fax the results to our fax."

  Amanda tucked away the information and left to make a call to a number she'd no idea who was on the other end. When she called, the phone was answered advertising a law office. Amanda told the lady who she was calling for and gave the information Perez wanted. She also gave her the fax number.

  An hour later the fax alerted Amanda that information was coming in. She waited until it finished and then quickly read the information about Mike Brimstone. A quick scan showed he was a rich man who ventured into quality products either import or export. His company credit rating was top notch with a line of credit exceeding a half billion USD.

  Amanda quickly knocked and entered giving the report to Perez. She went to the bar to mix him a shot of rum. Upon returning she once again gave him a shoulder and neck massage. He downed the rum in one shot and said, "Amanda, you know I really don't have anyone I can talk to. I think I can trust you. You've not asked any questions to be snoopy, but in the short time you've been here, I feel safe around you. I hope you keep what you hear and see secret. I can make it really worth your while to remain loyal to me."

  "Thank you Lord Perez. I've nobody to talk to either. You can freely talk around me and I'm a good listener. Let me be your confident person in your life. Now what can I help you with as concerns this America business man," asked Amanda as she rubbed his nipples under his shirt after unbuttoning two buttons.

  "I think we need to send this guy home in a box. He's too much of a danger to my business. I think his days are numbered. Now Amanda dear, I'm a little hungry for some pussy to lick. Would you be so kind as to offer me some of your sweet tasting juices?"

  "Give me minute to lock the door Lord. In a swift motion Amanda was ready and while he enjoyed himself, she thought how to send word alerting Angi that Perez wanted Mike killed.

  Later that night, after a hot shower to rid the slimy saliva from her body, Amanda sent a text of code to Angi from her new condo on the fifth floor. Angi immediately sent a message to Brad who in turn rang up Mike.

  "Mike we've received word that Lord Perez wants to send you home in a pine box. Watch your backside. Where are your two Seals?"

  "They're on the way to see you and report the findings of two more covert sites."

  I think you need Rocky to pal around with you. I'm fine here, but the heat is on. We've a message from Amanda that Perez will increase his security at three warehouses here in Belem. He was kind enough to supply us with the addresses. I'm going to recon the places myself. After that we'll station some Seals to watch what transpires there."

  "I've also a trip planned for the morrow to fly around to look at some large plantations with a shyster real estate guy named Ferdie. It works out to around $500 US per hectare. We can pick the big one up for half a million. That should shake up the Lord and encourage the locals to have some faith," said Mike.

  "Billy says we've money to burn Mike. Fly right at it and let's get this Robin Hood program cooking," said Brad.

  It wasn't too long after talking to Mike that Brad had both Seals rapping on his office door. Seals Robert Sidwell and Blake Strom were previous veterans who'd participated in the attack in Europe to recover the pink diamond and to rescue some innocents'. "Colonel, nice to see you again. Working with you makes our stint in the Navy a real pleasure. Okay, now we've discovered two fine locations and here are the coordinates by GPS." Robert handed Brad a sheet of paper with the location and a description. "As you can see, both sites have over 1500 square hectares' with fresh water running close by."

  "I think it's time to man these sites Robert and Blake. How many guys do you think we need at each site? Let's assume a number here without verification, but that will come. I think each regional boss will have around twenty guys to guard both the residence and warehouse; if there's a warehouse nearby. We've the element of surprise and of course, training of our men is beyond anything they can produce. We can field six Seals at each site or more if needed. With the ability to fly out using stealth, maybe we man each site with twelve guys?"

  "If we have twelve guys at three or four locations we're looking at thirty six or more Seals. I wonder sir, if we need that many," asked Robert.

  "I realize that number is a lot, but we're going after another drug lord down in San Paulo or near Rio de Janeiro. You might think this is overkill, but it's a learning process for all of us how to fight in a jungle arena like this one. Okay, here's what let's do---first we man three of our sites with six guys each. I'm sure those Seals we've got stashed onboard the ship are more than ready to get off it. Robert you have all the locations with you. You will go with me to the ship and Blake; I need you to go back to Manaus to body guard Mike. He's had a death threat. I've a feeling Lord Perez has hired some professional mercenaries. We've word a nasty looking guy had a long meeting with Lord Perez. Be alert guys," said Brad standing up ready to ride to the carrier.

  After meeting with Captain Showland alerting him to what his orders were, Brad made sure the Seals were properly briefed. He held a meeting in the hanger area below deck. He said:

  "Seals here is what we're up against and what our plan is for the upcoming mission to rid this river system of drugs. It may sound like pie in the sky, but Mexico rid their country of the drug lords and let's see if we can't do the same thing. Up and down the river, but using Manaus as a central location we'll have at least four sites to occupy covertly. I'm told these areas are helicopter friendly, but not overly spacious. Some of the local natives have cleared two of our sites to date. You'll occupy those two and branch out from there. I'm told and have seen the manifests supplies are plentiful. Small creeks run nearby for boat parking.

  As you're probably aware, river traffic is constant with very little night time traffic. Your movements by boat are in the darkness with night vision goggles. Prepare to leave later tonight with two choppers and six men each including the pilot. I'm told the machine can handle the weight. I'd say it's a tight squeeze and or some can ride in the net with the supplies?"

  That cracked all of the Seals up. Half raised their hands wanting to ride the net. Later it was reported that indeed two men from each helicopter rode the net because of the cool night breeze at a hundred miles an hour. Brad just smiled when he heard the news.

  Next he went to cruise by the warehouses that were owned by Perez. His driver only made one pass so as not to raise any suspicion. Brad noticed armed guards walking around with serious looks on their faces. Brad counted at least ten and wondered how many at night. After that he found the same thing at the other two warehouses. He was neither surprised nor happy with what he saw. Regardless, it would be a bloody skirmish to take over any of the three warehouses. Of course, he and the Master could make short work at night of the security, but he wasn't ready to play his ace just yet.


  Back in Manaus Mike went to dinner with his two new friends, Paulo and Diego. All three were having a good time. Paulo said, "Mike I heard Ferdie is showing you some property tomorrow morning."

  "Indeed he is. What I'm wondering is obtaining a clear land title as a foreign buyer. Do you guys know anything about that end of things?"

  "Here Mike, let me write down a lawyer friend who will take care of that matter with a few bucks in his pocket," said Diego.

  "What, and I hope I'm not prying too hard, price per hectare did he quote you Mike," ask

  "Nothing is sacred when it comes to land acquisition; especially the price. He quoted me 1000 Real per hectare. I thought that a fair price if the land is suitable for my needs. I understand the structures of this old plantation are in dire straits, but that is acceptable."

  "That's not bad," said Paulo. "Make him take his commission out of the seller's pocket, not yours."

  "I'll take your advice and now let's have a toast for our new friendship," said Mike raising his wine glass. The glasses met in the middle of the table and sips were had to seal the toast.

  Even though Mike was smiling, he realized that these two guys were probably tied in with Lord Perez. Tomorrow Mike would be on high alert for flying in a small plane and then landing in a remote location, could be a set up for an ambush.

  When Mike returned to his hotel, Blake was waiting for him with instructions that he'd be Mike bodyguard. "Sounds good to me Blake. Tomorrow we fly to look at some land. Be sure to be packin. I feel an attack coming when we land in the boon docks. Okay, get a good night sleep and see you for breakfast at six am."

  Chapter 16

  Felix and Ramon were on hand when Mike arrived at the warehouse. Ramon said he'd had word that security was coming to the region. Apparently Robin Hood had shaken the Perez drug world with fear. It was also rumored that mercenaries' were hired as additional soldiers to take on Robin and his merry men.

  Mike said, "Thanks for the heads up. By the way Ramon there is two things I need to tell you. That information about the additional soldiers coming came directly from your sister Amanda. Three times now she'd fed us good intelligence from Perez. Next your mother and a sibling need to move to Belem so we have a contact for Amanda to use as a front for her cell. There's cash in my office. Follow me and make haste Ramon. A Nancy and a Wade will meet your mother at the airport and take them to their new home."

  Mike went to his new office where a giant safe stood that he'd ordered for cash payments for coffee beans. With a simple but clever password combination the safe popped open. Mike took out a wad of Real and handed it to Ramon. "Have your mother and siblings buy some new clothes, but nothing fancy. The residence will be lower middle class so as not to raise any suspicion by Lord Dickhead. Warn your mother and family that any slip of the tongue would result in the whole family being killed by Lord Asshole."

  Mike turned and said to Felix, "I've got to go now Felix, I've got Blake on my back; you take care of the warehouse. Follow up on Cid for this weekend's party time. Not that I like it much, but see if you can find some pretty girls who can serve cocktails and snacks. I hope these businessmen won't get grabby, but let's see what happens."

  Mike and Blake met Ferdie at the airport. A four place Cessna was waiting to go. Mike had made sure his handgun was fully loaded with extra clips in his brief case. Blake had the same weapon and in his backpack, an Uzi machine pistol with plenty of ammo. Mike guessed, if an ambush was imminent, four bad guys would be waiting inside the main house. The idea of walking out in the open didn't appeal to Mike or Blake, but both were hoping for a maybe a large tree to put in between the house and them.

  The pilot was a good one and after forty five minutes or so, Ferdie pointed down to a large area void of hardwoods. The pilot tipped the plane for a better look. Mike's eyes were on the old house and indeed he saw the house surrounded by large hardwood trees. He nodded to Blake and after a circle or two the pilot landed on an old grass covered strip that when they came to a halt, the pilot said, "A little rough, but with some work, a nice strip it would be."

  Both Mike and Blake were on red alert as Ferdie was blabbering away about this and that concerning what a wonderful place this would be. The pilot trailed along behind as he was looking for some shade. Mike looked hard at the ancient two story plantation house that had a full porch, or at least it used to have, running all around the house.

  Mike stared hard at the glassless windows seeing nothing and hearing nothing but the usual sounds of insects and birds in the trees. Blake too was concentrating hard on the house. Mike thanked the tree gods for the large trees that shaded the old house. Both he and Blake kept the trees between them best they could. Mike thought that if a fight was to take place, it'd be about one hundred feet before the house.

  Blake saw a movement on the corner of the house where the porch had some damage from a storm. Mike thought correctly that the shooter was moving to get a better view of the two Americans because they were hiding behind the tree walking up to the house. Mike was keeping a constant chatter about the plantation when the first shots rang out kicking dirt at his feet and knocking bark off the tree next to him. Blake hit the ground behind a tree for protection as he ripped into his backpack for his Uzi. Mike yelled at Ferdie to get down or be killed. He got the hint when the whole area erupted in fire as the ground and trees took the brunt of the onslaught of bullets. Both Mike and Blake were trying to locate where exactly the shots were coming from.

  Mike saw two men were at the second floor at the windows with machine pistols and at least one at the ground level by the corner of the house. Mike guessed his distance to the house at around fifty feet or less. Mike motioned to Blake to lay a hail of gun fire to keep the bad guys heads down; he'd sprint to the opposite side of the house from the corner shooter.

  It was a one, two, three go and Blake emptied his Uzi first at the corner and then at the two windows upstairs. Mike dashed to the side of the house without taking any fire. He dove the last ten feet to hide in case a shooter was watching him. Blake reloaded and kept a few bursts at the bad guys top and bottom.

  Meanwhile Mike went around the house cautiously to take out the bottom shooter first. When Mike peeked around the corner, he saw a barrel sticking out from under the house. It was very hard to see, but given the sun reflected off it alerted Mike to danger. Mike thought for a moment and then looked at the bottom of the house for a crawl hole. Nothing. Well, he thought, let's toss a rock or stick and see what happens. He found a stick and tossed the stick like he was playing fetch with Rocky. The shooter made a fatal mistake of sticking his head out too far. Mike took him out with his silenced Glock. One down and a few to go.

  Silently and with caution he moved down to the corner where the shooter should be hiding behind the porch. Mike could still hear Blake shooting it out with the bad guys. Either those guys were really stupid or they reasoned Mike was unarmed hiding behind a tree. Mike smiled and made his move to eliminate the corner porch shooter.

  Mike was never a back shooter so when he was in position, he tossed a stick the shooters direction. He turned around and that was the last thing he'd do in this lifetime.

  Now it was time to move upstairs. Mike waved at Blake pointing to the second floor. Blake nodded back in the affirmative. Mike motioned to give him ten minutes and then shoot the hell out of the place making lots of noise.

  He found the back door open. Mike made sure no boards were squeaky as he placed each step near the edge. A few minutes later he was at the foot of the stairs knowing he'd about five minutes before the shooting began again in earnest. Up the stairs Mike went staying to the side. He was grateful that the wonderful hardwood stairs were in good shape.

  Blake sent off a couple shots to the window and Mike heard a return fire from a bedroom not ten feet from the top of the stairs. He crawled the remaining distance and peek inside the open door. A shooter dressed in camo gear was sitting on an old wooden chair trading shots with Blake.

  When there was a lull, Mike gave off a 'pissist' and that was the end of the sit down shooter. His falling off the chair, no doubt, alerted the other soldier that his partner was hit. Mike went inside the room and hid behind the door thinking the bad guy would come take a look. And sure enough, here came a very cautious soldier being real careful in case someone had entered the house without him knowing. Mike heard a few shots fired at the window and then all went silent. The curious bad guy came into the room like a professional soldier. However, when the guy stuck his foot out just be
fore the rest of his body followed, Mike shot him in the ankle. The soldier howled in pain falling forward to the floor. Mike put him out of his misery.

  Before he alerted Blake that all was safe, he went to the window and motioned that he'd look around the inside of the house to see if any other bad guys were lurking.

  Ten minutes later the house was swept clean and Mike went to the front door to welcome Blake and Ferdie to his new plantation.

  For the next half hour, after finding some chairs, they all sat on the porch looking the plantation over. Ferdie was a buddle of nerves after witnessing an assassination attempt on Mike and then seeing Mike and his body guard systematically takes out the bad guys.

  "Ferdie, I'll take the place contingent upon two things: One is a clear title is had and the second one is you take your commission out of the seller not the buyer."

  Ferdie apparently forgot the gun fight and said, "We've a deal Mr. Brimstone. I'll get on it right away. Is there anything else you desire?"

  "Give me a list of construction companies for bids on remodeling this fine old house and dwellings for farm workers. Water wells, septic system and a special building for a generator would be needed. Also as the pilot said, make a decent runway with a windsock."

  Back at the warehouse, Mike and Blake related their story. Blake had checked each of the shooters, but no ID was discovered. With the help of the pilot the four men were drug out to the open area where their helicopter would come pick them up. Both Blake and Mike thought the soldiers were better than average. When the word was passed on to Lord Perez of the failed assassination attempt, shit would fly, Blake told Felix and Whymare.



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