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Savory Deceits

Page 7

by Heart, Skye


  I began to panic.

  “No. This is wrong.” I said to the reflection staring back at me in the bathroom mirror. It was hard for me to think clearly, because I felt tempestuously hot. Then, without warning, Chris walked into the bathroom. Startled by his sudden entrance, I quickly turned to face him. I needed more time to gather my thoughts. He stepped towards me, and I tried to take a step back, before I felt my butt bump against the sink.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, and I nodded. I was too shaken up by the way he was making me feel, to utter any words. I felt hot and bothered. His kiss stimulated me, and my body craved to feel more than just his hands. I tried to avoid his eyes, and he gently grasped my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I'm not exactly sure of what's going on between us Nena, but I know you feel it too. I can see it in your eyes, and I can see that you are trying to fight it. You don’t have to worry, baby. I won't hurt you. You're safe with me.” I felt my heart skip at the sound of his words. Chris looked me in the eyes, before he lifted my chin, and then kissed me again. Then, he enclosed me in his arms, and held me tight, as his kiss awakened every part of me. I felt him grow hard against my thigh, as his hands began to now search for the buttons on my blouse. Closing my eyes, I tried to ignore my conscience. Shortly, Chris broke the kiss, and began suckling at the base of my neck, while undoing each button on my blouse. Then, I closed my eyes again, wanting to enjoy the moment, as I battled with my conscience.

  “We can't do this. This is wrong.” I said, as he continued to undo the buttons on my blouse. I felt as if I was lost in my own subconscious, or maybe I was lost in the way his hands were fondling my breasts, but I fought to stay in control. I knew I wanted him, and that I wanted this, but my mind screamed at my body, that this was not right. Then, in one swift motion, he gripped the sides of my sheer lace panties, and slid them down. Soon thereafter, he picked me up, and placed me on the bathroom sink. My thighs, seemingly against my will, slowly parted for him, and he paused to look me in the eyes.

  “I know you want me,” he said, “and believe me, I want you too. Can't you tell?” He placed my hand on his throbbing penis. A gasp nearly escaped my throat, when I saw that my hands could barely encircle the size of his erection. Then, he searched my eyes once more, before he kissed me long and hard. When a moan escaped my throat, I guided him inside me. Instantly, I felt a jab of pain, and I heard him groan, as my inner lairs curved around his shaft. Then, his movements came in waves, first high and then low, as he propelled my juices forward. The once-tensed feeling of penetration, now felt like soft waves crashing towards the seashore, as I saturated him with my fluids of ecstasy. His feverish lips were all over my body now, and with every stroke of his rod, I wanted more. When he went deeper, I held my breath.

  “You okay?” He asked, stopping. I looked in his eyes, and nodded. Then, he brushed a wisp of hair from my face, and kissed me again. Holding onto my hips, he pushed on slow and deliberate, and I gasped once more, at the sheer sensation of it all. At that instant, his hands suddenly moved from my hips to my breasts, gripping my mounds with such determination. Then, I closed my eyes, and threw my head back, opening my legs wider. Thereon, he groaned again, and buried his face in the side of my neck. I was certain he knew I was right, this was wrong, but we were both ways past the point of no return. I cried out his name, as his strokes grew more intense, and dug my nails into his shoulders, as his massive penis invaded my insides. Then, I braced one hand on the sink, and suddenly tensed, as I felt my own much-needed orgasm reaching its peak. With my eyes closed, I gasped once more, and then let myself go. He was moving faster now, and I tried to grab hold of anything I could, to brace myself for that coveted feeling of euphoric bliss.

  “Oh God!” I began. “Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” I cried out repeatedly, reaching climax. Every one of my senses took over at this earth-shattering phenomenon, and yet he did not stop. I could still feel him deep within me, repeatedly hitting that spot, that caused me to go into psychotic convulsions. Then, with one final thrust, I could feel his muscles tighten, and then he collapsed against me panting. When his breathing labored, he pushed away from me, to look me in the eyes again. Then he touched the side of my face, and lightly kissed my lips. When he pulled away again, we stared into each other’s eyes.

  Slowly, he lowered his hand to my chest, and rested it between my breasts, feeling my rapid heartbeat. I then raised my hand to his chest as well, and stared back at him in wonder. As he stood before me motionless, I felt his heart quicken beneath my palm, and he moved his hand to touch mine. Next, he took my hand from his chest, brought it up to his lips, and kissed my palm. The gesture was so stimulating, which caused tiny goosebumps, to rise on my arms. Then, I closed my eyes once more, and reveled in the excitement of our magnetizing chemistry.


  Naima and I stood on the pier, waiting for Tony's ship to drop anchor. “What time did he say they were pulling in?” She asked me.

  “At eleven,” I replied, and then she looked at her watch.

  “Well, it's about five after, so I guess any minute now, huh? Aren't you excited?” She asked, nudging me. I smiled, and shrugged my shoulders. It was a bright and sunny day, and there were news anchors everywhere, waiting to film the Sailor’s homecoming. The other ships had already docked, and there were shouts and cheers, coming from the families nearby. Then finally, I spotted the large, aircraft-carrying battleship, moving slowly towards the pier with the assistance of two small tugboats.

  “Here we go.” I said to no one in particular, staring at the ship.

  “I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now, Nena.” When I said nothing, Naima continued. “I’m definitely not a fan of Tony’s right now, but take it from me, and don’t make any rash decisions. Give him a chance. Hear him out.” She said. When I still said nothing, Naima turned to me. “Hey, seriously, are you going to be all right?” She asked me. “I know you’re mad at Tony, but you barely said a word to me all week. Did I do something wrong?” She asked again.

  “No, not at all,” I quickly said, snapping out of my absent-mindedness. “I just have mixed feelings about seeing him that's all. We have some things to work out.” I explained.

  “I could kill him for what he’s done to you.” She said angrily, shaking her head. I turned my attention back to the ship, and watched it dock. Yes, Tony was on my mind, but Chris was the focal point of my reverie. Recollections of us making love burned at the core of my brain. Nearly a week has gone by since, and it seemed like it was just yesterday, because the memory of it all, was still fresh in my mind. I could still feel his touch, and I could still feel his lips. I still remembered the way it felt, when my body surrendered under his. Chris was right. I did feel safe, and protected, with him. That night, we made love continuously, until the sun came up. When Chris held me in his arms, he gave me a sense of security. How can I feel this way for the man that my sister was madly in love with? This would certainly break her heart. I could never tell Naima, or Tony for that matter, what happened between Chris and me. As long as Tony, and I, worked through our differences, and everything went back to normal, I would be all right. Ultimately, little did I know, things would never be the same again.


  There was a crowd of people surrounding the pier, anxiously waiting for us to disembark from the carrier. Then, a loud cheer went up, as we began to descend the stairs of the ship. I saw flashes of light from news crews, and it took me a minute, before I spotted Nena. She looked disturbed, which was most likely my fault. I hated myself for hurting her again. I prayed to God she does not leave me, and if she stayed, I vowed to spend the rest of my life making her happy.

  “Hey, Tony! Over here!” Naima shouted over the crowd, waiving her hand in the air. I gave her a nod, and shifted my eyes back to Nena. She looked more beautiful than ever. Her skin seemed so smooth under the bright rays of the sun, and she appeared as if she were glowing. As I made my way through the crowd towards t
hem, I continued to study her face, to see any indication of anger or hatred towards me. Yet surprisingly, there was none. She had this solemn look on her face, and my level of remorse, skyrocketed. I could not even look at her for long, without feeling all messed up inside. I was such a fucking idiot for doing what I did.

  “Hey baby. I missed you.” I said as soon as I approached her. Immediately, I swept Nena up in my arms, and gave her a big bear hug. Even though I knew I screwed up big time, I was still so happy to see her.

  “I love you babe. I'm so sorry.” I whispered in her ear, while I held her tight.

  “I know. We'll talk about it later.” She whispered back.

  “Oh, don't mind me. I just haven't seen you in like, forever, but that's okay.” Naima said rolling her eyes.

  Nena laughed, and stepped away from me. I smiled, giving my sister-in-law the attention she always seemed to demand from everyone.

  “Hey, Nai. How you been?” I opened my arms to her, and she purposely hesitated. Then, with a half-smile, she reluctantly walked into my embrace.

  “I'm all right, considering.” She said, giving me a scolding look. I knew that Nena would tell her about what I did, and I now felt a little embarrassed by it. “Look, it’s none of my business, but you got a lot of groveling to do. I can’t believe you!” She hissed at me.

  “Nai. Please.” Nena said, in more of an, ‘I will handle this’ manner.

  “All right. Sorry.” Naima said, giving me another disappointing look.

  “You've changed a lot. You got bigger. Have you been working out?” Nena asked, willfully changing the subject.

  “Yeah a little,” I replied with a smile.

  “She's right. You do look good.” Naima said, attempting to be nice.

  “Thanks.” I said, knowing that it was bullshit. I knew that I was not her most favorite person in the world. “When you’re at sea for so long, you’ll do anything to keep busy, and make the time go by.” I explained, slightly flexing my muscles, as I shifted my sea bag from one shoulder to the next.

  “I bet.” Nena said, looking away. She was still angry with me, and I was determined to make it up to her, no matter how long it took. Nena was one in a million, and I could not lose her. I will not lose her, at least not over some bullshit.

  “I realize that we got a lot to talk about, so let’s go home.” I said to her. She nodded, and then started for the car, without me.

  “You two go ahead. I’ll be with Chris.” Naima said, turning in the opposite direction. Then, Nena suddenly stopped, and turned around.

  “Where is Chris anyway?” I asked searching the crowd.

  “He had duty today, but he'll come by to see you tomorrow.” Naima explained.

  “Oh? So you two are talking now?” Nena asked her with a frown.

  “No, not really. I called him last night, and he told me he had duty today. As a matter of fact,” Naima said, glancing at her watch, “I'm going to have lunch with him on his ship today. He is expecting me, so I better get going. I will catch up with you two later. Bye.” She said waving as she walked away. We waved back, and then turned to face each other.

  “I'm beat. Can we go home now?” I asked hopeful.

  “Sure. C'mon. I parked over there.”

  Nena was completely silent in the car, on the way home, which made me worry. I waited until we were safely in our home, before speaking to her.

  “So, how have you been?” I finally asked her. I watched her swiftly move around our bedroom, putting my things away for me. We had been home for almost an hour now, and already she has fixed me something to eat, took a shower, and now getting me settled back in. When she did not answer me, I persisted. “Well?” I said to her. Nena then looked up at me, as if she had forgotten I was there.

  “Huh? I'm sorry, I didn’t hear you. What did you say?” She asked me. Then, I studied her for a minute. Something was off. She seemed troubled, which made me feel bad.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her. “You have been acting strange, since I got back. Do you want to discuss the giant elephant in the room?” I assumed.

  “What? No. I mean, I'm okay. I just got a lot on my mind that's all.” She replied, without looking at me.

  “Well, okay. I mean, if you want to talk about…” I began to say.

  “No. I don't.” She said sharply. “I don't want to talk about it.”

  “Well, all right then.” I replied feeling guilty again. She then stopped what she was doing, and looked at me. The expression on her face was not anger, but sorrow.

  “As much as it hurt to hear you tell me what you did, I'm still glad you told me. Rather than letting me find out about it. Yes, it is going to take some time for me to learn to trust you again, but I believe you meant it when you said you were sorry. I know deep down inside, you did not intentionally do something like that, just to hurt me. I think I know you better than that. I also know that you love me, and believe me baby; I love you too, with all my heart. I just don't want to lose you.” Her eyes filled with tears, and she looked away. Then, I went to her, and took her in my arms.

  “Oh baby, you're not going to lose me. I am so sorry I hurt you. I never meant to. I swear to you, on my life, that I will never hurt you again. I love you girl. You are my life. I don't know what I'd do without you. Please forgive me.” I said, relieved that she was giving me another chance. I stroked her cheek, as I watched the tears stream down her face. I hated myself for hurting her. “Shhh, baby, please don't cry. I am so sorry.” I whispered, choking back my own sobs. I held her close to my heart, and kissed the top of her head.

  Then, she looked up at me, and said in a voice barely above a whisper, “I forgive you.” With that said, I lowered my head to kiss her. I kissed her so hard, and with such gratitude, that I felt her body tremble against mine.

  “Thank you baby, thank you.” I said, secretly counting my blessings.

  Later that night, I made love to my wife like never before, and everything in our world seemed right again.

  The next morning, I awoke to the sound of something frying in the kitchen. I smiled, because I knew that is what good sex did to a woman. My father had always told me that as long as a man could put it down in the bedroom, and bring home the bacon, his woman would always take good care of him. Now, I could hear Nena in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. The aroma of fried eggs, and bacon, filled the air. God it felt good to be home again, I thought to myself, stretching. Since I was on leave for two weeks, I planned to show Nena how grateful I was to have her in my life. Women like Nena are not easy to find. She was caring, understanding, and full of compassion. I was very fortunate to have someone like her as my wife. When I started to get out of bed, the phone rang.

  “Honey could you get that, I have my hands full!” Nena yelled to me from the kitchen.

  “Okay!” I yelled back, rolling over to pick up the phone. “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hey bro, what's up?” Chris said.

  “Hey man! What’s good?” I said beaming.

  “Nothing man, just working hard, as usual. How was deployment?” He asked me.

  “It was all right. Some places were boring, but Italy was straight. It’s good to be home though.” I said, sitting up, to lean against the cushioned headboard.

  “Oh, I bet it is. It's good to have you back, safe and sound man.” Chris said.

  “Yeah thanks. So what is up with you and Naima? Nena told me, Nai, is supposed to be staying here with us, but she has not been here since I got back. I guess she’s back with you then, huh?” I assumed.

  “No. I figured she was there with you two.” Chris said.

  “No, it’s just me and Nena here.” I replied.

  “Well, I don’t know.” Chris said, sounding the least bit worried.

  “What’s up with you two anyway? Are you two together or what?” I asked curiously.

  “Nah man can’t do it. I just want to chill right now. Shit is not what it used to be.” He revealed, and I shook my head.
r />   “Damn, that’s fucked up. But I feel you, bro.” I said.

  “Yeah. Look man, I have to go. Great to have you back. Say hi to Nena for me all right.” He said.

  “All right I will.” I replied.

  “Later.” Chris said, and hung up.


  “Who was that?” I asked, walking into our bedroom, with a breakfast tray in hand. Tony replaced the receiver, and then smiled.

  “Oh, that was just Chris calling to welcome me back. He said hi.” Tony said, eyeing the hearty meal, I prepared for him.

  “Oh, okay. How's Naima?” I asked phishing for information on her and Chris’ relationship. I set the tray in front of Tony, and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him.

  “She's okay, I guess.” He said, helping himself to a fork full of bacon.

  “You guess?” I questioned with a frown.

  “Well, she's not at Chris’,” he said through chews. “Mm babe, this is so good.” He began, buttering his biscuit.

  “Oh, yeah?” I asked, feeling somewhat relieved.

  “Yeah babe. I haven't had a good meal like this in a while.” He said again, eating some more bacon.

  “Thanks, but I was referring to Naima.” I said, watching as the food began quickly disappearing from his plate.


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