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The Prince's Mistress

Page 13

by Day Leclaire

  At least youre honest about it. He lifted a shoulder in a weary shrug. I suspected that might be your answer, and I couldnt afford to take the chance you might refuse my proposal. When the press found out about usJocs doing, I assumeI took advantage of the situation and had my ring on your finger before you had an opportunity to react.

  You put your country first, just as you warned you would.

  He wanted to deny it, she could tell. Yes. And let me be clear about something else, as long as were being so damned honest. Id do it all over again. The situation is too critical for me to leave anything to chance.

  Resolution took hold, hard and implacable. I cant live like that. I wish I could, but I cant. She looked around the room, seeking an avenue of escape. I have to leave.

  He reached for her. Fingers and curls seemed to find each other of their own accord, snaring and tangling. Clinging. Joining. Youre my wife.

  Bought and paid for. Her voice broke on the final words. Helpless tears gathered in her eyes. That makes me property, not a wife. At least not a real one.

  He snatched a kiss, then another. She remained helpless beneath the onslaught, her body softening, responding, betraying her need. Stay, he demanded between kisses. Well find a way to work this out.

  The tears fell then. Hopelessness drove them, a despair so deep and pervasive that nothing he said or did could make it right again. After Stewart, shed thrown up a protective wall and hidden behind it, afraid to allow anyone access in case they hurt her again. Lander had pulled down that wall, brick by brick. Hed set those emotions free and shed allowed it to happen, because shed wantedmore than anythingto find love.

  A coldness slipped through her veins, stealing the warmth his arms provided. Shed believed this man fulfilled her in every way possible, aligned her, balanced her. Shed thought shed found her soul mate. And instead it had been an illusion. What hed offered hadnt been real. What shed hoped to find with him hadnt existed. Now all that remained was an empty shell.

  She untangled herself from his embrace. He didnt want to release her any more than she wanted to go. Fingers and curls fought her, resisting, before being forced to part. No matter what it took, no matter how difficult, she had to walk away. She had to run. She wouldnt survive the pain if she didnt.

  Im sorry, Lander. I cant stay. Her voice wobbled, not that there was any way to prevent it. Im going to ask Joc to take me back to the States while I consider my options. You two can decide how best to settle any outstanding contractual issues.

  She started to remove her wedding rings and earrings, and he stopped her before the rings left her finger. Keep them, he ordered.

  Her gaze lifted to lock with his, a desperate, searching look. If only hed say the words, just three simple words that would make all the difference in the world. But either he didnt know them, or he didnt feel for her what she felt for him. Time to concede defeat. It was over, the fairy tale ended before it had even begun. Without another word, she turned and left her husband.

  Juliana was already on Jocs plane when her brother arrived. After shooting her a single look of concern, he gave his full attention to the pilot and attendants, issuing instructions in a low voice. He must have asked for privacy because they were immediately left alone in the spacious cabin.

  Ana, Im so sorry. He came to sit on the armrest of the seat across the aisle from her. I screwed up. I know that. But I swear I was acting in your best interests.

  There had never been any question in her mind about that. Her brother had spent most of his life caring for her. Protecting her. Trying to provide everything she could ever want or need. But this! Why did you do it, Joc? The blistering anger from earlier had gone, leaving behind a cold, bottomless fury. How could forcing Lander to marry me possibly be in my best interests?

  Because you deserved to be a princess. Determination filled his voice. To be a queen, if thats what the people of Verdonia decide.

  How dare you! she snapped. What made you think I wanted to be a princess, let alone a queen?

  He stilled, taken aback. It had been a long time since anyone had ever questioned the rightness of his decisions, and having his little sister do it clearly left him unsettled. Do you think I dont know how hideous the past seventeen years have been? he tried to explain. How youve suffered at the hands of the media? For a while I thought youd come to terms with it. Put it behind you. You seemed to love your job. His expression darkened. Until Stewart.

  And because of that you forced Lander to propose to me? To marry me? Was a contractual marriage supposed to protect me somehow? To ensure I live happily ever after? Her mouth worked. How could you do that to either Lander or me?

  Dont you see? Its because I love you so much that I want whats best for you.

  You cant order the world and everyone in it to your convenience.

  His jaw took on a stubborn set. Why not?


  He waved that aside. Listen to me, Ana. Theres something I havent told you about my relationship with Montgomery. I owe him. Thats why I came to Verdonia. Thats why I agreed to help him.

  Her brows pulled together. What are you talking about?

  We had a rather contentious relationship at Harvard. His mouth twisted. I guess that would be a generous description considering how much I hated the man.

  You hated Lander? But, why?

  Jocs eyes were black with emotion. You know why. Because he represented everything we werent. He had the name, the heritage, the perfect life. He was the golden child. So I went after him to prove who was better. Grades, women, sports. You name it, I had to beat him. And in the end, I did. I graduated just ahead of him. He grimaced. The bastard even had the nerve to shake my hand when he congratulated me.

  Juliana shook her head. I dont understand. How does that translate into your owing him?

  His cronies decided that the only way I could have come out ahead of Montgomery was if I cheated. They beat the snot out of me, determined to get me to confess.

  Understanding struck. Lander rescued you, didnt he?

  Yeah. Ive never seen anything like it. He mowed through every last one of them and then carted me off to the hospital. I swore to him that day that if he ever needed anything, if it was in my power, Id give it to him. His gaze fixed on her. So, you see, he didnt have to marry you. If hed refused, he knew damn well I would still have lived up to my part of our agreement. Theres only one reason he went along with my condition. He loves you. You have to believe that.

  But Ill never be one hundred percent certain, she shot back. If someday he decides he does love me, Ill never know if its whats actually in his heart or if its part of his contract with you. Ill suspect every word he says. Every gesture he makes. Every gift he gives me. Ill never know. Not for sure.

  Her brother stared at her in stunned horror. No. Thatsthats not right.

  She bowed her head. None of this is right. She pushed herself to her feet. Shed never felt so tired before, nor so defeated. Im going into the back to lie down. Please ask the attendants not to disturb me.

  He caught her hand and squeezed it. Ill watch out for you.

  You always do. She couldnt bring herself to look at him. The problem is, Im all grown up now. Its time I watched out for myself, even if it means falling down on occasion and skinning my knee. Its time to let go, Joc. You have your own life to live. Now let me live mine.

  She didnt wait for his response. It didnt matter what Joc said or did anymore. Her declaration had been as much for her own benefit as it had been for her brothers. There had been the ring of truth to her words, a message from herself to herself. It was past time she took charge of her life. Long past time.


  J uliana never did recall those first bleak days back in Dallas. They passed in a blur of pain and confusion, as well as a desperate, bone-deep despair. The minute she landed in Texas, she yearned to turn around and fly right back to her husband. But she couldnt. Not the way things stood between them. By the end of the first week, she knew she ha
d to follow the advice shed given herself on that last hideous morning in Verdonia. It was time to take charge of her life. There were decisions to make and a resignation to tender to her brother, something she intended to do that very day.

  It didnt take long to drive into the city. Joc owned a full city block worth of office building in the heart of Dallas, a soaring glass and chrome structure that stabbed skyward in a gradually narrowing column. It was simply labeled Arnauds. Security waved her through to Jocs private elevator, and upon exiting she found his personal assistant, Maggie, sitting in her usual spot outside his office.

  The older woman looked up from her typing and smiled at Juliana over the top of her reading glasses. Hey, there, girl. Or should I say, Your Highness?

  You should not. Juliana cast a determined glance at the door leading to Jocs inner sanctum. Is he around?

  Cant you tell from the growls and snarls coming from in there?

  That bad?

  The worst Ive seen him in a long time. Maybe you can snap him out of it.

  Ill see what I can do.

  His employees would be most grateful.

  Taking a deep breath, Juliana entered Jocs office. She found him standing with his back to the door, staring out of the floor-to-ceiling windows at the Dallas skyline. Damn it, I want some answers, he snapped as she slipped into the room. Realizing he was on speaker phone, she remained silent.

  You heard me. Juliana jumped in shock at the sound of her husbands voice. I dont want her back in the country. I dont care what you have to do, just keep her with you in Dallas. Is that clear?

  You dont give me orders, Montgomery.

  I do about this. I wont be changing my mind. If she tries to return, I swear Ill ban her from the damn country.

  She must have made some small sound because Joc spun around. The words he uttered were some of the coarsest shed ever heard him use. Would you care to repeat that for your wifes benefit, Your Highness? She just walked into my office. Judging by her expression, Id say she overheard every word you said.

  An endless pause followed. Then the man she loved more than life itself replied, If she heard, theres no point in my repeating it. Ill assume my message has been delivered and we can be done with this nonsense. He made the statement in a flat, emotionless voice, one so unlike his own, if she hadnt known it was her husband, shed have thought she was listening to a stranger.

  It took her three tries to answer him. Ill have my wedding rings messengered to you first thing tomorrow.

  Dont bother. I dont want them back. And with that, the connection went dead.

  Juliana stared blindly at her brother while she fought to breathe. I She tried again. I just came by to tender my resignation. If youll excuse me

  Ana, wait. He started toward her. Theres something you dont know.

  But she didnt wait. Turning, she walked steady as a rock from the office. Later, much later shed break. But not here. And not now.

  As Lander hung up the phone, he knew that hed completely and utterly lost his wifethe one woman hed ever truly loved.

  Whod have thought him capable of that particular emotion? How had that happened? When had it happened? Before their wedding, he knew that much. Certainly before hed implemented the design for her wedding rings. Maybe it had happened the first time hed seen her, when hed mistaken love for lust. Leaning back in his chair, he closed his eyes, images of Juliana flashing through his mind.

  His bride floating up the aisle toward him in that spectacular wedding gown and veil, her eyes gazing at him through layers of tulle, glowing a brilliant brown seasoned with gold. His wife, her skin more silken than the sheets she lay on, opening herself to him, crying his name as he brought her to completion. His princess, breaking their engagement in order to protect him, while facing down a pack of snarling reporters. Shed done all that for him. How could he do any less for her?

  Even so, it hurt. A deep, immeasurable hurt. Hed thought his love for Verdonia outweighed everything. That he was incapable of the sort of love touted by poets and romantic fools. But that wasnt true. He was more than capable. It had hidden within, asleep until Juliana had come into his life. And what had he done with it when it had been gifted to him? Hed done everything in his power to destroy it.

  Excuse me, Your Highness. His majordomo stood in the open doorway to his office. The Temporary Governing Council has requested your presence.

  Thank you, Timothy. Will you inform them that Im on my way?

  Yes, sire. Immediately. He hesitated. Is there anything I can do to help?

  Theres nothing. Lander offered an encouraging smile. Everything will be fine. I havent done anything wrong, any more than my father did. The truth will come out.

  Yes, sir. Of course it will. No one doubts that for a minute.

  Lander only wished that were true. Unfortunately, someone somewhere had pointed the finger in his direction, blaming the Montgomerys for the amethyst crisis. And he wasnt certain he could prove them wrong. The TGC, put in place to govern Verdonia until after the election, had no choice but to act on the allegations.

  Added to that, news of Julianas return to the States on the morning following their wedding had leaked almost as soon as shed stepped onto Jocs plane. Hed anticipated the resulting public outcry and had been prepared to deal with it. But when news of the investigation had broken later that same afternoon, her disappearance had only added fuel to the fire of suspicion. Why would she have left the day after her wedding if she hadnt believed her husband guilty of wrongdoing? The fact that shed flown out with her brother had only made the entire affair more suspect. Even the infamous Joc Arnaud had refused to stand by Prince Lander, the gossips had whispered.

  The scandal threatened to rip his country apart. Until he could get it straightened out if he could get it straightened out, he wanted Juliana well away from the media bloodbath.

  The minute Juliana hit the street, she hailed a cab. Drive, she instructed the cabbie as soon as he pulled curbside.

  Where do you want me to go?

  Anywhere. In circles for all I care.

  Sliding into the back, she began to shake, her hands trembling so badly the diamonds and amethysts on her rings flashed with urgent fire. She stared blindly at them as she fought for control, and when her cell phone rang, it was all she could do to answer it. She expected to hear her brothers voice. Instead her mother-in-law responded to her abrupt greeting.

  Have you heard? Rachel asked without preamble. About Lander?

  II spoke to him ten minutes ago. If those few terse sentences could be considered speaking. Has something happened to him?

  Rachel groaned. He hasnt told you about the charges, has he?

  Joc tried to tell me something when I left his office, but As her mother-in-laws comment sank in, she straightened in her seat. Whats wrong, Rachel? What charges are you talking about?

  He and his father are accused ofmisappropriation, I guess is the most tactful word.

  Misappropriation? Did she mean theft? Did I hear you right? Landers been accused of embezzling money?

  Amethysts. Hes been charged with skimming a portion of the outflow and selling the gems on the black market. Apparently, theres conclusive documentation to back up the accusation.

  Thats a crock, and you know it, Juliana declared irately. She thrust a hand through her hair, sending curls flying. Lander would never do anything so dishonorable. Nor would he be party to anything that would harm Verdonia.

  There was an instant of silence, then Rachel whispered, Thank you, Juliana. I was so afraid you left because you believed he was guilty.

  I left because I found out he didnt love me, she responded without thought.

  No! Whatever gave you that idea? There was a momentary pause and then Rachel continued. Never mind. Thats none of my business. She hastened to change the subject. Your brother told me you were the best there is when it comes to accounting and finance. Would you be willing to examine the records and see if theres something our people have missed?

  Juliana didnt hesitate. Ill be there as soon as I can. Of course, returning to Verdonia meant facing Lander again, something she wasnt prepared to do. Not after their phone conversation. Theres one condition.

  Name it.

  I dont want Lander to know Im in Verdonia.

  Oh. II guess I can do that. At least, I can promise I wont tell him. I cant promise that he wont find out from some other source. Will that be acceptable? When Juliana reluctantly agreed, Rachel added, Tell me, my dear. Did you ever figure out what your wedding rings meant? Without waiting for an answer, she hung up.

  Juliana flipped her cell phone shut, and after a momentary hesitation, held out her hand. She stared at the rings curiously. They were such a beautiful set. Her mouth curved upward in a wistful smile as she remembered the moment when Lander had slid the band and engagement ring onto her finger. She recalled that hed said the design meant something, as well. Something she was supposed to figure out. With everything that had happened in the interim, shed forgotten until Rachels reminder. Now she looked, really looked at the pair.

  The wedding band itself was set with an unbroken circle of Verdonia Royal amethysts. Royals, for soul mates. Hah. As if. But the engagement ring, was another matter. On the outer portion of either side were a scattering of tiny Blushes set in gold filigree. Farther inward the amethysts grew progressively larger and changed in color to a shade shed never seen before, becoming mixed with diamonds until the very middle where a huge diamond and a matching Verdonia Royal were connected in a swirl of gold.

  What had Lander said about the Blushes? That they symbolized a contract. Wasnt that how their engagement had begun, as a contract? She might have been unaware of it, but that didnt make it any less true. She frowned in concentration. The Blushes were only on the outer rim. As they grew in size, they also changed to an unusual reddish-purple color that was neither Blush nor Royal. She wasnt sure what this new shade symbolized. None of the jewels Lander had shown her had contained anything similar. But at the center of the ring the stones were the deepest, richest purple-blue shed ever seen. A diamond and a Royal mated together. She shook her head. No. It couldnt possibly mean what she thought.


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