Book Read Free

Desperate Wish

Page 17

by Sioux Dallas

  Warren hung his head. “Aw, with my reputation I wasn’t sure she’d even talk to me. I did go out once meaning to tell her, but she had some big galoot who got in my face and all but threw me out. After that I thought I’d keep to myself, but I did want to help Amanda.”

  “Okay. We have nothing to hold you on. I’m going to have an officer take you home, but don’t leave the city until I give you a clean slate, understand?”

  “Yes sir. Thank you.” They stood and the three men left the room.

  Chief Morrison finally came back into the room to rejoin the group. “You heard. There’s nothing concrete to hold him on. I can’t charge a man with being an obnoxious person.”

  All of the men shook hands and started to leave. Daniel turned. “What happens to Jimmy now?”

  “I’m going to show him books with pictures of criminals in them and hope he can identify one or more of them. I don’t think the young man is bad. He was not thinking clearly because he’s worried about his mother. He will have to face the consequences for his crimes though.”

  They agreed and all left. Corbin and Lance left together. Mike and Daniel wandered out still talking. Shane came silently behind them. He had been with the group but had made no comments; just listened and analyzed the information.

  The next morning Amanda was angry and upset at her dad for not waking her and taking her to the station with him. He explained about the plans to meet at the hangar and that they were not sure anything would happen. “Why get you out of a comfortable bed when maybe nothing would be worth getting up for?” She finally settled and demanded to know word for word what was said.

  “I’m horrified that Jimmy is involved and he actually hit Mike and left him there not knowing if he was alive or dead.” Amanda could hardly believe Jimmy was guilty.

  “Jimmy said he didn’t know it was Mike until he heard about him being in the hospital and he was too ashamed to go see him. I felt sorry for him when he told why he needed the money. He is just a youngster and he was trying to spare Mike and at the same time help his mother.” Corbin sadly reached to put an arm around Amanda’s shoulders. “He didn’t realize how much grief and harm he was bringing to you until he heard the men talking in the hangar and knew the police were investigating.”

  “That doesn’t excuse him. What about Daniel being shot? He might have been killed. Did Jimmy know who had shot Daniel?”

  “No. In fact, he knows very little. He’s going to look at pictures in the police files today and see if he can identify the person who contacted him.”

  Felicity had said nothing. Now she straightened in her chair and, with a stern expression, said, “Are you sure you’re doing the right thing getting involved with Daniel Cortland? He might bring more grief to you.”

  “Mother, Daniel had nothing whatsoever to do with my troubles. They started before I even met him. Remember? He has been helpful and was wounded because he has been helping me. If anything, he should stay clear of me. I’ve brought nothing but troubles to him,” Amanda wailed.

  “Now darling,” Corbin comforted Amanda, “Daniel has truly been your white knight. I agree with Daniel when he says a higher power brought the two of you together.”

  Corbin knew Felicity was feeling threatened and was afraid of losing her daughter. He hardly knew how to get her to open her heart to the young couple.

  Corbin placed his hand on Felicity’s. “My darling, we’ve been together for many years and had our ups and downs, but we still love each other and care about each other after all these years. Daniel will be the son we hoped for but never had and we’re not losing Amanda. They’ll be close enough to talk to every day and see so often we’ll get tired of them,” he smiled. “Anyway, I’m looking forward to grandchildren before I’m too old to enjoy them.”

  “Daddy, you’re putting the cart before the horse. We’re not even married yet and you’re talking grandchildren. Mom, what are we going to do with him?” She too realized that her mother was afraid of change. Dad and I have probably spoiled her, too, she thought.

  Corbin stood to take Amanda in his arms. “We’re not opening the hangar today. Mike needs to rest and he won’t if the business is open. He is emotionally drained as well as recuperating from his injury. Daniel and Lance are going to the station to be with Jimmy when he looks at the pictures. They’ll contact us as soon as there’s anything to share.”

  Felicity looked out of the kitchen window and gasped. “There’s a strange car been parked out there all the time we’ve been at the table and a man is sitting in it. Oh, Corbin, suppose it’s someone who means us harm?”

  “I’ll go out and see,” Corbin said firmly as he started to go to the back door. Felicity shrieked and begged him not to go out.

  Amanda eased over and peered out of the window and then grinned. “That’s Shane. He’s watch dogging me. He promised Daniel he, or one of his men, would protect me every minute of the day. Invite him in for coffee and sweet rolls, Dad.”

  Soon Shane and Corbin were seated at the kitchen table having coffee and talking. Amanda wheeled her mother into the den where they were placing family pictures in albums and writing under each picture. “I need you to help me, Mom. I’ll never remember who all of these people are or where the picture was taken, or when.” Amanda soothed her mother.

  Later in the day Daniel came to the Wescott home. “Finally some good news. Jimmy identified two of the men. The police have put out an APB to have them picked up ASAP.”

  “So many initials,” Felicity complained. “Can’t you speak so that we can understand?” Corbin and Amanda smiled at each other while Daniel patiently explained. “APB means all points bulletin, meaning for police to be on the alert for these men and arrest them. ASAP means as soon as possible. This means that all police officers in the state will have the pictures of these men and will arrest them as soon as they can.” The three of them knew that Felicity was just frightened and could not comprehend all that had happened.

  “Were they anyone that we know? Corbin asked.

  “I don’t think so. Remember they work for the person who is really gunning for you folks. We don’t know who the head honcho is yet.” Daniel poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the kitchen table with Shane and Corbin.

  “Someone is gunning for us?” Felicity spoke sharply. “Do you mean they have guns and are going to shoot us?”

  “I need to talk plainer around you,” Daniel smiled. “No, gunning simply means whoever it is, is making a big effort to run you out of business. Head honcho is the big boss or the person in charge,” he patiently explained.

  Corbin was anxious to hear the rest of Daniel’s news. “What are the names of the two men?” “I’m sure you’ve never heard of them. One is named Antonio Sanchez, called Brick because his head is so hard. He has been known to be hit on the head with a tire iron and still come up swinging and fighting. The other one is King Houston who is reported to have no remorse or conscience. He’s the most dangerous because nothing touches his heart or conscience. I hope they’ll be picked up soon and I hope they won’t refuse to name the boss.”

  “We can be thankful we have this much information. If the two men are kept separately and made to believe that the other one is talking, they might tell a lot to protect themselves. It will be hard to do, but we must wait and be patient,” Shane explained.

  Two days later Sanchez was arrested and three days later Houston was brought in. The two men held firm for a day and then began to think that they were going to bear the entire blame for attempted murder and felony vandalism.

  They stubbornly held to their story that they received orders and money in envelopes at various places and were not in contact with any one specific person. Each man swore that they had no knowledge of names.

  Daniel tried to occupy Amanda and help take her mind off the men in jail. He took her to Sugar Land to show her the town he was so proud of. They stopped at the Sugar Land Auditorium, which is the oldest public building still i
n use and now serves as the Lakeview Elementary School.

  Daniel recognized the Mayor and other public officials leaving the building after a meeting.

  He introduced them to Amanda and the officials of Sugar Land said they were honored to tell her something of their area.

  This is Fort Bend County, which holds a prominent place in Texas history. In the early 1800s, the settlers built a two-room cabin that was known both as Fort Settlement and Fort Bend. In the same year, the county of Fort Bend was created from portions of Austin, Harris and Brazoria County.”

  “All of this land was originally owned by the Mexican government and was granted to Samuel M. Williams with the help of Stephen F. Austin. Williams was chosen because he was not only well educated, but he spoke Spanish and was known as an honest, diligent worker. Because of the many varieties of Oak trees, the land was first called Oakland Plantation.”

  “Later some sugar stalks were brought in from Cuba and it was found that the stalks thrived in the Texas soil. Soon a mill was built to squeeze the juice from the stalks. Molasses was made and became a rich cash crop.”

  “The land changed hands many times. In the middle 1800s a railroad was laid which built up commerce even more. This was now known as Sugar Land Plantation. The town began to grow at such a rapid rate the families voted to incorporate. The first City Council meeting was held in January.”

  “The last Census recorded Sugar Land as number one in growth in the Houston area and number one among the state’s forty-five largest cities. Today Sugar Land boasts a unique balance of business and residential amenities, a strong financial picture and forward-thinking plans for continued development. There will be an expanded park system, a hotel conference center and a University of Houston Campus.”

  “Sugar Land organized the largest celebration in history which was the Texas Sesquicentennial. A huge eleven story high flag was specially made to be on display.” There was so much to see and do that Daniel and Amanda made plans to return another day.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Daniel’s birthday was August 20th, but he didn’t want anyone outside of the family to know.

  His parents, of course, knew, and his mother baked a special cake for him. He asked that they not buy any gifts for him. He felt that too much was on everyone’s mind and he didn’t want the attention. He knew Amanda’s birthday would be on November 16th and he hoped that all would be settled so that he could give her a big surprise party.

  Toward the end of September, Antonio and King had been confined for several weeks and were getting scared of what their punishment would be. At least Antonio was frightened. They had not been allowed to see each other or exchange information, except to police. Antonio broke first and agreed to look through the book of criminal’s pictures and see if he could recognize anyone.

  When King was informed that Antonio was talking, he became afraid that he would be blamed for everything and asked to speak to the Chief so that he could offer a deal. The Chief told him there would be no deal but he might make it easier on himself if he’d cooperate.

  Both men were allowed to look separately in the books and both pointed out three men with whom they had been in contact. These men were arrested and soon were telling all they knew to keep from being charged with attempted murder and many serious crimes.

  Five days went by until one of the men broke and told who had hired him to cause the trouble for the Wescott business.

  “Holy Hannah!” Daniel shouted. “I can’t believe it. You’ll never guess who the head honcho is for all this trouble.”

  “Who would have thought a man of such importance would risk his reputation and his freedom to run someone out of business. I know my dad and Corbin won’t believe it, or rather won’t want to believe it.” Daniel shook his head in disbelief. “Did Sanchez and Houston say if Judge Pedrell told them why he wanted the Wescott business?”

  “No,” Chief Morrison answered, “but we’ll hopefully know soon. I had Judge Gibbs sign a warrant and sent officers out to pick Judge Pedrell up. My experience tells me that he’ll deny everything at first. I sure feel sorry for his family. Sanchez and Houston didn’t know the judge’s name or position, I believe. It was the other three men, Cruz, Martinez and Yellow Bird who gave us the judge’s name.”

  “I know,” Daniel said. “Criminals rarely stop to think how their dastardly deeds will affect their loved ones. Look at the mobsters who keep wives and daughters out of the business and are sooo sorry when they get caught and the wives lose money, houses, and have to face the public.”

  The last week in October wrapped up the case. Judge Jason Pedrell lost his job, his income and his reputation as he was sentenced to fifty years in prison. Other criminals in prison would not be kind to a judge, especially if they were ever tried in front of him. Sanchez and Houston were each given thirty years. The other men, who were part of the “gang”, were given forty years each.

  “It would have been worse on Jimmy, but Mike and Mr. Wescott both refused to press charges,” Shane said. “It’s a shame that Gooding was tarred with the brush, but maybe this will wake him up and make him take a long look at how people perceive him.”

  “I know,” Amanda shook her head. “His father had a heart attack, too. None of the Goodings are successful in business, and they were about to lose their flying service. If he is willing to ask for professional help in planning a budget and will be willing to work hard, as we have, he will eventually come out of the slump.”

  “I’m still dumbfounded by Judge Pedrell’s reason for his criminal activities. I feel so sorry for Melinda and her mother. I don’t know the other children but I can imagine how they feel,” Amanda mourned.

  “He wanted you to teach Melinda how to operate the business so that she could run it for him,” Daniel said. “He had hired those thugs to do things for him that he couldn’t afford to get caught doing. Well, he did anyway. He was a drug lord; accepting drugs brought up through Mexico from Central America to Texas. He was becoming filthy rich on other peoples’ misfortunes. He thought if he had his own flying business that the police would not question the flights. We’ll learn later whether Melinda knew what he was doing,” Daniel finished.

  “As much trouble and grief that you had, Amanda, I’m glad he went after your business instead of setting up one in another part of town. This way he was caught before he could get started. If he had a business built somewhere else, it might have been years before we caught him.” Shane stated. “That’s what greed causes some people to do. I’m truly sorry you were involved at all, but we have him now.”

  “I’m just relieved it’s over. Of course he won’t be the only one out to make quick money on others’ troubles, but it’s still one more out of commission.”

  Amanda was sincerely relieved.

  Corbin came in and stood by Amanda. “Lance Cortland has offered to pay Jimmy’s mother’s expenses and put Jimmy to work for him, under supervision. He’ll keep a percentage of Jimmy’s pay to replace what was damaged. Of course, Jimmy won’t work enough to pay it all off, but it will help him get back on the right track. I hope it makes a man of him.”

  “It will,” Amanda smiled. “He’s a good boy at heart. He was so worried about his mother he just didn’t think of who else might be hurt or what the consequences would be.”

  November rolled in cool and with threats of hurricanes coming in off the Gulf. There had been a devastating hurricane that had rolled off the Gulf across the Texas coast. In July, Hurricane Claudette had caused a great deal of destruction. Then in August when the tropical storm Erika had threatened, the people prepared for the usual minimum of seventy-five miles per hour winds and heavy rains.

  The Gulf coast of Texas was hit hard. Sugar Land got a lot of heavy rains and some winds that tore down trees and a few power lines. The daytime temperatures were just comfortable, but when the sun went down, the temperatures were chilly.

  Amanda was relieved that the threats to her and the business appeare
d to be over. Her father was back working with her and Mike. Shane had no excuse for staying around longer, so, he had gone about his business. Mike was so concerned about his sister and Jimmy, and pleased that his friend and boss was back at work, that he didn’t get angry when he found out the truth of why Shane had been with them. He was grateful that Shane had helped care for Amanda.

  One chilly November day Daniel had come to the hangar a little after ten. He grabbed Amanda up in his arms and danced around with her, finally standing her up and kissing her. Mike blushed and looked away. He pretended to be busy and was wishing to himself that Corbin would hurry up and come in. Amanda and Daniel went into the office and talked while she was getting her financial statement together for the next quarter IRS statement. Daniel came to the door of the office and called to Mike.

  “Hey, good friend. Do me a favor, please.” He handed Mike a slip of paper. “Call this number and tell them that you represent me and ask them to send the order as I directed. Thanks a million.” Mike looked puzzled, but did as Daniel requested.

  About an hour later a white van pulled up. Two ladies and a man got out, all three dressed in clean, white coveralls. They lifted two tables out of the van and set them up end to end. Next a snowy, white cover was placed on the table with a bouquet of colorful cut flowers in the center. China and tableware for twelve was distributed around the table and then padded folding chairs were put in place.

  Shane wandered in whistling and looking like the cat that ate the canary. “I see you got it all done, Daniel. I’m looking forward to this.”

  Mike was perplexed. “What’s the occasion?” He was even more mystified when a reporter from the Galveston Sentinel came bouncing in.

  “I see I’m in good time. Great.”

  Amanda was more puzzled than Mike and just stood, for once, speechless, when dishes of food were placed on the table filling the air with a delicate aroma. She gave a gasp of surprise when her father pulled up, got her mother’s wheelchair out of the trunk of his car and helped Felicity to sit in the chair. Corbin and Felicity had no more than got settled when Lance and Myra showed up. They all gathered expectantly around Daniel and Amanda.


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