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The Prince's Mistress

Page 14

by Day Leclaire

  The tears came then, tears of regret mixed with a surge of hope so expansive and strong that it drowned out every other emotion. It took two circuits around the block before shed recovered sufficiently to decide on her next step. Fumbling for her cell phone, she punched in a number. Her brother answered on the first ring.

  I need three things from you and I need them an hour ago, she announced.

  Name them and theyre yours.

  I need your jet. My old team of accountants. And the meanest, nastiest, sharkiest bunch of lawyers you have on staff. I want to be airborne before nightfall.

  Going somewhere?


  Joc let out a sigh of relief. About damn time.

  Lander! Lander, where are you going? Rachel called breathlessly.

  He paused, his hand on the knob of the conference room door, and glanced over his shoulder at his stepmother. To his surprise, she approached at a near run, alarm clear in her eyes. Im checking in with my lawyers and accountants, of course. Ive called down at least six times today for an update and havent heard a word.

  Maybe if you left them alone so they could get some work done

  This will only take a minute.

  He pushed open the door and stepped into the room. Everyone froze, and the animated conversation came to an abrupt stop at his entry. And thats when he heard it, a soft gasp. He knew that tiny hiccup of sound, had heard it every time hed kissed his wife, every time hed made love to her, every time hed brought her to completion. Slowly he turned his head and there she was, standing off to one side of the room, staring at him.

  Of course her eyes gave her away, brilliant flecks of gold burning within the honey brown. He flinched at what he read there. Apprehension, longing, wariness. Even a heartrending hint of sorrow. But worst of all was the unadulterated pain.

  He didnt hesitate. He was beside her in an instant. Cupping the back of her neck, he tumbled her into his arms. His mouth took hers with an intense kiss that told her more clearly than words how much he missed her. His tongue breached her lips and she responded to him the way she always did, with a generous passion that threatened to unman him. She wore her hair up in a style similar to the one on their wedding day, and he thrust his hands into those perfectly arranged curls and set them free.

  At long last he pulled back and gazed down at her. Youre here.

  Yes, Im here, she agreed breathlessly.

  Dont take this the wrong way, butwhy?

  I thought I could help.

  Help. She meant help with the embezzling charges. Damn it! If the media got wind of her presence theyd be all over her. If she thought her previous experiences had been bad, it would be nothing compared to this. And there wouldnt be anything he could do to protect her. I left specific instructions with Joc

  Yes, she cut in. I heard those instructions, remember?

  Hell. Lander thrust a hand through his hair. We need to take this someplace private where we can talk. He started to urge her from the room, only to discover that they were already alone. He paused, tempted to carry her off to their rooms while no one was watching and allow his hands and mouth to do his speaking for him. Duty battled desire for supremacy. Duty won. You shouldnt be in Verdonia. You need to leave before word leaks of your return.

  Im not going anywhere. At least, not yet. She stepped away from him and folded her arms across her chest. Why didnt you tell me about these charges youre facing?

  You left, remember?

  Hot color scorched her cheeks. Vividly. I also remember the reason I left.

  And still you came back? he couldnt help but ask. He didnt understand it. After everything hed done to drive her away, here she stood.

  She waved that aside as though it werent important. Why did you tell Joc to keep me out of Verdonia? she countered. Was it to protect me?

  He shrugged. Youve had enough trouble with the media to last a lifetime. You dont need any more.

  Falling on your sword, Lander?

  He managed a brief smile. We seem to make a habit of it, dont we? His smile faded. Not that it matters. Youre returning to Texas right now, even if I have to put you on the plane in handcuffs.

  Just one last question before I go. She hesitated before rushing into speech. I couldnt help noticing that all the Verdonian wedding rings you showed me at the museum had names. Does mine?

  The change of topic caught him off guard and he answered automatically. Of course.

  What is it?

  He should have seen the question coming and diverted her before she could ask. We can discuss this later. He attempted to dismiss the subject. The plane

  Can wait. One look warned she wouldnt be budged from her stance. If you want my cooperation, well discuss it now.

  He made the best of a losing hand. If I tell you the name, do you agree to leave? To get on whatever plane brought you here and return to Texas within the hour? At her nod, he bit out, Metamorphous. Your ring is called Metamorphous.

  Ah. A strange smile tugged at her mouth. Id hoped it was something like that.

  He started for the door. If were careful, I think I can get you to the airport with no one the wiser.

  In a minute. She laced his hand in hers and tugged him toward the conference table where papers were piled high. I want to show you something first.

  We had an agreement, Juliana. Determination filled him. This time he wouldnt fail. If she didnt come soon, hed take more drastic action. Whatever necessary, so long as he protected her. You promised youd leave.

  Ill be quick. She shoved her loosened curls back from her face. Normally I wouldnt allow a client in here while Im working.

  She was chattering from nerves, and his eyes narrowed as he watched her. Im not your client.

  It wouldnt matter if you were, not anymore. She edged around the table away from him and gathered up a sheaf of papers. Tidying them, she reached for another. Im through with my investigation.

  He took the comment with calm stoicism. Dont let it worry you. I know you did your best. Now if you dont mind

  I always do my best. And she smiled at him.

  He saw it then. The quiet satisfaction. The breathtaking radiance that eased the lines of strain from his wifes face. You figured out what happened to the amethysts, he marveled.

  Yes. Lauren DeVida happened to them.

  Our chief executive accountant? He couldnt disguise his shock. Not a chance in hell. She was devoted to my father. Devoted to Verdonia.

  No, she was pretty much devoted to stealing amethysts. I have to admit, she was good at it, Juliana reluctantly conceded. She was really good.

  But not as good as you. There wasnt a doubt in his mind.

  She struggled to appear modest. No ones that good.

  He sat down across from her. Are you sure it was Lauren?

  Sure enough that the accountants are reporting to the Temporary Governing Council as we speak. She reached out and squeezed his hand. She was like family, wasnt she?

  Yes. My father adored her. We all did.

  Huh. Julianas brows pulled together in thought. I hadnt considered that possibility.

  What possibility?

  She riffled through some of the documents. When were your father and Rachel married? She flicked a piece of paper across the table toward him. Was it around about this date?

  Not around. Exactly.

  Thats when the scam began. It ended the day your father died.

  Damn it to hell. What had Juliana once said? One plus one always equals two. You think Lauren was in love with my father, dont you?

  She nodded. And when he married Rachel, that adoration turned vindictive. From what Ive been able to uncover, she set up the entire operation to make it appear that your father, you and Merrick had run it. There are even documents that implicate Rachel and Miri. Im guessing she sent copies of some of this to certain interested parties.

  Von Folke.

  Its possible. I havent found any proof of that.

  Lander glanced around the room
, taking in the controlled chaos. Whats left for you to do here?

  Nothing. As soon as we let everyone back in, copies will be made. Reports written. She shrugged. Details finalized.

  Youre certain? Theres no question that its finished?

  Im positive.

  That leaves one last task for me to deal with. Without warning, he circled the conference table and swept her up into his arms.

  She released a muffled cry. What do you think youre doing?

  Im taking a page out of Merricks book.

  II dont understand. A heartbreaking ache underscored her words. Are you still sending me home? I know I promised to go, but

  Im abducting you, not sending you home, he explained gravely. It worked so well for Merrick that I thought Id give it a try.

  Youre going to

  He silenced her with a kiss. When he came up for air again, he said, Abduct you. Yes. Would you prefer to be tied up?

  That wont be necessary. Looping her hands around his neck she released a disgruntled sigh. It would seem I dont have a choice. She peeked up at him, her eyes shining like burnished gold. Do I?

  You can fight. But I recommend cooperation. That way you dont invalidate Section C, Subparagraph Four, Line Sixteen of my contract with Joc.

  She stiffened within his hold. Dare I ask?

  I believe it has to do with love, honor and cherish until death do us part.

  Something shifted in her expression, a slow undoing, a helpless breaking signaling the final release of a lifetimes worth of barriers. Without a word, she closed her eyes and lowered her head to his shoulder. He carried her from the room. In no time he had a limo arranged to transport them to the apartment building where hed first made love to his wife.

  I should have sent Joc packing the minute he proposed that outrageous contract, he told her, once they were inside.

  Why didnt you?

  Verdonia, he said simply. And then later, there was no reason to terminate our agreement. Why would I? It gave me everything I wanted. He reached for her. Now that shed returned, he couldnt seem to keep his hands off her. It gave me you.

  Oh, Lander. She clung to him. You should have told me you were in trouble sooner, she informed him fiercely. I would have been on the next plane back to you. We could have had this resolved a week ago.

  It was all he needed to hear. She lifted her face to his kiss at the same instant as he lowered his. Their mouths collided, setting the mating dance into motion. Clothes were shed with overwhelming haste. Limbs entwined. And then they were on the bed, with nothing between them but a desperate urgency.

  They surged together, the crest building, the subtle upheaval like waves fomenting before a distant storm. Juliana undulated beneath him, arching into the ebb and flow of their mating, the depth and intensity increasing before the steady advance of the tempest. And then it was on top of them, breaking loose from all restraint. Crashing and clawing at emotions drawn bow-string taut. Howling for release. They were swept high into the storms embrace, and in that instant, she came undone, shattering in his arms.

  Lander watched her, reveling in the knowledge that hed brought her to crisis. Humbled by the fact that his hands, his mouth, his body, his touchand his alonecould cause such an intense climax. The storm lashed out with a final violent kick. Roaring through him. Furious. Wrenching. And he followed her into the very heart of it, clinging to the one person in the universe who completed him. Who sheltered and fulfilled him.

  His bride. His princess. His wife.

  Much later, Lander rolled onto his back and scooped Juliana tight against him. By then dusk had settled in, leaving the room in semidarkness. He slid his fingers into her hair, filling his hands with her curls. He experienced a loosening deep inside, the knowledge that his world would only be right when it was like thiswith his wife in his arms and his hands on her.

  Why did you return? he felt compelled to ask.

  Her calm gaze remained fixed on his, filled with an absolute certainty. I returned because I realized you loved me as much as I loved you.

  His brows drew together. Of course I love you.

  You never said the words, she replied simply.

  Hell. How could he have overlooked something so obvious? Then how did you know?

  The wedding rings. Id forgotten what youd told me on our wedding day, about their having a special meaning. But then Rachel reminded me. Her voice softened, grew richer. Thats when I put it all together.

  What did you put together?

  That you loved me. She held up her hand, her rings giving off a subdued flash of fire. The Blushes on the outside represent how our relationship began, as part of a contract. But then the stones change and grow, just as our feelings for each other changed and grew. At the very heart, its a metamorphous from contract to soul mate.

  I couldnt have put it better myself. He smoothed her hair away from her face. I love you, Juliana. I have for a long time. But I knew you wouldnt believe words alone. Theyre too easy.

  Even so, you put the words in the ring. I found those, too. In the gold filigree. It says true love in Verdonian. Theres only one thing I dont understand.

  And whats that?

  She ran her fingertip over the stones set between the Blushes and Royals. The meaning of these other amethysts. The ones between the pink and purple. Theyre such a unique color. Not quite red, not quite blue, nor purple. Yet, all of them mixed together. Ive never seen an amethyst quite like it.

  My father came across the stones years ago. Apparently just these few were coughed out of the mines. Nothing like them has been found since.

  Theyre so distinctive.

  So is their name.

  Really? She looked up at him, innocent curiosity reflected in her face. What are they called?

  He stroked her ring, touching each stone in turn. The Celestia Blush. The sealing of a contract. The Verdonia Royal. To represent soul mates. His finger lingered on the final group of stones. And these were named by royal proclamation on our wedding day. This color is now known as the Juliana Rose, and will forever after symbolize true love.

  She wept then, helpless tears of disbelief and joy. He held her patiently until theyd eased. Wiping the dampness from her cheeks, she wound her arms around his neck. Her eyes shone brighter than the sun as she kissed him three times, each deeper and more passionate than the last. The first kiss sealed their marriage contract. The second was reserved for soul mates. And finally, she gave him the kiss of true love.

  You should know that youve done something for me no one else has ever been able to do, she whispered against his mouth.

  Whats that, Princess?

  She laughed away the last of her tears. Youve made all my dreams come true.

  He smiled contentedly. Now that sounds like the perfect job for a prince.

  ISBN: 978-1-55254-939-1


  Copyright © 2007 by Day Totton Smith

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