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Let This Be Our Secret

Page 32

by Deric Henderson

  Trevor McAuley sat with me at the kitchen table of a house in Portstewart and shared his memories of the woman with whom he spent eight years of his life. He referred to her as ‘Buchanan’ throughout – never Hazel.

  Pat Chambers, an old friend of Lesley’s, spoke at length over coffee in a smart Dublin store, while Chris Clarke recalled memories of his sister in a hotel room as we watched the tide go out on the Lancashire coast. Valerie Allen, one of her bridesmaids, gave me access to letters written by Lesley before and after she married the man who was to kill her a decade later.

  The brothers and sisters of the late Trevor Buchanan generously shared their thoughts and recollections – all of them wonderful people, but still hurting.

  Lesley’s aunt, the indefatigable Alice Berry, also agreed to see me at her home in Lurgan, County Armagh.

  Others who opened their doors or took my calls include Robin Hastings, a former coroner, who was in charge of the 1992 inquest; John Wray, Trevor Buchanan’s lifelong friend, and his wife Sheila; Trevor’s friends, Derek Ewing (Coleraine) and John Doherty (Castlederg); Robin Butler, a friend of the late Harry Clarke, Lesley’s father; Hamilton Houston, a retired Chief Superintendent who was involved in the 1991 police investigation into the deaths; and Dorothy Moody, the owner of a health studio outside Coleraine and one of the last people to see Lesley alive.

  I conducted almost fifty separate interviews, but the identities of many of those who reflected on the lives and times of the four central characters cannot be disclosed. They wanted to remain anonymous. That was the deal before the notebook was produced, and I am grateful for their patience, understanding and assistance.

  Mark Jamieson, five times Northern Ireland Regional Press Photographer of the Year, was heavily involved in the project from day one. We had our moments, but he became a great friend and confidant. Is there anybody in Coleraine he does not know? Fellow journalists were also on hand to advise and encourage when the head dropped – among them Eamonn Mallie, Des Magee, Chris Ryder, Fionnuala O’Connor, Ivan McMichael, Ivan Little, Brian Rowan, Hugh Jordan, the PR consultant Austin Hunter, Sam Smyth (Dublin), Ray Managh (Dublin) and David Armstrong (Portadown) – but especially the outstanding David McKittrick, who has been down this road many times before.

  My Press Association colleagues in Belfast and Dublin, notably David Young, who worked with me covering Hazel Stewart’s trial, as well as my editor Jonathan Grun and his number 2 in London, Teilo Colley, who allowed me all the space I needed. Two personal friends, Ernie Telford and Kieran Campbell, were hugely supportive as well.

  It was manic towards the end, but the excellent and ever helpful Susan Feldstein made sure the manuscript was edited and delivered on time to my publisher, Fergal Tobin in Dublin, where the staff of Gill & Macmillan could not have been more accommodating. Thanks too go to my agent, Paul Feldstein of The Feldstein Agency.

  There was unwavering support from all sides of the family. My sister Gloria White and mother-in-law Mary Carlin proved once again that the power of prayer does work and Auntie Jean Gregory never lost faith either.

  My wife Clare and our two boys, Deric Jr and Edward in London, were always there for me. They knew when to engage and when to stand back, especially on days when there were few words on the screen and I thought this project would never end. I would not have crossed the finishing line without them. They were fantastic.


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  First published in Ireland by Gill & Macmillan 2011

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  Copyright © Deric Henderson, 2011

  Cover photo © Mark Jamieson

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