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His Forgotten Love (A McGinty's Of San Antonio Series Novel Book 4)

Page 21

by Donalyn Maurer

  “Yeah, you’re right.” I reply, nodding and sob again. “Cody,” I whisper. “Well Cody or Codi is making their mommy sick but I’ll be okay,” I promise as I pull Jesse to me.

  He wraps his arms around me and I feel so much better.

  “Love you so much, Jesse.”

  “Love you too, baby.”

  The next day, after another round of throwing up, Jesse had enough and called our doctor. He gave us the name of a friend, Dr. Jacobs, who is an OB/GYN and told us to call him. We called and because of my being so sick for so long he saw us that same afternoon. After they ran a pregnancy test just to confirm I was pregnant, they led us to a room where I promptly started throwing up again. Dr. Jacobs came in, gave me a shot with some medicine to calm my nausea, and after it kicked in he did an exam. He left the room and a few minutes later returned with an ultrasound machine. When he pulled out the stirrups from the bed, Jesse and I both looked at him confused.

  He explained that I was probably early on in my pregnancy and this would be the best way to get an accurate look. I happily plopped my feet in the stirrups full of excitement, although Jesse wasn’t as convinced. He kept asking me if I was okay as the doctor moved the wand around but he went silent when our baby’s heartbeat filled the room and on the screen our baby showed clear. I could see features and movement. It was amazing. Dr. Jacobs told us this was one of the best 3D ultrasound machines around and I believed him because I could clearly see our baby had Jesse’s nose and lips. I know it seems impossible but I could see they were exactly the same. After a few clicks here and there, the doctor printed out a few pictures and handed them to us. He pulled the wand from me and set it on a metal table while reaching back and grabbing some tissues and wipes and handing them to me.

  “Well you're further along than I thought. Looks like you’re about three months or more already,” he informed us and I gasped.


  I had periods although they were very light. I told the doctor, alarmed that I had been spotting all this time, but he assured me everything was fine and it’s too not unusual to have spotting.

  “That’s Cody or Codi in there,” I said softly to Jesse who was still looking at the pictures.

  “Cody or Codi,” he said softly back and then leaned in and kissed me.

  “Cody or Codi?” Dr. Jacobs asked, smiling.

  Jesse explained and the doctor smiled.

  “Well, I was able to see the sex of the baby if you want to know. Some parents do, some don’t. It’s up to you.” he offered as he wrote in my chart.

  “Jesse?” I prompted.

  “It’s up to you, baby.”

  I looked back at the doctor and said, “Yes. We’d like to know.”

  He smiled at us before handing me a prescription. “This is for nausea but you shouldn’t be sick much longer. Morning sickness usually only lasts the first trimester and you’re in your second. Since you’ve really only been sick these last two weeks you may have just caught a touch of a stomach bug. Either way, you should start feeling much better soon.”

  Well, thank God for that.

  “I’ve also written down the name of a prenatal vitamin I want you to start taking and before you leave, go out and talk to Sue at the desk and make a follow up appointment. I’ll need to see you at least once a month for the next three months and then we’ll talk about more frequent visits.” He smiles at Jesse and I. “And, in six months you’ll meet Cody,” he smiles even wider. “Cody, with an I.”

  A daughter.

  I smile but Jesse lets out a sound, one that I can’t even describe or decipher and all my thoughts turn to concern for him as I become alarmed. The doctor laughs while I shake Jesse trying to bring him out of his haze.

  “Jesse? Are you okay?”

  “What? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.” He has sweat beading across his forehead and I can’t help but start laughing.

  My poor Jesse.

  “Come on baby, let’s go home.” I lean across and kiss his cheek.

  I start back for the bar when the door opens and in walks Bella and Garrett and with them are Raleigh and their dad. I smile and make my way to them instead. After everything that’s happened to this family, they all look so happy.

  After a few minutes of speaking with them, everyone starts over to say greet them as well. Like me they’re so glad to see they’re okay.

  “You want something to drink?” I ask them.

  “We’ll get it.” Bella and Garrett offer.

  “Nope! Today, it’s for all of you. For helping me and Jesse. I want you all just to relax and enjoy. Get something to eat and have a nice time. Okay?” We all share a smile and they head off to get food. Chase and Tori are talking with Nash who has his eyes on Raleigh and that makes me laugh.

  He’s a goner.

  Jesse’s voice calls for everyone’s attention over the microphone. Last night, my dad brought some equipment from home. He brought microphones and stands and some amps along with a few guitars for people who’d like to perform during open mic night but didn’t bring their own. Earlier we did a sound check to make sure it was working because we plan on going up and thanking everyone. But when I see he has both our guitars my heart does a flip.

  “Allie? Will you come up here?” I make my way through to the stage feeling surprised. This isn’t like Jesse. He plays at home but not in public. When I reach the steps he walks over and offers his hand. He pulls me to one of the two chairs and has me sit down before going back to the microphone.

  “First, thank you all for coming. My wife, she’s amazing. She had this dream, her and Cody, and she never gave up until she saw it come true. Holloway’s is going to amazing, baby.” He turns and praises me and everyone cheers. “Chief, thanks.” Jesse says quietly and Chief nods his head. “Thank you for your support and help over the last few weeks. Allie and I would like you to grab a partner and head on to the dance floor. We haven’t used it yet and need to break it in and we want you to be the first. It’s a slow one though so grab someone and head on out.” He walks back over with the microphones and their stands adjust them then sit down next to me. “How about we do Even When I Can’t Feel It by George Strait?”

  “Kay,” I sniffle back the happy tears as we strum in sync. Jesse lets me take the first verse and we sing the chorus together. I take a deep breath as he takes the second chorus. How this beautiful man of mine made all my dreams come true and I know no matter what happens his love will be there to hold me together.

  Soon the dance floor is full. I look out and see our parents dancing, Bella and Garrett, Patrick and Jenny, Kore and Jake, Johnny and Macie, everyone. Linc and Delta, Darcy and Levi, Star and Huck, Abigail and Nick, Blue and Jaycee and even Dylan and Callie are dancing. Chase winks at Tori and she shakes her head and laughs as she watches him walk over to Raleigh. Raleigh is standing along the wall watching everyone with a bit of a lost look on her face. My heart goes out to her. Chase says something to her that has her glancing around before she starts towards the floor with him. He just takes her in his arms when Nash appears out of nowhere and breaks in. Raleigh face lights up, and again, Nash looks angry. He’s angry he’s falling for her and that makes me laugh.

  Chase makes his way back over to Tori and guides her onto the floor, both smirking. I’m shocked when they go to each other like they’ve done it a million times. I watch as they melt into one another. Chase is holding her tight and Tori’s eyes are closed with her face turned into his neck. I can’t help but give out a shocked gasp.

  And the McGinty men, all of them, are down for the count.

  Jesse looks over to see what I’m laughing at and his eyes go wide before he chuckles and shakes his head. With everyone paired up except for a few, I smile and breathe in all the love in the room. I can feel it. I can almost reach out and touch it.

  We’re about to end the song when movement by the bar catches my eye. I move my head so I can get a better view though the chicken wire. When I get a clear view, my body s
tills and I stop playing. I don’t want to move. If I move he might leave. Happy tears drop like rain from my eyes when he smiles and waves at me. I numbly left my hand and wave back. I smile, my heart pounding a mile a minute. He’s wearing an old pair of jeans, his favorite black boots and the old Willie Nelson t-shirt he loved. He looks so very happy.

  I absently note Jesse has stopped playing and comes over and kneels down in front of me.

  “Baby, what? Jesus Christ, what’s wrong?” He begs me to tell him while looking back and forth between me and where my stare is.

  Everyone stops dancing to see what’s going on while I continue to stare at him as he leans against the back of the bar laughing at everyone freaking out. He pushes off the bar, looks around and takes a deep breath before looking back at me. My dad is now on stage calling my name and my mom is quickly making her way to us. I take a quick glance around and Garrett is frozen in his spot and looking at him too. I look back at him allow my eyes to scan the room before I look back at him and move my head in question, asking him what he thinks. He looks around the room again and nods his approval. He puts his head down before looking back around one last time and then back at me. He gives me a sad smile and I know. I know he has to leave.

  Just like when I was little, I try to hold back my tears and stay brave as I give him the sign, with a tiny head nod, telling him I’ll be okay and I understand. He’s kept his promise. He’s come back to me. Now that I know he’s okay, I can let him go on. I try but my smile still turns into a frown when he finally leaves. Jesse cups my face and gently pulls it to him.

  “Baby, please.” He begs. “What is it?”

  “Cody.” I smile. As if Cody wants everyone to know I’m not crazy, the bell on the bell tower rings three times. Everyone turns to see who rang it but no one is there. Well, no one they can see. I look over and Garrett and he’s crying too and Bella is pretty much freaking out like Jesse.

  “I’m okay. I’m okay now.” I promise and lean down and give Jesse a kiss before I look back at the swinging rope.

  Everyone is looking at the rope hanging from the ceiling, swaying up and down and shaking their heads, trying to laugh it off.

  Later, after dusk, Bradley gathers all the kids and gives them each the supplies they’ll need for snipe hunting, pairs them up and off they go to catch snipes. I stand under the tin roof listening to the laughs of the kids while watching the lights of their flashlights travel through the trees. Every so often someone calls out that they caught one but soon after they call out, it got away.

  All I know is these snipes, you can’t see them or catch them, and therefore you can’t kill them so I’m going to call an exterminator. These snipes have got to go.

  It’s been a little over five months since we opened Holloway’s and it’s been a huge success. Over the summer months, family and friends came in almost every weekend to go tubing down the Guadalupe River. I couldn’t go and Jesse always insisted on staying behind with Codi Lynn and me even though I encouraged him to go have some fun. Codi Lynn is doing wonderful and Dr. Jacobs' says she could come any moment now.

  One afternoon my dad and mom walked in Holloway’s grinning from ear to ear. Before I could ask what was going on, two men came in with a beautiful vintage jukebox on a rolling cart. He told me all the ‘old folk’ had been walking down Main Street in Fredericksburg when they saw it in one of the storefront windows. They pooled their money together and bought it for the bar. It’s beautiful.

  Some nights, after closing, you’ll catch Garrett and Bella dancing to a slow song and other nights you’ll catch Johnny and Macie. Then there are those nights you will definitely catch me and Jesse dancing.

  One night, after we locked up, Jesse played Brad Paisley’s Then and pulled me onto the dance floor. Thanks to my crazy pregnancy hormones and my husband being amazing and beautiful, it didn’t take long from it to turn into much more than dancing. When his lips touched mine, fireworks.

  Always fireworks.

  Luckily the brown strapless eyelet maternity dress I was wearing allowed Jesse easy and fast access. It was fitted around my breasts only held up by elastic and fell lose at my belly. Jesse pulled the top down and bottom up after he gently laid me on one of the picnic tables. He pulled my panties off and then as he undid his belt buckle and snaps to his jeans while I bit my lip and whimpered. He ran his fingers up and down me and within a second he had me there. He growled as he fit himself at my entrance. As he thrusted in and out of me slowly, I reached up and grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to me so I could devour his mouth. I slid my hands under his shirt needing to feel his skin. When he lowered his head to my nipple it only took one hard lick and I came while crying out his name. After he came, we finished closing up and went home. On the ride home I kept thinking back to the bar so when we got in the door, I attacked my husband again. We didn’t even make it to our bedroom. On the floor in our hallway we gave in to our need and made love right there.

  Cody, I don’t see him anymore. I know he’s moved on and is watching over us from above. After Cody’s choice to take his own life, I just needed to know he was okay before I could really move on and I guess he needed to know the same about me, all of us before he moved on.

  It’s Wednesday night and Jesse came in after work to help me close. He won’t let me do much of anything and makes me just sit and wait as he makes the rounds making sure everything is locked up. He walks back in the room and checks the back door. I know he’s almost done so I move to slide off the barstool I’ve been sitting on when a gush of water flows down my legs.

  What in the world?

  “Jesse,” I call out.

  “Yeah, baby?” he asks while lifting couple of chairs on the table.

  “Jesse!” I cry louder with panic in my voice. A second later, I loudly groan out in pain and Jesse drops the chair he was lifting and rushes to me.


  “It’s time,” I groan through a contraction.

  “Time?” he yells completely freaked out. “Now? Like right now?”

  “Yes, now Jesse.” I know I need to calm him down and I actually laugh at his panicked yelling until another contraction hits and then I let out a pained groan.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” he keeps yelling and runs off before realizing he’s left me standing there by myself. “Shit, sorry baby,” He moans and takes a few deep breaths oddly similar to the ones we learned in lamaze class. They seem to be working for him as he starts to calm and that absolutely has me cracking up. He narrows his eyes on me before helping me to the door.

  He ushers me outside to the car but I halt and look at him and start to cry because tonight we brought his car. “Jesse, I’m all wet. I’ll hurt her. I’ll hurt Reba. I can’t get in.”

  Jesse takes another deep breath, calms himself down then gently sits me in the seat. “Baby, don’t give a fuck. Going to get you and Codi Lynn to the hospital. Okay?” He then leans in and gives me kiss.

  “Okay,” I squeak and my eyes follow him while he walks around and gets in the driver’s side.

  We buckle up and then Jesse starts for the hospital. I call my doctor's service and tell them we’re on the way and they said they’ll phone our doctor and he’ll meet us there.

  When we finally make it to the hospital my contractions are only a minute and a half apart. After I called the doctor, I called my mom and dad and I guess they called everyone because when we make it inside to check in, everyone is here.

  “Dad, Mom,” I whimper fear setting in on what’s about to happen and they come forward to comfort me. “You’re okay, baby. You’re going to do great.” My dad reassures me as he leads me over to a waiting wheelchair.

  I quickly pull myself together and sit down. I’m going to be a mom now. I need to concentrate on bringing Codi Lynn into this world safely. I look up at my mom and she smiles as she caresses my cheek. “It’s going to be fine.”

  Another contraction hits and the rest of our family surround us as I growl and bre
athe through it.

  “Mrs. McGinty, we need to get you to your room.” A nurse says and grabs the handles of the wheelchair.

  “Wait!” I call out still scared and look back at my parents. Jesse is about to lose his mind. “Um, I changed my mind.” Another contraction hits and I let out a low moan. Once it’s over I look up at Jesse and beg, “Go get the car. We’ll come back tomorrow.”

  Jesse nods, just as nervous as I am, pulls his keys from his pocket and turns towards the exit when Stone grabs and stops him while shaking his head and laughing.

  “Son, keep it together, Allie and Codi Lynn need you,” he encourages Jesse with a smile.

  “Dad, how did you do this so many times? I feel like I’m going to pass out.”

  Stone and my dad breakdown laughing. “It was the same for us. You’ll be fine.” My dad chuckles and pats him on his back.

  Jesse takes another deep breath and reaches down and takes my hand.

  “Baby, let’s go. It’s going to be okay. It’s all going to be okay,” Jesse promises.

  “Wait, I’m hungry. I need some tacos, Jesse,” I beg randomly.

  I’m just reaching at straws now.

  “Baby,” Jesse now grinning leans down and gives me a peck on the lips. “Come on.” He takes over for the nurse, pushing the wheelchair and starts following the nurse. “I’ll get you tacos as soon as Codi Lynn gets here. Promise.”

  After six hours of labor, Codi Lynn McGinty is welcomed into the world weighing seven pounds and eight ounces. She’s beautiful and looks just like I knew she would, her dad. They have the same eyes, same nose and lips. They’re both beautiful and own my heart. It’s like those two years in Lubbock never happened. My heart is full of love, my life full of family and friends. Jesse he saved me. I’ve learned I can’t change what’s already happened. I can only look to the future but the one thing I was always take with me anywhere I go is Cody’s love.

  As I watch Jesse and Codi Lynn I know Cody’s memory and love will live on.


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