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Robin Hood Visits Brazil

Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

That was exactly what happened when Perez got word that the assassination attempt on Mike Brimstone failed and four of Pedro's men were killed by Mike's body guard, he required relief and a drink of good rum. Amanda was used to his whims and set forth to satisfy his needs. So far she'd been lucky as he'd not had intercourse with her. She wasn't sure how long that would last, but she kept some sex lube handy that Angie had given her. Also, Angie had given her birth control pills as well. Also a good supply of condoms which Amanda hoped he'd use. She almost threw up thinking about the killer planting his fluid in her body. Be that as it may, she resolved to keep on keeping on with the program. Later that night she'd heard from Angie her mother and younger sister were coming to live not far away.

  Lord Perez said, "Amanda, what am I to do. I hire the best and the best all lie dead in the mountains. Do you have suggestions while you fix me a double rum please."

  "Let me think on that Lord," as she went to the wet bar and made him a double Papas Pillar. When she came back she began her usual stress relieving massage. He moaned in pleasure. "Amanda dear, tease me with your mouth and at the same time, squeeze the hell out of my two eggs."

  "Pants down Lord and lay back so I can do what you ask. I also think you should give that guy who you hired another chance. Tell him he has one more time to prove himself or his contract or whatever you have with him is cancelled." He made throat sounds of bliss as she went to work doing as he asked.

  Chapter 17

  The Seals flew in with both ease and stealth. It was a piece of cake with the GPS coordinates and night vision goggles, both helicopters landed safely after dropping off the hanging nets just off to the side. They had two hours before daylight so both camps made hot coffee and ate some better than nothing service package food with the name of MRE. Also with the addition of a flameless heater, hot meals would soon be available to the Seals. Now they set to work to make their camp habitable.

  Robert, the ranking Seal gave orders to break out the machetes and get to work before the sun came up. He jokingly said, "And for God's sake, watch out for snakes!" A few jumped back and Robert started laughing. "I've no idea about the snake situation here, but I've heard an anaconda can reach over 25 feet in length. Never mind the damn snakes, get the land cleared and our tents up. We need to be ready when Brad gives us the word. Oh and by the way, a couple of you guys find a secure location for our big jobs that will come sooner than we realize."

  By daylight the area was mostly clear of any obstacles to hinder a helicopter landing. Robert was happy with the results. A camo net was over the top of the chopper. The stealth boats were sitting in the creek ready to go if needed. Robert told half to take a rest and the other half do what was yet to be put in order. Such as the supply test needed organizing for ease of service.

  Meanwhile, Robert called Brad to inform him of their in place status ready for orders. "Great work Robert. Be alert as an assassination attempt on Blake and Mike was successfully foiled. Four soldiers waited in ambush as Mike was looking at some plantation to purchase. Anyway, it appears Lord Perez has hired some outsiders to help him with his security."


  Mike was preparing for the party that was set to sail at 6 pm that night. All things had been ordered, delivered and put in place. Felix was onboard and Whymare was with the captain helping out wherever he was needed. They'd hired four girls to serve the guests and Mike had asked Paulo and Diego to bring along any other prominent business men that might enjoy a river cruise.

  At just after 6 pm Paulo arrived with two business friends and just behind him came Diego with two of the cities bankers. Mike had scouted around and discovered a charter flying service that was owned by an Australian. He went by the name of James T. and his charter service was: James T Airways. Nobody ever knew what the T stood for and quite frankly, nobody really cared. One thing that was said of James T was his service was second to none. What Mike didn't know what the plane he flew in was one of James T Airway's fleet?

  Contrary to what most think of Aussie stock that men are tall, James T. was just the opposite: Short, but not fat with a voice to make up for his size. All in Manaus loved his accent. He'd brought his wife who towered over him by about five inches. She was a tall beauty with golden straw colored hair that was cut short. Both were over forty, but seemed to Mike they were in fine shape.

  "I heard Mike that you had a spot of trouble at the plantation today," stated James T with a twinkle in his eye.

  "Let's just say my body guard justifies his wages. I'm a bit slower in my old age, but when I was in the military, I did my job very well. You'd have to get up very early to get ahead of me James T," said Mike.

  "I've been here almost ten years now and this whole country is full of things that seem relatively normal, but they really are just waiting for a guy to turn his back. I'll tell you Mike," As he looked around for big ears, "I've not found one man here you can trust if he's in business. Hell, I'm not sure anymore if you can trust me!" said James T laughing with a slap on the leg making some heads turn.

  "Like our money James T 'in God we trust' all others pay cash. I realize this is a hornets' nest with the worker hornets making the white powder instead of a legitimate cash crop. It's pretty obvious somebody doesn't want me interfering with their interests. As you know, we Western folks have a saying: The bigger they are the harder they fall. I know it sounds corny, but let's see what happens. Now I must tend to our guests as we're ready to cast off."

  Felix was tending bar. There was one thing ubiquitous around the world and that was men loved to drink spirits. Not to go unmentioned that attractive girls were pleasing to most men's eyes. On board tonight there were four lovely girls. Felix told him they recruited the four lovelies out of the local university. Regardless where they came from, Mike was pleased after watching them work for an hour. At no time were they giving any 'come on' and at least for now, the men weren't trying to play grab ass.

  After a few stiff drinks, all men were sitting around on the back deck enjoying the slight breeze from the yacht sailing up stream, they began some business discussion. Can Lima, who was in the farming supply business, asked Mike, "Mike I understand you are in process of a plantation purchase. My company can assist you in all items or things necessary for farming any type of crops. I also understand you are most interested in coffee plants. If you've time, stop by my place of business for a guided tour. Now, forgive me soliciting business on a night like this, but we must always be finding customers to please."

  "Nothing to forgive Chan, as no doubt I need lots of whatever to make a success of my plantations." Mike looked around to see if the men had caught the plural of plantation or not. He decided later they all heard what he said. "Also I'll need farm machinery rather than resort to 100% labor. I think Celso can help me out here?"

  "You name it Mike and I'll have it delivered to your front door. I mostly handle your countries John Deere machinery, but can do Japanese as well. Like Chan, stop by and look around anytime," said Celso.

  "I appreciate all the help I can get fellers. I also don't like to put all my eggs in one basket, such as one bank for all. Therefore, I aim to use more than one bank while in Brazil. I'm happy to meet two new bankers like Jose and Ciao. I plan on visiting each very soon."

  "A man of your stature Mike needs friends and not enemies to do business here in Brazil. I might broach the subject that there's one person who is not happy you're here. He goes by the name of Lord Perez and he pretty much controls everything that's produced along the Amazon River," said Paulo.

  Mike noticed the other guys nodding their heads in agreement. "I assume then the rude greeting at the plantation was at Lord Perez direction," asked Mike looking somewhat shocked for added effect.

  "We've no doubt he was behind it Mike. He hates competition with a passion. All of us here do business with him whether we like it or not."

  "This is a giant area we're talking about gentlemen. There's room for all of us. Why does he need it all? Isn't that just
a little greedy," asked Mike sipping on some wine while taking a snack off a tray being passed around by a lovely college student.

  Paulo looked around at his friends as if wondering how to answer that question Mike asked. He received a nod and said, "Those who oppose him live a short life Mike. Our weak government doesn't have any power to hold him back. If we're seen helping you very much, our families will suffer. We need discretion in our dealings with you. I hope you can understand what we're saying here tonight. For example, Diego and I can ship you fertilizer to your warehouse rather quietly and the rest of the same. What would help us is if you would have supplies flown in from America and transported to your plantations. That would disguise our relationship with you."

  "I see," while Mike rubbed his chin, "I think we can do that very thing. I'll buy on the world market and then have my new friend here James T. make the transportation end of things happen. Is there anything else to discuss while we enjoy the sights both here and at your city reflecting lights. I like it here on the river as its cooler without so many mosquitoes. Okay, the girls are going to serve us some dinner of sorts. Let's enjoy our new friendships gentlemen."


  After Brad had recon the warehouses he decided to peek inside and see what was stored or processed there. He'd take the Master with him to make sure the security guards took a nap while he looked around.

  Rocky would accompany him in case a rogue guard was hiding somewhere inside. He thought 2 am about the right time for a visit to the largest of the three. He informed the team, Nancy, Wade, Billy and Alice where he was going. None felt he was in danger with the Master with him.

  Brad knew the route to take. He'd Wade drive him and wait for their return. At just after 2 am Wade dropped the three of them about a block away. The problem with driving around in the early morning like this was the fact very little traffic was out and about at that time of day. Wade quickly shit off the motor and made himself invisible, but with a hand on his 9 mm Beretta. Some guys liked the Glock, but Wade preferred the 92FS.

  Brad let the Master proceed ahead of him knowing that by the time he arrived, all of the outside guards would be sleeping. And Brad was right on the money when he arrived at the side door. The door was unlocked meaning guards were inside as well. Brad, Rocky and the Master went in silently. They could hear voices coming from the back area. It was difficult to tell for sure as the warehouse seemed stacked from floor to ceiling with cardboard boxes containing most likely, processed coca. The Master disappeared to put the other guards to sleep while Brad stuck his knife into a box. He tasted the vile drug as it made the tip of his tongue numb.

  Brad walked around the inside perimeter with Rocky. As they passed under the wooden stairs that led to an office above them, a security guard flew off the stairs aiming for Brad. Out of the corner of his eye, Brad caught a glimpse while at the same time, squatting down as the guard never thought his intruder would do that, landed on the cement floor with Rocky standing over him growling.

  Brad stood up and asked in English, "If you want to live, you'd best speak some English or my hungry dog will tear your throat out. Who hired you?"

  "Pedro Sanchez from Argentina," said a very nervous guard.

  "Why didn't you just shoot me instead of trying to take me alive?"

  "I was told we needed to capture one of Robin Hoods' merry men alive for questioning."

  "Is this warehouse only used for storage," asked Brad.

  "As far as I know mister. I'm told that soon containers will arrive to take the boxes away. I just work for hire mister."

  How many guards are there in here and outside," asked Brad.

  "Thirteen total."

  "Okay, your job is to drag out the sleeping guards to across the street. My hungry dog will go with you. Now be quick about it as time is wasting. Oriental gentlemen will go with you. Don't be stupid and you might live."

  Rocky let the man up and he followed directions very well. Meanwhile Brad went looking for some accelerant to burn the place down with. In the back, believe it or not, three pallets of five gallon gas cans that were full sat waiting for shipment to the farms or outlying areas for processing.

  Twenty minutes later, Brad was finished and sweating from the work. He'd spread the entire warehouse with gasoline. But before he struck a match, he ran upstairs to check the office files and or safe. In a desk he found some memory sticks and with a smile, the combination of the floor safe. It was on old model with a big dial on the front. After he opened the safe, Brad discovered some important looking files and stacks of USD all of $100 denomination. He found a cardboard box and filled it up with both files and money with a smile on his face.

  The last thing he did was make a fuse out of newspaper. He lit it off and ran to the other side of the street. He said, "Tell your boss Robin was here, but I'm just one of his merry men. Now, next time you won't live to breathe the tropical air of Brazil if I see you again. Go home and find a real job.

  Wade in his mirror had seen the action on the street. The Master put the guard asleep and when they heard a big 'Whooooooom' drove away knowing literally millions of dollars of cocaine went up in flame.

  The warehouse was still burning when the thirteen guards woke up with a headache. The heat was intense and fire trucks were just beginning to arrive. By noon it was considered a total loss. Lord Perez was beside himself. He stood on the street some distance away not knowing whether to throw a fit or cry. He ordered his security to find and have Pedro see him immediately. The real problem he faced was what to do about this attack on his business. He'd supposedly hired the best security in South America. If this was the best, he hated to think what the worse looked like.

  The only guard who actually witnessed anyone said all he saw was a man with a German shepherd and an old frail looking Chinaman. Perez had a hard time believing one man with a dog and a grandfather Chinaman over came thirteen guards and burns his warehouse down. However, the what to do remained the question foremost in his brain. The last couple weeks had cost him tens of millions of dollars; not to mention buyers who would be livid hearing no product was forthcoming.

  Amanda who was with him silently clapped her hands inside her body while she cast a sorrowful face for her boss to see. Secretly, she'd wished Lord Devil had been inside when the place burned down.

  Pedro received the news while in Rio recruiting more soldiers for the job. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from an inside person on Lord Perez's staff. He thought it prudent to get his butt back and calm the boss man down. He charted a plane and late that afternoon landed in Belem. An hour later he was in Perez office listening to the Lord ranting and raving, wanting to know when this Robin Hood shit was going to once and for all, end.

  When he finally ran out of words, or out of breath, Pedro said, "Look Lord, it's evident we're up against a force of super power of sorts. I need to hire some foreign mercenaries to bolster our security. You've two other warehouses that are vulnerable. I suggest if they are full of product, you move it immediately. It'll take me a couple weeks to get some help here, but try to weather the storm best you can. It really doesn't do anyone any good to yell and scream after the damage has been done. Protect best what you have presently and look at other sources for storage of product. The ports are full of containers; use them to hide your product. Buy the port officials or blackmail the hell out of them. Kidnap the women folks for hostages. Think man think.

  Meanwhile I'm out of here to find some real soldiers who live and breathe to fight a battle. I've a contact in Africa and in the Ukraine. Some of those guys subscribe to a website that maybe you could get one of your girls to check out."

  Chapter 18

  Robert sat on a folding camp chair inside a stifling hot tent perusing a map. He saw six sites that were the regional hubs for managing by Perez. On the map he saw circles of responsibility and attached to the map the names of the boss man. Regions 1 and 2 were out of commission and that left 3 ~ 8. There been the thought to hit the
m all at the same time, but Robert could see that would be a difficult task. For Robert it appeared best to wage random hits keeping the enemy off guard. He put to memory the six regions and the name of the boss.

  Region 3: Celso Martins City: Caori

  Region 4: Felipe Riberio City: San Joao da Catao

  Region 5: Posa Rocha City: Tefe

  Region 6: Che Costa City: Fonte Boa

  Region 7: Andre Montes City: San Paulo de Oliveca

  Region 8: Chico Cardosa City: Benjamin Constant

  Robert was going to recommend to Brad Region 5 at Tefe. Boss is Posa Rocha. It would be about a two to three hour flight. What they really needed was another covert camp around Tefe to mount attacks on Regions 6, 7 and 8.

  With his new secure cell Robert called Brad. Brad answered right away and asked how things were going. "Great colonel. We're doing fine. I don't want to be presumptions but might I suggest something sir," asked Robert.

  "Sure can Robert. Go ahead and tell me what's on your mind," said Brad

  "Well sir, this is my thinking that instead of hitting all of the regional hubs at once, we strike at random. The logistics are staggeringly great in between hubs. I also think we should hit Tefe, which is number five on the list first. We can reach it in a couple hours by chopper. Additionally we probably need a covert site near or west of Tefe. Okay, let hear what you think sir."

  "You're on the ground Robert and I'm sitting in a comfortable warehouse. I agree the distance is one long ways from here at the mouth of the Atlantic to the last Region 8 in Benjamin Constant. Okay, let's do this. Take four guys with you and recon the Tefe hub where Posa Rocha is boss. He's probably holed up in his warehouse for security purposes. Of course don't go wandering around town, but look like the four of you are tourists. I suggest you outfit in casual, check into a hotel, then tour around. Hide the chopper or better yet, fly in and be tourists for a day or two. Leave the chopper in camp. Anyway, you know what to do and you might take Felix or Whymare with you."


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