Cuffed By A Kingpin 3

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Cuffed By A Kingpin 3 Page 7

by Heiress

  “Man whatever. I still say fuck her,” I replied back as I was pulling into Cali’s crib. “Momma I got to go. Get my bail money ready,” I ended, hanging up the phone. Jumping out the car, I ran up to the door and banged on that bitch hard like I was the police. Minutes later, the door opened.

  “What you doing here-,” Tre’ was saying until my fist met his mouth. He fell back onto the floor, and I took full advantage of that. I stood over him and pulled him up by his shirt. Blow after blow, I kept fucking his face up.

  “YOU PUT YA’ HANDS ON THE WRONG BITCH MY NIGGA!” I barked while fucking him up. He tried to swing at me, but he was too slow. “YOU LIKE BEATING WOMEN, MY NIGGA? THAT’S WHAT KIND OF SHIT YOU INTO?”

  He got me when I threw a punch at him, and he moved making me hit my hand on the floor. His pussy ass ran, and I got up and dragged him back. He got a few ones in before I knocked him back to the ground. “SINCE YOU LIKE HITTING BITCHES, HOW ABOUT I TEACH YOU A LESSON. YOU CAN’T HIT A BITCH WITH A BROKE HAND!” I barked right before I cracked both his wrists. His high pitch scream cried out. I couldn’t even enjoy his agony before somebody came and pulled me off of him.

  “Ge the fuck off me!” I barked not knowing who it was. It wasn’t until I felt cuffs locking on my wrist that I knew it was the police. I guess a nosy neighbor called the boys on me. Tre’s pussy ass was still crying when they hauled me out of the house and stuffed me in the car. Nigga’s ain’t even tell me I was arrested. They ain’t recite Miranda’s bitch ass or nothing. They just put me in the truck and took me in.

  “Fuck man!” I cursed to myself. I knew I wasn’t going to get charged, but I didn’t want this shit to get back to Cali. I wanted to let her know myself, so I can go off on her ass about not telling me. It took us about ten minutes to get to the county jail. These fuck niggas booked me on some bullshit ass assault charges. I was only in there for like an hour before the chief came to get me.

  “Mr. Banks, I apologize for this mishap. My men are rookies, and they weren’t aware of who you were,” he stated, opening up the gate so I could leave. He turned to the officers who arrested me and spoke. “This is Compton Banks. If there is ever an issue with him or his family, you call me first before you make an arrest. Are we understood?”

  Yes, captain,” they all agreed. Those smug expressions were no longer on their faces. They looked both pissed off and embarrassed.

  “Y’all ugly ass nigga’s lucky my hand fucked up, or I would smash ya’ fucking face in the wall. Next time learn protocol rookies,” I spat before walking away. I got my shit and walked outside only to see Cali standing next to my car. She looked pissed, but that made two of us.

  “Compton, have you lost your mind? You had no right doing that to Tre’ when-,”

  “Cali shut the fuck up because you this close to getting knocked the hell out too!” I warned her. She had on a jacket, and I snatched it off, revealing the bruise on her arm. “When the fuck was you gone tell me about this shit?’ Huh?” I quizzed.

  She looked stunned and stood there looking stupid. She said nothing and kept diverting her eyes from me. “Speak the fuck up, Cali, because I can’t hear you.”

  “Compton, it wasn’t that bad. He just grabbed me and pushed-,”

  “I don’t give a fuck if he made a mistake a tripped ya’ ass, and you fell on ya’ face. You don’t let no nigga, and I do mean no nigga put they hands on you. Not even me!” I barked.

  “It was only one time, Compton and-,”

  “I don’t give a fuck how many times it was. One is one time too many. Let some shit happen again and you not tell me. You gone have to deal with me!” I pushed past her and walked to my car. I stopped in midstride when I heard her crying. “Shit,” I cursed, shaking my head. I done hurt her damn feelings. I took a breath before returning to her.

  “Cali fuck is you crying for?”

  “Compton I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I was scared. You didn’t see the look in his eyes. He was so mad because he thought I was putting you before him again. I was just scared, Compton,” she cried in her hands. I hated when I made Cali cry. I was tough, but her tears made me soft every time.

  I pulled her into me and wrapped my arms around her. “Listen, you gone have to be a tough bitch if you gone be with me. Stop all this crying, Cali. You good and you safe and that’s all that matters. But next time, if a nigga put his hands on you, you fuck his ass up. Grab whatever you see close to you and knock his ass out cold. Kill his ass if you have to but don’t ever allow him to put his hands on you without consequences. That’s how they gain power, and I’m the only nigga who got power over you.”

  She pushed herself away from me and sized me up and down. “You don’t have power over me. I got power over you. It’s called pussy power.” She grinned, wiping her tears away.

  “Get the fuck out of here. I got the pussy power. I bet I could make that ass cum right here, right now.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. Not in front of the police station.” She underestimated me. I backed her up to the car and slid my hand down her sweats. She jumped when I touched her, looking shocked as hell that I was doing this.

  “Compton, baby what are you doing?” she quizzed, looking around at all the random people and officers passing us.

  “I’m letting you know who the fuck is in charge. Now open up a little so I can see how wet this pussy is,” I groaned in her ear. She hesitated due to us being in public, but eventually, she did what I said. I toyed with her clit causing her to let out soft moans, and then I invaded her tight hole with three of my fingers.

  “Ahhhh, God!” she moaned out, biting down on my neck hard. I didn’t give a fuck if we had an audience. Cali needed to understand that I owned her shit. I had control over her pussy. “Compton…Compton, please. Please stop. There are people watching. We're in front of a-,”

  “Shhhh. You throwing off my rotation,” I interrupted her now, curling my fingers making sure I caress every inch of her walls. “Now when a nigga put his hands on you, what you gone do?” I quizzed.

  “I’m going to…I’m…I’m going to fuck him up,” she struggled to get out in between moans.

  “Good girl. Don’t you ever hold no shit like that from me again? You hear me?”

  “Yasss. Yes, I hear you, baby.” I moved in and out of her with my fingers as if it was my dick. I made sure to hit that G spot bringing her closer to her orgasm. “I’m…I’m about to…Oh, God!” she cried out.

  Right before she reached her peak, I snatched my hands out her sweats. She looked at me with the coldest stare. “No, you not. Since you want to keep shit to yourself, you can keep that cum in ya’ pussy. You don’t get rewarded for keeping ya’ mouth shut when something needs to be said. Now let’s go. My fucking hands hurt.”

  I walked over to the other side of the car and got in her front seat. She was still standing outside probably trying to pick her face off the floor. I fucking loved pissing her off. She was so damn cute when she was mad. She finally got in the car, but she got in the backseat. Folding her arms across her chest, she pouted.

  “Why you back there looking like-,”

  “Fuck you, Compton, and don’t talk to me. You’re such an asshole man I swear.” She rolled her eyes. I found it comical, but she was pissed. I thought I’d piss her off more.

  “So, you know ya’ ugly ass momma coming to Easter dinner. You gone be happy to see her?” I quizzed already knowing the answer.

  “She can go to hell for all I care, and if she shows up, I’m leaving,” she spat back.

  “No, you not.”

  “Yes, I’ am!”

  “Cali chill out man. As much as I don’t like her ass, I still think you got some questions that need answering. Ya’ pops dead so she the only one that can give you that. That’s cool if you don’t want no relationship with her because I could give two fucks about her too. But at the same time, you need closure and like it or not, she’s still Mona’s grandma.”

  “The hell she is
. If she wasn’t a mother to me, then she will be no good to our daughter. I don’t need any answers from her. Fuck her,” she spat again. I never realized how angry Cali really was behind her momma. She had some issues with that was for real, but I was gone drop the conversation. My plan to piss her off was well accomplished.

  “Let’s just drop this-,” I was saying until I caught a glimpse of Cali in the rearview mirror. “Lil’ momma what you got going on back there,” I quizzed. Her sweats were off, and she had her legs wide open. Her fingers were deep inside her hole, and she was pinching her nipple with the other hand.

  “I don’t want to talk about my momma anymore. I want to finish what you started,” she moaned, biting down on her bottom lip. I almost got into an accident watching her ass please herself. “Ohhh, Compton. I can feel you so deep inside of me. You feel soooo fucking good.”

  My dick was rock hard right now. I couldn’t keep watching this shit. I had to pull over. I watched her for a minute and just enjoyed the way she was touching herself before I joined her. And to think I was about to give her up.



  Today was Easter Sunday, and I wasn’t really looking forward to dinner. I hadn’t spoken to my mother since she’s been here and I didn’t plan on it. I had deep rooted mommy issues, and I doubt a fake dinner was going to make us the Brady Bunch. I just didn’t want to have that negative energy.

  “Shit!” I cursed nearly tripping over some boxes. We haven’t found a place yet, but I wanted to get the packing out the way. “Compton would you please come move these boxes for the fifteenth time. I almost tripped and fell with your daughter in my hands!” I yelled at him. I had been real moody lately, and I knew it was all because of this stupid dinner.

  “You better stop screaming at me before I give ya’ cute ass another reason to yell my name.” He grinned walking up to me. He reached behind me and popped me hard on the ass. “I’ll move them when you fix that attitude and get dressed.

  “I already told you, I’m not going,” I sassed.

  “And I already told you that I don’t give a fuck what you think you not doing. You going so go get dressed. And try and match me and my baby girl’s fly. This her first Easter and I want to take pictures like a family and shit. Now gone.” He grabbed Mona out my hands and slapped me on my ass again. This time harder than before.

  “Amber you hurry ya’ ass up too! I’m leaving in thirty minutes and if ya’ big headed ass ain’t in the car, you getting left!” he yelled outside her door. I could hear her laughing on the other side of the door.

  Like a spoiled brat, I huffed and puffed as I walked to my room. I had already taken a shower, so I just needed to get dressed Since Compton was wearing baby blue and Mona was wearing yellow, I decided to wear pink. I kept my hair in its natural state and put on a little makeup. I grabbed my Dolce and Gabbana purse and went to check on Amber.

  “Amber are you ready-,” I was saying before she opened the door. She looked so pretty in her green skirt and white long sleeve shirt that I picked out. Her hair was down like mine. You would have thought that we were twins.

  “Do I look okay? It’s not too revealing, is it? I don’t want Compton to say anything because he will.”

  “Girl you look adorable. Forget Compton’s ass. You look like a very presentable young lady. Now let’s go because his impatient ass is beeping the horn like a mad man.” She giggled and walked out in front of me. We made our way to the car and Compton was waiting outside the door impatiently.

  “Stop dragging y’all feet and let’s go. I swear I can’t stand getting ready with females. Mona the only one ready to go,” he talked shit before sliding into the front seat. I ignored him and got in the car along with Amber and then we took off.

  “Aye, Amber what kind of music you be listening too?” he quizzed.

  “Ummm, well I like pop music like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Adelle. She’s my favorite,” she answered.

  “See nah you fuck with them white bitches. You ‘bout to be a Banks and you need to be hip to rap music. We ‘bout to vibe to some Kendrick.” He turned up the radio and Humble came on. I bobbed my head to the beat and tried to relax my mind before I saw my momma.

  “I make a play fucking up your whole life. I'm so fuckin' sick and tired of the Photoshop. Show me something natural like afro on Richard Pryor. Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks. Still will take you down right on your mama's couch in Polo socks,” Compton sang to me. He had his hand in between my legs. He had a tight grip on my thigh. I just love when he touched me.

  “You know I like that shit, right?” Compton said to me.

  “You like what baby?”

  “That fat ass with them stretch marks. Shit turns me on.” I blushed when he said that. Every chance Compton got, he complimented my body since I had Mona. I had gotten a little chubby but thanks to me walking around campus for school, I was getting a little exercise.

  “I appreciate you letting me know how attracted you are to me even with the weight gain.” I smiled.

  “Lil’ momma I’m gone love ya’ ass until ya’ hair turn gray. I’m gone love you even when you gain a little weight. It makes the pussy feel tighter and fatter.”

  “Compton!” I yelled, playfully slapping him on the arm because he said that in front of Amber.

  “It’s okay, Cali. I’m used to big bro’s mouth now.” She giggled. I just shook my damn head.

  It took us about a half an hour to get to The Bank’s house. There was a bunch of cars in the driveway, and I wondered who all were here. I got out with Amber and walked to the door while Compton got Mona’s car seat. When we walked in, there was loud music playing.

  “I swear I got to have the most beautiful daughter in law in the damn world,” Daddy Banks complimented me right before he pulled me in for a hug.

  “Awe thanks, Daddy Banks. Your son got lucky.” I quipped. He gave Amber a hug, and we walked further into the house. I glanced around it was a lot of Compton’s family members present. When my eyes caught a glimpse of Sean, I went crazy.

  “SEAN! I yelled, running into his arms. I hugged so tight around his neck, and he held me close around my upper back. “Oh, my God! I missed you so much. When did you get back in town?” I asked when he put me down.

  “I just flew in this morning. I missed you too Cali Cal.” He smiled so bright. Sean held a special place in my heart. Though we had a moment with the whole kiss thing, we never let that get in the way of our friendship. He was still the same Sean to me, and I was the same, Cali. “You looking good too man.”

  “How the fuck can you tell when you just had her ass all hemmed up,” Compton chimed in walking up behind me. “I told you, Cali is mine now. Back the fuck off my girl cuz before I will fuck you up.”

  “Maaaaaan don’t nobody want Cali’s apple headed ass. I just missed my homie that’s all. Oh-shit. Cali, I got somebody I want you to meet,” he said stretching his hand out to the lady sitting on the couch. She stood up, and I admired how pretty she was. I could tell how he smiled at her that she was the girl he told me about.

  “This is the love my life, Nia. Nia this my ex-girlfriend-sike nah I’m playing. This my sis, Cali. Compton’s wife,” he introduced us. Compton gave him a dirty look when he called me his ex-girlfriend. He was still jealous till this day of our bond.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Nia. I couldn’t get Sean to shut up about you when he was here. I’m glad you both decided to give it another try. Y’all really are a cute couple,” I genuinely spoke.

  “Aww thank you. He talks so much about you too. We have to spend some time together while I’m here to get to know each other. It should be fun.” She smiled she seemed so sweet.

  “Yea, we all will hook up and talk. Y’all ain’t gone leave us out so y’all can talk shit. Fuck out of here,” Compton snapped, bringing Sean into a bro hug. I rolled my eyes and right before I was about to say something, Momma Ban
ks came in the living room.

  “Dinner is finally ready, thank God. Kids’ ya’ll know the drill. Take y’all young asses to the basement. And don’t be messing with the grown folk toys. That goes for you Sharee. If I catch you sliding down that pole, I’m gone beat your little ass. Got me?” she warned the little girl, she nodded in fear.

  “Good, now let’s eat.” She smiled, leading everyone to the dining area. I was relieved that I didn’t see my mother. I didn’t want to deal with the drama today. I sat down in between Compton and Amber who was holding Mona.

  “Let’s say grace. Heavenly father-,”

  “Sorry I’m late, Tee. We got pulled over for swerving. I was trying to get dressed and drive at the same time,” Lee’s voice interrupted Momma Banks.

  “You good girl. Black folks ain't ever on time. Gone sit across from, Cali.”

  “Wow. So you’re an irresponsible driver and mother. Go figures,” I quipped under my breath.

  “Oh, Cali! LeLiana is your mother? I had no idea,” one of Compton’s aunt’s asked.

  “Yes, I’m her-,”

  “Well, actually we just share the same blood. She shouldn’t be allowed to have that title of being a mother. I’m not even sure she knows what that means,” I shot back, glaring at her.

  “Hell nah, Cali chill the fuck out. I told you-,”

  “Nah, don’t cut her off. Gone let her ass talk. Seems like she got some shit to get off her chest. Gone head girl,” Lee told me.

  Standing to my feet, I leaned closer to her from across the table. “Good because I have a lot to say. Like how you’re a dead-beat mother. How you walked out on me when I was only a toddler. How you up and got you a new family and how you never came for me. You left me and my daddy like we were nothing to you. Why? Were you on drugs or was Monty’s dick that good that you decided to choose him over me? Huh? What was it?” I barked, tearing up.

  I didn’t think I was going to get this emotional, but I did. All the emotions I had built came rushing out, and I didn’t care how it made her feel. She needed to feel my hurt.


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